GUILTY PA - Khalil Wimes, 6, starved & beaten to death, Philadelphia, 19 March 2012

Imo, this is how serial killers are grown. :banghead:

Lord I hope not, Quiche. That's the last thing we need around here.

In all fairness as far as I can tell "mom's" grown children seem to have turned out O.K.
So many stories hitting close to home for me. We just weighed my six year old daughter the other day and she was 43lbs. Boys are supposed to weigh more. 25lbs must look absolutely skeletal.

:( Stories of little ones starving always tear me up. I don't know how he held on so long. Fly with the angels, baby. I'm so sorry those who should have cherished you cause you so much pain.
aw man. My visits online have been sketchy of late and I missed this one.

Probably better that I did. I am so sorry little man.

It is a good thing I don't control the fate of these parents. In my heart of hearts, I know I would not suffer them to live.
How city agencies failed to save 6-year-old Khalil

Heartbreaking. It was very difficult to get through this article.

Yes, it was hard to get through.
We often hear the expression, poor kid, never had a chance - but this beautiful little boy did have a chance. He had a couple who were thrilled with having him, loved and nurtured him, and, had it not been for the failures of agencies, would have raised him to be a fine young man.

With information coming after his death, everybody beat on this poor little boy. After being jerked away from a loving home to the torture he had to endure, those people should never be free again. Makes me sick.
Another heartbreak. Sometimes it's hard to find words. Like now.

Khalil's older sisters talk like watching their tiny brother being beaten and starved didn't touch them at all. Nobody helped him. And two women who just wanted to love him are more devastated than anyone in Khalil's biological family seems to be.

Sadly, I am grateful that at least Khalil did know love before he was beaten and starved to death. So many of our babies never do. What a pitiful thing to be grateful for.
Suspects denied bail, held on murder charges after preliminary hearing

A medical examiner needed 61 minutes Wednesday to fully list and describe the sea of scars that covered 6-year-old Khalil Wimes' emaciated body.

"They are too numerous to put a number on," Assistant Medical Examiner Aaron Rosen said, trying to count all of Khalil's healed and recent wounds from autopsy photos.:(

I'm crying my eyes out after reading this. How can anyone do these things to a child?!
the ME testimony is heartwrenching. This poor child. So much pain and heartache for so much of his little life.

This just ripped me to shreds. His poor foster family. They did everything they could for him. How utterly devastated they must be. I can barely see to type through the tears. How gut wrenching.

It sounds like this poor child was beaten for a long period of time. He was also at very low weight. What was CPS worker who was making regular contacts with the family (even if it were on the other children) doing all this time? Some of these scars where on the child's face so how could CPS not realize how badly this child was treated?
Stories like this just burn my soul. I will never understand how someone could harm a sweet, innocent little child like this. RIP little one.
Did anyone else notice on her Facebook page "the verdict that bothered her the most" was the Casey Anthony verdict?
Did anyone else notice on her Facebook page "the verdict that bothered her the most" was the Casey Anthony verdict?

That right there is the definition of irony. Sick, cruel irony.

Another 'mother of the year'
That right there is the definition of irony. Sick, cruel irony.

Another 'mother of the year'

I have to correct myself, it was "the verdict that shocked her the most" (not bothered her the most) but I guess it is the same thing--really sick irony.

Right--another Mother of the Year.
Grandma has a facebook page for Khalil:

Foster family wants justice for Khalil Wimes

“During the preliminary hearing the medical examine took over an hour to describe the scars and bruises that covered Khalil’s body,” Alicia Nixon said, on the verge of tears.

“How could someone, especially a trained social worker, see signs of that kind of abuse and do nothing? I can’t get my mind around that.

It came out in court that he was sleeping on a filthy mattress and they locked his bedroom.

I want everyone who laid eyes on him and did nothing to pay for this. I want the people who are in charge of them to pay.”


“I can’t get out of my mind that Khalil was with people who hurt him and all the while he knew that somewhere out there were people who loved him,”
Larine Nixon said.
“From the time he was born we raised him and loved him. The courts gave him back to his parents and they killed him.”


Parents charged in death of their 6-year-old son, admit death was intentional

By: Isabelle Zehnder

Attorneys for both parents say the boy’s death was intentional.


“His mother, Tina Cuffie, said she awoke him, unlocked his room, and took him into the bathroom for a bath.
He was trying to put on his pants but he slipped on some water in the tub. She yelled at him to get up and he didn’t get up quick enough.
According to her confession she hit him in the back of the head and he was unconscious before he hit the floor.”


Baldwin said around Thanksgiving, his parents hammered his door shut so he couldn’t leave his bedroom.


Judge Keeps Murder 1 Charge For Philadelphia Father Accused in Son’s Death

The Community's Response to Khalil Wimes Death: The bottom Line


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