GUILTY NY - Jessica Vega faked cancer for wedding donations, Montgomery, 2010

There's alot that is not adding up here but I think he was in on it & now that they are divorcing he's ratting her out.......He seems like jerk(imo)in what I have read.
OMG how could that make anyone smile?!

I coudn't think of any other category to post that; if you read the articles, it really is a sweet, uplifting story.God bless them.

People love sad, tragic stories. In the 70s, "Love Story" was a huge hit, both book & film, for Eric Segal & a few select actors, producers, yadayadayada..... You never know where cretins like this NY phony get ideas for their frauds.
Sounds like yet another young woman who is dissatisfied with the responsibilities of adulthood and just wants to have fun -- and lots of attention on her. I am sorry for the people she fooled. They are unlikely to be so generous again. But I am glad that nobody (ie the baby) was harmed.

Woman charged with faking cancer for NY wedding
Associated PressBy JIM FITZGERALD | Associated Press – 5 hrs ago

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — Strangers donated the beautifully embroidered wedding dress, the two rings, the honeymoon time-share in Aruba. They acted quickly, too, because the bride was dying of cancer. Or so she said.

The state attorney general's office announced Tuesday that Jessica Vega, 25, has been indicted on charges of fraud and grand larceny for getting her "dream wedding" by falsely claiming she was dying of leukemia....

Here's the best part (sarcasm).

...The couple divorced, but the Times Herald Record reported Tuesday that O'Connell said they had been living together again in Virginia and had a second child.

"She's a good mom," he said. "I want my kids to have their mother back."

If convicted of fraud or grand larceny, Vega could be sentenced 16 months to four years in prison on each of six counts.

For those who think the hubby was in on it, I say you're probably right. JMO
I know someone who lied about this exact same thing. Except for the wedding part. He was my cousin's college roommate and claimed he had testicular cancer. He had just gotten married, and he told his new bride that his sister or family member was going with him. She was young and gullible, but she was eventually the one who figured it out, called his bluff, and called her daddy to come get her. :clap: My aunt and I are both nurses, and he even asked my aunt to look at the rash on his scrotum from his "radiation!" My aunt said they were all swollen and raw... and she wonders what in the world he did to get them that way! He was such an attention seeker. He jumped right in and came to all our family gatherings, even though I thought it was weird. He fainted and fell down the church steps at my cousin's baptism. You know... because the attention was on someone else that day! He had a fake Groshong port taped to his chest and everything. He spoke at several churches about his "ordeal" and how his faith was crucial to him. Ummm... yeah.

Oh... but you'll be glad to know that he currently TEACHES SIXTH GRADE at a local middle school and the school board has been informed of the whole shebang and couldn't care less!

People are crazy, I tell ya.
I don't k ow if this was a mental illness in her case, it seems like she was a scammer.

It's possible she fooled her husband-look at some of the women who were married and told everyone they were pregnant, then killed another pregnant woman to take her baby-their husbands really thought their wives were pregnant.
I don't get how this happens.

I mean, I see how total strangers or new friends might be duped, but how does the woman you had a CHILD with, your bride, your life partner fool you like this?

He never ever, not even once, went to the doctor or chemo or radiation or anything with her? Really? He never wanted to speak with her doctor about her realistic chances? The possibility of having children? How much time they might have together?

Her parents never ever, not even once, demanded to speak with the doctor who proclaimed a death sentence on their 23 year old daughter? Didn't insist on a second opinion or rush to her side while she had treatment?

How does that happen? The people I know who are battling cancer are surrounded by friends and family. In the infusion center there are times we've had to be hushed because there are so many friends coming and going with favorite foods and stopping by to chat and help pass the time.

This woman must be a real piece of work. I feel bad for all of the people she fooled - she must have seemed very genuine and sweet for them to buy such a story. Unbelievable!

I don't have much if any family at all so this is not true that ALL are surrounded by family.

Some have family members that have passed away and are homebound, not able to be out in public before they become ill.

The story is unreal as it is. I have read about this woman in a few publications and can't believe she played so many for a fool.

I think he knew all along...and now that he's bitter and angry, he's tattling.

My thoughts exactly.

This guy would rather come forward and face being humiliated now, (I smell money) and gain a profit then hide from the public. Nope.
He seems to have gained twice if he was involved from the start in the hoax.

It is obvious, these two folks feel no shame..

Stories like these infuriate me. I have been thru the experience of having a long term illness that almost killed me ( I am a lot better now, not 100% but I am not complaining). Even when I was at my sickest and my drs urged me to go on disability pay, I refused. My husband was by my side every step of the way, even sleeping in a chair next to me when I was hospitalized.

It also infuriates me because my mother is a "professional victim". Every few years she has a new illness or accident that causes a lawsuit and a round of pity seeking. Currently she is claiming that she has a life expectancy of a few years because my dad worked with asbestos 45 years ago. She is suing the companies naturally. (she and my dad had been divorced for 43 years when he died a few years back.

Mom told me how she tricked the doctor into putting her on oxygen because she held her breath during tests to make her oxygen level drop. She happily plays the "handicapped card" and gets wheel chairs and special treatment and there is nothing wrong with her.

If you catch her in her lies, she will pitifully say " well you know I have that head injury and brain damage where your father beat me". That pisses me off cuz that didnt happen. She is the violent one, not him!

She has always been this way. She is a professional victim who lies for a living. She has also had 2 house and 2 cars mysteriously burned, too many lawsuit for injuries to count and is currently caring for my elderly grandmother which is scary as hell because she claims gram has all sorts of illnesses that only happen when mom is around.

Sorry to go so O/T but this "bride" has no business being around her children. Who is to say thay won't be the next ones to fall victim to a make believe illness or staged accident for sympathy.

And the husband had to be in on it or is dumb as a rock and too stupid to raise kids. I hope she goes to jail for a long time and has to pay everything back.
Stories like these infuriate me. I have been thru the experience of having a long term illness that almost killed me ( I am a lot better now, not 100% but I am not complaining). Even when I was at my sickest and my drs urged me to go on disability pay, I refused. My husband was by my side every step of the way, even sleeping in a chair next to me when I was hospitalized.

It also infuriates me because my mother is a "professional victim". Every few years she has a new illness or accident that causes a lawsuit and a round of pity seeking. Currently she is claiming that she has a life expectancy of a few years because my dad worked with asbestos 45 years ago. She is suing the companies naturally. (she and my dad had been divorced for 43 years when he died a few years back.

Mom told me how she tricked the doctor into putting her on oxygen because she held her breath during tests to make her oxygen level drop. She happily plays the "handicapped card" and gets wheel chairs and special treatment and there is nothing wrong with her.

If you catch her in her lies, she will pitifully say " well you know I have that head injury and brain damage where your father beat me". That pisses me off cuz that didnt happen. She is the violent one, not him!

She has always been this way. She is a professional victim who lies for a living. She has also had 2 house and 2 cars mysteriously burned, too many lawsuit for injuries to count and is currently caring for my elderly grandmother which is scary as hell because she claims gram has all sorts of illnesses that only happen when mom is around.

Sorry to go so O/T but this "bride" has no business being around her children. Who is to say thay won't be the next ones to fall victim to a make believe illness or staged accident for sympathy.

And the husband had to be in on it or is dumb as a rock and too stupid to raise kids. I hope she goes to jail for a long time and has to pay everything back.

Holy crap! Get her away from grandma and make sure she's taken out of grandma's will!! She might kill her for the money.
From May 2012:

A woman who faked having cancer so donors would pay for her "dream wedding" and Caribbean honeymoon was released from jail Wednesday after paying back more than $13,000 to the people she duped.

Jessica Vega apologized in court for the scam and was sentenced to time served — the less than two months she had been behind bars since her arrest. She had pleaded guilty last month to charges of scheming to defraud and possession of a forged instrument.

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