OH - Pedophile's Web Site Outrages Slain Girl's Mother

Mr. E said:
This crap makes me so angry. I almost wish I had never heard of it because I just can't believe something like that is allowed to exist legally. The "Neomythic" link is a man's drawings, which he claims are tastefully and artfully done, of naked girls. One has a girl with a very phallic-looking flute in her mouth; one has a naked girl being enveloped by the cape of a weird wolf-man. How is this okay????

Where does this Lindsay guy get his money? Probably hocking child *advertiser censored*!

He says over and over that "pedophiles" and "child molesters" are not the same, that "child lovers" are just misunderstood. I have a 9yo daughter -- right in his "preferred age range" -- and if he ever got within arm's distance of me he wouldn't be "loving" anything, ever again. And I know what he looks like; it's posted all over his g-damn website!
I can't express a civil thought about any of it -- they don't allow the kind of language I'd use about this on this board.

Life may get harder for Mr. Ashford one day -- such a thought comforts me.

Steve/Mr. A.
I like to think his life has become uncomfortable in the last few days. People making compaints, lots of new people showing up at his websites, people demanding the girls pics be taken down, and that links be removed.
Maybe I just want to think so. But I hope it is making him uncomfortable.
momx3 said:
I'm glad this story has been posted. It was on the news here in Utah last night because the website referrences Elizabeth Smart. They showed Ed Smart the Site and he will be going after Ashford. On the radio this morning they said that since the original story aired in Ohio the guy has moved to France. Here's a link to our local story.


Her picture has been removed. Good for Ed!
this just goes to show there SHOULD BE limits to "tolerance".......
Dec 7, 2005

Elizabeth Smart's father is angry after a Web site created by a self-proclaimed pedophile posted pictures of his daughter.

The Web site, created by Lindsay Ashford, includes pictures of missing or abducted children, including Smart.

On it, Ashford calls himself a pedophile and a "lover of little girls." But he claims he's not a child molester and describes pedophilia as simply "sexual orientation."

Ed Smart says he's angry and can't believe someone would come up with some kind of rationale to justify their actions. He says the only reason Ashford and his Web site are worth mentioning at all is to warn parents.

Smart says, although, there isn't much he can do about the site, he says, he's investigating whether pictures of his daughter violate any copyright laws.

Sometimes I think we've intellectualized ourselves right back around to stupid with no common sense.
Back in the day the girls' fathers or perhaps uncle Joey,would have taken care of this guy and those in the know would have looked the other way. I think that's how society protects itself from those that would do this kind of damage to children.

I don't want to live in a society that is SO tolerant and SO politically correct that we call this freedom of speech and although we don't like it, shake our heads, tsk-tsk and do nothing.

Thank God someone is looking into it but the problem really is that until they touch a child, this stuff is legal. AND - we're going down a slippery slope with "sexual preferences" and "I can't help it I was born that way so it's perfectly normal" talk. These demented adults actually think these children are in love with them and that young children should be able to consent to sex. This is very dangerous stuff people. Did you see the guy's story where the young girl came onto him? Unreal.

I'm ill. Think I'll sit back and fantasize about what I would do given the chance and a "get out of jail free" card.
The thing is, Lindsay is right when he says he hasn't committed any crimes. If he were to actually touch a little kid, then, yes, he could go to jail. But the website is legal under US and, I believe, international law. I don't believe he has touched any children, or will in the future, simply because it would be too risky for him -- everyone is watching him and waiting for him to make a move.
Marcia the website name is given earlier in the thread. I am not going to link it again, simply because I don't really want to give him too much attention. From what I hear he is unfortunately alive and well and still posts around the web.
I feel like I need a shower after looking at his spew.Did you notice the links for personal blogs of other pedophiles?I am going to start reading each one and report them to the admin of the blogs.I cannot imagine they would agree with these pigs openly talking about being a girllover or boylover.These people just make me sick.
Marcia said:
Whose web site?
Thank you for your website (angels that care). I didn't go to the pedo's site but chose instead to go to yours. Thanks Marcia!

As per the topic at hand, I hope that somehow this filth is able to be stopped. For parents of web surfing children, this is another example of why we have to watch our kids online activity closely.
I never ever in my entire life thought that someone would be such a complete lunatic and believe that pedophilia is "OK" when you call it "CHILD LOVE". OMFG!!!!!! :banghead:

How can anyone in a sane state of mind honestly believe that all that stuff on that dudes site is ok? How can his webhost allow this? Free speech is one thing as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others and that website infringes upon the rights of children all over the entire world!!!! That has got to be the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of! Unbeliveable. I never knew either that Lewis Carroll was that way. Shocking and scary.

Very scary that there are people out there that think they are in perfect mental health while they are attracted to children. :doh:

That just ticks me off as a mother. :furious:

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