OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#47

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KR is the baby Kylie. JW said he pulled off her "bitty sock" to check for the family trait of hammer toe - but why didn't he mention if he saw the feature or not? JMO but I think he's making that crap up for the tabloids: first, he wanted to appear all cozy with HMR - that she was glad to let him visit her in the hospital; second, I doubt she was wearing socks in the hospital. I just don't believe the article - he was just playing for sympathy. MOO

I never put socks on my newborns, not 'til the were a little bit older and were being dressed to go somewhere - kids lose so many socks as it is.

Jake did say he thought he saw it (hammer toe) but we know anything Jake and Angie put out to the media---Jake and Angie were the only ones talking to the media---was not true (all the lies they told us)

"....And there is nothing Wagner would like more, he said, fondly recalling how he pulled the tiny sock off her itty, bitty foot shortly after she was born on April 17. He was checking for a hammer index toe: A Wagner family trait.

He's almost sure, he said, that he saw that bend. It's the hope he holds onto these days.... "
I think both Fred and Rita knew what was going to happen and helped cover it up after it happened.


It's quite likely to me they didn't know in advance, just because potential murderers don't tell anyone, who isn't directly participating, their plans. I think secrecy is essential to maintaining the courage to go ahead with it, this applies outside criminal contexts, like wartime battles, raids, etc, people don't share the plan with even their most trusted loved ones ahead of time.

However, I think FW and RN must have, at some level, realized what happened as soon as they learned about the massacre, since only a few weeks before they'd conspired to forge the custody document

ETA, My observation is our legal system doesn't expect parents to rat out their children, they're rarely punished for protecting them.
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Jake did say he thought he saw it (hammer toe) but we know anything Jake and Angie put out to the media---Jake and Angie were the only ones talking to the media---was not true (all the lies they told us)

"....And there is nothing Wagner would like more, he said, fondly recalling how he pulled the tiny sock off her itty, bitty foot shortly after she was born on April 17. He was checking for a hammer index toe: A Wagner family trait.

He's almost sure, he said, that he saw that bend. It's the hope he holds onto these days.... "

I don't think that he did that either. HR would have been furious. She knew who the father was.

It is so creepy how JW appeared to be nice to HR while he was planning to murder her and her family. It's evil.
I don't think that he did that either. HR would have been furious. She knew who the father was.

It is so creepy how JW appeared to be nice to HR while he was planning to murder her and her family. It's evil.

Note that Jake had SW that night. If he thought K was his he not only would not have left her the way he did, not even putting her in her crib, but he wouldn't have murdered Hanna, not that night anyway....2 Cents.
FW seemed to create trusts etc for most property etc.

Is there any way that she could have included SW in a trust? I know nothing about this subject. Would it have been possible that she included SW in a trust and then not be unable to exclude her after HR refused to sign over custody.
Jake did say he thought he saw it (hammer toe) but we know anything Jake and Angie put out to the media---Jake and Angie were the only ones talking to the media---was not true (all the lies they told us)

"....And there is nothing Wagner would like more, he said, fondly recalling how he pulled the tiny sock off her itty, bitty foot shortly after she was born on April 17. He was checking for a hammer index toe: A Wagner family trait.

He's almost sure, he said, that he saw that bend. It's the hope he holds onto these days.... "

That hammer toe must be somethin' special to them. He even used that in his temp custody document to show that S was his. She has a hammer toe, just like him, his brother, his father, etc...
FW seemed to create trusts etc for most property etc.

Is there any way that she could have included SW in a trust? I know nothing about this subject. Would it have been possible that she included SW in a trust and then not be unable to exclude her after HR refused to sign over custody.

No. You can change the terms of your trust as long as your competent. But it's after you pass away that it would be impossible for someone to change the trust without strong legal rights to do so.

Say Jake had money and leaves a trust to his daughter before he is arrested, then he gets convicted. The victims could NOT go after his daughter's trust.

However, if you get notice your being sued you cannot move, transfere, and hide your money and assets, then it's too late.
FW seemed to create trusts etc for most property etc.

Is there any way that she could have included SW in a trust? I know nothing about this subject. Would it have been possible that she included SW in a trust and then not be unable to exclude her after HR refused to sign over custody.

I have wondered this as well. I'm wondering if there was a dynasty trust involved that provided that g grandchildren of FW would hit the jackpot?

It's interesting that G4 had custody of his child, and it's interesting the W's surveillance of the R's began when HR's relationship went south and it heated up after HR became pregnant by another man.

JMO, I think JW did the math and he knew that KR wasn't his child and I think he realized that HR would end up with another man. Not him. I think the W's realized the W money SW would one day inherit would not stay in the W family unless JW could get custody and control of SW. HR and her family were not letting him have his way.

No. You can change the terms of your trust as long as your competent. But it's after you pass away that it would be impossible for someone to change the trust without strong legal rights to do so.

Say Jake had money and leaves a trust to his daughter before he is arrested, then he gets convicted. The victims could NOT go after his daughter's trust.

However, if you get notice your being sued you cannot move, transfere, and hide your money and assets, then it's too late.

What if SW was in FW's husband trust?

I am just trying to figure out if they needed SW for money somehow.
I don't think that he did that either. HR would have been furious. She knew who the father was.

It is so creepy how JW appeared to be nice to HR while he was planning to murder her and her family. It's evil.

IDK, not sure what kind of person HR was, but knowing 19 year olds and looking at her photos, she might have been too sweet-natured to generate feelings of fury. I think it's usually older women who have the capacity for that kind of self-righteous anger.

IMO, this isn't a trivial subject. I expect the W sons would only have chosen very pliable young women, who wouldn't make any demands or have expectations that the W's might fail to live up to.
IDK, not sure what kind of person HR was, but knowing 19 year olds and looking at her photos, she might have been too sweet-natured to generate feelings of fury. I think it's usually older women who have the capacity for that kind of self-righteous anger.

IMO, this isn't a trivial subject. I expect the W sons would only have chosen very pliable young women, who wouldn't make any demands or have expectations that the W's might fail to live up to.

Were you able to read her FB before it was shuttered? She generated some fury at CG, HHG, and FR over K's parentage, just hours after her birth, and stated who her father would be, and it wasn't going to be CG (nor JW).

I don't get the take that HMR was a delicate flower, nor unable to speak her mind, at all. I think that is what intrigued the boys about each of the girls they chose. They were outgoing and edgy, but the guys thought they'd settle into making babies and keeping house after marriage (or tatted on rings/pretend marriage), but a ring doesn't change someone over night, then they had to possibly deal with AW moving in, and it was just a no go for the girls. Who wants to live with their mil? :confused: Three women, one of them the mil, there will be power struggles. I'd have done the same. Live with ya momma, I'm outta here.
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