NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

This blows my mind. I have been reading here everyday, I didn't think Christopher was guilty.

If his mother nodded her head when asked if he did it,
then I believe he did. That is all it takes for me.
I am hoping her recovery is speedy. Her testimony is invaluable...

Sudzi said:
Thanks for the update hockeymom, maybe something is about to budge on this case.
More from the Times union herehttp://timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=340486&category=ALBANY&BCCode=HOME&newsdate=3/10/2005
Interesting Times Union article. This confirms that a police officer has already testified that Joan Porco nodded yes when asked if her son did the crime. I had heard this from Delmar friends, but this makes it definite. I thought what's interesting is how the cop knew to ask her specifically about her son Chris. I wonder if Chris left any evidence that led the cops to ask her about him specifically(maybe an angry phone message on the answering machine or physical evidence?) Maybe police are taught to ask quickly about family members? I wonder if he also asked about the other son and if she shook her head no. Just a few things I was curious about. By the way, just my opinion here, but I would question the Times Union's reference that possibly this move by the prosecution is being made because the case has stalled. The writer wrote: The rare disclosures by prosecutors could be an indication that the investigation, now in its fourth month, has stalled. Unless I'm reading it wrong, the writer doesn't quote an attorney who told him this; or any source for that matter. He simply writes this, without a reference of where he got this idea from. Now if the attorney they interviewed, Paul DerOhannesian, had said the case might have stalled because this is an unusual move, then I'd be worried the case is weak. Aren't news outlets just supposed to report the news and quote experts in the field? If I mis read this; let me know(I'm tired!)
I read it the same way Sheerluck. The writer just tosses it out there, not attached to anything in particular.

I'm trying to find where I read that Joan was muttering "my son, my son" when they found her, no luck yet.
That could be why they asked her straight out if Christopher did it.


Late last week, prosecutors turned over copies of search warrants, including an affidavit from a Bethlehem police detective who claims Christopher Porco's mother, Joan, nodded "yes" when police asked her whether Christopher had done it, according to a law enforcement official close to the case.
Could be since this was a Bethlehem detective he was just going on his prior knowledge of the family, who knows at this point.

Is the GJ meeting today?
I was so hoping it wasn't going to turn out this way, but I had strong suspicions that it was Christopher... although the motive still seems a little weird to me. Unfortunately, money is the root of all evil.
PrayersForMaura said:
I was so hoping it wasn't going to turn out this way, but I had strong suspicions that it was Christopher... although the motive still seems a little weird to me. Unfortunately, money is the root of all evil.
It all seems a little weird to me too, but what we don't know far out weighs what we do know at this point.
Now we just have to wait and see.
Sudzi said:
I read it the same way Sheerluck. The writer just tosses it out there, not attached to anything in particular.
Could be since this was a Bethlehem detective he was just going on his prior knowledge of the family, who knows at this point.

Is the GJ meeting today?
Yep, Sudzi, my brother said the same thing. It was a good article with the exception of that sentence because the writer doesn't attach that sentence to a legal expert. We do this here on a chat board which is quite different. No idea when the GJ meets again because I thinkKindlon has to decide if his client will testify. Is so, then Kindlon will need time to "coach" his client, I'd guess. An odd position for Kindlon; especially if Porco lied during the police interrogation. Yeah and the thing with money is that sometimes its what money can buy, thats really the root of evil
SheerLuck said:
Yep, Sudzi, my brother said the same thing. It was a good article with the exception of that sentence because the writer doesn't attach that sentence to a legal expert. We do this here on a chat board which is quite different. No idea when the GJ meets again because I thinkKindlon has to decide if his client will testify. Is so, then Kindlon will need time to "coach" his client, I'd guess. An odd position for Kindlon; especially if Porco lied during the police interrogation. Yeah and the thing with money is that sometimes its what money can buy, thats really the root of evil
It's always interesting, (and rare) when a "suspect" goes before the GJ...I'd still be surprised if Kindlon let's him testify. If so, it will be interesting to see what direction Kindlon points him in.
I haven't seen anything new on when the GJ meets again and is Christopher will be there or not.

Hockeymom, Sheerluck, Jannuncutt... your all a little more local than me.. anything new?:waitasec:
I haven't heard of any new developments in this case. However, I have a question - If Joan Porco actually identified Christopher as her attacker, why wasn't he arrested? Isn't it possible that she was disoriented and merely acknowledged her son's name when she heard it?
I wonder the same thing... after what she'd just been through I can't imagine she was thinking clearly.
I tend to agree that she acknowledged her son's name when it was mentioned. How it was mentioned is the question.
I also think there would be a visible rift in their relationship if he were guilty.
He's visiting her in Buffalo, driving her car around. I can't imagine him saying "Jeez Mom, I know I hacked Dad's head half off, and tried to kill you too... but can I borrow the car?"
It just doesn't make sense. :waitasec:
You are right - I can't imagine that either. Also, we have to remember that she is in her brother's care - they communicate daily. I don't think that he would stand by Chris if his sister told him that her son committed these crimes - nephew or not.
If anyone wants to read some on Peter Porcos murder, here is a link to a Times Union page with all the articles right from the start.
It would be interesting to get some of your opinions.
This is my first time trying to post a link the proper way... hope it works.
link here
jannuncutt said:
You are right - I can't imagine that either. Also, we have to remember that she is in her brother's care - they communicate daily. I don't think that he would stand by Chris if his sister told him that her son committed these crimes - nephew or not.
Joan Porco didn't tell her brother that Chris was the murderer. Joan Porco only told this to the Bethlehem detective before she lapsed into unconsiousness. Joan Porco's brother can't believe that Chris could have done this, but that doesn't mean he's right. If Joan Porco had woken up and then fingered her son again; he would have been arrested immediately, but when Joan Porco regained consciousness, she couldn't remember what had happened. This is no surprise. So, unfortunately its the cops word against Chris Porco's, which might not be strong enough for a life sentence. If Joan Porco were called on to testify, at this point she would say she doesn't remember anything; that would hurt the case; not help it, so you wait till something breaks. In time she might remember, which is another reason for the delay; by the way. Kindlon hasn't said if his client will testify; that should be the next thing that happens
Sudzi said:
I wonder the same thing... after what she'd just been through I can't imagine she was thinking clearly.
I tend to agree that she acknowledged her son's name when it was mentioned. How it was mentioned is the question.
I also think there would be a visible rift in their relationship if he were guilty.
He's visiting her in Buffalo, driving her car around. I can't imagine him saying "Jeez Mom, I know I hacked Dad's head half off, and tried to kill you too... but can I borrow the car?"
It just doesn't make sense. :waitasec:
Amazing Sudzi all the links and stories. From psychology class 20 years ago, I seem to remember that psychopaths can appear to be normal people; even social people who can be fun at parties, but they also can be completely lacking in human emotion; completely lacking in care for anyone but themselves. If Chris Porco fits this mold; then it really wouldn't be a big deal to him to borrow his moms car, because he would have no conscience. To me or anyone else here; it would be unbearable; but not to a psychopath. Sad but true. Coming on 4 months...lets hope something breaks soon.........
SheerLuck said:
Amazing Sudzi all the links and stories. From psychology class 20 years ago, I seem to remember that psychopaths can appear to be normal people; even social people who can be fun at parties, but they also can be completely lacking in human emotion; completely lacking in care for anyone but themselves. If Chris Porco fits this mold; then it really wouldn't be a big deal to him to borrow his moms car, because he would have no conscience. To me or anyone else here; it would be unbearable; but not to a psychopath. Sad but true. Coming on 4 months...lets hope something breaks soon.........
I agree, that's how a Sociopath would act.. but I'm wondering how the Mother of a sociopath may act.
I just find it hard to believe that she, (and her brother) would be able to move along with a normal relationship if she had memories of that night clear enough to point the finger at Christopher.
Not saying he did or did not do it, just saying if my Son hacked my husband to death and tried to finish me off as well......I'd have a hard time lending him my car.
SheerLuck said:
Joan Porco didn't tell her brother that Chris was the murderer. Joan Porco only told this to the Bethlehem detective before she lapsed into unconsiousness. Joan Porco's brother can't believe that Chris could have done this, but that doesn't mean he's right. If Joan Porco had woken up and then fingered her son again; he would have been arrested immediately, but when Joan Porco regained consciousness, she couldn't remember what had happened. This is no surprise. So, unfortunately its the cops word against Chris Porco's, which might not be strong enough for a life sentence. If Joan Porco were called on to testify, at this point she would say she doesn't remember anything; that would hurt the case; not help it, so you wait till something breaks. In time she might remember, which is another reason for the delay; by the way. Kindlon hasn't said if his client will testify; that should be the next thing that happens
How do you know what Joan did or did not tell her brother? Also, if the police are so sure that Joan meant to accuse her son of these crimes, why did they go out of their way to harrass the man from Maryland and his parents?
If you read the articles from the times union everyone said he was a good kid, with no prior anything to lead people to beleive he did this. Even a sociopath has a history of some sort of disturbances in their life..Divorce, abuse, neglect, isolation, learning dissabilties, substance abuse,gambling?..so many things.This is a 21 yearold kid commiting the perfect crime?? with no previous experience. Its all circumstancial and the police zeroed in on CP from the start. His life is ruined either way. He could possibly have done it, but I beleive highly unlikly. He was an easy Target.

Today we have children taking on too much Financial pressure and parents who have worked hard to provide everything for there kids. I'm in the same situation at the same school. 32,000 is alot to pay per year and a daunting loan for someone who already has a great job, much less a College freshman.. When our children go to private college we are penialized if we have savings and retirement..Then loans become inevidible. CP took out the loan himself , after losing his athletic scholarship and applied for other financing to go back to U of R without Dads permission and probably forged Dads name for co-sign. This is not a motive...This is life for the upper middleclass. I own a house have an IRA, bring home 62,000 a year and am expected to pay 27,800 each per year for college tuition for two kids to attend U of R. Thats around 320,000 for college degree...Ridiculous and frightening. I'm just saying half of US parents today are facing the same financial issues. Its so competitive out there that a degree from a good school is helpful in the job market. We had the same arguments and realizations that we will have to pay now or jeapordize being competitive in the job market. Lets face it, U of Ris a good School but its not Harvard, Yale or Princeton, but you could compete with people with degrees from those schools..with a U of R degree. Again this is not a motive, its family "normal" college tuition woes. THe kid had a car, a job if he needed it..just dosen't seem to have the problems that would make a bad relationship between his has and him. Maybe they were dissappointed in his performance but they still were supportave.

Now, if the gambling link turned up something, then I could see he was involved over his head in dangerous debt.That could be motive for murder, or at least some type of addiction problem. These SMART kids so close to Niagra Falls. I have one Math genius that is an excellent Poker Player and can't help but count Black Jack cards. (He knows the Math) He also knows this knowledge can get you into trouble, and stays away from this sort of behavior...

I think CP needs the benifit of the doubt, this is too brutal and bloody for him to have accomplished it and to not have any significant evidence. He only had an hour. If Joan told the police he did it, how come the actual Question that the detective asked hasn't been published. Why did he ask about Chris in the first place. Maybe the attacker told JP he was going after Chris next..who relly knows.

The Jeep siting seems to be the only evidence..How do we know the neighbor really saw it at that time. I'm very aware in my neighborhood and a bright yellow jeep that has been in the neighborhood for a year or so I doubt I coul be sure which day I saw it , many days it was probably there at that time and then again many days it was not, especially duning school breaks and I beleive this was during U of R fall break or right around.

Jusst my opinion...
jannuncutt said:
How do you know what Joan did or did not tell her brother? Also, if the police are so sure that Joan meant to accuse her son of these crimes, why did they go out of their way to harrass the man from Maryland and his parents?
Well, the only thing that we can go by is what we read in the papers. We were told that a police detective has testified, that Joan Porco said Chris committed the crime. Then we are told that after she awoke from her coma, she remembers nothing. We've never been told if Joan Porco has said anything to her brother, but we do know that the brother contacted Kindlon fiirst for Chris and the brother appears to think Chris is innocent. So it seems likely that the brother in taking care of his sister; probably has told her he thinks Chris is innocent. If Joan remembers nothing from that night; then as a mom, wouldn't she want to believe that someone else committed the crime and not her son? Would she even care about who's driving her car in Delmar; after almost dieing and losing her husband. I doubt it. The "maryland" link is to show there's no rush to judgement; I would guess. Jannucutt; as to the police "harrassing" the man in Maryland; I see this totally different. The police leave messages for him to call them back in regard to a murder investigation and he refuses to return their calls. Then he cries to the media that he's being harrassed. So the media quickly makes the cops out to be the bad guys here. Wouldn't any normal person call the police back? Wouldn't you? I know I would. I say cops are working hard to try to solve a murder investigation, with this guy in Maryland being a complete *advertiser censored**hole. Just my opinion
Sudzi said:
I agree, that's how a Sociopath would act.. but I'm wondering how the Mother of a sociopath may act.
I just find it hard to believe that she, (and her brother) would be able to move along with a normal relationship if she had memories of that night clear enough to point the finger at Christopher.

She only pointed the finger at Chris and remembered what happened on the morning the police arrived, while she was still conscious; then she slipped into a coma. When she awoke from the coma, she could no longer remember the night of the attack. Does the mom want anything to do with her son and is it a normal relationship anymore? I don't think we really know

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