NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

jannuncutt said:
I think that maybe Chris said the "real killers" instead of "real Killer" to imply that the crime was to horrible and complex to be committed by only one person. IMO, he is still trying to manipulate.
Yep; you're probably right and good luck with your surgery. There's that real slim chance he pluralized killer as a tip that he had help, but most likely; jannuncutt; he's doing exactly what you said: just manipulating and lieing and hoping to gain sympathy. I guess I always thought there had to be more to this case than simply Porco attempting to get a large inheritance and as it turns out; there was something more. In Porcos deeply disturbed mind; he had an image or ego to protect and build upon, so collecting the inheritance would also allow him to maintain and build his grandeous, larger than life image that he thought he had established. And here's the scary part: if it wasn't for the eye catching yellow jeep and the last minute decision of his frat friends to get movies and stay up late in the lounge room; his vehicle might not have been noticed by anyone and his frat mates wouldn't have known if he slept on the couch or not, so his alibi might have held up...he actually might have gotten away with this; ashe covered up the actual crime to near perfection. Thanx for the heads up Jannuncutt...I guess we all know what to expect tomorrow night: a full hour of Chris Porco lies and manipulation.
Dear Sheer Luck:
From the day Kindlon was hired as Chris' attorney and he met with family members and close friends of Christopher's in a room at Albany Medical Center, he spoke of "KILLERS." In that room, at that first (and last) get together with all of us he had already started his defense of Chris. From that day on, Joan and Chris, always spoke in terms of "Peter's killers." And, only 6 months after the crimes had been committed, Kindlon had convinced Joan that the police would never find the real killers because of their interest in Christopher.
I am related to Peter through his marriage with Joan, and shared a very close relationship with the family. To me, and to many other family members, it was strange that Kindlon never reached out to our family to help with Chris' defense, or shared any strategy. It was if we didn't exist. We were told the police didn't have a case because Chris had an alibi witness who would place him in Rochester. And, we were sternly warned not to ask Chris any questions about that night.

During that first year, even the police did not question extended family members. It wasn't until LE had assembled its case in such a manner as to make absolute sense, that LE began to share information with us. The case against Chris was damning. We questioned what Kindlon was doing to defend Chris...but, all we were told were the sound bites heard on tv.

Don't think for a minute that Christopher thought he needed the help of another person to commit his crimes. Chris had it all planned out. How much help do you need to ax to death 2 sleeping people? Chris has always thought himself more intelligent than anyone else. He had lied to his parents so many times; he had forged their names; he had staged burglaries at his parents home, not once, twice. And, he had gotten away with it all.... Success breeds confidence and contempt. The only mistake Chris made was not checking to make certain his parents were really dead. Because Joan was conscious when Det. Bowdish arrived on the scene and implicated her son as her attacker... the police were able to begin their investigation immediately. They were able to canvass the campus, get the surviellence tapes, get the Thruway tickets, seize the Jeep and personal belongings,etc. His frat brothers only had to remember back to the night before...and no...they hadn't seen Chris. All the information LE gathered on those first couple days was invaluable to this case. If Joan had died immediately, there would not have been a police presence on U of R campus for days...maybe even weeks, if at all. As Chris has told us, 'there was a lack of evidence at the crime scene to implicate Chris.'' He had made sure of that. The police may have found the e-mails on Peter and Joan's computer...but remember, Peter's last e-mail indicated that he was, once again, willing to help Chris out. And, Chris had e-mailed a cherry note to his parents (knowing they were dead) that afternoon from his dorm room. By the time the police would have made it to the frat brothers, they wouldn't have been able to remember what happened that fateful Sunday night.

No, Chris didn't have any accomplices. Accomplices can be trouble. Chris did have it well planned out. He just didn't check his work.
Sacandaga Captain,
Your post is extremely chilling,to think that any human being could plan out this kind of thing to murder anyone ,let alone their parents. I read about it and see it in movies,but having this so close to home is just frightening.It would be bad enough to do something like this in a fit of rage,but thae fact that this was well thought out is mind blowing.
I have no idea what creates a monster like this. I have to believe there is some defect in their genetic make up,as by all accounts Chris was raised in a loving environment. He must just lack whatever it is in the brain that creates a conscience.
As for Kindlon and Co.,I guess everyone is entitled to a defense,but these people must be lacking somewhere in their souls also,to defend and manipulate at all costs.
Again,my sincere sympathy to you and your family. I hope that after this show and the sentencing the media circus will stop and you can begin some sort of normal life.
Sacandaga Captain said:
,...Chris didn't have any accomplices. Accomplices can be trouble. Chris did have it well planned out. He just didn't check his work.
Chris sounds a lot like Scott Peterson. I personally think that the police would have looked at immediate family members first. Geez...just reading those emails and seeing all of the lies and scams this kid was pulling would have raised those red flags to high heaven.

Scott Peterson also was a liar who thought that he was smarter than everyone else. He also was emotionless.

It is really scary to think that there are probably hundreds or thousands of Chrises and Scotts loose in our society. I'm just glad that both of these psychopaths were brought to justice.

May God help you and your family heal. :blowkiss:
Porco case reminds me of many other parent-murder cases--the Naples case where the son bombed the family car,Virginia case where the son was supposedly at college,Fresno's crime of the century,the Maine case where the killer son was voted "most likely to succeed" by his senior high school class,and many others--primary motive is always money,with the secondary motive being overly controlling parents--impatience,arrogance,laziness,and lack of empathy also play a role
My impression of the 48 hour show,the defense came across like every other defenseive team,full of crap,with lame excuses,Chris was unconvincing ,and cold,the prosecution was clear and matter of fact. I don't think that 48 hours did the job they usually do(maybe i just know too much),but I'm not sure a person with absolutley no knowledge of the crime could have made an accurate decision.
I know they couldn't ask Chris directly about where he was that night,but I thought the one thing the reporter was very negligent about doing,was emphasizing that Chris had no alibi. That should have been brought to the viewers attention.
They also usually spend more time interviewing the jurors. I would have been interested in more of their opinions.
I'm glad for Joan's sake they reiterated how they did not base their decisions on her head nod.
Too me, his prior actions and his behavior leading up to the murder were damning,and I don't think that was emphasized enough.He was not a nice boy.
Sacandaga Captain, it seems you will have one more monumental event,the sentencing. I hope after that things will start to settle to as normal as they can,under these circimstances.I pray that the leech defensive attys will not suck Joan dry to appeal over and over again. My prayers are with you.
hockeymom said:
...I pray that the leech defensive attys will not suck Joan dry to appeal over and over again. My prayers are with you.
I wonder if Joan will eventually come to the realization that her son did in fact commit the crimes. Did Joan sit through the trial? Did the prosecution share all of the damning evidence with her? Doesn't she have an older son who thinks that Chris did commit the crimes?

I see this case being just like Scott Peterson's case in the sense that the selfish offender has ruined and split his family. It is such a pity, and I just don't understand why Chris didn't just go to school, get a degree and live a happy life. His parents were there suppporting him all the way.
I thought the 48 Hours show was terrible; just pathetic really. The entire 10 hour timeline should have been presented at the start of the show and then Porco, Kindlon and Shanks should have been allowed to respond to it; since the entire case was based on it. Also the audience should have been told the round trip driving time was 7 hours, but that the timeline entailed a full 10 hours. I guess there wouldn't be much of a mystery if 48 Hours was fair, but thats why this show should not have been formatted as a mystery. The only mystery is whether Chris was alone when he entered the house; or whether he had help; but there is absolutely no mystery that he made the trip and took part in the murder. Oh, and how do you not interview family and friends??? Thats what viewers had to be wondering and unfortunately the only mention of family and friends was that they posted $200,000 to raise bail; thus giving the very false impression that Chris had a lot of support from family and friends. In the end he had support only from his Mom and a few girl friends, which 48 Hours never tells the audience. I hope full justice is served and Chris gets the max(100 years), but 48 Hours is a disgrace for trying to create a mystery out of a slam dunk timeline.
Thanks, Sheer Luck, for expressing your very insightful observation that the theme of 48 Hours was to objectively present the "unsolved mystery" of Peter's murder and Joan's near murder. The fact is: These crimes have already been solved and the accused has been found guilty. The show was based on a false premise - an unsolved mystery - Therefore, it deceived its viewers; wasted everyone's time; and, perpetrated an injustice on all of us who truly love Peter and Joan! Did the producers make an agreement with Kindlon/Shanks to be "objective," along with not asking Chris where he was the night of the murder?

And, why did 48 Hours have to be so objective? Chris was convicted, wasn't he? No mystery about that. This is the story of a convicted murderer, isn't it? When you see a tv presentation of the Scott Peterson story, it isn't tempered with objectivity. It is a story about a psychopath who murders his pregnant wife and calls his girlfriend on New Year's Eve pretending to be in Paris... And, yes, Scott Peterson is in the middle of his appeal and his parents believe in his innocence. Still, the tv producers of the Peterson stories didn't crucify themselves to the cross of objectivity!

The only family member, besides Joan, who contributed to Chris' bail was his brother, Johnathan, who was pressured into donating. Kindlon and Shanks tried to shame other family members into contributing, but by then, none of us believed in Chris' innocence.

So much of the evidence against Chris wasn't included in last night's program:
*The fact that Chris spent 2 hours in the house after the attack
(Cleaning up as he was taught at the Vets?)

*All that fuss about the fingerprint on the telephone box...What about the fact that the only fingerprint in the whole house was Chris' print on the cellar door knob...placed there when Chris put his dog in the cellar after petting him. Then, he put his gloves back on. (Who pets a beloved dog with gloves on?) He forgot about that cellar door when he was cleaning up.

*How come no mention of the mitrochandrial DNA on the Thruway ticket? Was that omission part of Kindlon's deal too?

*Chris insists that the video camera shows him leaving campus (10:30 pm) but not going to the Thruway. It shows him re-entering the campus at 8:30 the next morning. Shanks says he was taking his car to park off campus...and says: "maybe, he fell asleep in the car." But Chris told everyone he was sleeping on that couch in the dorm. On 48 Hours Chris changes that story and says he didn't fall asleep on that couch until 3:30 am. (Which is the time the frat brother says he and others left the lounge to go to bed) In any case, where was he from 10:30 pm until 3:30 am?????)

*The items he stole from the vet's office found in his dorm room.

*The forged transcript from Hudson Valley submitted to U of R to gain re-entrance to the school.

*The stories he told his frat brothers about not being able to reach his parents on Sunday and Monday when, in fact, no calls from Chris' cell or dorm phone rang into the Porco's telephone lines.

And, so much more...

I knew last night when the show was over, I was very disappointed. So much of the story wasn't told... so much was left out. And, Sheerluck... you are right... no mention of Chris' family other than his "estranged brother" (wonder why) and his Mom.

This story couldn't be told in an hour minus the advertisements. And, even if it could...IT'S NOT A MYSTERY!!
Hi all - re 48 hours: I agree with you. The program was a time-warp back to the first couple of weeks when very little was clear. Having followed this case and read every message here (and on the 'Net) it was pretty obvious from the get-go that Chris was the culprit. As time and more evidence emerged, the deck of cards against Chris became massive pillars of concrete. So why screen this as a mystery *after* the conviction??? The 48hrs message to those who don't know may leave folk guessing. It's enough for loved ones to have to deal with the frustration of waiting 2 years without having the added burden of pain and anger when the (ehem) "final" story cheats the justice that was granted!

To add to Captain's star-points above: * The jeep's fuel tank/purchase also indicate he didn't 'just go around the corner to Wendy's that night'...

Few things niggle me:

1. What eventually happened to Barrister ....

2. His clothes: Chris is a cold, cunning & calculating plotter: Was he naked? Could he have worn full-surgical 'scrubs'? Dumped his own clothes? Have had cling film in his car? Luminol would have shown up blood in the bath/shower drainage, right?

3. Why on earth did the Vets keep Chris on after he robbed, cheated and lied to them? What the heck were they thinking? That this was just a minor detail here? :eek:

God bless all. (Captain: I join all WS-ers in sending heartfelt sympathy)
Posted today:


BETHLEHEM -- Convicted ax-murderer Christopher Porco declared his innocence on a national television newsmagazine Saturday night.
Here in his hometown, though, the chance to finally hear directly from Porco left some even more convinced of his guilt.

Also reported often: one of Chris Porco's 'official statements' :

"It would not have been possible for me to do this with the lack of evidence there was. It was just not possible,'' he told Van Sant after his conviction.

In other words, if we examine his statement in detail he's saying it may very well have been possible if MORE evidence was gathered .... BUT .... as there was a lack of (his) evidence, he determines conviction was not possible. He'd snuk in sterile and he snuk out sterile, that's all.

Also, he speaks in past tense and with absolute confidence: "...there was & it was just not possible". Is that because he also knew there was nothing left behind? Heknew he'd prepared himself well; before he entered his parents home. He'd gone over every detail. He was probably giving himself the pathetic A's he *also* stole from educators.

It was probably CP's own penultimate Command Performance having planned, staged, succeeded and escaped detection in the earlier home burglaries - he got away with that twice, didn't he? Class act? Not. His final performance may very well have been The Fake Victim and the Inheritance Act. Disgusting! It's only impossible in HIS mind. He felt he'd thought of everything.

It's quite obvious he truly believes he thwarted forensics from the get go and cleaned up good and proper. In so doing, Chris Porco also cleaned out any possibility of it being someone else! Peterson did the same thing. And dang -----> they cannot live being outfoxed, can they?
The statement from Chris about the lack of evidence has jumped out at me every time I've seen it. It's as if he's not saying that he didn't do it; he's just saying that it's impossible to prove it because of the lack of evidence. Basically saying - hey, you're entitled to your opinion; maybe I did it, maybe I didn't; but can you PROVE it?
I could never understand the whole thing with the Vets myself. Why was/is it so difficult for them to see when even closer family members realized what kind of kid Chris is?

I still don't know why the defense consented to do this 48 hours. Sociopaths do not come across well on TV.They should have known that from watching Scott Peterson. Even if the show did not do a good job of explaining all the evidence,Chris did not garner any sympathy from the viewer ,in my opinion.

Another thing I found interesting was him saying he was instructed by his attys to be emotionaless when the verdict was read. Why?!! I don't believe that for a second. I would want my client to emote whatever they were feeling at the moment to show he is human.Obviously he is incapable of even faking.

Sacandaga Captain,as a child,how was Chris emotionally? Did he have any anger control issues,was he the type of kid to hold back his emotions? I ask because I wonder if these people are like this from day one,or if at some point,maybe puberty,their chemical makeup changes and they become what they are.The idea of how someone bevcomes a sociaopath really interests me.
hockeymom said:
I could never understand the whole thing with the Vets myself. Why was/is it so difficult for them to see when even closer family members realized what kind of kid Chris is?

Another thing I found interesting was him saying he was instructed by his attys to be emotionaless when the verdict was read. Why?!! [QUOTE

Because he's an axe murderer. Attorneys who are planning an appeal in case of a lost case; will always be worried that if their client loses their temper at the verdict; it could hurt their appeal chances; so it's very possible Skanks told Chris not to get mad if he loses. They might have also convinced him not to worry if they lose; that they had a strong appeal coming; so it was real important that he continued to hide his violent side in public. He lost the case, so any emotion from him would have been nasty and hurt his appeal.

As to the vet; she is obviously incredibly naive, but she's also a business woman who makes a lot of money, but depends on reliable help, which in her line of work is very hard to find. Chris was an excellent and reliable worker. And you know; it's hard to find a business where the "blue collar" helpers make so little. A vet makes roughly maybe $175,000/year or more while their clean up workers do very dirty work like for only about $7/hour. Contractors make half what vets make but pay their workers double, as a example. So if she liked Chris as a friend and felt he was hard to replace; she might have overlooked being robbed; out of both the need for a solid worker and guilt at the garbage wages vets like her pay their clean up helpers. Plus Chris might have said it was a "one time thing" due to maybe some gamblng losses or some excuse. As to sociopaths; generally their symptoms start to show in their late teens. I'd be interested Captain; if you feel okay discussing it; if you started to see changes in Chris when he went away to college. Much of this case centers around robbery, but the hidden element that I finally started to realize was that it wasn't just robbery that led to this, but the threat of Chris's ego and "status" being destroyed. Giving back the jeep and being removed from Rochester would destroy Chris mentally because he thought he was Gods gift to the world. Sometimes when kids leave high school and go to college; they feel a need to impress all of their new found friends, so maybe right when Chris was beginning to become sociopathic; he also was beginning his new "big man on campus" image as well.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Posted today:


It's quite obvious he truly believes he thwarted forensics from the get go and cleaned up good and proper. In so doing, Chris Porco also cleaned out any possibility of it being someone else! Peterson did the same thing. And dang -----> they cannot live being outfoxed, can they?
Yep, you're so right PSA. The sad thing about sociopaths is that there's no cure; unlike schizophrenia which can be helped greatly with the right meds. But with sociopaths; forget it. And Hockeymom; you might know this already, but heres a bit of the mindset of sociopaths and their twisted logic. Many of these people begin to think they're above everyone else; so anyone who dares deflate their ego or status must be punished. So in the mind of these sick people; they feel their crimes are warranted because how dare anyone take anything away from them. So Porocs message is: sure I did it; they were going to hurt my ego; but where's the proof? In Porcos sick mind; his parents had no business removing him from Rochester and making him sell the jeep, so they deserved to be punished. No surprise no meds can help people this sick
SheerLuck said:
So in the mind of these sick people; they feel their crimes are warranted because how dare anyone take anything away from them. So Porocs message is: sure I did it; they were going to hurt my ego; but where's the proof? In Porcos sick mind; his parents had no business removing him from Rochester and making him sell the jeep, so they deserved to be punished. No surprise no meds can help people this sick

Precisely, SheerLuck. EGO. Porco faced being discovered as a liar, a thief and a cheat and his parents were undoing his fanciful charade. Punishment was due - but he wanted to gain something in return and not lose his castle in the air.

Hockeymom: the vets backing this guy will always flummox me though SheerLuck explained their support in a new angle. Perhaps they'd been taken in by Porco and didn't know *everything* else. Maybe they're thinking twice about their support since the conviction...

JerseyGirl: The statement from Chris about the lack of evidence has jumped out at me every time I've seen it. It's as if he's not saying that he didn't do it; he's just saying that it's impossible to prove it because of the lack of evidence. Basically saying - hey, you're entitled to your opinion; maybe I did it, maybe I didn't; but can you PROVE it?

That's exactly how that statement came across to me; you just said it better, lol :)
Dear PolkSaladAnnie,
Barrister is now living with Joan...although this wonderful, gentle, loving animal is old and suffers from many medical problems, including diabetes. It won't be long before Barrister goes to live with Peter..if such things actually happen.

If you could have seen the pictures the DA presented to the jury with Christopher wearing his vet operating clothes... you would know why there was no blood on Chris. He was covered from head to toe. As for those clothes...he probably drove the 5 minutes to the Vet's commercial laundry dumpster, threw the clothes in, and headed out of town.

As for Vetenarian Elaine, she provided food and housing for Chris and paid him $400.00 a week salary. That's a pretty generous salary for a high school graduate vet clinic worker. They also posted money for his bail... she appeared at trial as a witness for the defense... and appeared on 48 Hours. I don't think her motives were cheap labor. Why would a professional women take in an accused murderer, allow him to live with her children, present him to her clients, defend him 100% in public even though she had proof he had stolen from her and her partner (the vets aren't married) and from his parents, and still visit this convicted murderer in jail? Anyone want to venture a guess?

Please note two absolute lies told by Shanks in the 48 Hours program:
1. "Chris wandered around campus until 3:30 when he fell asleep on the couch." Chris swore to everyone (including the police, his family, and his defense attorneys) that he was in the dorm lounge from 10:30pm Sunday, until 8:00 am Monday, when he went for a jog. In addition, he told friends he was worried about his parents because he hadn't been able to contact them at home on Sunday, or at work on Monday. Records show he made NO phone calls to his parents either Sunday or Monday.
2. Shanks says she never met one family member or friend that didn't think Chris was innocent. The truth is, Shanks &/or Kindlon never met one family member, except Joan, who didn't think CHRIS WAS GUILTY. That is why they couldn't call one family member as a witness for the defense. Any family members who testified, did so for the prosecution.

Shanks is a chronic liar and a disgrace to the legal profession. Kindlon will do the devil's work if it will win him a case.
Sacandaga Captain,
I can't imagine what the Vet's motives are,other than maybe she is romantically involved with Chris? It appears these sociopaths are quite charming and seem to be able to mesmorize even the most seemingly bright people. I guess she falls in the same catagory of those that carry on/marry serial murders,etc,while they are on death row. I have no idea what they are thinking?!!! What kind of message is she sending her children?
As I said before,I have always enjoyed 48 hours,but knowing how things are done now,I will watch it with a different perspective. Now I know how the full story is not portrayed,with key information omitted.

I'm assuming because Chris worked at the vets,both partners agreed to it,but was one more hesitant to keep him than the other? Has the other vet changed his opinion after hearing all the evidence?
hockeymom said:
Sacandaga Captain,
I can't imagine what the Vet's motives are,other than maybe she is romantically involved with Chris?

I had talked to some people who were involved with the case and that was the rumor; but it was only a rumor with no facts to support it so I didn't think I should post it here. I never believed it anyway. Here's what I do know about this lady, as I knew her ex-husband many years ago. She's very intelligient in the book smart area, but incredibly naive in other ways and a bit out there. She's divorced, in her late 40's; lives with John Kerney; who is her work partner and apparant boyfriend and she's a good vet; although not always honest in her business practices. Personally I thought she simply developed a close friendship with Chris and was convinced of his innocense, which is why I think she was so quick to initially take him in. I think her dislike towards one of the Bethlehem cops, who she thought had it in for Chris; is what led her to come unhinged and irrational and blind to the reality of the case. She ended up looking like a fool in my opinion and she probably knows this herself. Ironically it was John Kerney who laid the final knockout punch to Chris when he testified that Chris was trained specifically for after surgery work and blood clean up. That was just a few days before the trial ended. I doubt he slept very well on those last couple of days with Chris in the house.

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