OR OR - Valerie Pryor, 32, Colton, 2 Feb 1989


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Aug 9, 2015
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Valerie Pryor


Age last seen: 32
Age now: 48
Race: White female
Hair color: Blond/strawberry; Light blonde, straight head hair
Eyes Color: Blue
Height: 62.0 to 63.0
Weight: 110.0 to 115.9
Scars and Marks: nothing

No photos disponible

Valerie Pryor walked out of her home on the evening of February 2, 1989. She had her purse and a blue overnight bag with her. She has not been seen or heard from since that evening.
Namus change the age: from 42 at 19!

You mean changed from 32 to 19.

Valerie Anne Pryor went missing February 02, 1989, which is 19 years ago. Oregon police website list her as 32 year old missing, current age 48, which also does not make sense unless site was not updated few years.


So, if she was 19 when missing she would be 38 now.
If she was 32 she would be 51 years old now.

Let's see if someone else can find more information on her.
I am going to be a bit unhelpful. I have found records which could fit either ages. There is an Ancestry record (with school yearbook photo from 1985) for Valerie Pryor at David Douglas High School in Portland (about 20 miles away). The photo shows a blonde with straight long hair. There is also a voter record for Valerie Ann Pryor, age 56, in Las Vegas, with previous address in Portland. Note that if she was 32 when she went missing she would now be 61 (not 51) and ages on such as voter records tend to be approximate. If I had to guess I would opt for the younger Valerie, because the photo matches the description - but it would be a guess with limited confidence. It is worth noting that if she was 19 when she went missing she would now be 48, which corresponds with the current age on NAMUS (and has not changed) and tends to reinforce the guess that she was 19 in 1989.
Valerie is my cousin. I was 8 when she ran away from home so my memory of the events is fuzzy at best. She is about 15 in the attached picture and ran away from home at age 16. I've been digging through photos for a better picture and will post when I find the one I'm looking for. The year book photo in an earlier post is her. The story I grew up hearing is she ran away at 16 (she and my aunt fought a lot) and was living with her boyfriend (possibly a drug dealer?). He was abusive and killed her at about age 19 (according to a source, but no body was ever found). Perhaps that's why she wasn't reported missing until 19 years of age? I have always wondered what happened to her. I idolized her as a child. Pretty much anyone who can answer any questions has passed on. I googled her name today and found this thread. I have no idea where to start or how to move forward in finding info. I apologize if this is not the right place for this.


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Valerie is my cousin. I was 8 when she ran away from home so my memory of the events is fuzzy at best. She is about 15 in the attached picture and ran away from home at age 16. I've been digging through photos for a better picture and will post when I find the one I'm looking for. The year book photo in an earlier post is her. The story I grew up hearing is she ran away at 16 (she and my aunt fought a lot) and was living with her boyfriend (possibly a drug dealer?). He was abusive and killed her at about age 19 (according to a source, but no body was ever found). Perhaps that's why she wasn't reported missing until 19 years of age? I have always wondered what happened to her. I idolized her as a child. Pretty much anyone who can answer any questions has passed on. I googled her name today and found this thread. I have no idea where to start or how to move forward in finding info. I apologize if this is not the right place for this.

Thanks for contribute DevlinTrowbridge, is much appreciated.

A photo of Valerie has been added to her NamUs profile.

Valerie is my cousin. I was 8 when she ran away from home so my memory of the events is fuzzy at best. She is about 15 in the attached picture and ran away from home at age 16. I've been digging through photos for a better picture and will post when I find the one I'm looking for. The year book photo in an earlier post is her. The story I grew up hearing is she ran away at 16 (she and my aunt fought a lot) and was living with her boyfriend (possibly a drug dealer?). He was abusive and killed her at about age 19 (according to a source, but no body was ever found). Perhaps that's why she wasn't reported missing until 19 years of age? I have always wondered what happened to her. I idolized her as a child. Pretty much anyone who can answer any questions has passed on. I googled her name today and found this thread. I have no idea where to start or how to move forward in finding info. I apologize if this is not the right place for this.
Sorry to hear about your cousin.
There is a Jane Doe found in California which has a bracelet with the name
Valerie on it. The sketch also looks a lot like your cousin. Could it be her? I enclosed a comparison.


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