Identified! OR - Cave Junction, 'Annie Doe' WhtFem UP10929, 16-20, Redwood Hwy, Aug'71 - Annie Lehman

I've read and read threads. Some have sent me in the direction the writer intended and sometimes, WAY OUTSIDE the box. At the point, and with upcoming planes I have, thought I'd just tell ya about Annie and I, it may or maynot help you understand my personal drive, no, NEED to find Annie's home.

My name is Kari and I'm one of the few Deputies left in Josephine county. I was first introduced to Annie in around 2000. I'd be ask to restore order to the evidence room in 1997. To say it was a task is ... Anyway, I was inventorying several homic

ide and missing persons evidence of the last moments or known monments of peoples lives. Then I FOUND Annie - ALL of Annie and ALL she had left we she was discovered. After spending the day w her I KNEW I HAD TO FIND HER HOME. My whse was NOT her home.

Much has happened, yet not enough, since then. There is a whole ANNIE TRAIN now (the one that finds her home). On the train we have dr's, dentists, specialists I can't pronounce, so many more. Right now, "the engine room" needs coal but upcoming stuff.

I started this and got a bit side tracked sorry.

Would each of you see how many missing the police have missing in your area and see how many of those you can find in Doe or NamUs? I can't remember your name right now from Austrilia and one from Canada- do same for uour Data bases.

HAS ANNIE EVER been reported? NamUs estimates as many as 40K, yes 40,000 have not been reported.

Couple goals her is to get word out and GET PEOPLE REPORT! Two, FIND ANNIE.

Ok, I'm chatty I guess. I'm NOT asking you to make your local police department crazy. Library and LE might have a list of missing also. OUTSIDE THE BOX with love and respect!
Do I have any takers? I'm working Annie as much as I can. KNOW THAT.

Thanks. Kari

If it helps, on Wednesday I talked to this lady that works at the Oregon Crime lab in Portland, I can't remember her name to save my life though. I told her about Annie Doe and she told me that they're trying to get all the missing and unidentified into NamUs.

I have a gut-feeling that Annie was from around here. I know there are cases where the body was found halfway around the country, but this just doesn't seem like it's it.
KLEE and EmmaliLucia- I am from OR as well and as you two know we get a lot of tourists during the summer months enjoying our state. I am like you, I think she is from our general western area (CA, OR, WA) That just makes the most sense.
I DON"T think she is from So OR-- I think LE would have figured that out by now.

So, KLEE- I know you guys are horribly understaffed. It is terrible. Anyways, are you putting other cases into the Namus? Or are most of them in your area done? When I look at MP reports from around here, there just aren't that many.

In Annie's file- are there any notes from the time about MP that could be Annie that were never followed up on?
Multiple cases entered last week alone. As possible enter more!
Klee, i am back from being away & will continue to look! Annie will find her home :)
Please don't do that "eyes"! WE WILL find her home! We have DNA and dental churning in multiple databases but in this case, Annie appears to NEED US to find her home. How you help is just keep thinking outside the box, in the box, around, over and under the box!!! It just takes ONE stone no yet turned over! Maybe its been turned over 10, 20, 30 years ago - we need to flip them all again "eyes". DON'T GIVE UP, PLEASE! Her friends and any siblings aren't getting any younger and YES, THEY MISS HER and they need closure. (I'm looking to our Lord). Don't stop, we aren't done yet.

This statement so tugs at my heart. My sister vanished in Feb.1972, and still to this day we search. never give up.....I guarantee somebody....out there missing Annie Doe, and praying every night for the answer as to where she is..... and wondering what happened to her. The family of the missing never gives up hope, it is all we have to hang on to. We know they are out is just a matter of finding the where.
Facts from article posted earlier (Thread 4, #76 )
The Bulletin, August 26, 1971, Volume XXXIV, No. 17, Cave Junction, Oregon

...body...found in a dump last Thursday [8/19/71] south of Cave Junction [OR]

... found near head...woven ring with pearl-type setting and letters "AL" scratched on it.
...found later by Sheriff's Deputy John Beairsto (sp?) ...sterling silver wedding band...same area

If the MOP was found NEAR her head......and the silver wedding band was found in same area.....what makes people think they were hers? JMO but wouldn't one think they should have been closer to her hands? Or even in her pocket with the change?
I have been up all night searching unidentified databases so maybe I am just tired......but I also could have sworn I saw the second ring listed as a friendship type ring in earlier posts? I know animals could have moved the rings......but it makes me also wonder if one or even both rings could be unrelated to Annie Doe? Especially considering her body was found in a dump....and given the location of the dump.....I would think someone who knew the area placed her there?
Animals did scatter Annie's remains IIRC,

and the area wasn't an actual dump. More like a ditch on the side of the road were some debris was found- at least that was my impression.

Although there is a chance that the rings were not hers, I doubt there would be rings in the general area that just happened to be there at the side of a rural road.

That being said, she was young and sometimes young teens do odd things like carve other people's initials onto things. Maybe even a band's initials or something. So I have been trying to get too waylaid by the "AL".
Still Seek - yes, it is for the families we search, search and search again. I'm truly sorry you still wait. BGods peace to you and your family and KNOW, we DO NOT stop!
I know that so many people search and try to bring the missing home. I also know that it is tiring, frustrating, heart wrenching, and gut wrenching. Yet we all understand that every unidentified person deserves to go home, and that every family of a missing person deserves an answer.
When I first starting reading this thread it was because of the name given this girl....Annie family has called me Annie since I was very small. I was up searching unidentified databases looking for my sister, so I started typing in Annie's information also. It was my second straight night of searching with no sleep, or I may have thought of something sooner.
This girls is SO very distinctive....I saw a question on one of the posts as to rather or not she could be Native American. I do not think they do now, but I remember when my sister vanished we had to search Indian reservations separately....they had their own LE. Does anybody know if they still have a separate database? I know NamUS is working hard on getting everybody entered, I also know if someone has dark brown/blackish hair and they spray it with peroxide it can appear auburn.My sister used to do it all the time.
Also does anybody know what serial killers were hunting/dumping in this area during that time frame? I think she is after the shoe foot fetish killer/ The lust Killer and before Bundy. The coat wrapped around her head, the box and brush covering her, to me says this is only a dump site. We heard less about them back then, but they were out there. ( I know it is outside the box, but sometimes one finds clues in the oddest of spots)
Marquette started in the 60's and was not caught until 1975ish. I am sure there are others which may come to my mind once I have had sleep.

Also does anybody have the link for the National Missing Adults Center? I know the NCMEC added one a few years back but my link is not wanting to open it. (Thank You)
Also, as the family member of a missing person....Thank You for taking your time to try to bring them home. You probably do not hear it often enough, but we do notice, and all your tireless efforts, your emotional turmoil, every so very appreciated. We never lose is is the one thing we can hold onto when everything else seems lost.....never doubt how very much you are appreciated.
The only problem with the serial killer angle is there was only one operating in the southern Oregon area in the 70s (And I don't believe that someone from Northern Oregon would dump her that far south, that's close to a five hour drive from Portland). He actually sounds fairly plausible because of the fact that he killed a family of campers (And they found the camping maps in her back pocket)

So Sgt K Flynn called me back, anyone else have that moment where when an officer calls you you're convinced that they caught you doing something illegal? Even if you haven't been to that city in months? Because it took me a good five seconds to remember who she was. Haha.

Anyways, she had no idea who Ellen Louise McCollum Drake was and why I was calling her (She's the Eugene Sgt) instead of someone in Portland so I emailed her the link and she'll go find out who Ellen was and what happened to her file.
So the map was definitely of campsites? What was the closest campsite to where she was found? She could have easily gotten a ride with someone from the last campsite she stayed at.....hitching a ride was so common back then. If she was heading to California.......hmmmmmmm........
I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least 25 campsites within 60 miles from where she was found.

Did we ever learn if there were more rule outs?
I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least 25 campsites within 60 miles from where she was found.

Did we ever learn if there were more rule outs?

There are no new rule outs listed at Namus, but other than that I have no clue. I know I keep just tossing things out there but it helps me clear my mind.

Recreation Maps list more than campsites. They list hiking trails, biking trails, fishing and swimming areas and etc. Her clothing was not the type one generally wears for those types of things.(Especially the shoes) The clothing is more the go shopping or run errands type.

I'd not be surprised to find she is closer to 25 than to 20. Her manner of dress simply does not match a teenager even in that era.
Somewhere ( an article?, another site? earlier?) it was said that they were going to compare her to Shelton and Eastin. I think it was said that Eastin was not her? And no answer for Shelton.

I just would like to know if there are some more official rule outs---

I have searched all the databases and postings that I can find and still nothing :(
Somewhere ( an article?, another site? earlier?) it was said that they were going to compare her to Shelton and Eastin. I think it was said that Eastin was not her? And no answer for Shelton.

I just would like to know if there are some more official rule outs---

I have searched all the databases and postings that I can find and still nothing :(

Thanks for the update!!!

I listed this link earlier.......I swear the center picture looks so much like the clay reconstruction.

As I was reviewing the posts I see where someone else posted this link also. I know she is from the other side of the US.....but that means little.
I wonder if she has been submitted? Does anybody know?
New sketch of Annie just posted on NAMUS...what do y'all think?
I think all of these look somewhat similar to the new picture.

Robin Ann Graham:

Donna Ann Lass

Jeanette Miller:

Helen Claire Frost:

Joyce Creola Brewer:

Pamela Sue Hobley

As an aside, I have looked and looked for any information about Ellen Louise McCollum Drake. The only thing I could find was a post on a genealogy site that said she was looking for her missing cousins Ann and Ellen Drake from Benton County Missouri. Which I though was an interesting coincidence.

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