GUILTY PA - Dr. Melissa Ketunuti, 35, murdered in her Philly home, 21 Jan 2013

Yes, I'd like to know where her dog was. Why did this bull dog mix not come to his master's rescue? Why did he not bark nor make a sound?

She was in the basement. Dog probably was left upstairs. I don't think someone would want their dog around, if there were going to be extermination going on in the basement.
Hospital, drug store and coffee shop cameras helped to spot him. The argument is HIS version of events, LE isn't necessary buying that. Perhaps he was trying to steal prescription pad (from Mike Newell from Philadelphia Inquirer, speaking on the phone). No criminal past other than DUI. He has a prescription drug addiction (to pain killers). Perp told this to LE. HLN

Whatever the diminutive doctor said to him, this murdering lunatic likely took as an insult, whether the insult was only an imagined or perceived slight due to his own projections and warped life views.

Some people are prone towards misunderstanding others because of their own preconceived notions about who the other person is, and their own stations in life. Some people go around with huge chips of their shoulders. They feel entitled and walk about the world with anger and hate. I think this violent psychopath already had tremendous insecurities and self-esteem issues.

I would think that his living in a household full of women in a home he does not own but rather is merely an at-will tenant of his gf and her mom's home, that he felt extremely emasculated. He likely butt heads with the women quite often over who's the boss and master of their domain. And obviously the women would win out because it was their home that he had moved into. So when he saw this doctor living in her own house with her dog, he likely hated her on sight, his jealousy, anger, and machismo attitudes raging.

Then when she was giving him instructions about how to do his job (maybe she pointed out where she thought he should spray as that's where she saw the rat), his pent-up anger and rage over his own living situation and powerlessness towards the women in his life, likely caused him to flip. So he took out his rage and misogynist hatred on poor Melissa.

But I also think the murder was premeditated. Why would an exterminator have masking tape and rope, accelerant, and a lighter? Also, he stalked her for many blocks. Why would an exterminator stalk a complete stranger on the street? I think he must have done some google search on her before he met her on Monday. He knew who she was and how she looked. Otherwise, he would have just been stalking a random woman, not the very client whose home he was scheduled to perform extermination service.

Regardless, I hope he gets his just deserts -- exterminated.
Yes, I'd like to know where her dog was. Why did this bull dog mix not come to his master's rescue? Why did he not bark nor make a sound?

I went around to a persons place the other day that I hadn't been to before.

I had knocked on the door and rang his doorbell a few times as he was expecting me. When I got no answer I went around to the side gate to peek over to see if I could see a car to make sure he was home.

Imagine my surprise when the tips of my fingers were enveloped by a big, juicy tongue, attached to a grinning and joyful PIT BULL at the other end.

He never barked once, just tried to lick me to death.
I can't believe this guy didn't sexually assault her. Did he force her to do oral sex on him while she was hogtied? That could be why he burned her face. I think this guy is such a loser and acted like a deviant by following her, IMO.

Seriously. I'm not buying it. Are they reporting no sexual assault because Smith says so?

If she was set on fire, perhaps he was successful in eliminating traces of sexual assault.

Just curious if this is LE's real take on it.
I went around to a persons place the other day that I hadn't been to before.

I had knocked on the door and rang his doorbell a few times as he was expecting me. When I got no answer I went around to the side gate to peek over to see if I could see a car to make sure he was home.

Imagine my surprise when the tips of my fingers were enveloped by a big, juicy tongue, attached to a grinning and joyful PIT BULL at the other end.

He never barked once, just tried to lick me to death.

Cute story. We have a dog and he's a tiny little thing but super protective. If anyone dares come near me or my family and he senses any one of us don't like the person, he lunges at them.

I can't imagine her having a pitbull mix that doesn't protect her at all -- unless she kept him locked in a crate upstairs while she took the murderer about to the basement. But even so, if my dog heard me scream, he would bark like there's no tomorrow.

I think she likely had him in a crate.

Did he actually fumigate or was she only showing him around the basement? I would think she would have taken herself and the dog out of the house while he did the extermination. All the poisonous fumes need to be aired out for hours.
Since she was chocked, that would prevent screaming.
If it was rodent infestation, the guy probably was going to set traps or other devices, not spray.
Since she was chocked, that would prevent screaming.
If it was rodent infestation, the guy probably was going to set traps or other devices, not spray.

They didn't specify so u don't know .
I believe "the argument" is just made up BS so the killer can blame the victim. What woman who is in her home alone with some large strange man is gonna start arguing? No way.

Right? Self serving "confession". Wah, wah the woman made fun of me. More like he said something out of line and she rebuked him. That or she caught him stealing something.
The Exterminator!!!

Year ago after moving into our home, we had an exterminator come out to start up a contract. On his second visit, I was home alone and my DH at work. This man was very talkative, asked a lot of questions, some I thought he really shouldn't be asking, just getting too personal. Best part, he looked like Terry O'Quinn, who played in "The Stepfther". I called the company and told them to send someone else, I didn't like him because he was trying to be too friendly. Thank God he never came back, because we would have cancelled the contract.
The video they are showing is from a coffee shop on South street. It's OCF. It's like right around the corner from the Doctor's house. I had posted a ways back that someone I know said the camera is excellent and they saw the guy just moesying back to his truck going West on South like nothing. Not hurrying or anything. He just murdered a woman and burned her body and just walks.

Tried to pull up a map for you all, but couldn't load it.

As for parking? He may have had to park on South Street as parking is sparse, but who knows? If it matters this used to Graduate Hospital basically.
The Exterminator!!!

Year ago after moving into our home, we had an exterminator come out to start up a contract. On his second visit, I was home alone and my DH at work. This man was very talkative, asked a lot of questions, some I thought he really shouldn't be asking, just getting too personal. Best part, he looked like Terry O'Quinn, who played in "The Stepfther". I called the company and told them to send someone else, I didn't like him because he was trying to be too friendly. Thank God he never came back, because we would have cancelled the contract.

Weird you say that. Talk radio had people calling up when they asked will you now change how you let people into your home for deliveries or other services. I wished I could have called in. Being raised by a cop we weren't even allowed to call pizza delivery if my dad was not home. Those exterminators see everything. They know how many people live in your house. If a man lives there. They know.
Her dog walker must have come by shortly after he had left considering that she was still on fire. If the dog walker had come any earlier there might have been two victims.

He has to have a violent past. This doesn't sound like a first crime. Perhaps in the past he hadn't been caught.

JMO but I think he knew the dog walker was coming.

The media kept calling the dog care service, and apparently the dog walker didn't know Melissa was in the basement. At first at least.
When I had rodent infestation, no spraying took place.

You got robbed.

It appears he had the can in his hand. I'll have to ask if that's what it is. Looks like it. That camera is so good you can see a pimple on his face if it was there.
That part of the city is old. It also has eating establishments and people are slobs. That equals roaches and rodents. When I worked at 20th and Market which isn't too far from there they had those horrible German red roaches. The entire building had them. You have to keep on top of that.
Weird you say that. Talk radio had people calling up when they asked will you now change how you let people into your home for deliveries or other services. I wished I could have called in. Being raised by a cop we weren't even allowed to call pizza delivery if my dad was not home. Those exterminators see everything. They know how many people live in your house. If a man lives there. They know.

I now have 4 dogs and have to lock them in the yard if someone needs to be inside my house and I will usually stay on the patio with my cell phone and dogs while worker is in the house. Most times though my husband will come home from work if someone is coming to do some work that required them to be in our home.

True exterminators are the only people who can see every nook and cranny of our homes.
Hospital, drug store and coffee shop cameras helped to spot him. The argument is HIS version of events, LE isn't necessary buying that. Perhaps he was trying to steal prescription pad (from Mike Newell from Philadelphia Inquirer, speaking on the phone). No criminal past other than DUI. He has a prescription drug addiction (to pain killers). Perp told this to LE. HLN

Oh I didn't see that. I hope he's in withdrawl locked up. His pupils looked big enough in that mugshot though.

On aside I act like Miss Careful Tough. I had an appointment today so a neighbor stayed with my mom. I was upstairs when she left. We have an iron security door that is always locked. Then an inside door. About 5:30PM we hear the inside wooden door getting a knock. We just looked at eachother. I hobble to the door and ask who it is without looking to see if the inside is locked. I swear they said my brothers name, and open it and in my door is a guy. A kid really in his 20's. I about fainted. I recognized the guy somehow, and he was definately high and whatever he had was good cause the kid had zero pupils.

What do I do? Shooed him. Like with my hand. Like "there there get out my door". He says "Hi we're painting addresses on the curbs". What? In the freezing cold in the dark. I looked nuts I guess so he moved on the step. Same kid that was mowing lawns in the rain in the dark months ago.

I go "You just almost had your head blwon off". My mom would have shot him no question.

One day I am not here they don't even lock the door. Painting addy's in the cold. Right?
Do you have a link to that video?

I'll go look for it jenny. It's from the coffe shop on South. The guy is a business man here in the city with quite a few businesses and put up alot of cameras.

Lemme go get it.
I now have 4 dogs and have to lock them in the yard if someone needs to be inside my house and I will usually stay on the patio with my cell phone and dogs while worker is in the house. Most times though my husband will come home from work if someone is coming to do some work that required them to be in our home.

True exterminators are the only people who can see every nook and cranny of our homes.

Good lookout, Isabelle. We had a guy called ready? "Bug Man". He performed in local theater under that name. Creepy, creepy man.

My brother used to exterminate aside from his job and he said people just let you in. Honestly he sometimes feared the places he had to go in. Some really bad neighborhoods.

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