Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

Of course the media was invited....that's why MB was there.
I so hate this game.
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.
I agree. The description of Cindy and George made me sad for them, again and as always.

And, so what if the church vigil wasn't perfect? It was a place to go for those who wanted to remember Caylee, and it was a place to pray for her and the family that loves and misses her.
Does anyone know if the A's invited the media or if they just showed up? I would think at a vigil that it would be a private meaningful service with no media to record everything. Woudn't the church be a private place where they would have to be invited by someone to be there? If they weren't invited, shame on them for going into the church to record. If they were invited, then what where they hoping to have recorded...their distress? (I am getting cynical)
I've been to only one vigil in my life. It was at a local church and held for a missing young man from my town. It captured headlines around the country, but I can tell you that I did not see one news van there. There may have been a reporter inside, but as the church was overflowing you would not be able to single anyone out. The service was so beautiful. The priest spoke and led everyone in prayer. People who knew him got up and spoke about this young man. We all had candles that were lit from one another. There was so much love inside this church. It was comforting to be a part of the vigil. This is how I wish Caylee could be honored.
If the media was invited, why didn't that pastor tell them that wasn't a good idea and that they should have privacy in the church? Is no one in this horrible situation thinking clearly?
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.

I do not approve of the way the Anthony's have handled things in this case. Then again I am not in their shoes either. Something that occured to me very early on, is that Cindy is 50 years old. I thought to myself, I hope she isn't going through the change of life on top of all this stress. Women have lost their minds during the change. Then just the other night I read where Cindy posted somewhere to Casey about the night sweats and them waking her, and all she can do is lay awake and think about her and Caylee. Not only has Cindy deteriorated right before our eyes, the worse is yet to come. I'm just not sure she's going to be able to make it through the acceptance that Caylee is gone, and the trial. Yes, I do include the Anthony's in my prayers because Casey has completely destroyed her daughter's life and her own. What she has done to her parents can never be repaired, but God forbid another life is lost because of Casey. I was shocked when I saw the video of Cindy at BP, when she showed up when Leonard was searching. It's unbelievable how gaunt and thin she is. Regardless of what the Anthony's have done or said, they are human beings who are trying to exist with a knife stabbed through their hearts.
If the media was invited, why didn't that pastor tell them that wasn't a good idea and that they should have privacy in the church? Is no one in this horrible situation thinking clearly?

Unfortunately I believe some are thinking quite clearly, just not about Caylee. :mad:
What is a VIGIL?
What is the purpose?
How many should one have?
How long should a Vigil go on?
Have anyone every thought about this really?
Same ?s
Vigil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigil
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This article is about a period of intentional sleeplessness. For all other usages, see Vigil (disambiguation).

Vigil, tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis (XIV century)
"A Knight's Vigil" by John PettieA vigil (from the Latin vigilia, meaning wakefulness) is a period of purposeful sleeplessness, an occasion for devotional watching, or an observance.

It can also be the eve of a religious festival observed by staying awake as a devotional exercise or ritual devotions observed on the eve of a holy day [1], such as the Easter Vigil held on Holy Saturday. In the Eastern Orthodox Church an All-Night Vigil is held on the eves of Sundays and all major feasts during the liturgical year.

In Christianity, especially the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions, a vigil is often held when someone is gravely ill or dying. Prayers are said and votives are often made. Vigils extend from eventual death to burial, ritualistically to pray for a loved one, but more practically so they are never alone.

During the Middle Ages, a squire on the night before his knighting ceremony was expected to take a cleansing bath, fast, make confession, and then hold an all-night vigil of prayer to God in the chapel, readying himself for his life as a knight. He would dress in white, which was the symbol for purity.

When a Jew dies, a watch is kept over the body and Tehillim are recited constantly, until the burial service.
Candlelight vigil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlelight_vigil
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Residents and members of the media gathered around the vigil in Kauhajoki, Finland one day after shooting incident.A candlelight vigil is an outdoor assembly of people carrying candles, held after sunset. Such events are typically held either to protest at the suffering of some marginalized group of people, or in memory of lives lost to some disease, disaster, massacre or other tragedy. In the latter case, the event is often called a candlelight memorial. A large candlelight vigil will usually have invited speakers with a public address system and may be covered by local or national media.

The vigils may also have a religious or spiritual purpose. At Christmas Eve many churches will hold a candlelight vigil.
I think KC's sole purpose in getting rid of Caylee was to destroy her parents. I don't think it was to rid herself of this child. IMO she hated/loved her parents. This was the sure way to destroy them.
I agree. The description of Cindy and George made me sad for them, again and as always.

And, so what if the church vigil wasn't perfect? It was a place to go for those who wanted to remember Caylee, and it was a place to pray for her and the family that loves and misses her.

My heart truly goes out to all that are involved in this and loved that beautiful child.

My questions aren't about the service, but as to whether it actually was to remember Caylee and have prayer. Why would they invite the media? Would the one place that you would want privacy to grieve the loss of a grandchild (either by death or kidnapping) would be in a church vigil? Why have a "spokesperson" speak instead of the pastor or family members?

I hope the family and everyone at the vigil truly prayed for KC and Caylee and the A's and everyone else involved.
My heart truly goes out to all that are involved in this and loved that beautiful child.

My questions aren't about the service, but as to whether it actually was to remember Caylee and have prayer. Why would they invite the media? Would the one place that you would want privacy to grieve the loss of a grandchild (either by death or kidnapping) would be in a church vigil? Why have a "spokesperson" speak instead of the pastor or family members?

I hope the family and everyone at the vigil truly prayed for KC and Caylee and the A's and everyone else involved.

I'm glad that you said a prayer needed to be for KC as well, she is a lost soul and I hope that she will wake up and do the right thing, I also believe she has a bad attorney and I feel she is mentally Ill and she needs help It's never to late to turn your life over to GOD!
I must disagree with you. I don't think the Anthonys are doing what they feel is right. I think they aree being manipulated by other people or sold a bill os good by criminal elements. I think they have no clue as to what they think is right. They have hitched themselves to people who are giving them BAD infomration and they are believing it. They are getting bad advice across the board. Cindy's family has tried to wake her up. She refuses. IF she thinks for one minute that her family does not have her best interests at heart, then she is in deep trouble. I think she is too far down the wrong path to adjust. Now she has a spokesperson who knows nothing about missing children and who is promotinsg herself and NOT CAYLEE. moo

ITA.............they are being conned in my opinion by this woman just like they were by KFN who she was a part of earlier.
Even more offensive, clueless, & classless?..Spread legs, rubbing her hands between those spread legs, getting thisclose to touching her crotch area..All of this done in front of local LE & FBI..:eek:

What was really gross?..During the FBI interview one (GA?) blew their nose on a tissue & then set it down on the table..I'm almost positive they then set down their water bottle on top of the snotty tissue..:eek:

When have any of them (including KA) dressed appropriately?..I can't think of one time..:rolleyes:

FWIW - you are correct about GA and the tissue and in fact he did set it on the table after AND put his water bottle on it...my jaw literally dropped.
I agree. The description of Cindy and George made me sad for them, again and as always.

And, so what if the church vigil wasn't perfect? It was a place to go for those who wanted to remember Caylee, and it was a place to pray for her and the family that loves and misses her.

If the vigil were perfect, people would be complaining that Cindy took time to plan a perfect vigil rather than walking the streets looking for Caylee. No matter what the woman does people twist it into something evil. If she speaks at the vigil, she's looking for media attention. If she doesn't speak, she's not showing proper respect for Caylee. She's blamed for Casey's actions because she was too controlling, at the same time she's attacked for not controlling Casey's actions. People just love to hate her.

One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.
Chilly I love your heart!
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.

Chilly, I don't think anyone here hates CA & GA. I feel personally total disdain for them because they have never helped find Caylee.

Yes, CA is wasting away before our eyes, but the Bible tells us " the wages of sin are death" and all the lies do have a toll on the body and the soul. No one except a completely evil being can exist long with "pledging their allegiance to the father of lies."

Continuing to be unrepentant about all the lies and the things done to prevent KC from being found guilty is going to take both their lives in the end. KC did not just kill Caylee, but is killing her parents one day at a time.
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.

I have compassion beyond words for Caylee & want to have the compassion this "poor grandmother" deserves but she's made that impossible.

I'm too angry & disgusted she keeps trying to snow me to save her twisted daughter..I'm sick to my stomach at the thought she's probably obstructing the investigation at the expense of her granddaughter..

I don't have "hatred in my heart" for anyone but if I did it would be for KA not CA.

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