PA - Langston Carraway, 26, stabbed to death, State College, 3 June 2006

Hbgchick said:
Finally. The "person of interest" is a bit unexpected, but I suppose once a person thinks about it, maybe not.
Thanks for the update Hbgchick ! I have been wondering if this investigation was getting closer to finding an answer. If their "person of interest" is not involved perhaps he can help point them in the right direction. As news comes in would you please post it ? Thanks !

Hbgchick, This is the first time I saw your post I am sure your frustrated and want to know more. I hang out in the missing and abducted areas mostly. Your question about why men aren't as newsworthy I don't think appllies in this case. I think the police had information and were working the case. Plus they had a body. Most cases that get attention and I say most not all in my opinion only, are because there is a missing person with some evidence of foul play or slow news day what ever. I hope that they have enough to charge him.
Hbgchick said:
Thanks for the update Hbgchick ! A little late I know but I was away for a few days. Seems like the police want to get this fellow back into PA before they talk to him about the murder of Mr. Carraway - I don't blame them for wanting to bring him back. I understand his lawyers point, however seems to me the fellow would be better served by cooperating, if he has nothing to hide that is.

Hope they resolve this soon. Again thanks for the information !

Thanks again for the interest! I'll post more as it comes along.
I originally posted this in June '06, but couldn't find the original thread. This was a horrific murder that didn't even get a blip on the national radar. Langston Carraway was stabbed 37 times in his apartment in a quiet and safe area of State College, PA. It was rumored to be racially motiviated due to a racial slur painted on the wall in Carraway's blood - but here is his "good friend" on trial for the murder.

BELLEFONTE — Murder suspect LaVon Chisley insisted to a jury Thursday that he did not kill his friend to rob him of drug money and that he has no idea who stabbed Penn State senior Langston Carraway to death in June 2006.
I never heard of this one! Thanks for sharing.

This is priceless (from your link):
Chisley also sought to refute prosecutors’ contention that he was desperately in debt and killed Carraway during a robbery. Chisley said he did not need the money — that he was making $400 to $1,000 a week as a marijuana dealer.

I never heard of this one! Thanks for sharing.

This is priceless (from your link):
Chisley also sought to refute prosecutors’ contention that he was desperately in debt and killed Carraway during a robbery. Chisley said he did not need the money — that he was making $400 to $1,000 a week as a marijuana dealer.


Yeah, really. Dontcha love it?
Wow...this guy owed a truck load of money to just three different people that testified. Doesn't sound like he was to serious about a career in the NFL or he would have kept his grades up. Must have been to busy selling pot to do any school work :eek: Sounds to me like this kid will be hearing the loud clank of the gates shutting behind him at the big house.
What aload of BS-- no wonder he couldn pass his classes. Lets see he doesnt know how his DNA got inside the glove covered in the blood of his friend, he tried unsuccessfully to get 2 others to provide an alibi for him, he lies about being there in the area but a cell phone record contradicts that along with the testimony of the ATT engineer, he cant recall clearly when he was or wasnt at school - but lies to police then charges police with filing lies about him.. yeah everybody is wrong about him, he is being set up as a vistim in this case a fall guy if you will.. but everytime he opens his mouth another lie comes out and he ust cant understand why they think he would have the opportunity and motive to commit the crime.
I originally posted this in June '06, but couldn't find the original thread. This was a horrific murder that didn't even get a blip on the national radar. Langston Carraway was stabbed 37 times in his apartment in a quiet and safe area of State College, PA. It was rumored to be racially motiviated due to a racial slur painted on the wall in Carraway's blood - but here is his "good friend" on trial for the murder.

BELLEFONTE — Murder suspect LaVon Chisley insisted to a jury Thursday that he did not kill his friend to rob him of drug money and that he has no idea who stabbed Penn State senior Langston Carraway to death in June 2006.

Thanks for bringing this back Hbgchick - have been wondering what had happened in this case. I note that Chisley tried to explain the glove as possibly a glove he used with his dogs - have you heard anything about that as in what kind of dogs and what he was doing with said dogs ?
Thanks for bringing this back Hbgchick - have been wondering what had happened in this case. I note that Chisley tried to explain the glove as possibly a glove he used with his dogs - have you heard anything about that as in what kind of dogs and what he was doing with said dogs ?

I haven't raisincharlie, but do wonder, as you do, what type of dogs he could be referring to. I have dogs. I dont' need heavy duty rubber gloves to handle them. These aren't your garden variety rubber gloves, either (not the kind a dentist might use or ones a homeowner might use to handle bleach or cleanser or to garden). These were sold at a specialty store called O.W. Houtz and Sons., a store that sells pretty much everything from lawn and garden to tools to specialty groceries. They are HEAVY DUTY, like rubber you might use to protect yourself from an electrical charge.

The police say that someone bought a pair of these gloves from the store the day that Langston was murdered, but it WASN'T Chisley who bought them.

Chisley is clearly lying - he's all over the map as to when or if he was in Carraway's apartment, who he was with on the night in question, when he left State College after the murder.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive, it hasn't gotten nearly enough national attention, IMO.
Another interesting angle--was he actually "handling dogs" with gloves on? Why would he be "handling dogs"? Is this another Michael Vick? If this guy was into dogfighting it sure supports what we know: that people who treat animals badly have a propensity to move on to abusing humans and even murder. No respect for life.

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