GUILTY NM - Five Griego family members murdered in their Albuquerque home, 20 Jan 2013

I know some home schoolers that do a great job, and some that are horrible.

Some believe sticking a kid in front of a computer is education.

I do not know how one could give children the needed attention. Diaper changing, washing dishes, cleaning, making meals, laundry. What else?

The mother must have been exhausted
Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston said Griego was "involved heavily" with violent video games, and that he "was quite excited as he got the opportunity to discuss that with our investigators."

He said the boy planned the shootings for at least a week. That he told investigators he was frustrated with his mother. That he contemplated killing his girlfriend's parents. That he hoped to continue his killing spree at a Walmart "with mass destruction" and die in a shootout with police.

The teen's demeanor, as he shared all this, was "stern, very unemotional," Houston said.

Now, Griego will stand trial as an adult in the weekend killings, prosecutors announced.
To get into a university you need the same ACT scores as everyone else. To get into a community college, you do not. Most states parental made diplomas will do just fine, but often you then have to take compass exam for proper placement. Even public school kids often need remedial courses.

You CAN homeschool with younger kids. It's not as time intensive as a school day when you are at home. There is a lot less wasted time. There are also a lot of student led courses now, with tutorials and the like. Some people are better at learning themselves than being taught, I know I am.

That said, it doesn't mean she was successfully HSing. Just that it's totally possible. Some of the best HS'ers I know have a lot of kids and some of the worst ones have one. It's all about what the individuals want to invest to education.
It might depend on the state whether ACT/SAT scores are a necessity in order to enroll at a two-year college, I imagine. Can't think of a state that wouldn't require them but some may not. They're required in OK and KS, for two.
It might depend on the state whether ACT/SAT scores are a necessity in order to enroll at a two-year college, I imagine. Can't think of a state that wouldn't require them but some may not. They're required in OK and KS, for two.

OK Community College website said ACT, SAT or similar battery of tests on the admission requirements. Which is what I normally see in my state. A lot of community colleges accept the compass placement exam, and you can also totally bomb the ACT or SAT and still get into a community college- so even if you had to take it, it doesn't ensure that you have to do GOOD at it.

Which is just to say that a student who doesn't get a real high school education could still access further education, they would just have a higher mountain to climb and probably be placed in remedial classes.
interesting that N spent a lot of time discussing his love of violent video games with detectives but the very talkative uncle states they were not allowed in the house.

I am wondering if N did most of his homeschooling on the computer. We have a dad under a lot of financial stress due to the job situation lately, a mom with younger children (who can require a great deal of attention) in the home as well and then on top of it, the 15 year old to home school.

We have all seen it, kids more savvy than adults a regarding computers and their use, online maneuvering, etc.

I wonder if N was playing these violent shooter games online without parents being aware.

Perhaps this was discovered by mom and is the root of the disagreement he had with mom? TOTAL SPECULATION HERE. Just thinking out loud
Considering uncle first said he was not aware of weapons being in the house, I am questioning as to how much this uncle really knows of what went on in his brother's house.
Re NG and future education from the statement released by the family:

Like his great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and several aunts, uncles and cousins who are either veterans or on active duty, he wanted to serve his country. Because of this long family tradition of military service, he wanted to enlist when he was old enough. He dreamed of attending NMMI and talked of studying engineering or history. The pictures of him being circulated in his dad’s old fatigues were part of his interest in someday being a soldier.


NMMI is New Mexico Military Institute.

They have a high school boarding program as well as a Junior College program.

In order to be admitted into their Junior College, a person is required to have an ACT or SAT test result along with a high school diploma or GED certificate.
I know some home schoolers that do a great job, and some that are horrible.

Some believe sticking a kid in front of a computer is education.

I do not know how one could give children the needed attention. Diaper changing, washing dishes, cleaning, making meals, laundry. What else?

The mother must have been exhausted

The uncle said that NG helped with it. I take that as he was made to do that, and he may have resented it (I had an ex who really resented the housework/cooking he had to do for his little brother growing up).

All of the helping at the church, etc, may have been forced, as many families do. He might not have just sat around, lol! It could have been quite the opposite in his mind.

I saw this on the news and found the link:

...UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thinking about it, you know, yes, does it send chills up my spine? I'm not sure if he came here [the church] for help. This is what he knew. This was his life away from his home.

LAH: A home life that was hard, according to neighbors who said the shooter's father, Greg Griego, practiced tough love.

BARON BRUMLEY, NEIGHBOR: I think he was a tyrant. And the kid under that type pressure. I didn't see any sign of love among those people
I am hoping down the road we get a clearer picture of the family dynamic and not just from the talkative uncle who seems to dispense contradictory information from what we read in the LE reports and hear from neighbors and acquaintances.
"My dad never gave up on me. He never gave up on any of us. He never stopped giving us Jesus and so I know he would want us to do the exact same thing for our brother, Nehemiah," she said. "So if you wonder where we stand, we stand alongside our brother."
"We stand confident that God will take this tragedy and use it for something good," she said.

Read more:

I admire her ability to do this. I cannot imagine being able to do the same.
"My dad never gave up on me. He never gave up on any of us. He never stopped giving us Jesus and so I know he would want us to do the exact same thing for our brother, Nehemiah," she said. "So if you wonder where we stand, we stand alongside our brother."
"We stand confident that God will take this tragedy and use it for something good," she said.

Read more:

I admire her ability to do this. I cannot imagine being able to do the same.
I couldn't either.
Kids Who Kill their parents

Experts say, statistically, a juvenile who kills multiple family members is the rarest type of homicide. It is five times more common for a parent to kill a child than the other way around, said Paul Mones, a defense attorney who has worked on hundreds of these cases and wrote a book on the topic.

The number of patricides and matricides committed by youth has remained fairly constant for the last 40 years, even as the homicide rate goes up and down, Mones said.

“These homicides have been going on for millennia,” he said. “The reason is that they are inextricably tied to the family dynamics.”

More at the link:

I know statistically that this is true but I worked for a mental health institute (state hospital) where we housed the criminally insane and most of our clients were men who had killed their mothers and occas. their fathers.:twocents:
Most did appear insane and some were just faking it. I was, however, shocked by twenty men in one unit having killed their mothers.
He did have plans to kill plenty more people
The teenager accused of gunning down his parents and three siblings in their New Mexico home last month has been indicted on five counts of murder.

A Bernalillo County grand jury also indicted Griego on Monday on three counts of intentionally caused child abuse and three counts of death of a child under 12, charges that relate to the killing of his two sisters and brother. Griego is being charged as an adult, prosecutors announced
It's probably fortunate that he was not enrolled jn public school. More kids might be dead right now since there would be many more people to blame .

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