OH OH - Beverly Jarosz, 16, Garfield Heights, 28 Dec 1964

Roger was at first seriously looked at and also questioned. After his second polygraph is reported as being passed by Roger, any further reporting about him ends. Roger was as they say he was, straight laced, religious and had just started Case Western Reserve in Sept, 1964. He'll eventually go into the Army (Vietnam era). Serve four years enlisted. Get out, finish school, marry. Have several children, Divorce his first wife. Never remarry that I know of. As of last year, he was still residing in the Cleveland area. He's about 71-72 now. Was Roger the man Detective Horrigan called each anniversary of Bev's murder? No one knows for sure. Many just assume it was Roger Detective Horrigan would. To this date, no one ever saw Detective Horrigan actually make the call. Roger though, as for a number of others, remains in limbo, because the case is unsolved. Daniel Schulte, was totally eliminated. (He was Bev's former greaser type boyfriend.) Richard... Defrosting Cold Cases, did a super job and was as about the most accurate report I've read in a long time. To answer a few of the questions they had.... George Pallotta was interviewed by Chief Sackett and Carl Biegacki when they first reopened the case in 2004. The result was "how come this was the first anyone was hearing about Ferrini and William Rehard, who had brutally assaulted Donna Adkins in 1965?" As for Michael L. Bane, he committed suicide but not because of Beverly. He was a very depressed young man and couldn't deal with it anymore. It was a cloth line and not a rope used. And it was as reported, manufactured in North Carolina, but was very widely distributed. Beverly was stabbed 42 times. Most of the stab wounds were somewhat artificial but several were very severe. The most severe one was to the neck at the end of her struggle. There was such force that the cloth line was cut in severed. Strangulation, though, will be the cause of death. Beverly did not have slip on. Her bra was ripped off her. She had a white blouse on that was ripped open and her slacks were torn down to her ankles along with her girdle and hose. ME Gerber was able to establish time of death due the the digestion of a sandwich and coffee Beverly had with her Grandma Vanek. Also taken into account was Barb Klonowski. Barb said she arrived at Bev's home about 1:20 PM. She remained there for approx 7 to 9 minutes. Repeatedly going to the side and front door, knocking and ringing the door bell. It was in this time frame, Barb thought she heard a "thump" upstairs thru the noise of the radio which was setting on a table near the front door. First reports were of Beverly being "trussed up in a rope. This was not the case. After Barb left the home she was almost immediately picked up by a neighbor of hers, Gary Grayson. (also innocent.) She got back home about 20 minutes after Gary picked her up. She called Margie to ask if Bev made it to her house. No. Margie then repeatdly tried to call Bev as did Barb. No answer..... Because Margie knew Mrs. Vanek better, she told Barb she would call Mrs. Vanek. As soon as she spoke to Mrs. Vanek, Bev's grandmother KNEW something was wrong and called Teddy Jarosz. Mr. Jarosz's office was only 5 to 10 minutes away by car and he promptly left for his home. This would be about 4.30 PM. The last hour of Bev's life goes like this: 12:30 PM Jimmy M drops Bev off at her home and he returns to his home. Bev recieves a call from the jeweler that an heirloom necklace isn't worth repairing. Bev talks to her mother who is on her lunch break at work and relays the message. The time now is about 1:10 PM.... Right after ward one of two calls happens..... Either Mrs. Vanek calls OR Stephen Stackowicz calls. But those two calls come in after 1:10 and BEFORE 1:20.... The killer only had about a ten minute window. A person I have always considered is a susect named Harry Joseph Madol. He remains a suspect to this day.
Roger was at first seriously looked at and also questioned. After his second polygraph is reported as being passed by Roger, any further reporting about him ends. Roger was as they say he was, straight laced, religious and had just started Case Western Reserve in Sept, 1964. He'll eventually go into the Army (Vietnam era). Serve four years enlisted. Get out, finish school, marry. Have several children, Divorce his first wife. Never remarry that I know of. As of last year, he was still residing in the Cleveland area. He's about 71-72 now. Was Roger the man Detective Horrigan called each anniversary of Bev's murder? No one knows for sure. Many just assume it was Roger Detective Horrigan would. To this date, no one ever saw Detective Horrigan actually make the call. Roger though, as for a number of others, remains in limbo, because the case is unsolved. Daniel Schulte, was totally eliminated. (He was Bev's former greaser type boyfriend.) Richard... Defrosting Cold Cases, did a super job and was as about the most accurate report I've read in a long time. To answer a few of the questions they had.... George Pallotta was interviewed by Chief Sackett and Carl Biegacki when they first reopened the case in 2004. The result was "how come this was the first anyone was hearing about Ferrini and William Rehard, who had brutally assaulted Donna Adkins in 1965?" As for Michael L. Bane, he committed suicide but not because of Beverly. He was a very depressed young man and couldn't deal with it anymore. It was a cloth line and not a rope used. And it was as reported, manufactured in North Carolina, but was very widely distributed. Beverly was stabbed 42 times. Most of the stab wounds were somewhat artificial but several were very severe. The most severe one was to the neck at the end of her struggle. There was such force that the cloth line was cut in severed. Strangulation, though, will be the cause of death. Beverly did not have slip on. Her bra was ripped off her. She had a white blouse on that was ripped open and her slacks were torn down to her ankles along with her girdle and hose. ME Gerber was able to establish time of death due the the digestion of a sandwich and coffee Beverly had with her Grandma Vanek. Also taken into account was Barb Klonowski. Barb said she arrived at Bev's home about 1:20 PM. She remained there for approx 7 to 9 minutes. Repeatedly going to the side and front door, knocking and ringing the door bell. It was in this time frame, Barb thought she heard a "thump" upstairs thru the noise of the radio which was setting on a table near the front door. First reports were of Beverly being "trussed up in a rope. This was not the case. After Barb left the home she was almost immediately picked up by a neighbor of hers, Gary Grayson. (also innocent.) She got back home about 20 minutes after Gary picked her up. She called Margie to ask if Bev made it to her house. No. Margie then repeatdly tried to call Bev as did Barb. No answer..... Because Margie knew Mrs. Vanek better, she told Barb she would call Mrs. Vanek. As soon as she spoke to Mrs. Vanek, Bev's grandmother KNEW something was wrong and called Teddy Jarosz. Mr. Jarosz's office was only 5 to 10 minutes away by car and he promptly left for his home. This would be about 4.30 PM. The last hour of Bev's life goes like this: 12:30 PM Jimmy M drops Bev off at her home and he returns to his home. Bev recieves a call from the jeweler that an heirloom necklace isn't worth repairing. Bev talks to her mother who is on her lunch break at work and relays the message. The time now is about 1:10 PM.... Right after ward one of two calls happens..... Either Mrs. Vanek calls OR Stephen Stackowicz calls. But those two calls come in after 1:10 and BEFORE 1:20.... The killer only had about a ten minute window. A person I have always considered is asuspectJoseph Madol. He remains a suspect to this day.
Regarding Harry Joseph Madol, Jr. (age 17) - attached to the below link is a clipping from Elyria (Ohio) Chronicle Telegram, Sat, Feb 20, 1965, which reports his arrest for the stabbing of Mrs. Donald Leedy, 28, at her home. The article also mentions that he is/was a suspect in the murder of Beverly Jarosz.


Crime-Feb-20-1965-1261594 | NewspaperArchive®
Harry Joseph Madol lived in Garfield Hts (Beverly's hometown) twice. He was born in Bay City MI. When he was about 10, his parents divorced and his Mom, Patricia eventualy moved to Garfield to be near her Mom and Sister. Harry will be sent back to Michigan to live with his Dad when his Mom remarries a guy named Welch. (sometimes Harry will use this last name ). By the time Harry Joseph Madol was 17, he had attacked and raped two women, to include his step mother. He also had been in and out of some 16 correctional institutions and schools. He was out of control. When Harry was 17, he ran away from Whitmore Correctional in Michigan for boys who had severe sexual misbehavior. Harry returned to Garfield to live with his Mom, Patricia (now divorced from Welch), at an apartment complex just over one mile from Beverly's home. The correctional institute determined he was close enough to age 18, what was the point of returning him to Michigan? If one googles Thorton Ave. you will see McCracken Blvd is right behind Thornton Ave. Marry Mount the school Bev attended is on McCracken Blvd. And just about one mile past Mary Mount is E 141 St, is where Harry was living with his Mom. He lived right on the border of Maple Hts and Garfield Hts. In one of several interviews with Detective Horrigan, Harry J Madol will say, "it's about a 15 minute walk to the Jarosz home from his home."
If Beverly and Harry took a bus to their homes, they would be taking the same route and same bus. Harry Joseph Madol returned to Garfield Hts around Sept 23, 1964. Beverly was murdered three months later. After Harry returned to Garfield, he worked at a cafeteria and then Halles Department store both located in downtown Cleveland. He will be let go at Halles on Saturday, December 26. Harry was Christmas help. From there, Harry J Madol will join Colliers Encyclopedia as a salesman. I always found this ironic as Harry was also convicted of Burglary in Michigan. What a great way to canvass a home. On Harry's first night out selling, a woman called Police because Harry was coming on too strong and it bothered her. On Harry's second night out in the town of Elyria, Harry approached 5 month pregnant Gerda Leedy as she was leaving to pick up her husband, Donald Leedy, who worked as an anchor at one of the local TV stations. At first Gerda refused Harry and eventually Harry convinced her to listen to him for a few mintues. Once in her home, Harry asked to use the bathroom. After a minute or two, the bathroom door flung open, and Harry emerged with a knife in hand running towards Gerda. He was trying to push her into a bedroom when she began to scream. It is at this point Harry will stab her twice, once in the stomach. Luckily, a neighbor upstairs heard her screams and came running toward them. At that point, Harry J Madol fled. This effort saved Gerda Leedy. Luckily the baby survived, too.
Harry Joseph Madol fled Elyria and ended up at a friend's apartment at the Embassy Apartments on Prospect Ave, Cleveland. Who this friend is, is still unknown. How the Cleveland Detectives found Harry there, or if someone tipped them off, UNKNOWN. What I do know, is when I requested a FOIA daily log of Cleveland Police for February 17, 1965, Detective Hospador and Detective Dimperio were the two detectives who apprehended Harry Joseph Madol. Those two along with Lee Peters, who will administer Harry Joseph Madol's polygraph tests, were all seasoned detectives. All had worked on both the Beverly Potts case and Marilyn Shepard case. I strongly feel, once Dimperio and Hospador noticed Harry J Madol's Garfield address and the fact they mentioned Madol had a two inch scar on his wrist and a scar just above his right eyebrow on their log form, the two felt Detective Horrigan may want to talk to Harry.
Had Detective Horrigan checked back with Elyria, once Harry J Madol was determined fit to stand trial as an adult in the stabbing of Gerda Leedy with intentions to kill Gerda, Detective Horrigan would have learned Harry Joseph Madol was a genius with an I Q of 147, instead of the simple minded boy, Horrigan thought. When Harry Madol was brought in for questioning about Bev's murder, Elyria gave Garfield Hts. three days to come up with something or Madol would be returned to them. And so for three days, Lee Peters and Garfield Hts Detectives would interview Madol to include four polygraph tests. Harry would start out calm and cool once hooked up to polygraph machine, but it wouldn't take long for him to become Mr. Hyde, ranting and crying, even admitting to killing Beverly. Only to walk it back, hours later. Detective Horrigan didn't know what to make of him. To this day, Harry Joseph Madol has NO alibi for the afternoon of December 28,1964. First he said he was at Halles working. No this is false, he was let go Saturday Dec 26. The second alibi, was he was eating lunch with his girlfriend downtown at her office. NO, again this is false and his girlfriend wasted no time in saying so. When Madol was questioned about when and how he killed Beverly, I would find a news article of an interview given by Gerda's husband, Don...... the description Madol gave Garfield of the assault on Beverly, was in actuality the time and description of the assault on Gerda. The question is Did Madol do this intentionally? I spoke to a few relatives of Madol. Yes he would do this intentionally. To Harry, taking a lie detector test was a game to him. And so after four inconclusive polygraph tests the verdict was in..... On Friday Februray 19, Detective Horrigan returend Madol to Elyria and said, he's done messing around with this guy. We are now going to focus our attentions again on the Stephen Stackowicz (Stackawicz) call. BUT on that following Monday, February 22, Lee Peters was interviewed about Madol and he had a bit of a Different take..... Harry Joseph Madol did something and he did something terrible. He is hiding something. In a way Harry Joseph Madol flew under the radar. Almost two months had passed since Bev's murder and Garfield Hts Detectives were sort of "dug into" who they had as a person of interest and then bam this guy Madol comes along.... Also, Bev's case was still garnering newspaper traction, but not like it did in December and January. March, 1965, Bev's case is now barely mentioned in the papers. Madol will be found guilty in sentenced to up to 20 years. The PA will ask for the maximum sentencing as Harry Joseph Madol had zero remorse for his actions. The judge granted the PA wish....... Years and years later, I will go back and forth with a well known cold case detective, who has appeared on ID. In fact, he was just recently on. As we discussed Beverly's case, he asked is there someone out there flying under the wire? He had a gut instinct, the person who killed Beverly had done something similar before or even afterward. Harry Joseph Madol was the only name I could come up with. I will also find out, that then Cuyahoga County P A Paul Myles, did not KNOW about Harry Joseph Madol.... once I sent Mr. Myles all the info I had gathered at that point on Mr. Madol, he tried to contact Gerda Leedy... only to find Gerda had died two weeks before he tried to contact her.... But Mr. Madol's life doesn't end here. He is truly an amazing person with a past that would make the Talented Mr. Ripley jealous.
Harry Joseph Madol... had been in and out of some 16 correctional institutions and schools. He was out of control. When Harry was 17, he ran away from Whitmore Correctional in Michigan for boys who had severe sexual misbehavior. ...

I think that the "Whitmore Correctional" mentioned above is probably the W. J. Maxey Boys Training School which was located in Whitmore Lake, Michigan (Livingston County). This was a specialized school which dealt with troubled and delinquent youth. Quite often, such facilities are referred to by their location - in this case "Whitmore Lake Boys school" or simply "Whitmore Lake".

Do you know exactly when Madol ran away from the school? It would be nice to know what time frame he was loose in Michigan before returning to Ohio, as there are a number of cold cases still unsolved in Michigan in the 1964 time frame.

Besides knives, what other types of weapons was he associated with? What other types of behavior got him institutionalized so many times?


W.J. Maxey Boys Training School
You're right Richard, my bad. It was Maxey and sometimes referred to as Whitmore as it was close to that lake community. And like you said Maxey dealt with troubled youths but also youths who had sexual misconduct or convictions. Madol repeatedly (according to articles) ran away from more than one institute and on more occasion than once. By time he was ten, he had been arrested for B & E. And by age 13, attacking women. To date, I only know used a knife as a weapon. He loved knives and bragged to Horrigan that he made them out of files. I know there are several cases I've thought about too in Michigan.... One being a lady who was molested and killed in her home in Battle Creek, Michigan. Daisy Zick, 1963.
Early into Harry Joseph Madol, I called Lorain County (Elyria) for info. It turns out Madol not only had the Ohio and Juvenile Michigan records, but Federal too ! I called Ohio Prison Records in Columbus and gave them Madol's inmate numbers. The girl was a bit shocked when she located his file. It is almost 1,000 Pages long. Though I was not privy to it, I did make Cuyahoga PA office and Garfield LE aware. They wasted little time, in requesting copies of his prison/parole records.
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If Beverly and Harry took a bus to their homes, they would be taking the same route and same bus. Harry Joseph Madol returned to Garfield Hts around Sept 23, 1964. Beverly was murdered three months later. After Harry returned to Garfield, he worked at a cafeteria and then Halles Department store both located in downtown Cleveland. He will be let go at Halles on Saturday, December 26. Harry was Christmas help. From there, Harry J Madol will join Colliers Encyclopedia as a salesman. I always found this ironic as Harry was also convicted of Burglary in Michigan. What a great way to canvass a home. On Harry's first night out selling, a woman called Police because Harry was coming on too strong and it bothered her. On Harry's second night out in the town of Elyria, Harry approached 5 month pregnant Gerda Leedy as she was leaving to pick up her husband, Donald Leedy, who worked as an anchor at one of the local TV stations. At first Gerda refused Harry and eventually Harry convinced her to listen to him for a few mintues. Once in her home, Harry asked to use the bathroom. After a minute or two, the bathroom door flung open, and Harry emerged with a knife in hand running towards Gerda. He was trying to push her into a bedroom when she began to scream. It is at this point Harry will stab her twice, once in the stomach. Luckily, a neighbor upstairs heard her screams and came running toward them. At that point, Harry J Madol fled. This effort saved Gerda Leedy. Luckily the baby survived, too.

Yes, this MO sounds very similar.
Another murder that bothers me, is the Melissa Jane Letain Murder in Edmenton Canada, February 14, 1987. I can trace Harry (now using the name Jozsef Madol in 1987) to Edmenton in 1987, but can't find definite info he was in Edmenton prior to February 14, 1987. He was a fugitive from breaking Federal Parole and doing a mining scam in Prescott AZ and San Mateo Calif. When AZ LE got wind of the mining scam, Madol fled to Edmenton. He did have an office site about one block away from where Melissa Jane Letain was abducted when she left the mall after work. If you google the name Jozsef Madol some of his past businesses in Canada will come up on Canadian business sites. Canada does NOT have FOIA so obtaining any court info etc on Letain's murder is impossible.
Another murder that bothers me, is the Melissa Jane Letain Murder in Edmenton Canada, February 14, 1987. I can trace Harry (now using the name Jozsef Madol in 1987) to Edmenton in 1987, but can't find definite info he was in Edmenton prior to February 14, 1987. He was a fugitive from breaking Federal Parole and doing a mining scam in Prescott AZ and San Mateo Calif. When AZ LE got wind of the mining scam, Madol fled to Edmenton. He did have an office site about one block away from where Melissa Jane Letain was abducted when she left the mall after work. If you google the name Jozsef Madol some of his past businesses in Canada will come up on Canadian business sites. Canada does NOT have FOIA so obtaining any court info etc on Letain's murder is impossible.

Is Harry Joseph Madol still living?

How did he get to Elyria from Garfield Heights? Did Collier Co, have employees who gave workers rides to a territory? Elyria is quite a distance from Garfield Heights and there's no public transportation between those cities.

Did police take his fingerprints, etc?

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Yes, Harry Joseph Madol is still alive. He lives in Europe. Harry Joesph Madol "lost" the first name Harry and has used various forms of the name Joseph since the early 1980s, to include using the name Dr. Joseph Madol. Door to door sales back in the 1950s and 1960s was common. Colliers, Britannica, etc, had a supervisor of a small group of salesmen drive to a city, drop the door to door salesmen off at the targeted areas for that evening and after several hours, the supervisor would go back and pick the salesmen up. In fact I located and spoke with Madol's supervisor that night. He really didn't remember much as he was in his 80s when I spoke to him. But he said, he and the other supervisors would drop the young people off and go to a donut shop or coffee house and hang out there, while the sales reps did their soliciting. It will be the attack on Gerda Leedy, that begins to prompt city officials to slowly outlaw door to soliciting in N E Ohio. Yes they did fingerprint Madol..... Problem is in Beverly's case, there was not enough of a "partial palm" print that they found, that could determine who it belonged to. Also so many LE and Firemen ( fire station was right behind Bev's house) were in the house unsupervised, that Jerome Poellking(another seasoned Cleveland Detective) had to have all of them submit fingerprints to rule them out.
To this day, Harry Joseph Madol is still "on the lamb" for breaking parole in the Gerda Leedy case.When he was on Federal parole when he fled to Edmenton CA, he had just served about 2 out of 5 years of a concurrent sentence and was finishing up his Federal Parole in California. The concurrent Sentence was for breaking Ohio Parole in 1972 and fleeing eventually to Atlanta, Georgia, where he then engaged in his first actual scams around 1977.
Harry Joseph Madol lucked out in that by the early 1970s Prison reform was becoming the new wave. A lot of emphasis was being put on people who had been institutionalized from childhood into adulthood and the fear was, they would never be able to be able to cope in the real world if not given a chance.. Well they gave Harry a chance. By 1970-71, Harry was a bit of celeb for the editorials he wrote in the nation wide prison newspaper, the San Quentin. He would also become a member of the JayCees in Lebanon County area of OH. In 1972 he was paroled and by the end of 1972 he fled Ohio. Harry would anchor finally in Atlanta/Marietta Georgia in 1973. He'll meet a lady 10 years older. About four days after the lady's divorce from her first husband, she will marry Harry. Even though someone snitched to the Atlanta FBI that Harry was in Atlanta which landed Harry in jail awaiting extradition back to Ohio, the lady still married Harry. After months of rangeling with Ohio, then Governor Jimmy Carter, said Harry could remain in Atlanta as he seemed to have mended his ways and was now an upright citizen. NOT. By 1977, LE and the Feds were ramping up an investigation into Harry Joseph Madol scamming Four Star Records company in Nashville as well as the Betty Hamil Realty and Construction Co in Georgia. It was the recession, huge interest rates and long gas lines and both of these companies were looking at significant outstanding bank loans. Harry J Madol offered them a way out and did so by using the USPS for correspondence with Four Star and Betty and setting up a phony account at a Federal bank. Both are Federal offenses! Madol told these companies he knew of wealthy backers in the Middle East, who would take on their debts. Harry just needed the two companies to pay for his air fare and expenditures up front. Around 1978 the Feds were closing in on Harry in Atlanta and his wife woke up one day to find him gone. He would resurface in Montreal Canada.
What is your theory? Who do you think killed her?
Who were the priests? Beverly and her family were devout. The priest was an honored and trusted held in the highest esteem, and, sacred in the lives of parishoners. Beverly was involved in something that really scared her. Made her feel frieghtened. Running home, pulling the drapes closed. The priest heard her confessions, perhaps had a special confidential friendly relationship that turned into something else. A priest was always around the homes, and sometimes lines were crossed and there would be no one a girl could turn to if this were so. IT HAS HAPPENED MANY MANY MANY TIMES. As we have found out over the decades this was a whole helluva lot more common than was ever ever.thought. Any priest in her sphere of church and volunteerism is probably long gone from this world. Back then NO ONE NO POLICE OFFICER, NO LEGAL AUTHORITY , NO POLICE NO D.A. NO PARENT OR SCHOOL AUTHORITY WOULD EVER EVER EVER HAVE APPROACHED A PRIEST WITH ANY PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH PARISHONER QUESTIONS. PRIESTS WERE ABOVE REPROACH ABSOLUTELY HAD UNFETTERED ACCESS TO GIRLS, BOYS, and oh my what crimes they got away with..hidden away and protected or moved elsewhere, the trail of devastation of so many lives. Just an idea, were priests, nuns, clergy, support people in the parish and diocese ever interviewed in any form about Beverly? BET NOT!
Because the case is unsolved, everyone is a suspect. As for a priest, yes in those days, it was almost unthinkable to approach a priest and question him.... But to me crossing the line is one thing and stabbing a 16 year old some 42 times while strangling her at the same time, it would take one heck of "cold hearted" member of the clergy to do that and walk away unbothered by it?
To back track to Harry Joseph Madol, who is my main person of interest, Madol resurfaced in Montreal Quebec around 1978-79, as a fugitive on the run from Atlanta FBI. I befriended the Royal Canadian Rocky Mountain Lawman who was assigned to find Madol, arrest him and turn him over to US Federal Marshals, in Quebec. Guy, who is now retired, told me it took him 3 YEARS to finally apprehend Madol. Guy didn't tell me who tipped him off, but that's how it happened. Madol who was married at the time to the lady 10 years older than he in Atlanta, used a young Oriental girl as his "mistress" in Montreal, to run cover for him. Guy said, everything was always in her name, and she worked in a factory. As soon as Guy would start to close in on Madol, BAM, Madol and his mistress would get wind of it and move. (Madol would always move a lot whenever he felt the walls closing in. To the point, that maybe he'd move two or three times within a month.) Finally one day, Guy got a tip Madol was to meet with some Asian businessmen at a Hotel in Montreal. The trap was set. Guy and Federal Marshalls followed Madol to his apartment, which was located on one of the roughest streets in Montreal. Breaking into his apartment, Madol was high on drugs and alcohol and went into a fit of rage. They had to wrestle him down and subdue him. Once in custody, Madol would taunt Guy and the US deputies on how brillant he was to out smart them for three years. Then the day came when the Judge ruled Madol was to extradited back to Atlanta. As soon as the Judge ruled, Guy said Madol stopped talking and eating. It would take almost three months before Madol was sent back to Atlanta, by that time Guy said, Madol had dropped over 50 lbs.
I had obtained thru FOIA, the Federal court Records on Madol and his case in Atlanta. As I read thru them, I noticed the Cajun lawyer his now exwife in Atlanta used to obtain her divorce from Madol on grounds of desertion, was NOW defending Madol in his 1982, Federal case. I located the Cajun lawyer and called him... The lawyer said he'd met some crazy people in his life, but Madol and his exwife, won first prize. Yes, Madol's ex wife retained and paid him to defend Madol. In the mean time, Guy found that the Oriental girlfriend, who supposedly had son by Madol, had left Montreal bound for London. There were a host of charges against Madol, but in the end, Madol was found guilty of scamming the real estate firm and Four Star Records along with his Ohio parole violation and ordered to serve 5 years concurrent and 5 years parole concurrent. Some irony in all of this, Four Star Records had at on time Patsy Cline as client, followed by Joe South, who was well known for his hit record, Games People Play. He should have dedicated to Harry Joseph Madol. After serving some two plus years in Federal prisons, Madol was placed on Parole, and didn't take Harry Joseph Madol long to resume his games.
Because the case is unsolved, everyone is a suspect. As for a priest, yes in those days, it was almost unthinkable to approach a priest and question him.... But to me crossing the line is one thing and stabbing a 16 year old some 42 times while strangling her at the same time, it would take one heck of "cold hearted" member of the clergy to do that and walk away unbothered by it?
To back track to Harry Joseph Madol, who is my main person of interest, Madol resurfaced in Montreal Quebec around 1978-79, as a fugitive on the run from Atlanta FBI. I befriended the Royal Canadian Rocky Mountain Lawman who was assigned to find Madol, arrest him and turn him over to US Federal Marshals, in Quebec. Guy, who is now retired, told me it took him 3 YEARS to finally apprehend Madol. Guy didn't tell me who tipped him off, but that's how it happened. Madol who was married at the time to the lady 10 years older than he in Atlanta, used a young Oriental girl as his "mistress" in Montreal, to run cover for him. Guy said, everything was always in her name, and she worked in a factory. As soon as Guy would start to close in on Madol, BAM, Madol and his mistress would get wind of it and move. (Madol would always move a lot whenever he felt the walls closing in. To the point, that maybe he'd move two or three times within a month.) Finally one day, Guy got a tip Madol was to meet with some Asian businessmen at a Hotel in Montreal. The trap was set. Guy and Federal Marshalls followed Madol to his apartment, which was located on one of the roughest streets in Montreal. Breaking into his apartment, Madol was high on drugs and alcohol and went into a fit of rage. They had to wrestle him down and subdue him. Once in custody, Madol would taunt Guy and the US deputies on how brillant he was to out smart them for three years. Then the day came when the Judge ruled Madol was to extradited back to Atlanta. As soon as the Judge ruled, Guy said Madol stopped talking and eating. It would take almost three months before Madol was sent back to Atlanta, by that time Guy said, Madol had dropped over 50 lbs.

This guy sounds very suspicious, especially considering he lived only a few blocks away from the Jarosz home at the time of Beverly's murder. I also found a couple of articles about him from years past, his incarceration down near Cincinnati, praise for his activities with the Jaycees, etc. In some ways, he reminds me of Ted Bundy, with his ability to schmooze people in the business community. I can't believe they paroled him early down there in Lebanon, OH.

Is Madol still living? Have you ever heard anything back from Cuyahoga County, OH prosecutors?

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