OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #16

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Calliope, this is as simple as I can say it: I think it is strange, unusual, significant, important, out of the ordinary, and plain old questionable that there a constant police presence in the home of the step-mom and the father of a child who has gone missing.

That's probably the only thing I don't find questionable about this case. Having an officer there is not that unusual, and there are several reasons for it which have been explained. I actually think it's a good idea.
Hi, I could have sworn I read the Sheriff stated the officer staying at the Horman's would go to his own home to sleep at night. :crazy: Did anyone else read that?

yes i could have swore i saw it stated somewhere that he was there at all time except to sleep

edit found it

"Kyron Horman's immediate family issued a statement Wednesday, as read by Multnomah County Sheriff's Captain Mike Shults, the liaison who only leaves Kyron's family to sleep at night. The agency is with the family around the clock."

and also here: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/family_says_please_dont_stop_s.html "Shults, who read the Hormans' statement, said he has been with the family continuously, going home only to sleep. "
I don't think it's odd that there are mainly pics of Kyron alone. I have a 2 and a 7 year old and it's impossible to get a picture of them together because one of them is always on the go and the age gap is there so they don't really play together yet -they do their own thing. I'm usually taking the pics so I have a ton of pics of the kids separately. I see nothing but love and a happy child in their personal family photos.
Maybe it's different in each state. Maybe sometimes LE doesn't announce if someone is with the family. Seems in this case, the Capt. is also the spokesperson for the family.
Hi, I could have sworn I read the Sheriff stated the officer staying at the Horman's would go to his own home to sleep at night. :crazy: Did anyone else read that?

I read that too.
Hi, I could have sworn I read the Sheriff stated the officer staying at the Horman's would go to his own home to sleep at night. :crazy: Did anyone else read that?

There is an officer with them 24/7. I believe there are two doing shifts.

That was in one of the pressers when Mike Shults spoke... I believe it was Gates who answered the question, though. I think it was the day that Shults read the note from the family.
I saw those photos with SM, I find it odd though as none is she looking at him or touching him. Does that make sense? I just do not see attachment in the photos between them, I do see it between dad/him and SM/daughter. But, those could just be these photos and maybe there are others that show it.


Maybe I am not seeing straight, but they sure appear to be happy and snuggling and TOUCHING each other in this picture.

I keep remembering that the teacher (and substitute) reportedly (Tanner's video) took the students on a tour of other classes to see the other students' work. Then we have the sub noting that Kyron was not with the class......to me, this IMPLIES (please note that this implies to me!!!) that the sub had seen Kyron WITH his classmates as they toured the other classrooms.

(Am I making this clear as mud? LOL) The school official says the teacher never saw Kyron in class which started at 10.

IF Kyron was never with his classmates as they toured the exhibits, WHY the the sub note his absence?

Just a little something that has been bugging me.

BBM. That has been bugging me too! It made me think Kyron was there and placed in a group yet did not return to the class w/ his group. Little kids get distracted easily.

It further bothers me that the teacher seemed to blow the sub off by saying Kyron must have went for a drink of water or to the bathroom. Is it not the teacher's responsibility to KNOW where all of her students are at at all times? If she really thought Kyron had gone for water or the bathroom why did she now go check on him? Why did she not become alarmed when he never returned?

So many unanswered questions.
Hi, I could have sworn I read the Sheriff stated the officer staying at the Horman's would go to his own home to sleep at night. :crazy: Did anyone else read that?
I heard that, too. When I posted that I'd heard the officer went home at night and returned in the morning, someone here stated they heard it said that officers were taking shifts in order to be there (in the Horman's home) 24 hours a day.

In the last press conference it sounded like the LE spokesman meant that there would be a police officer with them around the clock for the duration.

I certainly don't need to be right. I'm here to learn and to discuss.
Can we agree that we have no idea why LE is staying with the family, if they are?
If you child was missing wouldn't you want the men who are closest to the information right there in your own living room?

The fact that they are comfortable with the police in their home 24/7 makes lose any suspicion of them I might have held (cynic that I am).

Picture the head of police wanting to camp out in the Anthony living room as they set up camp. Think they would have been welcomed? Think the info the family overheard would have been leaked immediately?

Hi impatientredhead - I'm just curious where this fact that they are comfortable with the police is their home is from. Has this been stated in a press conference or news article. If not, then I don't really know if they are comfortable with it. I would like to assume that they are but......

The one thing that I don't understand is, if having the police with them 24/7 is for the family's safety due to threats, why not publicly clear them and let everyone know. I'm certainly not accusing anyone and this is just my thoughts and opinions. I just have never heard of LE staying with a family like this. To me, it's unusual. What I think would be appropriate is to have a counselor or therapist with them 24/7 to help them cope.
I don't think it's odd that there are mainly pics of Kyron alone. I have a 2 and a 7 year old and it's impossible to get a picture of them together because one of them is always on the go and the age gap is there so they don't really play together yet -they do their own thing. I'm usually taking the pics so I have a ton of pics of the kids separately. I see nothing but love and a happy child in their personal family photos.
I removed my posts sorry I even asked
I really wish LE would confirm the last sightings of this little boy and give the public an accurate and confirmed timeline from 8am to 911 call. They have not confirmed Any information at all about who and when and where he was last scene. At least they could comment on TP interview and interview of teachers.....when was he marked absent? Was teacher under impression he had an appointment? Was sighting of him in hallway when he said he was going to check out an electric exhibit before or after SM left the building????? So many question surrounding where exactly Kyron was from 8:45 on???
Can we agree that we have no idea why LE is staying with the family, if they are?

Hi Cluciano, I thought JBean's thoughts on this were right on the money in post #165:

"As posted several times throughout the threads, there are numerous examples of LE assigning a liasion to stay with the family 24/7 in high profile missing children cases.
However, it could just be they are trying to stay close to monitor behavior of the family.
Both answers are entirely possible and reasonable".
If one were to hypothesize that the man they arrested in Somers case is guilty, and to further hypothesize that this could be the same kind of scenario we are dealing with in Kyron's case...

that would mean that the potential perp would be a registered sex offender that lived within a radius of of his school/house ...

I didnt follow that case on WS. Did people have an inkling early on? BEcause it seems his arrest didnt take place until a few months later, and also if I understand it correctly, the alleged perp/arrested also moved after Somer went missing.

So if this case end up being a match to Kyrons, we may not know anything more for a few months? ANd it will end up being a Sex Offender that lived near by.... but I'm not sure that fits the bill of being an 'isolated incident' ?
I don't think it's odd that there are mainly pics of Kyron alone. I have a 2 and a 7 year old and it's impossible to get a picture of them together because one of them is always on the go and the age gap is there so they don't really play together yet -they do their own thing. I'm usually taking the pics so I have a ton of pics of the kids separately. I see nothing but love and a happy child in their personal family photos.
Hi, What is odd tho re: photos of Kyron, is that the day he went missing there were NO photos of hiim on the SM's FB page and they were all of the 18 month old daughter until 6 days afterwards. That must tell something about family dynamics IMO

Hope it is OK to mention that here. xox
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