Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #15

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NG: talking about the e-mail and if it doesn't exist he is a cold-blooded killer. Mark Hillman, psychologist, is on the show saying Joran is psychotic, no emotional connection, narcissistic; sense of entitlement will bring him down. Not an out-of-control rage killing.
Does email exist? The guy didn't really answer but said,

JVDS is a psychopath, he embezzled money, and he killed for money. It's all about him. It's his entitlement that is going to bring him down.
Rupa's hair looks nice. That is the only thing I can state with any certainty about tonight's show.

It would be wiser if they showed the right place where he is now and then when he goes to the other prison etc., etc.

I wondered that also Patty....why were they showing the other prison?:banghead:
It's all becoming repetitive now

Now it's being reported that a crab trap may have been used to dispose of NH body that JVS stole from a shed. I've heard this before though.

Me too. I vaguely remember that the remains were turned over to the Aruban authorities and that they determined it was a male. Also that Tim Miller said remnants of clothes found in or near the trap looked very much like what Natalee was wearing when she went missing. The remnants were turned over and analyzed (again by the Arubans) and determined to be an old dish rag. I give no credence whatsoever to anything the (dirty, IMO) Aruban authorities were/are involved in. Does any of that sound familiar to you?
I am really tired of all the talking heads, the opinionators. None of these people know what is going on. Jean Casarez, as a reporter, is the only one of the bunch with actual access to information and it seems like it is hard to get accurate information. When she has to appear on all these shows throughout the day, it leaves less time to gather information.
NG: has a copy of the National Enquirer. Introducing her panel tonight. Michael Griffith: judge asking questions is part of Napoleonic code (European civil system). He doesn't understand though why Aruban authorities are getting involved; he says US can prosecute anyone who kills one of our citizens. John Burris: he can be prosecuted in US and Aruba as well; believes Aruba has the right to go to Peru to ask him questions.
It would be wiser if they showed the right place where he is now and then when he goes to the other prison etc., etc.

From the little I've seen of Castro Castro, it seems to be a bit nicer than the stock footage we're seeing. Of course 'nicer' being a relative word here.
NG: has a copy of the National Enquirer. Introducing her panel tonight. Michael Griffith: judge asking questions is part of Napoleonic code (European civil system). He doesn't understand though why Aruban authorities are getting involved; he says US can prosecute anyone who kills one of our citizens. John Burris: he can be prosecuted in US and Aruba as well; believes Aruba has the right to go to Peru to ask him questions.

I was confused with seeing the map and then holding up the NE. Is the map suppose to be in the NE?
NG: talking about the e-mail and if it doesn't exist he is a cold-blooded killer. Mark Hillman, psychologist, is on the show saying Joran is psychotic, no emotional connection, narcissistic; sense of entitlement will bring him down. Not an out-of-control rage killing.

Hmmm not to split hairs...but if he was psychotic, he would be an out of control, no grasp on reality killer....

I think you meant psychopathic?
NG: talking about Joran going into a rage after Stephany supposedly sees an e-mail message calling him a Mongoloid and referring to Natalee's death. NG stressing pre-meditation can be formed in an instance. Jean C. saying Stephany won $10K about a week before her death; couple of days before her dad gave her $1K. Jean C. reporting how it's felony murder, death occurred during commission of robbery.

Producer Ellie talking about a map Joran drew describing Natalee's death, the Bubali Bird Sanctuary where Natalee's remains allegedly are. NG says the map looks like something a 5th grader would've done. Ellie saying he's drawn many maps; none of the previous information has led to Natalee.
Chris Cuomo was on one of the shows this morning with the diary of one of Joran's girlfriends. She is going to be on 20/20 with him on Friday night.

Stephany's family is on with Larry King tonight. Not for the whole hour.
Hmmm not to split hairs...but if he was psychotic, he would be an out of control, no grasp on reality killer....

I think you meant psychopathic?
I thought the doctor said psychotic but I'll stand corrected if I heard him wrong. :)
Yes, judge will go to Castro, Castro because of security concerns. Ellie, what is the business of the map? Back in March from JVDS interview in Aruba, told NH fell off of balcony and they dumped her in swampy water. Unclear if this map will lead to NH's body. Map has many versions, not clear if any of those panned out. Don't know if this new map will lead to any other evidence. Back when JVDS made confession, 2000 sq ft is swamp water. Not really clear where JVDS dumped NH.
NG: Natalee's aunt on from Arkansas. Asking her what she thinks of the map. Aunt Linda saying so many different versions; we'll have searched the entire island with any more variations. NG says everything Joran says is a lie. Aunt Linda talking about the great detail Joran has given in previous statements about Natalee's death, even how Natalee staggered, hit her head when she was let out of car at Holiday Inn, etc.
NH's aunt, Linda:
JVDS trying to use every possibility, only if he can go back to Aruba. Fabricating stories one after another, very difficult to see any truth in that.
Me too. I vaguely remember that the remains were turned over to the Aruban authorities and that they determined it was a male. Also that Tim Miller said remnants of clothes found in or near the trap looked very much like what Natalee was wearing when she went missing. The remnants were turned over and analyzed (again by the Arubans) and determined to be an old dish rag. I give no credence whatsoever to anything the (dirty, IMO) Aruban authorities were/are involved in. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Tim Miller was on one of the shows last week and he told of a crab trap that had been found that had contained what was thought to be human bones. He stated that they never heard more about it or that Aruban officials denied they were human bones. I could read between the lines that TM wasn't buying/believing what they said. In his mind, those could have been NH bones meaning evidence had been literally covered up.

You heard more details than I did - about the dish rag - TM was cut off and they went to commercial. When they came back, it was not addressed further. I was thinking, 'that's big if true'.
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