OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #4

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My husband and I visited Seattle and Portland last summer. There were more homeless people than I have ever witnessed in any city. It was unbelievable. They were everywhere. They were even sleeping on the highway medians. All the sidewalks reeked of urine. Apparently there are more homeless in Oregon than in any other US state. Homeless people sleep in parks (there is one next to the school) and use any open public bathroom (doors to school were open). Maybe one of the 1600 homeless people in Multnomah County grabbed Kyron.

Respectfully snipped because I'm going to be verbose and don't want to take up a ton of space.

Yes, from what I understand, the coast from San Francisco to Seattle is a well-traveled, like, homeless/nomad kind of route/pattern. The City of Eugene, and/or possibly all of Lane County, have tons of camping areas, and some specified areas where people can apply to park and live there for a while. And people sometimes just park their trailer wherever, without permission, for a while and hang out.

I work for an educational district in the Eugene/Springfield area and we've had situations where strangers have come into the school and shouldn't have been...briefly, here are two of those situations:

1) Before they instituted better safety precautions, the cafeteria worker was cooking one day and suddenly looked up to see an filthy and intoxicated man less than a foot away from her. I believe he asked her for money and/or cigarettes and/or drugs, and/or bathroom, but she ended up having to ask him to leave all on her own, without anyone really even within earshot. Lucky for her, said creepy guy was not too quick on his feet and she was!

2) My co-worker/friend used to have to sit up front to cover the receptionist's breaks, and she'd get creeped out sometimes being alone up there if there weren't a lot of people around, so when my break coincided, I'd hang out up there. One day, this woman staggers in, mutters something about the bathroom, all the while ignoring said friend's insistence that the bathroom is not for public use. She just walked in and locked the front bathroom. A few minutes later, she comes out, looking s t o n e d out of her gourd, and walked out the front door. I went to check the bathroom, and sure enough, there was a syringe with some black stuff in it just sitting on the floor! The Police, whose station is within a block of this place, had to come get said syringe.

So, point is, yeah, there are a lot of homeless and/or nomadic and/or mentally ill and/or addicted, etc. people around here. But that school is rural and would seem out of the way.... with one exception:

Also, people around here and/or nomadic/homeless people, etc. sometimes just go live in the forest for a few months, but surely we'd have heard if LE had found evidence of a nearby camp/squat place...?

Since I woke up Saturday, I've had this horrible older-kid pit in my stomach...and it sounds like I wasn't the only one...I hope we are wrong.
He was missing by then.

I definitely would not question a parent on why they did or didn't attend a function. It is not the end of the world. I'm not going to judge.

LE will release info when they are ready.

I agree. Mom could have had not been feeling well, that could have been the little one's nap time, she could have had an appointment, there are many reasons mom's and dad's can't attend school functions.
She did. Took a picture in another classroom.

If you look at the slideshow of Kyron's class at the link I posted with that comparison, it really looks to me like his classroom opens into another classroom and not a hallway. Anybody care to see if you agree? http://www.kptv.com/slideshow/news/23806039/detail.html

Oky doke,I'll check it out.Here it is very common for first and second grades to do that.
I haven't posted on this topic, yet - but I used to teach 2nd grade. I was wondering who did Kyron's science project for him? Do you see the difference between his project and the one next to it. The one on the right is the work of a second grader.

My point being, if a parent cared enough to put that much work into their child's project, why would you plan to harm him?

IF their was a stranger in the school, they could have seen Kyron with his project and then, they would have been able to call him by name.

Like "Kyron, I was supposed to bring the ice cream for today. Could you help me carry it in?"

I pray he is found soon.
I agree this later sighting does have him wandering about doesnt it??? seems odd...

Also just noticed that about science fair 8-10.....ok that clears a few things up....so it wasnt a normal day......I wonder then when the roll was taken.....was it at 10am???

Another thing I thought of.....I read somewhere that he was shy..I think the grandmother said it.....maybe he was scared of being in the talent show and took off after the science fair to avoid being in this....

I can fully understand this....me as a child...this would have absolutely terrified me.....we have to be very careful with my son (6) as well when it comes to being seen in pulic displays with large crowds.......he normally is put at the back and is ok......I remember vomiting before a concert once and my parents did not put me in it......

also just noticed this. lets see what this is about now....

sorry realised I cant like to a social networking page.....it is from twitter and the headlines are tonight: hear from Kyron hormans friend who rides the bus with him why Friday was very suspicious......
Hi Revampz, True, you can't link to it. You can write out what was said in your own words tho. Like a little review.

Purdy Please ;}
The family friend,the boy in the family pics,that pic with him was taken in front of Kyron's exhibit,right?I don't know if there was one of his.He's about a year older,but I wonder if he's in Kyron's class.And if not,could Kyron be walking to his class to see him and his exhibit,I wonder.At first I thought,after his Mom left,with him being so excited about his exhibit,he could have went back to see it,but now we pretty much see it's his classroom.So,15 minutes later he's still not in his class,if another child saw him at back door.

Terri had a picture of one of Kyron's friends in front of his own science project on the red-eyed frog on her facebook page.

I am wondering if the whole class did projects on the red-eyed frog or maybe they had 2 or 3 topics they could do their projects on
I just posted a link that he was doing both.

I meant he did not turn up.......was meant to be in the show though.....

sorry...... I really have a feeling that he was scared of being in the talent show....I wonder what he was to do in it...if he was doing something as a group or on his own...this may have been troubling him..
What is so frustrating here is that we have 4 days, 4 threads and really, everything we know could go into one long post. We know very litte more than we did when we first learned he was missing; a few things have been altered or modified, but that is about it. Unreal.
I haven't posted on this topic, yet - but I used to teach 2nd grade. I was wondering who did Kyron's science project for him? Do you see the difference between his project and the one next to it. The one on the right is the work of a second grader.

My point being, if a parent cared enough to put that much work into their child's project, why would you plan to harm him?

IF their was a stranger in the school, they could have seen Kyron with his project and then, they would have been able to call him by name.

Like "Kyron, I was supposed to bring the ice cream for today. Could you help me carry it in?"

I pray he is found soon.

I believe it was something similar as well. Someone who knew him, who asked him for help, who Kyron felt safe with and trusted.
If that is true (about the confession from Joran) poor Kyron won't get much air time tomorrow, if he is not found by prime time...
What is so frustrating here is that we have 4 days, 4 threads and really, everything we know could go into one long post. We know very litte more than we did when we first learned he was missing; a few things have been altered or modified, but that is about it. Unreal.

What do we have that has been corroborated? We have a picture of Kyron in his classroom next to his exhibit, no date or time. We have a picture of one of Kyron's friends next to his exhibit in a different classroom, no date or time. We have a statement from LE that Kyron was last seen at 9:00 am at the school. We have a statement from LE that Kyron was possibly seen "later in the morning" by a student near a south entrance door. (Later than what?) As far as I know, that is the only concrete information we have.
What time zone is this guy?
Hi CCup, Joel I is great and I always watch his spots on the news.

He works for KOIN, channel 6 News in Portland and is a roving reporter guy they send out on the bigger news stories. Been there for years. So he is in the PST time zone, here in Portland. xox
If that is true (about the confession from Joran) poor Kyron won't get much air time tomorrow, if he is not found by prime time...

this may sound cold but I told my hubby tonight when NG was covering JVS that there is a 7 year old currently missing who still could be alive and these news stations are covering JVS. There is nothing we can do for these two girls. JVS will get his, he is caught. These major networks need to cover this baby.
Based on the way many of the posters on this thread are passing judgment on the parents and even the grandma, if I were in their shoes I wouldn't put myself out there to have everything I do picked apart and used against me. Not saying you are doing this but a lot are and that's just one reason they may be trying to stay out of reach. I know someone yesterday posted a link to a response step mom had made after an news article regarding posting on facebook and she was jumped for even trying to explain herself both in that comment section and here on WS. Seems like you are damned if you do and damned if you don't so why bother.

I would like to add here that I fully believe if my son went missing, people that do not know me would be all up in my business dissecting every little thing I do and don't do, my past, my FB or MS pages, my demeanor, what I was doing prior to and after his disappearance. It is human instinct to want to know these things when LE has not given us any sort of ideas as to what they are thinking and when they say "can't say right now would call it abduction" or however he phrased it. We are all here for the same reason, wanting Kyron home safe and much sooner than now.

Just because someone is observing the actions or non actions of the family doesn't mean they are saying it has to be them, we are all just looking for any thing we can to help bring Kyron home. Of course the family are victims too in his disapperance, we know that and it is damned if you, damned if you don't. We are just a bunch of concerned people wanting this little boy home and having very little to go off except what we have access to, which unfortunatley isn't much based off what LE has released so far, and I have seen plenty of disparaging comments regarding SM on all of the newsites and it is of course because she is last one we have confirmation of at this time seeing Kyron, so LE could do this family a favor and say they have ruled them out as POI's, which they haven't. I'm not saying that means we have to point fingers at them or anything else, but it would sure help if LE would let the rest of the people know, we have cleared any family involvement, so they can have their peace of mind and the rest of us can focus on WHO THE HECK has Kyron and where should we be looking for him, JMO.
I meant he did not turn up.......was meant to be in the show though.....

sorry...... I really have a feeling that he was scared of being in the talent show....I wonder what he was to do in it...if he was doing something as a group or on his own...this may have been troubling him..

Thats what I was thinking to, might not wanted to be in it. Very frustrating.
I agree... at least Jane covered him from what I heard? And HLN has at least been talking about him now.

this may sound cold but I told my hubby tonight when NG was covering JVS that there is a 7 year old currently missing who still could be alive and these news stations are covering JVS. There is nothing we can do for these two girls. JVS will get his, he is caught. These major networks need to cover this baby.
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