NY - 2 little girls incited by teens to fight


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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"A shocking video has emerged showing a young girl being egged on by teenagers to attack another child in a New York park.

The footage, which is a little over two minutes and half long, was uploaded to the video sharing website YouTube.

The video makes for difficult viewing as two young girls - who appear to be no older than ten - stand off against each other as onlookers encourage them to fight."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-vicious-New-York-park-row.html#ixzz2LSshBYYr

I really hope they find the teens and/or adults inciting this violence between these 2 little girls, who quite obviously do NOT wish to fight. The video is hard to watch, but no one gets seriously hurt. I think the most difficult part of the video is the cries of the little girl in the black coat-how the young child can see the insanity of the situation, but all of those older kids/adults in the video either incite the violence or stand by and do nothing. :banghead:

"A shocking video has emerged showing a young girl being egged on by teenagers to attack another child in a New York park.

The footage, which is a little over two minutes and half long, was uploaded to the video sharing website YouTube.

The video makes for difficult viewing as two young girls - who appear to be no older than ten - stand off against each other as onlookers encourage them to fight."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-vicious-New-York-park-row.html#ixzz2LSshBYYr

I really hope they find the teens and/or adults inciting this violence between these 2 little girls, who quite obviously do NOT wish to fight. The video is hard to watch, but no one gets seriously hurt. I think the most difficult part of the video is the cries of the little girl in the black coat-how the young child can see the insanity of the situation, but all of those older kids/adults in the video either incite the violence or stand by and do nothing. :banghead:

I hit the "thanks" button but it feels weird to thank you for something that is SO SAD on SOooooooo many levels and tells us a lot about our present society and how so many children are not receiving the parenting they need to grow up into healthy adults.
To have adults and /or older people you know doing and saying and provoking these things just makes me sick at my stomach. Does this group not have any idea about what kind of damage they are doing to these children?
It appeared to me to be a "bullying" situation as I did not see the child in the black jacket try very hard to even defend herself, much less retaliate. I am near tears....I'm so sorry little girls and I pray for you.
So many teens are taken in by watching and even creating "fight" videos. My students told me about a website called worldstar that is like youtube but they screen the videos first and post fighting videos, including ones from schools. Sick society. I won't watch this video.
I saw this video on HLN Morning Express, and it physically made me ill. These 2 little girls are like 6 or 7 years old and just fighting. They don't want to fight at the beginning but the "adults" in this situation were telling them to fight... before you know it they are pulling eachother by the hair and throwing fists! They are kids. Sick Sick Sick Sick!

I can't even imagine. My son and my Step daughter are both 17 years old, and I hate to think of them even at this age getting into a fight, never mind egging either one of them on... And they are almost adults.

WTH is going on in this world? What is wrong with people?
So many teens are taken in by watching and even creating "fight" videos. My students told me about a website called worldstar that is like youtube but they screen the videos first and post fighting videos, including ones from schools. Sick society. I won't watch this video.

They are referring to WorldStarHipHop which is basically a rough youtube "type" site primarily for African Americans that shows rap and beat down videos where strangers are savagely attacked by groups of violent "teens" etc...

Honestly i am not sure why this video is so shocking. The ones filming it need to teach the younger generation how to savagely attack and beat down someone for various reasons.

If they don't teach them how will they learn?
Why does ANY generation need to know how to fight?
Why does ANY generation need to know how to fight?

Can't answer that one but it is a frequent sport/activity in some sub-cultures. Fact is for those in that environments beatdowns happen VERY fast and within seconds someone that can't fight ends up pummeled badly. It is not isolated to teenagers either, adults in their 30's or 40's may need to engage in a "beatdown" in some situations as well (see heavyset older women at laundry mat below).

Video background music contains colorful language.


Looks like police have located one of the girl's older sister who was provoking the fight and are investigating the incident. I hope she is taught a huge lesson about the kind of person she is! I am sure we won't learn her name, as she is technically a minor, but most certainly old enough to know better than to push her little sister into a fight like this. Reprehensible!:furious:
Can't answer that one but it is a frequent sport/activity in some sub-cultures. Fact is for those in that environments beatdowns happen VERY fast and within seconds someone that can't fight ends up pummeled badly. It is not isolated to teenagers either, adults in their 30's or 40's may need to engage in a "beatdown" in some situations as well (see heavyset older women at laundry mat below).

Video background music contains colorful language.

Hood Fight Compilation - YouTube

This kind of video scares me for my daughter. She is an 8 year old African American girl and it really angers me to see the glorification of this kind of behavior by primarily young African American girls. Do the people who participate in this kind of behavior and those putting out the videos (and the horrible music) not realize what they are doing to plight of African Americans in our society?? Don't they realize that blacks have a tough enough job as it is in our culture, trying to get out of poverty, have equal pay, equal educational opportunities and an overall eqaulity of humanity. This takes away from all of the hard work and struggles of those who have worked tirelessly for civil rights in our country.

I fear that these kinds of e-mail just exploit our young women even more than they already are and it truly scares me for my daughter's future.

Do the people who participate in this kind of behavior and those putting out the videos (and the horrible music) not realize what they are doing to plight of African Americans in our society??

I see those videos as useful info for those people that do NOT realize that this type of activity and behavior goes on regularly in some areas.

Being aware of the REAL facts/risks is far more important to me than covering up unpleasant truths and putting innocent/naive people at risk.
I see those videos as useful info for those people that do NOT realize that this type of activity and behavior goes on regularly in some areas.

Being aware of the REAL facts/risks is far more important to me than covering up unpleasant truths and putting innocent/naive people at risk.

While I see your point, these videos aren't there to warn anyone of risks, they are to glorify the behavior.
While I see your point, these videos aren't there to warn anyone of risks, they are to glorify the behavior.

Yes they were. I don't care about the motivation for posting the videos. The fights weren't staged for the video, they are real just like the "Weekly Fight Compilation Video" on WorldStarHipHop each week.

I personally like to be aware of the risks in real life and not live in a PC fantasy world. If I were raising a child I would be extra concerned about the dangers they might encounter.

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