OH OH - Beverly Potts, 10, Cleveland, 24 Aug 1951

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Mystifying case, and I dare say we'll never get the outcome we want, the perpetrator of this crime is probably dead; but it would be so nice to finally know what happened and it's with this in mind that I have some issues with some of the conclusions reached in this case both by LE and by other sleuthers and I was hoping to hear other people's opinions, maybe you guys will be able to correct me if I am way out and also help with some of the things I don’t know. Either way I would like you to bounce off your feedback with me.


We have been told that Beverly was incredibly shy of people, especially men. This is a theme that has constantly been mentioned as a reason why she would be unlikely to even talk to a stranger, let alone go off with one and has really been at the forefront of the reasoning that she was abducted by someone she knew. But I have to ask…how shy was she in reality or has this just been blown out of all proportion?

Reports mention that the night before going missing, she had gotten in trouble for staying late (after dark?) at the park; a park which was known at the time to be unsafe after dark. Would someone who was as cripplingy shy as we are led to believe really stay in a potentially dangerous place at the risk of angering her parents? Do we know who she was with at the time?

The night of the Showagon Beverly actually led her parents to believe that her friend Patsy would be staying to the end, perhaps Beverly was under the impression this was the case. But then when faced with the option of either returning home with her friend or staying alone, she chose to stay…at an event with about 1500 people. It seems strange to me that someone who was apparently so shy that she would never approach strangers was quite happy to remain all alone in a park full of strangers.

So I have to wonder, was Beverly actually as shy as we have been led to believe? Could it have simply been that family and friends stated that “she would never talk to strangers”, which is something we would all like to believe about our children and that we hear a lot said about missing children, but the truth may be that actually she could have and maybe even did talk to someone she didn’t know.

Walking home alone

It seems the common assumption that Beverly walked home alone, and indeed was seen by a boy, Fred Krause, who knew her, heading in the direction of the exit nearest to Linnet Avenue. This has led to speculation that she was walking down Linnett Avenue, at this time a dark road with many high trees blocking out the light, on her own. But surely after an event where there were 1500 people in Halloran park, some of them would have been heading in the same direction as Beverly. Surely someone from her neighborhood was heading in the same direction? I just can’t buy that she was the only person leaving the Showagon and going in this direction. But since nobody reported seeing her, or at least anything suspicious, then I am led to wonder if she did, in fact, ever walk in that direction to her home at all. I don’t know the area myself and so I am no expert, but what surrounded the park in the other directions, where did the other exits lead at this time? If she had left the park via a different route, does anyone know where this would have led her?

I would also like to know how busy with traffic this area was at the time? Were there likely to be many cars on the road in this era and at this time of day? I have heard speculation that there may have been an accident and someone perhaps hid Beverly’s body. Is this feasible? Would the road have been quiet enough to do this?

The 1937 Dodge coupe

Some witnesses believed they had seen Beverly talking to two men in a 1937 Dodge coupe and it has been speculated that these men subsequently abducted her. The first thing to say is that if this was indeed the case and it was Beverly, then that only lends credence to Beverly not actually being as shy as believed. The Beverly we have read about would never speak to strange men in a car…unless she knew them very well. An off-duty police officer who was at the event had seen 2 men scoping out under-age girls and his description matched those who were in the Dodge. I do wonder if one of the men in the car was the same man who had confessed to his brother in 1974, but there was not enough evidence to prosecute him. I also wonder if the man who wrote the confession letters in 2000 was the other person in the car? I wonder if either man had driven a Dodge coupe in 1951? Does anyone local to the areas know where this would have been parked, e.g. were there any restrictions back them on where this could have happened?

The Showagon

Regarding the Showagon itself, I have read time and again people speculating about whether it could have been a travelling carnival worker. The answer is NO. This is a complete red herring. The Showagon wasn’t a travelling carnival, it was a local event put on by the city, like an amateur dramatic performance in the park put on by locals, probably quite a few people that Beverly knew in fact.

The only thing that puzzles me about the Showagon itself is why Beverly’s parents weren’t there or even involved. They both worked in the business and according to the 1950 census Robert Potts was a stagehand, this event would seem to be something they would have had an interest in either being involved in, or at least to have visited with their daughter, I really winder why they didn’t go with Beverly?

It does make me wonder though whether Beverly knew anyone working at the Showagon. If her parents were in the business, she may have known people performing and helping out through her parents and maybe this would have led her to let her guard down with them. This could explain the mysterious woman who was seen with her hand on Beverly’s shoulder by the stage. Although I find it odd that this person never came forward to say they had been with her and so maybe it was a case of mistaken identity.


My final point, I am afraid is a bit gruesome, but is a possibility. In 1994 a letter was found which accused a man of murdering Beverly and disposing of her in a furnace. Although this letter was subsequently revealed to be untrue, it did make me wonder about the furnace; at the time of writing the woman writing it clearly thought that getting rid of a body in a furnace was a possibility and this made me wonder; how many homes in the area in the fifties would have had a furnace and how feasible would it be to get rid of a body in this way without someone noticing? I am hoping someone far more knowledgeable will be able to answer? My only point with this is to say that if you had a furnace and it could easily be used in this way, then you probably wouldn’t bury the body. If this is the case then in all likelihood Beverly Potts’ body will never ever be found as it no longer exists.

In conclusion, I am starting to believe that Beverly did in fact speak to a stranger/acquaintance while she was alone at the Showagon as I don’t think she was necessarily as shy as everyone thought. She may even have spoken to them at the park the previous night and mentioned that she would be there again the next evening. I am not 100% convinced that she ever made it back to Linnett Avenue at all. I am leaning to believe that she may have strayed off course for some reason and been isolated and abducted; in all likelihood by the men in the Dodge, who may later have confessed. I believe that her body was then placed in a furnace or buried close to the site where she was abducted.
The Showagon

Regarding the Showagon itself, I have read time and again people speculating about whether it could have been a travelling carnival worker. The answer is NO. This is a complete red herring. The Showagon wasn’t a travelling carnival, it was a local event put on by the city, like an amateur dramatic performance in the park put on by locals, probably quite a few people that Beverly knew in fact.

The only thing that puzzles me about the Showagon itself is why Beverly’s parents weren’t there or even involved. They both worked in the business and according to the 1950 census Robert Potts was a stagehand, this event would seem to be something they would have had an interest in either being involved in, or at least to have visited with their daughter, I really winder why they didn’t go with Beverly?

It does make me wonder though whether Beverly knew anyone working at the Showagon. If her parents were in the business, she may have known people performing and helping out through her parents and maybe this would have led her to let her guard down with them. This could explain the mysterious woman who was seen with her hand on Beverly’s shoulder by the stage. Although I find it odd that this person never came forward to say they had been with her and so maybe it was a case of mistaken identity.
Great points. I was one of the posters who thought it could have been a traveling carnival worker, because I wasn't exactly sure what a Showagon was. The origin of the "carnival" thought was because one of the suspects, William Henry Redmond, was a former carnival worker, an Ohio native, and residing in the general area at the time. He was eventually indicted for the 1951 Pennsylvania murder of an eight-year-old girl, and allegedly told a cellmate that he had killed three other young girls. He also had a record of child molestation convictions dating back to 1935. Other sleuths such as yourself have since clarified what a Showagon is so now I get the distinction between the two, but he seems like a plausible person of interest. Disappearance of Beverly Potts - Wikipedia

I agree this angle still may be possible for the same reasons you pointed out- the stranger/acquaintance theory where she may have let her guard down at the Showagon. Maybe she felt she could trust the performers/helpers, the men in the Dodge, the mysterious woman, or even a local attendee, because she may have recognized/knew them from around town. Makes total sense.

However, I also agree with your mistaken identity theory. Maybe it wasn't even her talking to any of those people or seen walking home by the boy from school. Surely there were enough children running around that night where people maybe thought they saw her in a fleeting glance, but witnesses aren't always the most reliable after the fact. Especially in a event such as this with lots of people bustling around.

I have since read the book Twilight of Innocence about Beverly's disappearance a few times, which was very comprehensive regarding her case, although it's been awhile now to remember it all. I care about all MP's, but this is truly up there as to one of the disappearances I really hope they find closure on because she was so young and it's been so long.
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JMO, but I think the sighting by Fred Krause was legit. He recognised her by her 'unusual' walk. She was getting near the edge of the park at that stage, I believe, but I can't help feeling that she was a bit away from the main crowd of people leaving the park, e.g 10 -20 yards to the left or right of the main group, perhaps a bit behind also, and therefore somewhat isolated as a result.

I think it is possible that someone could have taken from the park in this scenario, but I get the feeling she encountered someone closer to her home, where the crowds of people who left the park would have thinned out considerably. JMO.
JMO, but I think the sighting by Fred Krause was legit. He recognised her by her 'unusual' walk. She was getting near the edge of the park at that stage, I believe, but I can't help feeling that she was a bit away from the main crowd of people leaving the park, e.g 10 -20 yards to the left or right of the main group, perhaps a bit behind also, and therefore somewhat isolated as a result.

I think it is possible that someone could have taken from the park in this scenario, but I get the feeling she encountered someone closer to her home, where the crowds of people who left the park would have thinned out considerably. JMO.
Oh I do think the Fred Krause sighting was legit, his mention of her distinctive walk makes it quite specific, I just wonder why he waited so long to report it. Possibly at age 13 it didn't even occur to him it was relevant.

Is there a reason you think she was behind and slightly away from the rest of the departing crowd as that could be a big clue in why she wasn't spotted after Krause's sighting and then maybe she did make it closer to home....though I am still not sure on that she ever made it to Linnet. I had originally assumed that she was seen with the Dodge coupe after Krause's sighting but in every report I read his seems to be the last sighting, which doesn't really make sense to me as the road would have been after she left the park surely?

I am trying to find a copy of twighlight of innocence and I can't wait to read it!
Oh I do think the Fred Krause sighting was legit, his mention of her distinctive walk makes it quite specific, I just wonder why he waited so long to report it. Possibly at age 13 it didn't even occur to him it was relevant.

Is there a reason you think she was behind and slightly away from the rest of the departing crowd as that could be a big clue in why she wasn't spotted after Krause's sighting and then maybe she did make it closer to home....though I am still not sure on that she ever made it to Linnet. I had originally assumed that she was seen with the Dodge coupe after Krause's sighting but in every report I read his seems to be the last sighting, which doesn't really make sense to me as the road would have been after she left the park surely?

I am trying to find a copy of twighlight of innocence and I can't wait to read it!
In 'Twilight of Innocence' it seems to imply that when Fred Krause passed her on his bike he nearly cycled into her and that she was slightly away from the main crowd, but at this stage she was quite close to the edge of the park. I got the impression she might have been about 50 - 100 yards from the exit, but I could be wrong in that assessment.

MOO, is that she was either taken from the park, or at the edge of it (shortly after the Fred Krause sighting) or else and perhaps more likely, when she was quite close to her home.
In 'Twilight of Innocence' it seems to imply that when Fred Krause passed her on his bike he nearly cycled into her and that she was slightly away from the main crowd, but at this stage she was quite close to the edge of the park. I got the impression she might have been about 50 - 100 yards from the exit, but I could be wrong in that assessment.

MOO, is that she was either taken from the park, or at the edge of it (shortly after the Fred Krause sighting) or else and perhaps more likely, when she was quite close to her home.
Ahhh I see; this is why I need to get a copy of the book, there seems to be some detailed relevant information!

I wonder why she was away from the crowd at this point? Is there any mention at all on the order of the sightings? I mean, does it mention whether the witnesses who saw her talking to the occupants of the Dodge witnessed this after the Krause sighting and even where it was in realtion to the park exit? I am really being drawn to her being abducted somewhere in the very short distance between exiting the park and arriving on her street. Looking at google maps today that seems a very short distance and quite open to be seen...but I wonder what the place looked like in 1951? Does anyone know how much Halloran Park has changed? Was the swimming pool always there, have the exits changed locations? Was there any construction going on in the area at the time?
Ahhh I see; this is why I need to get a copy of the book, there seems to be some detailed relevant information!

I wonder why she was away from the crowd at this point? Is there any mention at all on the order of the sightings? I mean, does it mention whether the witnesses who saw her talking to the occupants of the Dodge witnessed this after the Krause sighting and even where it was in realtion to the park exit? I am really being drawn to her being abducted somewhere in the very short distance between exiting the park and arriving on her street. Looking at google maps today that seems a very short distance and quite open to be seen...but I wonder what the place looked like in 1951? Does anyone know how much Halloran Park has changed? Was the swimming pool always there, have the exits changed locations? Was there any construction going on in the area at the time?
Going from memory, I think the person seen talking to the occupants of the Dodge was a bit earlier in the evening. Assuming that it was indeed Beverly that Fred Krause saw, I believe this was the last confirmed sighting of her ?

I am curious as to why you think she may have been abducted after exiting the park but before she arrived on her street ? Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking what you are suggesting. I just feel in the dark park or further down her road where potentially there would be fewer people around would be more likely.
Going from memory, I think the person seen talking to the occupants of the Dodge was a bit earlier in the evening. Assuming that it was indeed Beverly that Fred Krause saw, I believe this was the last confirmed sighting of her ?

I am curious as to why you think she may have been abducted after exiting the park but before she arrived on her street ? Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking what you are suggesting. I just feel in the dark park or further down her road where potentially there would be fewer people around would be more likely.

I agree with the likelihood of her attacker following her down the road where there would be fewer people around. From what I've read, these are often crimes of opportunity. The killer sees a girl walking without adults, moving away from the crowd. He follows her until she's farther away from others, then grabs her. He likely was in a car. It would have been difficult to snatch a young girl on a public street, then try to escape with her on foot.

It was summertime, warm weather. People didn't have air conditioners back then, didn't really need them in Cleveland summers, especially if living near the lake. Homes in the neighborhood would have windows open, residents would likely hear a girl scream. So the killer must have taken her by surprise or used a ruse to get her into the car.

Her father's occupation is interesting. If the Showagon was a local live entertainment production, it's possible a player or worker was familiar with her. Theater workers are usually furloughed during summer months and often work in other jobs around the area.

As for disposing of her body in a furnace, it seems unlikely, JMO. The homes in that area probably had coal furnaces, but wouldn't be burning them during the summer. If you read interviews with Germans who lived near Nazi concentration camps during WWII, they recount the terrible smell of burning bodies from the big furnaces. Those houses in Cleveland were all very close together, residents with all the windows open. Someone would have noticed a smell of decomp or burning body.
I am curious as to why you think she may have been abducted after exiting the park but before she arrived on her street ? Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking what you are suggesting. I just feel in the dark park or further down her road where potentially there would be fewer people around would be more likely.
Sure, I would be happy to try and explain my reasoning, that’s one of things I love about this place; we can bounce our ideas around and see if anything new pops up. It is just my opinion and I am willing to be disproved and love reading everyone else’s ideas.

Basically it’s that damn 1937 Dodge Coupe. I just keep coming back to it. I really do think that it should have been the focus of the original investigation, yet it was basically discarded because everyone was working on the assumption that Beverly was some super shy girl who would never talk to strangers; I no longer believe this to be the case…and even if she was shy, she wasn’t rude; if the adult occupants of the car had called her across to talk, I think she would have gone over (especially in 1951).

If, as you say Jetsfanjohn, she was seen talking to the Dodge before the Fred Krause sighting , then that means she left the park once to go to the side of the road, then re-entered again to remain until she was seen leaving by Krause. In this scenario, it doesn’t take a great leap for me to believe that as she was leaving, alone and slightly away from the rest of the people, she saw the same person/people in the Dodge and again went to see them or was called over and this went unseen.

I completely get what you are saying about Linnet Avenue seeming to be a better option for an abduction (quiet, dark…etc) and on the face of it, that is logical. But in fact I believe the opposite to be true; I think that most child abductions occur in busy places such as shopping centres and fairgrounds etc where people are distracted and witnesses don’t notice as much. I think this is exactly what happened in this case. If I imagine myself leaving an event like the Showagon I can see myself getting to the exit and chatting to friends and neighbours about the evening, saying hello and goodbye to people, children running around. In this scenario I probably wouldn’t notice Beverly a bit further down the road talking to someone…I may not even notice if she was quickly pulled into the car and the car drove off. In fact I remember reading that only 20 out 1500 even remembered seeing her at all at the event.

On the other hand, if me and my neighbours are anything to go by we would have noticed any suspicious activity on our road and I think the residents of Linnet Avenue would have been the same. Remember that there were many less vehicles on the road back then, and they were much louder too, there were no double-glazed windows and generally it was quieter. I am assuming that if someone tried to abduct Beverly she would have made a noise and struggled and I think this would have at least been noticed or heard by someone. This was a summer’s evening and a large event had just ended nearby; I am firmly of the opinion that Linnet Avenue would not have been as quiet as has been reported but that there would have been quite a few people heading home that way not to mention perhaps older children playing, dog walkers and suchlike. I also think that Beverly’s mother would have been expecting her and as it got later and later she would have been on edge and more observant. In fact “Twilight of Innocence” mentions that between 8.45-10.15 there were at least 12 people who came forward to say they were walking on Linnett Avenue and Fred Krauses’s mother claims to have kept a constant watch on the road. None saw anything.

So with all this in mind I can’t help but come to the conclusion that after the Showagon ended and people were leaving, Beverly went over or was called over and spoke to the occupants of the 1937 Dodge coupe, whom she had already spoken to earlier in the day. If you look at the 1951 map of the area then actually the park wasn’t hedged or fenced off from the pavement, you could literally just walk out anywhere along the road, much as you can today. I believe that is what Beverly did and why she was seen to be slightly away from the main crowd. Back in 1951 the fire station and pool weren’t there, the corner exit of the park was right across the road from Linnet Avenue. So I believe that Beverly had to have exited further down on West 117th, otherwise she would have been crossing the road and walking down Linnet WITH the several other people who we know walked down the road, presumably right behind Fred Krause. I don’t think she ever did that.


The link to the Historic maps is here: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=ddb0ee6134d64de4adaaa3660308abfd

On a side note regarding the maps; if you zoom in on a given place it will show you the map now and then, so you can compare. If you look at Linnet Avenue there actually don’t appear to be that many trees lining the road, most of them are in peoples’ gardens. In fact the aerial photograph has no problem making out both the houses and the road and most of the trees on the road in the 1951 map are still there today. Is it possible that it wasn’t really as dark and blocked by trees as had been described?

I have just found a source (not sure how accurate) in fact that claims that several children said they had seen Beverly actually getting into a car, but these were discredited because they were children


I believe that these may be the same people who an off-duty policeman described as “Sexual Deviants” who were hanging around the Showagon looking at young girls (I can’t find the original source for this statement) and I wonder how the policeman knew they were “sexual deviants”…did he know them from previous arrests? I am also of the opinion that Beverly knew the occupant of the car, either from talking previously, or because he was a friend or maybe older brother of someone she knew. I think someone called her over as she was leaving the park, she went to the car and was quickly abducted. This could have taken a matter of seconds and I am not surprised that nobody noticed. It is my opinion that this very well could have been the same person who police interviewed in 1974 and who admitted that he used to prowl and molest young girls around Halloran Park. Twighlighht of Innocence also states that cars he owned in the past matched what had been seen by witnesses that day (The Dodge??) I would be very interested to know what his job was in the area and if he was an acquaintance that Beverly may have come into contact with previously). He may have been with a friend that night, the later letter-writer of 2000.

Please excuse the really long post, but once I started I couldn’t stop the flow! I hope it doesn’t just sound like the ramblings of a mad man! I hope you have at least enjoyed reading my theories and I look forward to any critiques and reading more of your own ideas. Again, it is just an opinion.
As for disposing of her body in a furnace, it seems unlikely, JMO. The homes in that area probably had coal furnaces, but wouldn't be burning them during the summer. If you read interviews with Germans who lived near Nazi concentration camps during WWII, they recount the terrible smell of burning bodies from the big furnaces. Those houses in Cleveland were all very close together, residents with all the windows open. Someone would have noticed a smell of decomp or burning body.
I knew someone would know more about the furnace angle. Yes I agree, it's unlikely they would have been burning in August. I didn't know if it would create a smell or just smoke, but if as you say there would be a smell then this does seem unlikely. So it would seem an inescapable conclusion that she was probably buried somewhere.

We have been told that Beverly was incredibly shy of people, especially men. This is a theme that has constantly been mentioned as a reason why she would be unlikely to even talk to a stranger, let alone go off with one and has really been at the forefront of the reasoning that she was abducted by someone she knew. But I have to ask…how shy was she in reality or has this just been blown out of all proportion?
So I have to wonder, was Beverly actually as shy as we have been led to believe? Could it have simply been that family and friends stated that “she would never talk to strangers”, which is something we would all like to believe about our children and that we hear a lot said about missing children, but the truth may be that actually she could have and maybe even did talk to someone she didn’t know.
I am starting to believe that Beverly did in fact speak to a stranger/acquaintance while she was alone at the Showagon as I don’t think she was necessarily as shy as everyone thought. She may even have spoken to them at the park the previous night and mentioned that she would be there again the next evening.
Respectfully snipped.

I just wanted to comment on this because I think you bring up a very good point.

Maybe Beverly was shy of other men in the way described. But if she found the guy attractive and handsome, would she still have remained so shy? At 10 years old, she might've already started to have those feelings.

I'm sure most of us had childhood crushes. No matter how shy we were, how would we have reacted if, out of all the people at the concert, our crush noticed us back? Came over and made friendly conversation? Maybe this older guy still looked enough like a teen that she let her guard down. It wouldn't be the first time a guy used his looks to lure a victim (e.g, Ted Bundy), nor the first time a young male committed murder.
Respectfully snipped.

I just wanted to comment on this because I think you bring up a very good point.

Maybe Beverly was shy of other men in the way described. But if she found the guy attractive and handsome, would she still have remained so shy? At 10 years old, she might've already started to have those feelings.

I'm sure most of us had childhood crushes. No matter how shy we were, how would we have reacted if, out of all the people at the concert, our crush noticed us back? Came over and made friendly conversation? Maybe this older guy still looked enough like a teen that she let her guard down. It wouldn't be the first time a guy used his looks to lure a victim (e.g, Ted Bundy), nor the first time a young male committed murder.
Possibly that was a factor. Also possible he told her he knew someone like her father, mother, etc.

I also agree that it's possible the abduction happened quickly. A quick conversation, she got in the car for a ride home and they were gone.
This is a well-publicized case... I wish more cases were like this, maybe many more mysteries and crimes would be solved... her parents have already passed away, her older sister too, I mean, no one is looking for her anymore? in that state these crimes prescribe? a shy little girl who liked music hopefully she didn't suffer so much at the time of her death...
rest in peace little one
Missing for 71 years...


Beverly Rose Potts, age 10
Missing since 24 August 1951
My wife and I actually made the walk from Halloran Park to what-had-been the Potts house. It was a little over eight years ago and in daylight. It does give you a funny feeling.

Having read about this case, I, too, have wondered about Patsy Swing's house being a location of interest. It might be noted that both of Patsy's parents are now deceased although she is still living.

Of course, you do wonder how long the bushes have been growing there. In James Badal's book, Twilight of Innocence, it is noted many of the trees that lined Linnet Avenue in 1951 (and blocked light from the streetlights) were blown down in storms in the early 1960's.
I thought I might add that Patricia Swing did live next door to Beverly but it was one house east of Beverly's house. One would ask why Patsy didn't stop in at Beverly's house to let Beverly's parents know that Beverly was still alone at the park.

An early news article also stated the two girls rode bikes to the park. Other articles said Beverly was seen walking home. The below article also said the police were trying to locate the blond 16 year old 'boy friend'. Was he ever found and cleared and was his name ever released? The article states he had lived in the immediate neighborhood of Beverly Potts until recently (the time period when Beverly disappeared. Did they move before, or after, Beverly disappeared?) and the engineer, William I. Gates, had seen a blond teenager hiking with a girl resembling Beverly close to where his parents now live. I do know that when I was 16 I didn't have any 10 year old 'girl friends'.

Last, but not least, it would be fairly easy using the 1950 census to cross reference the names of people living at the houses between Halloran Park and the Pott's residence with news articles from newspapers.com to see if any of them had commited any crimes of a sexual nature before or after Beverly disappeared. Below is an excerpt from Ancestry.com's 1950 US Federal Census for the Patricia (Patsy) Swing family.
My notes/ analysis from reading all 20 pages of this thread :
1. If a neighbor on linnet avenue wanted to do this why wait till an evening when 1500 ppl were going to be milling around leaving the park on walk cycles n cars ?
2. Accidental death inflicted by a neighbor? Other houses would have heard a scream or a thud. Only intentional attack would have been well thought our beforehand so no one heard the moment when the girl was knocked out of grabbed or lured.

Eliminating possibility of accidental. Also eliminating possibility of neighbour on linnet ..this was a night when there were at least 1200 ppl right near linnet street , mathematical probability makes it more likely to be one of the 1200 n not the 100 on her street or neighbors on the street lining the park .

Let's go with the assumption that all the sightings that evening were based on fact except where the person would have clear motive to hide something or say something untrue. The events then play out like this :
1 if my child was missing I would want the police to search with all their effort . If they thought she had run off with a boy or a friend they may not search us fervently would be my fear. I'm not reading anything into the police being told she was shy n could not have gone with anyone willingly. Do I think a ten year old would run off ? No it's a few years before the rebellious teen or even pre teen years . So either way shy or bold doesn't factor in for me.to be contd after I get home.
2. Assume what all eye witness reports said were true unless strong motive to lie or falsify info

3. Carol the teen / a witness says she saw BP talking to two young men in a car. And also she or another witness Said she saw Beverly n patsy at the intersection arguing

Assume both to be true.
Who is then most likely to have taken her. I say the two boys in the car.
Now the rest is pure hypothesis/ theory by me as the likeliest set of potential unfolding of events -
Beverly stays out late at the park just the night before for which she gets punished / disciplined that night..we know this happened from police accounts in the book. My theory is she had encountered these two individuals one of whom was a 14 year old m perhaps an older sibling the night before. The show wagon pppl may have had a dress rehearsal or practice or setting up of stage. With onlookers. The boy being just few years older touts an idea for a show performance of their own .they excitedly discuss the idea .patty not seriously Beverly maybe more enraptured as from a show business family growing up with a love of stage lights. She goes home late n gets grounded for being late however her mother the next day relents n agrees show wagon event is worth rescinding the grounding
Theory continued ..... the night of the show the two boys encounter her again. Following from my logic that no reason to doubt any testimony unless motive proved to lie. She was hanging on the car door ... or being pulled playfully into the car n pulling back? At some point before or after thus patsy gets very uncomfortable with the situation advises against trusting the boy and leaves.her parents may have advised against her speaking the full detail in a misguded attempt to protect beverly reputation and patsy being interrogated more on the boys ..no safe way to rescind the lie after thar first day ....i believe the testimony that she was in the park until late , and rhat the young boy finally got her in the car by trickery ...i believe the eyewitness report of a sighting few days later..i believe she lost her life at the hands of this boy in the days after or

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