OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #3

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Christie's disappearance was truly sad. As I recall, nothing other than a singular footprint far into the swamp was ever found.
the dna they were doing on the carter girl did they ever get the results back??



Christie Michelle Davis, went missing 7-28-73 when she was 2. Notice last name Davis.
If she was going to be 3 soon I could see a possibility. FDF could have passed a 5 yo off as a 6 yo.

I found nothing else about this child missing and probably was presumed dead. They found a jacket in the vicinity but it was not Christie's. SW of Ocala is Marion Oaks. This is one of those self contained communities of the 80's that never really hit big (own school, stores, post office,etc). Built up quite a bit since 73 you would think they would have found something by then.

The name Davis really blows my mind though.

I had never heard of this before and its very sad. I wonder why they gave up so easily. I tried to search for any other news on it and nothing came up.
I had never heard of this before and its very sad. I wonder why they gave up so easily. I tried to search for any other news on it and nothing came up.

I know, I had never heard of it either. I was searching the google old news archive for girls missing around the time that Sharon Marshall was assumed to have come in contact with Franklin Floyd and found the story. I am guessing that the foot print they found made them think she parrished in the woods. I think that there is always the possiblity that someone could have found her wandering just like the sister and grandma.

I wish they had shown a picture back then of the little girl.
The three had been missing for two days before the grandmother and Pam were found, about a half-mile apart in some really nasty terrain---rough wilderness, full of snakes. The grandmother couldn't recall anything that happened, and Pam only knew that she had last seen Christie asleep under a tree-but she didn't know where.
There was a large-scale search, consisting of civilian volunteers, police, military, helicopters and planes, but nothing was ever found.

During the investigation of the true identity of Sharon, literally dozens of missing cases have been posted on the threads. Some were "rediscovered" here for the first time, and then entered into Doe Network or other online sites. Others received their first discussion in years, such as Dorothy "DeeDee" Scofield and Gail Joiner.



Christie Michelle Davis, went missing 7-28-73 when she was 2. Notice last name Davis.
If she was going to be 3 soon I could see a possibility. FDF could have passed a 5 yo off as a 6 yo.

I found nothing else about this child missing and probably was presumed dead. They found a jacket in the vicinity but it was not Christie's. SW of Ocala is Marion Oaks. This is one of those self contained communities of the 80's that never really hit big (own school, stores, post office,etc). Built up quite a bit since 73 you would think they would have found something by then.

The name Davis really blows my mind though.

Here's another..been sick, haven't read up much on this, just googled a few things and found another article:


I had never heard of this before and its very sad. I wonder why they gave up so easily. I tried to search for any other news on it and nothing came up.

This was an African American grandmother and her two little grand children, The grandmother seemed to be suffering from dementia (sorry for the spelling) or some other problem. There was a witness that said that he picked her and the two kids up while they were walking then the grandmother asked the person to let her and the kids out down the road about two miles. I don't have the article in front of me I will look for it though.
This was an African American grandmother and her two little grand children, The grandmother seemed to be suffering from dementia (sorry for the spelling) or some other problem. There was a witness that said that he picked her and the two kids up while they were walking then the grandmother asked the person to let her and the kids out down the road about two miles. I don't have the article in front of me I will look for it though.

Does the article you have say that she is African American? I could not find this in the articles I found. This would rule out Sharon Marshall being a match.
Hello Fellow WS'ers. I am relatively new to this site, but this case has always grabbed my attention. After reading almost all of the posts and replies here, I am of the opinion that the true identity of "Sharon Marshall" wasn't a random case of abduction. My theories go as follows:

1.) I think Franklin Delano Floyd may have taken this girl from a relatively poor family, a family who may have been known around law enforcement for illegal activity. Maybe they felt that reporting her disappearance would bring unwanted attention to themselves.

2.) Has the possibility of maybe a house fire, for instance, been discarded? Sometimes during these events there are relatively few remains, if any, ever found. Maybe LE assumed she was lost in the fire. Just a theory.

3.) Was she sold to him to repay or owe a debt where the family would not report it?

4.) Or was her disappearance just never reported? Foreign?

Thanks again,

Hello Fellow WS'ers. I am relatively new to this site, but this case has always grabbed my attention. After reading almost all of the posts and replies here, I am of the opinion that the true identity of "Sharon Marshall" wasn't a random case of abduction. My theories go as follows:

1.) I think Franklin Delano Floyd may have taken this girl from a relatively poor family, a family who may have been known around law enforcement for illegal activity. Maybe they felt that reporting her disappearance would bring unwanted attention to themselves.

2.) Has the possibility of maybe a house fire, for instance, been discarded? Sometimes during these events there are relatively few remains, if any, ever found. Maybe LE assumed she was lost in the fire. Just a theory.

3.) Was she sold to him to repay or owe a debt where the family would not report it?

4.) Or was her disappearance just never reported? Foreign?

Thanks again,


After obsessing over this case for several years, I'm no closer to forming an opinion than when I began. All the above are possible...

Personally, and for no particular reason other than a gut feeling, I think Sharon was "gifted" to Floyd by a friend or acquaintance from prison.

As his closest cohort David Dial once said, she was never on a milk carton.
Hello Fellow WS'ers. I am relatively new to this site, but this case has always grabbed my attention. After reading almost all of the posts and replies here, I am of the opinion that the true identity of "Sharon Marshall" wasn't a random case of abduction. My theories go as follows:

1.) I think Franklin Delano Floyd may have taken this girl from a relatively poor family, a family who may have been known around law enforcement for illegal activity. Maybe they felt that reporting her disappearance would bring unwanted attention to themselves.

2.) Has the possibility of maybe a house fire, for instance, been discarded? Sometimes during these events there are relatively few remains, if any, ever found. Maybe LE assumed she was lost in the fire. Just a theory.

3.) Was she sold to him to repay or owe a debt where the family would not report it?

4.) Or was her disappearance just never reported? Foreign?

Thanks again,


Interesting thay you should mention this theory, I have only followed this thread superficially but have always wondered whether FDF might have targeted a particular child and her family and commited a crime greater than kidnapping alone. Possibly killing the other members, making off with the child, and destroying the home/crime scene by fire. I have tried made some cursory attempts to look-up any accounts of families perishing in fired during the window of time of the alleged abduction but have made little progress.
As his closest cohort David Dial once said, she was never on a milk carton.

I think the pics of Sharon look an awful lot like David Dial around the eyes. I assume, though, that the possibility of her being related to him has been ruled out...?
I think the pics of Sharon look an awful lot like David Dial around the eyes. I assume, though, that the possibility of her being related to him has been ruled out...?

It's been speculated, but to my knowledge no testing of any type has ever been done.

Then, of course, there's Rebecca Barr---her part in all this remains a mystery as well.
The love of FDF's life, at least in her mind, I suppose... She had claimed that she and FDF were to be married around the time of his trial for the kidnapping of Michael, and also stated at one time that the two were "high school sweethearts". If that's true, then the three-Dial, Barr, and FDF-have known each other since the late '50s.

As far as I know, she's presently residing in a suburb of Atlanta.
FDF had her number in his wallet when he was arrested for the kidnapping...She travelled to OK for the trial...And she assisted the FBI by allowing them to tape her phone conversations with FDF (which they paid for).
Nothing really came of the conversations.
Does the article you have say that she is African American? I could not find this in the articles I found. This would rule out Sharon Marshall being a match.

Not necessarily true. Martin Gore of Depeche Mode has an African-American father and he definitely looks caucasian.
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