OH OH - Beverly Jarosz, 16, Garfield Heights, 28 Dec 1964

Harry Joseph Madol is still alive, as far as I know.. And yes, he knows how to smooth talk anyone who crosses his path, especially women .He doesn't care for women. He uses women. He's like a gigolo. In the early 1970s social reform was big and part of the reason they allowed Harry J Madol to be paroled. By the time he was incarcerated at Lebanon Correctional, he had spent most of his youth in and out of youth institutions. They feared he would never adjust to society if they didn't give him a break. Bad idea. A few years ago the PA in Cuyahoga County, retired that I communicated with and he like me, felt strongly Madol was a prime POI..... After he retired, the interest in Bev's case in Cleveland diminished. In the early 1980s Harry Joseph Madol dropped his first name and now uses all variations of Joseph. He has used Jozsef and Josef and even Jose. I was able to get Madol on the watch list with Interpol as there is more to Madol after he was placed on Federal Parole around 1983.
Harry Joseph Madol is still alive, as far as I know.. And yes, he knows how to smooth talk anyone who crosses his path, especially women .He doesn't care for women. He uses women. He's like a gigolo. In the early 1970s social reform was big and part of the reason they allowed Harry J Madol to be paroled. By the time he was incarcerated at Lebanon Correctional, he had spent most of his youth in and out of youth institutions. They feared he would never adjust to society if they didn't give him a break. Bad idea. A few years ago the PA in Cuyahoga County, retired that I communicated with and he like me, felt strongly Madol was a prime POI..... After he retired, the interest in Bev's case in Cleveland diminished. In the early 1980s Harry Joseph Madol dropped his first name and now uses all variations of Joseph. He has used Jozsef and Josef and even Jose. I was able to get Madol on the watch list with Interpol as there is more to Madol after he was placed on Federal Parole around 1983.

I think I know the PA you refer to who is retired. I had considered contacting him to ask about this and a couple of other cold cases.

Do you have any idea where Madol is living now? I'm trying to remember if the county or city saved any of the evidence. They should be looking for the killer's DNA.
Mr. Myles retired about three/four years ago and now living in Florida. Madol, I believe, is living once again in Stockholm, Sweden. Beverly's clothing, the bedding and rope were all initially saved. Melissa Letain's murder is often referred to as the Valentine's Day murder. On February 14, 1987, Melissa Letain. a hairdresser, left work at the Edmenton Mall located on 170 th St. in Edmenton Alberta. In a small alley way (short cut to her apartment) Melissa was abducted and later found under a bridge hanging by a rope fashioned in a noose. Ironically on February 14, 1987, Harry Joseph Madol was arrested for stealing a car in Edmenton Alberta Canada. When Harry Joseph Madol was placed on US Federal Parole around 1984 for his scams, he did a lot of relocating. Federal Parole is very open to parolees requesting to move, for possible new employment opportunities, family, etc. Harry Joseph Madol took full advantage of this. He would be moved from Alabama, to Missouri, NY, Michigan, Conn. and ultimately San Francisco area. Once in California, Madol will hook up with a somewhat shady businessman, Bernard Israel. Bernard will end up holding the bag and going to prison when a mining scam Madol and He put together in Arizona, goes up in smoke. Madol's mining scam involved the Kirland Tufa Mining Company in Prescott AZ . He promised the then hard hit mining industry that he would reopen Kirkland Mines producing dozens of new jobs. After some 6 months of nothing materializing, investors grew weary and asked LE to look into it. It didn't take long for petitions in the local courts to come about asking Madol return the money to investors. Madol was married now to a lady some 15 years younger than he. But in talking with some people, I found there was another woman, too in Madol's life. She was a little older than he and her accent sounded Hungarian. She was introduced as his secretary, but many thought she was more than a secretary. As the investigation into Madol's Tufa Mining Company increased along with angry investors, Madol did what Madol does best, he disappeared and once again resurfaced in Canada. This time in the Edmenton, Alberta, Canada area. Madol rented a car and "forgot" to return it. Someone turned him into Edmenton Police and on the fateful night of Februrary 14, 1987, Edmenton had a murder on their hands and Harry Joseph Madol.
Madol's bail was set at $5,000 and he was at first unable to pay it. In the meantime, his young California wife, was seeking divorce from Madol on grounds he already had a wife. This part is a little sketchy, as I don't know if the California wife was referring to the first wife in Atlanta, OR the Oriental girl in Montreal , OR if there was indeed now an Eastern European wife. What I do know, is someone paid Madol's bail in Edmentoln, after about five months. If one googles Jozsef Madol Canada, you'll find two companies listed and incorporated by Madol and a guy named John Schuring, around November 1987. One company when incorporated, was located at 169th Street Edmenton Alberta, about one mile from the Edmenton Shopping Center, where Melissa Letain left work for the last time. I did find two John Schurings living in Edmenton area back then. One was then in his latter 60s and the other was an ex convict in his early 20s. This partincular John Schuring was 18 and in jail when he was asked by four other convicts to be their look out man while they attacked and stabbed a fellow prisoner some 32 times until he was dead. They thought the prisoner was a "rat." In 1985 after couple years and many set backs in this murder trial, John Schuring turned Crown's evidence on his fellow inmates in exchange for a very lenient sentence. To date, this is all I could find on John Schuring and association to Madol. What I did find, was in the fall of 1988, now Jozsef Madol, had almost succeeded in ripping off the town of Leduc, Alberta Canada by promising the Mayor and Council members he would open a plastics and software empire in their area. Madol did manage to bilk over a million dollars out of a British Columbia oriental businessman, Tai Chen, a few months earlier. Once Alberta LE did some poking around, they found Madol was a wanted Fugitive and was now going to seek a Canadian visa. From the end of 1988 until 1993, I loose Madol. I'd heard that for a couple more years following the demise of Tai Chen's lost fortune and Leduc almost going belly up, Madol bounced around the lower territories of Canada. There was supposedly an Oriental Lawyer who would supply Madol with spending money and help keep Madol one step ahead of the law. But for a time it's all I could find. Then one day I lucked out on a site called Yasni by finding a1993 Budapest Hungarian news article. Madol has now surfaced in Budapest, Hungary.
Is Madol at the level to be a considered a possible serial killer? It's a question I've asked myself for a long time. When you look at the teenage years of Madol's criminal record, I would immediately say Yes he has the makings of a serial killer. He was off the charts. He raped his step mother at knife point, and assaulted two other females at knife point in Michigan. One was praying at an alter. In February, 1965 he stabs and tries to rape pregnant Gerda Leedy. He did all of this by age 17. He also had a drug and alcohol problem and temper that continued into his early 3os when hiding out in Montreal 1979-1982. BUT I also feel, Madol may have figured out, it's okay to hate women but why not use them rather than continually do physical harm them. This new "controlled" avenue of hate and revenge then slows down what surely would have been a serial killer's path. Do I think his new controlled avenue of hate and revenge worked all the time... No. There is still the new European chapter of Madol and a couple things about a person, that remain unknown.
I will add a caveat about the information a couple of people told me concerning Madol being kept afloat in Canada by an Oriental lawyer after the townspeople of Leduc found out about Madol's sordid past. I've wondered at times if the money being supplied by the " Oriental lawyer", could have been Tai Chen, the businessman's money, that kept Madol going in Canada? After all it was over $100,000 + Madol swindled out from Tai Chen....... By doing random Google searches of Jozsef and Joseph Madol, I was able to continue following Madol. The first Madol ventures I found after Canada, was 1997, Yorkshire Food, International Agriculture Group, and Olympus Global Management, all located in England, BUT he was living in Lichtenstein during this time. These now defunct companies are still found on a couple business websites. I haven't been able to find any information as to if these companies were part of any scams. The websites just list the dates Madol resigned from them. In 2008 Madol was in trouble with the Austrian Economy Polizei, because of a Hotel scam. There was a famous abandoned hotel in the mountains Madol promised to totally refurbish and provide jobs to the small town surrounding it. Sound familiar? In this case, the lack of money not appearing after people put out for Madol to "travel" and secure loans for the hotel, was the loan money had sunk along with a Greek ship transporting it. The Economy police weren't buying the story and neither were Madol's backers. The Austrian news article is no longer on the internet but I had preserved it by doing a copy and paste of Google translation. Madol also had a for a short time a business venture in Slovakia. This may have been part of the 2008 hotel scam as the dates of the Slovakia business overlap with Austrian hotel venture. Joseph Madol also started to proclaim himself a Doctor (of economics?) around 2010. Two sources will reveal this. One is on a site called Private Banking Lounge and the other was in a critique Dr. Joseph Madol did about the biography book by Barry Forshaw of Stieg Larsson and his Trilogy of the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. The bio book is The Man Who Left Too Soon. When I clicked on the "stars" review given to Barry Forshaw's book, I found Dr. Joseph Madol glowing review. Madol's review was written in 2010, in Stockholm, Sweden. Most of you know Steig Larsson and this trilogy. And you also know there are at least two movie versions of, Girl with a Dragon Tattoo,known as Lisbeth. There is reference to the date December 28 and the name Beverly in the first version. For me it was interesting for Dr. Joseph Madol to come out of the "wood work" to profess his love of Steig Larrson writings. Stockholm, Sweden will also open up another opportunity for Dr. Joseph Madol and me to learn more.
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The website, Private Banking Lounge, provided me with a couple more business ventures Harry Joseph Madol was involved in and a more recent picture of him, circa 2014. I forwarded the picture to Guy, the retired RCM Policman, and he jokingly remarked how Madol's smile is as crooked as he (Madol) is. The two companies Madol now chaired was Laanco, based in Hong Kong and SPM Global Management, in Stockholm. SPM Global did have a website that remained on the internet for awhile. The site was always "under construction" but it listed two phone numbers. One number was in Sweden, the other in France. There is now barely mention of SPM Global, but when it was on Swedish business sites, it listed a lady named, Seng Pheth Phommavongsay, as one of the SPM Global directors.... Those two companies, along with yet one more, Hanover Energy Partners Limited formed by Madol, in 2016 in Dublin and Yasni, will reveal some of Madol's relationship with European women.
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Seng Pheth Pmmavongsay, was part owner of SPM Global, along with Madol and a couple of Seng's relatives. The company began around 2011 in Stockholm and dealt with Fertilizers. Seng Pheth Phommavongsay was born born in Laos and finished her schooling in Geneva. In the early 2000s, Seng worked for the UN Aids commission in Africa. It appears Seng was at one time married to Ulf T Kristoffersson, who also worked at the United Nations. How Seng met Madol, is unknown, but she did become his companion and he lived her. Around 2015, SPM Global filed for Bankruptcy and a year later I find Hanover Energy Partners Limited on Solo Check I. E. (An Irish business site). The company listed two owners, Dr. Joseph Madol and Jimmy Ray Green. For a few Euros I was able to buy public documents related to this company. When the company was set up, Madol had Seng as notary witness to his signature. She and Madol were living in Divonne Les Bains France, about 30 minutes from Geneva. Jimmy Ray Green, was based in Hong Kong with the Laanco Company, but the witness to his signature, was his brother in law, who lived in Dallas, Texas. This told me, Green was bouncing between Dallas and Hong Kong. It took some time and a number of voice mails for Jimmy Ray Green to finally return my call. Jimmy told me he had once owned a large electronics and appliance store in Dallas. What he didn't tell me, was in the early 1980s, he had been arrested and convicted of kiting checks between two Dallas banks. One of the two banks went bankrupt because of his kiting checks adding up to millions of dollars the bank lost. Mr. Green went on to say he met Madol in Austria and at a hotel around 2008. The same time as the Austrian Hotel Scam. Madol was sitting with several businessmen and Green couldn't help but introduce himself to Madol after eavesdropping on the business meeting. It was during this period, Madol, who was living in Lichtenstein, had an Austrian wealthy mistress taking care of him. Jimmy acknowledged it always has bothered him over the years, that Madol always had to have a woman "take care" of him. When Madol tired of them or vice versa, he moved on to the next woman. One of the women was Seng Pheth. When Madol and Green formed the Dublin energy company, a business venture opened up in Bangkok. Green flew to Thailand with Seng with a business proposal that promised Madol and him untold millions. Green did not elaborate, but the deal went south. Shortly afterward, Madol told Green, Seng grew weary of him and through him out of her house. Green said, he returned to Dallas for good. He has a number of health issues and wanted to remain close to family. I would also learn Madol just had his visa extended for five more years. I asked if it was a legit visa. Green said, oh yes he'd seen it and it's real. Madol told him because he had worked with the United States State Department and helped the State Department during the 1990s Balkan Wars, he did not have to personally go to the US embassy for renewal. BUT in 2018, according to Jimmy, Madol had a problem getting his visa renewed. I found what the "problem" was. In 2017, the United States NOW required All citizens living abroad, supply a valid Social Security number. Madol would not be able to do this. So how did Joseph Madol obtain a five year visa renewal?
Seng Pheth Pmmavongsay, was part owner of SPM Global, along with Madol and a couple of Seng's relatives. The company began around 2011 in Stockholm and dealt with Fertilizers. Seng Pheth Phommavongsay was born born in Laos and finished her schooling in Geneva. In the early 2000s, Seng worked for the UN Aids commission in Africa. It appears Seng was at one time married to Ulf T Kristoffersson, who also worked at the United Nations. How Seng met Madol, is unknown, but she did become his companion and he lived her. Around 2015, SPM Global filed for Bankruptcy and a year later I find Hanover Energy Partners Limited on Solo Check I. E. (An Irish business site). The company listed two owners, Dr. Joseph Madol and Jimmy Ray Green. For a few Euros I was able to buy public documents related to this company. When the company was set up, Madol had Seng as notary witness to his signature. She and Madol were living in Divonne Les Bains France, about 30 minutes from Geneva. Jimmy Ray Green, was based in Hong Kong with the Laanco Company, but the witness to his signature, was his brother in law, who lived in Dallas, Texas. This told me, Green was bouncing between Dallas and Hong Kong. It took some time and a number of voice mails for Jimmy Ray Green to finally return my call. Jimmy told me he had once owned a large electronics and appliance store in Dallas. What he didn't tell me, was in the early 1980s, he had been arrested and convicted of kiting checks between two Dallas banks. One of the two banks went bankrupt because of his kiting checks adding up to millions of dollars the bank lost. Mr. Green went on to say he met Madol in Austria and at a hotel around 2008. The same time as the Austrian Hotel Scam. Madol was sitting with several businessmen and Green couldn't help but introduce himself to Madol after eavesdropping on the business meeting. It was during this period, Madol, who was living in Lichtenstein, had an Austrian wealthy mistress taking care of him. Jimmy acknowledged it always has bothered him over the years, that Madol always had to have a woman "take care" of him. When Madol tired of them or vice versa, he moved on to the next woman. One of the women was Seng Pheth. When Madol and Green formed the Dublin energy company, a business venture opened up in Bangkok. Green flew to Thailand with Seng with a business proposal that promised Madol and him untold millions. Green did not elaborate, but the deal went south. Shortly afterward, Madol told Green, Seng grew weary of him and through him out of her house. Green said, he returned to Dallas for good. He has a number of health issues and wanted to remain close to family. I would also learn Madol just had his visa extended for five more years. I asked if it was a legit visa. Green said, oh yes he'd seen it and it's real. Madol told him because he had worked with the United States State Department and helped the State Department during the 1990s Balkan Wars, he did not have to personally go to the US embassy for renewal. BUT in 2018, according to Jimmy, Madol had a problem getting his visa renewed. I found what the "problem" was. In 2017, the United States NOW required All citizens living abroad, supply a valid Social Security number. Madol would not be able to do this. So how did Joseph Madol obtain a five year visa renewal?

Have you considered starting a thread for him in Websleuth's Serial Killer sub forum?
I tend to think this person was someone very close to her in some ways. For starters, I think this person was likely a neighbor, or someone who lived in somewhat close proximity to her. This is indicated by the fact that the person who called likely seen her enter the home, but then wanted to make sure they were alone.

To go home, prep for a murder, make a call, and then commit the crime after entering the home from a higher level of the home; all this says neighbor. This person was also likely younger and fit too, as they needed to climb into the home.

A crime like this is typically not associated with someone who is younger, but I guarantee that this was a person who was within a few years age of the victim, and that lived within eyesight of her home.
Thanks for the information. Honestly, I did not know about the forum.
Thanks for the information. Honestly, I did not know about the forum.

It definitely seems worth pursuing and at least having documented there where others can consider him, whether he's linked to other crimes, etc.
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I tend to think this person was someone very close to her in some ways. For starters, I think this person was likely a neighbor, or someone who lived in somewhat close proximity to her. This is indicated by the fact that the person who called likely seen her enter the home, but then wanted to make sure they were alone.

To go home, prep for a murder, make a call, and then commit the crime after entering the home from a higher level of the home; all this says neighbor. This person was also likely younger and fit too, as they needed to climb into the home.

A crime like this is typically not associated with someone who is younger, but I guarantee that this was a person who was within a few years age of the victim, and that lived within eyesight of her home.

Every possibility has to remain open. I do know, every neighbor was questioned extensively. Bev's home was only a couple doors down Thorton Ave. from the main road in GH, Turney Rd. Elderly neighbors lived in the first couple homes. The two homes on either side of Bev's knew the Jarosz family well and would knew both Mr. and Mrs. Jarosz would be working on Monday. Roger, Bev's boyfriend at the time, knew Mr. and Mrs. Jarosz would not be home. So no need for any of them to make the Stackowicz (Stackewicz) call. I also know the neighbor across the street from the Jarosz home was on vacation. The young man who lived directly behind the Jarosz family, was questioned extensively. He has always cooperated with LE over the 50+ years. The home to the right of the young man's home, behind Bev's house on McCracken, was vacant at the time. This at least begins to narrow down the residents on the short street of Thornton Ave. Some people speculate a person from the tavern on the corner of Thorton and Turney Rd. may have murdered Bev. I don't think anyone could totally dismiss that idea. But here is another angle: When Beverly left Mrs. Vanek's home, located right at the CORNER of Turney and Dorothy Ave, she was HEADED for the bus stop, which was right there. Now we don't know exactly at what point, Vanek's next door neighbor will call out for her son, Jimmy, to get in their car and take Bev home. So is it possible someone who had been stalking Beverly, saw her get in the car while they were on the bus and watch Jimmy's car with Bev in it? For that matter, we don't even know if someone on Dorothy Ave. may have been watching Bev over time? (Bev and Carol spent a lot of time with their grandparents on a weekly basis.) With all this said, The questions I've asked myself when considering a neighbor: Could a neighbor or acquaintance of Bev's made the Stackowicz (Stackewicz) call without Bev recognizing the voice?To me if a neighbor and you are planning on killing Bev, it would be easier to communicate with Bev if you give your name and an excuse to call her. If a neighbor stabbed Beverly 42 times while strangling her at the same time and at first had plans to to rape Beverly, did that neighbor or friend go onto lead a normal life afterward? If a neighbor or friend was planning this horrific attack, wouldn't they have displayed some sort of strange behavior prior that neighbors on Thorton Ave would have taken note of and told detectives?
It definitely seems worth pursuing and at least having documented there where others can consider him, whether he's linked to other crimes, etc.
I totally agree with you and this is my goal. I just didn't know about the forum. Since Myles left his position and all detectives in GH who were close to Bev's case are also retired, her case is fading away. For years, Paul Myles never knew about Harry Joseph Madol. There was rift between GHPD and Cleveland, concerning Bev's case. He would say on more than one occasion, "why don't you write a book" in hopes of stirring interest up again. Once he became familiar with Madol, he considered it a "game changer." GH was so focused on one guy, that they never kept the pressure on Madol to give them his accounts for that afternoon. Doesn't make sense now and it surely couldn't have made sense back then.
I totally agree with you and this is my goal. I just didn't know about the forum. Since Myles left his position and all detectives in GH who were close to Bev's case are also retired, her case is fading away. For years, Paul Myles never knew about Harry Joseph Madol. There was rift between GHPD and Cleveland, concerning Bev's case. He would say on more than one occasion, "why don't you write a book" in hopes of stirring interest up again. Once he became familiar with Madol, he considered it a "game changer." GH was so focused on one guy, that they never kept the pressure on Madol to give them his accounts for that afternoon. Doesn't make sense now and it surely couldn't have made sense back then.

No problem! Happy to help. The Serial Killer's sub is down the list a ways, so it's easily missed. There's a dedicated group of members there, some of whom are quite expert on some of the SK's and who do a lot of research.

I hope GHPD gets back to this cold case. These days, they're better known for giving out lots of speeding tickets and have quite a lucrative mayor's court. :p I've not gotten a ticket when driving through, but am very careful. ;)

Maybe we could send them an email to suggest taking advantage of using the DNA they have to test against some genetic genealogy databases. It wouldn't take a lot of labor or shoe leather on their part. The county prosecutor needs to get on board, too. There are a few high profile cold cases in the area that could possibly be solved that way.

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