
IrishMist said:
I don't know, Goody...
My gut says she was done stabbing by the time she got on the phone. To me, you couldn't stab someone without a sound... you know, some kind of grunt or something.
I am not sure I agree with that. She'd have gotten no resistance from Damon at that point. He was dying, just not fast enough. Or at least he was seriously injured and losing blood.

What makes me think she was on the phone is that it sounds like someone says somthing about someone "breathing" and then she seems to be alerted. I can't remember exactly. I've participated in so many discussions about the 911 tape, the trial transcript, and various others who have created their own, etc., but I am thinking there is room for a probable exchange between Darlie and Darin in which he notes that one of the kids is still breathing (has to be Damon) and she comes back with a worried tone (forgotten what I thought her words were.) But I admit that this isn't proof it did happen. It just offers some support for the possibility.
IrishMist said:
As far as Darin checking Damon's pulse, that was part of the show. They thought the boys were both dead. Probably surprised the hell out of Darin when he checked the pulse and found one. But what the hell else was he gonna do when the paramedics arrived? He had to be checking on the boys, that's what a parent would be doing. Did he think far enough ahead to realize he'd need the blood of both boys on his jeans? I don't know.
I have considered the possibility that checking Damon's pulse was just for show on Darin's part, but I can't figure out why he would say he didn't get a pulse unless he was just trying to show that it wouldn't have done him any good to try to help him sooner because he was already gone, in spite of what paramedics said.

When paramedics came in, he was already back at Devon's side, which I believe was his agreed on post (with Darlie). So his move to Damon's side was quick, to the point, and probably didn't take even a full minute. Probably no more than a few seconds.

I don't think he thought he'd need the blood of both boys on him, since I believe originally he was to stay with Devon while Darlie was to be with Damon. He needed NOT to have the blood of both boys on him to help support his alibi....he was upstairs and rushed to Devon's side (not even seeing Damon) to administer CPR. Shouldn't be any Damon blood on Darin...until he started trying to alibi for Darlie, changing his story from just getting a pulse to lifting up the boy's shirt and removing the towel she'd put on him to see his wounds. I don't believe he did any of those things except to take Damon's pulse (and that is just a maybe).
My favorite oddity is the flying blood. Bevel went through a lot of trouble demonstrating just how the cast off blood from the knife could land in the exact same location as it did on her shirt as she raised the knife to stab again. They found droplets with both Damon's and Devon's blood on her shirt. The defense (and supporters) have stated that the blood could have also landed on her shirt as she bent forward to close Devon's chest as Darin blew air into his lungs. Nothing offered to explain how Damon's blood got there. But not a single demonstration to show us exactly how such a thing could occur. So all we have is some vague theory about events that could have happened and not one single effort made to show us what Bevel did....exactly how it did happen. :waitasec: We're just supposed to buy that?
ProbableCauz said:
The first oddity that stood out to me was Darlie speaking with the 911 operator.
The Constant use of "they"

00:00:00 911 Operator #1 ...Rowlett 911...what is your emergency..
00:01:19 Darlie Routier ...somebody came here...they broke in...
00:03:27 911 Operator #1 ...ma'am...
00:05:11 Darlie Routier ...they just stabbed me and my children...
00:07:16 911 Operator #1 ...what...
00:08:05 Darlie Routier ...they just stabbed me and my kids...my little boys...
00:09:24 911 Operator #1 ...who...who did...
00:11:12 Darlie Routier ...my little boy is dying...

She never answers the operator question, "who did"?

01:11:28 Darlie Routier ...I saw them Darin...

Again, she makes reference to more than 1 person being involved

02:38:11 911 Operator #1 ...is there anybody in the house ...besides you and your children...
02:38:11 Darlie Routier ...no ...my husband he just ran downstairs ...he's helping me ...but they're dying ...oh my God ...they're dead...

Darlie says no to the question, is there anybody in the house besides her and the children, she says NO, then says Darin just ran downstairs, how does she know the intruders aren't still there?

03:52:13 Darlie Routier ...no ...he ran out ...uh ...they ran out in the garage ...I was sleeping...

Is it he or they? and if she was sleeping, how does she know what he or they was doing?

04:05:02 Darlie Routier ...ya'll look out in the garage ...look out in the garage ...they left a knife laying on...

Look in the garage for what? She just told the operator no one but the family was in the home, and the knife is in plain view.

She then goes on to say "his knife was laying over there and she already touched it".

From the moment she placed the call, the oddities began.....

She STILL can't decide whether there was one or two intruders!!! LOL
Jeana (DP) said:
She STILL can't decide whether there was one or two intruders!!! LOL
This doesn't bug me too much. I have family and friends born and raised in southern Tennessee, and they have a weird habit of using "they" when they only mean one person. (That's not their only weird habit, but it's one of them!! ):D

However, Jeana, you're from Texas, aren't you? You'd know the dialect far better than I.
IrishMist said:
This doesn't bug me too much. I have family and friends born and raised in southern Tennessee, and they have a weird habit of using "they" when they only mean one person. (That's not their only weird habit, but it's one of them!! ):D

However, Jeana, you're from Texas, aren't you? You'd know the dialect far better than I.

Forget about the 911 call. Even if we wait until she's calmed down and has time to think. She still can't decide whether it was one guy or two. She can't decide whether she knows him or not. She can't decide what Darin is wearing when he runs down the stairs.

I've been in Texas for about 20 years and I've never come across anyone who said "they" when referring to one person - even a really BIG person!! LOL Might say ya'll though!
Jeana (DP) said:
Forget about the 911 call. Even if we wait until she's calmed down and has time to think. She still can't decide whether it was one guy or two. She can't decide whether she knows him or not. She can't decide what Darin is wearing when he runs down the stairs.

Wait! In WHICH story??:waitasec:
IrishMist said:
Wait! In WHICH story??:waitasec:
My previous post was sarcasm, by the way!
I haven't read all of the posts yet but I wanted to share a couple of thoughts before I forget them, (short-term memory is starting to slip)!! I hope I'm not repeating something that I just haven't read yet.

If Darlie did this to her own children, I believe that something in her just snapped. I don't know if it implies that she was a timebomb, or a sadistic sociopath. Maybe she simply just went over the edge temporarily due to the post-partum depression. (I've lived through post-partum depression more than once, and for those skeptics out there, let me just tell you ... it is 100% real)! For that reason, I don't think that she could have, after realizing what she had done, casually walked over to her son and stabbed him again to finish him off while she was on the phone. In a violent rage, yes ... as an afterthought to save yourself, I don't see it ... not in this case at least. Seems completely too far-fetched to me.

Irish Mist, I think your post about the direction of the knife on the counter is so insightful. I'm not sure if too much weight can be placed on the direction the knife was facing, however. We don't know which hand she carried it in, whether she placed the knife or kind of dropped or tossed the knife as she rushed by, (which could have made it spin a bit as it landed), etc. You also mentioned that the story never changed about where she found the knife. I thought I read on other threads that she first said the knife was dropped on the kitchen floor, and at another time said that she saw the knife laying on the utility room floor? I could be mistaken but I could have sworn I saw this.

About the pulse, I don't think it's unlikely that Darin wouldn't feel a pulse even if he was still alive at that point. This is a small boy who has lost a lot of blood, and is barely clinging to life. His pressure was probably extremely low and I think that even a trained medical professional might have trouble finding his pulse under those circumstances, certainly his frantic father would.

I also don't know if I would remember details in a situation like that. To us we can't imagine how the two of them can't get their story together on what Darin was wearing when he came downstairs. But think about it ... how surreal must this all have seemed? Even if Darlie did this, imagine what this scene must have looked like, and what kind of thoughts must be flying through your mind when you realize what you've done. And you wish you hadn't, (or can't remember that you did), and you're trying to call 911, and your husband is doing CPR on your baby, and the other baby is crying, and then you realize that he is dying too, and so on and so on. I can completely see how details like what someone is wearing could be overlooked. I think that a situation like that would be so chaotic that I would find it amazing, (and suspicious as far as Darin is concerned), if they both remembered with exact detail all of the events of the night and what each other were wearing, etc. To remember those kinds of details in this kind of context, I would think that you'd have to be fairly cold or otherwise emotionally detached especially if it were your children involved. Either that or it hints of premeditation.

Finally, I also don't find it weird that Darin pulled on his pants and put on his glasses first, (if that's what he did). I think it's a fairly quick & automatic reaction, and he probably had the pants he was wearing earlier draped over a chair near the bed or even lying on the floor next to the bed. He may have been hopping into his pants as he ran down the hallway so as not to approach whatever situation was waiting completely naked. This part of the story also does not concern me at all. If I were naked, I would almost definitely also reach for something before running out of the room.

This is not to say that Darlie didn't do this. I find the 16 versions of her story very disturbing, the silly string at the gravesite, (not to mention his friends at a graveside birthday party!!!! What kind of parents do these kids have????) But I do think that we all, (myself included), tend to overanalyze things especially when it's a case like this one that we simply cannot comprehend.
Irish Mist, I finally found the photos with the knife on the counter. I see now what you were talking about. I didn't realize that the counter was so narrow or that there was something in such close proximity to the knife, (which surely would have prevented it from spinning). Your theory is very intriguing.

I am sick from these photos, (that I immediately stopped viewing upon realizing just how graphic they were to become). What absolute horror ... I just don't understand why these things happen. God bless those innocent boys.
JerseyGirl said:
I also don't know if I would remember details in a situation like that. To us we can't imagine how the two of them can't get their story together on what Darin was wearing when he came downstairs. But think about it ... how surreal must this all have seemed? Even if Darlie did this, imagine what this scene must have looked like, and what kind of thoughts must be flying through your mind when you realize what you've done. And you wish you hadn't, (or can't remember that you did), and you're trying to call 911, and your husband is doing CPR on your baby, and the other baby is crying, and then you realize that he is dying too, and so on and so on. I can completely see how details like what someone is wearing could be overlooked. I think that a situation like that would be so chaotic that I would find it amazing, (and suspicious as far as Darin is concerned), if they both remembered with exact detail all of the events of the night and what each other were wearing, etc. To remember those kinds of details in this kind of context, I would think that you'd have to be fairly cold or otherwise emotionally detached especially if it were your children involved. Either that or it hints of premeditation.

If the discrepancies between Darlie and Darin on this was "You were wearing sweatpants" "No I wasn't I was wearing jeans" then I would agree with you. But the discrepancy is much bigger than that and with greater implications. Either Darin pulled on his jeans before he came downstairs or else he didn't and he had to go back upstairs BEFORE the police came (because when Waddell turned up he had them on). Of course his story gets confusing here because at one stage he said he did go upstairs and yet later one his story changes. And WHEN did he go upstairs since there isn't a lot of opportunity on the 911 call before Waddell arrives to do this.

A dispute between WHAT type of pants he was wearing would be one thing- but a dispute about whether he was wearing them at all (or running around either naked or in his underwear) and when his pants suddenly materialised on him is something else entirely I think. (not to mention his friends at a graveside birthday party!!!! What kind of parents do these kids have????) But I do think that we all, (myself included), tend to overanalyze things especially when it's a case like this one that we simply cannot comprehend.
I definitely see where you're coming from. I still think that a scenario like this would be so chaotic that I don't think they will ever remember exactly how things unfolded or in what order. I don't think the mind is capable of those details during such trauma.

BTW, the more I read, the more suspicious I become of Darin so I'm certainly not trying to make excuses for him.
I've been in Texas for about 20 years and I've never come across anyone who said "they" when referring to one person - even a really BIG person!! LOL Might say ya'll though!

I've never heard anyone from around those parts refer to "they" as meaning one person either, lol, but who knows? I doubt seriously Darlie was meaning one person, she slips and says he which is singular, then reverts back to "they"
Yeah, I didn't know about the "they" thing, if that was a local dialect, or a southern thing in general.

As far as the knife on the counter goes, I may have missed a version of her story. I'm only part way through the transcripts. Everything I've read so far has her still in the kitchen when she puts the knife down. To me, it was placed there, I don't see (just from pictures, mind you) any blood spatter on the urn thingy next to it, and it seems if she threw it there there would be.
(do we give awards for longest run-on sentence?)

And no, I don't think there was room for it to spin. I firmly believe it was placed there, and done from the family room side.
I'm becoming very confused from all of the information I've been reading. Were these boys both attacked in the family room or was one of them attacked in the kitchen? If it were in both rooms, I don't think that the direction the knife is facing would help much because we wouldn't necessarily know which attack happened first.

Consider this ... the way a knife is held differs based on what you are doing with it. If you are picking it up off of the floor quickly to place it on a counter, you would probably hold it blade side up. If you were using it to stab someone, you would hold it with the blade facing down. If these murders occured in both rooms, either could have been the case because we don't know which room the attacker was in first. We have Darlie's testimony about where she found the knife but her story keeps changing. Whether that is because she's lying or because she simply can't remember, I don't know.

If the theory is that Darlie killed the kids in the family room and then placed the knife on the counter from that room, I think the blade would most likely be pointing towards the family room, don't you think? Also, her hand would have been wrapped around the handle with the blade pointing down, so if she put it on the counter immediately after the attack, there would be some bloody finger marks or knuckle marks on the counter to possibly indicate at which angle the hand was when it touched the counter. Perhaps you could even tell if the fingertips/fingernails had touched the counter or if the middle knuckle area of the fingers touched the counter to possibly indicate how the knife was being held when it was placed there?
JerseyGirl said:
I'm becoming very confused from all of the information I've been reading. Were these boys both attacked in the family room or was one of them attacked in the kitchen? If it were in both rooms, I don't think that the direction the knife is facing would help much because we wouldn't necessarily know which attack happened first.

No, both children were stabbed in the family room. Damon managed to crawl or was moved away from the room towards the entry when he was stabbed again with the fatal wounds.

I'm sorry I don't understand why all the discussion on the knife on the counter? The knife was on the carpet in the murder room at some point prior to it being on the counter. Darlie put the knife on the counter. The knife was not on the floor in the utility room or in front of the utility room or the kitchen floor.
IrishMist had mentioned in a previous post, (I realize now that it's probably on a different thread), about the direction the knife was facing, and what that could possibly imply. I believe that the direction of the knife could imply something, and that's why I continued to discuss it. Not only that but when reading the thread about the 16 versions of Darlie's story, there are several different things said about where the knife was and the conditions under which it was placed on the counter. The discrepancies certainly seem to me to be oddities, and IrishMist's ideas seemed worthy of further discussion.

Has it been clearly established that Damon was attacked twice or is this a theory?
IrishMist said:
Yeah, I didn't know about the "they" thing, if that was a local dialect, or a southern thing in general.

Actually using "they" when refering to an UNKNOWN person is very common in Texas. You wouldn't say "My brother went to the store and they bought some beer," but you would definitely say "Someone broke into my house and they stabbed my baby." I still think she's guilty as hell, but this particular "oddity" is a red herring.
Didn't Darlie come right out and say that there was more than one attacker, (in one or more versions of her story)? In that case, this wouldn't be a red herring at all.

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