NM - Tera Chavez, 26, found dead in her Los Lunas home, 22 Oct 2007 - #2

I get in such of a hurry to tell something I forget to tell the whole story Sorry! They are just on vacation there this week, dil had a family reunion last weekend and they decided to stay. I believe it was the Tracey family, not sure of the spelling.

We lived for just 1 yr in Virginia and during that 1 yr our house was broken into while we were gone. We had come back to the mid-west for Christmas and our next door neighbor's son broke into our house. The cops were looking for my DH before we even got home. They had found a gift he had purchased in the guys van.

Oh I'm so sorry about your break in. That must have been terribly scary. Glad they caught the guy and it ended ok.
I think being a crime victim, and there never being a resolution, would be just awful. Home burglary is certainly a personal invasion that is difficult to overcome....I'm very happy that you were not at home. I think the saddest thing that could ever happen to any parent is the abduction of a child and never finding the child again or never finding out what happened.
The 3 girls--Berry, Dejesus and Knight--who were finally rescued from that hell they lived in for so long will be alright with family support and professional therapy. I just can't imagine how happy their families were to get them back home again. I just can't imagine. Just like Elizabeth Smart, her parents loved her so much and I'm sure they had feelings that they didn't want to voice of giving up hope of ever seeing her again. Sometimes these cases do have good endings.
You may get in a hurry and leave things out--I get in a hurry and go off in different directions and nobody can follow a word I say.
Well, if you ever get halfway close to NC you better let me know!!
I will have to either wait to watch the video or defer to not watch. I can just imagine the arrogance of LC, I saw enough of that in the court room with the verdict and during the trial.

I thought judges liked order in their courtrooms apparently not this judge Eichwald. It was utter chaos in the court room yesterday when the verdict was read. Shameful for a courtroom and a government facility and at the tax payers expense.

as always imo
That's the same news clip I mentioned late yesterday afternoon. I saw it on the station news, I had cut my feed to the courtroom. His cocky, arrogant, true blue colors were there for all the world to see. He'll get his punishment sooner or later. He left Heather walking 40 feet behind him. That's an omen and she better wake up.

Oh so true. I will be watching the newspapers for it too...it may take a while but he won't be golden forever. And very telling he left his wife in the dust. Use 'em and leave....

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If I were HHC I would sleep with one eye open! And leave a safety deposit box with info to be used at the next trial! Don't worry about ol' LC. The Piper always gets paid. Sometimes he is late but the Piper always shows up. In the end, EVERYONE pays the piper. And believe me the God I worship does not like to be mocked. That's all I will say about that...
@ NC, can't get used to not seeing the Panda! :seeya:
You're so nice :) I mean that with no sarcasm at all too...you really are! I just am too jaded and cynical I guess...not always a good thing. I have seen similar things happen on other threads and it never goes well. It isn't common but at times there has been a lawyer or their "representative" or a family member coming on. I have long learned that lawyers are spin doctors in many cases...from either side. I am interested in truth and facts, not spin. And this case was massively full of it. It wasn't a hard hard case, like Arias, but not many are. However I know some are wrongly accused so I went into it with an open mind...until the same patterns appeared that have appeared in so many others. In this case he was just lucky enough to have really gotten stuff so it was enough for a jury to aquit. He was better than Seacat and Drew P-I will give him that. Like OJ, CA, Adam Kaufman and others....not guilty in a court means not enough evidence to show guilt, from the juror's perspective (not mine). It does not mean it didn't happen. And I am not interested in spin distracting from that. Stuff like that makes me sick. LC has a civil suit coming up. I hope for the best for the Cordovas who saw the real Levi Chavez, and check Alb for news regarding it and post here, if someone hasn't already.

LOL I have my jaded side too, and I do agree with you that there was plenty of spin in this case, I don't feel like I know near as much as I want to know about it all, and would dearly love some straightforward answers. But, I suppose that's a wish that won't be granted in this case, guess I'll have to get all sleuthy to find them. :facepalm:
LOL I have my jaded side too, and I do agree with you that there was plenty of spin in this case, I don't feel like I know near as much as I want to know about it all, and would dearly love some straightforward answers. But, I suppose that's a wish that won't be granted in this case, guess I'll have to get all sleuthy to find them. :facepalm:

I don't think you will get any answers to the question's that you asked. If you do I will be shocked.
@ NC, can't get used to not seeing the Panda! :seeya:

I thought everybody may be tired of him. I love panda bears and wish they were tame. Would love one in my backyard to love!
The Live Simply really reflects me, I was happy it fit into the little box :)
Ok guys, this old lady is worn out. I cooked fresh corn, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers out of my garden, along with a pot roast, for dinner and it's putting me to sleep. I hope each of you has a good night and I'll catch up with you all tomorrow!
Oh, check out the Haze/Hayes link Jewels sent--it truly will be an interesting trial next month.
LOL I have my jaded side too, and I do agree with you that there was plenty of spin in this case, I don't feel like I know near as much as I want to know about it all, and would dearly love some straightforward answers. But, I suppose that's a wish that won't be granted in this case, guess I'll have to get all sleuthy to find them. :facepalm:

Ok if you hold your breath waiting I'll tag you out if you turn blue, then when I turn blue you tag me out again and vice versa! Heehee! Either way I don't think either of us will get answers...
This one looks interesting. ..may follow this. I want to avoid getting sucked in by Sneiderman...ha ha yeah right.

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Oh but have you ever seen Andrea's testimony? It's like a slow-mo train wreck! She's so full of crapola! I remember when the excuse she gave for dirty dance style grinding with her boss was that she was a professional dancer! If a man wasn't dead it would be so laughable! I really hope she's narcissistic enough to get back on the stand!!! (Fingers crossed! We need a smiley for that!)
Ok if you hold your breath waiting I'll tag you out if you turn blue, then when I turn blue you tag me out again and vice versa! Heehee! Either way I don't think either of us will get answers...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I know that wasn't directed at me I just couldn't help myself. :floorlaugh:
I just watched that post verdict news clip that was posted. What a d..k. I knew that was his true demeanor. Yeah bring on the civil suit I can't wait. I hope the judgement is so huge he will never recover from it financially even with Heathers money.
I feel so much better today as I settle down after this crazy verdict and everything that happened on the thread after. I slept much better last night because the night before last forget about it. Now the sites can be put forward to the civil case just like back in the day for OJ. The civil case really affected his life along with all the suspicion so I hope the same goes for LC.
I just watched that post verdict news clip that was posted. What a d..k. I knew that was his true demeanor. Yeah bring on the civil suit I can't wait. I hope the judgement is so huge he will never recover from it financially even with Heathers money.

I still haven't watched it, I might someday. LC makes me very angry for the way he treats women.

I just checked and there is a Justice for Tera FB page. Just for your information only.
I still haven't watched it, I might someday. LC makes me very angry for the way he treats women.

I just checked and there is a Justice for Tera FB page. Just for your information only.

Yes I found that page at the beginning of the trial. :-( No Justice yet.
I feel so much better today as I settle down after this crazy verdict and everything that happened on the thread after. I slept much better last night because the night before last forget about it. Now the sites can be put forward to the civil case just like back in the day for OJ. The civil case really affected his life along with all the suspicion so I hope the same goes for LC.

I am feeling better after a couple of day post verdict. I just hope and pray the Cordova's can find some peace. I am not sure even with a guilty verdict you can feel totally at peace. Your loved one is still gone forever, and the scum who took them is still alive.

Did we even know what the sentence was for a guilty verdict?

I will keep watching for info on the civil case and I hope if someone see's it they will post it.

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