POI in Lindsey's Case

Here's the thread where poster jvk provided some great photos of the area and said she talked to Mark, the town drunk:


Here's what jvk wrote in post #4 of that thread:

Mark portrayed 'Peter' (iirc) (the owner or worker of the Jewelry shop ^, on Maple) as not having a 'great opinion of Lindsey &/or the Baum family. "~That girl was up to 'things'" (Lindsey)

Jvk writes "Peter" instead of Tim, so maybe she didn't remember the name correctly.

This reminds me of Somer Thompson. She was lured/grabbed, molested and murdered by Jarred Harrell at a house on the same road and same side of the road a little more than a block from where she was last seen.

Yes, now I remember. Does anyone know when MB & the kids moved to McCleary? Weren't they from Tennessee?

I'd really like to know what LB & her family did for TH to form this opinion.

Seems a bit over-the-top for a business owner to be involved in gossiping about a child.
What was Hartman driving when he left Mike's that night? His personal vehicle or the ambulance? Wasn't it his routine to park the ambulance at the Jewelery Store when it was not in service?
Yes, now I remember. Does anyone know when MB & the kids moved to McCleary? Weren't they from Tennessee?

I'd really like to know what LB & her family did for TH to form this opinion.

Seems a bit over-the-top for a business owner to be involved in gossiping about a child.

We've only heard rumors about why he *supposedly* felt this way about Lindsey. I've never heard him directly say anything. I've only heard second hand what he has said.. so I can't even begin to comment on any of this on the forums.
So far, I'm not reading anything in the MSM or their comments that makes me feel comfortable about this guy. I have to wonder what everyone in town must be thinking and feeling. I hope the kids are staying away from him just in case, KWIM?
Wow. A jewelry store owner and volunteer fire fighter. He drives an ambulance. He doesn't remember a thing? WTH? Was he on drugs? This is scary stuff.

Where is Lindsey??
I know what you mean, n/t!!! I was thinking that a firefighter is in it to save lives, but maybe this guy just wanted to wear the uniform. :mad:
His employment and volunteer firefighter would put him in a position of authority... At least a child would see it that way right?

I was just going back over our forensic astrology thread, I know we can't discuss it here but...

Prayers for Lindsey ....
I don't think this is against the rules but if it is.. I'm sure the mods will delete it and send me a PM about it. ;)

I found Tim Hartmans Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000694756134&sk=wall
He actually linked an article about the searches of his house/business. And that's not even the strangest part.. the part that struck me as odd is he posted it almost 2 months after it happened.

If it were me.. I wouldn't share that with my facebook friends. I'd try to get away from that stuff as much as possible. It's like he's looking for attention!
It's fine JenniferO. He's been named a POI.

And wow - that's really interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I'm not even sure what to think about it yet................
I wonder how familiar he is with it? And I hope he hasn't been a camp counselor out there to any kids. Not until he is 100% cleared!!!
There is a Lindsey story on the front page of the Vidette (feb 16) but I can't copy it.
I don't think this is against the rules but if it is.. I'm sure the mods will delete it and send me a PM about it. ;)

I found Tim Hartmans Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000694756134&sk=wall
He actually linked an article about the searches of his house/business. And that's not even the strangest part.. the part that struck me as odd is he posted it almost 2 months after it happened.

If it were me.. I wouldn't share that with my facebook friends. I'd try to get away from that stuff as much as possible. It's like he's looking for attention!

Above BBM - that is just so strange to me. Posting anything to draw attention is very odd to me. I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would do that.
Above BBM - that is just so strange to me. Posting anything to draw attention is very odd to me. I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would do that.

and on top of that.. he has a sign on his business saying "thank you for the support" (or something to that effect). Who in their right mind does that? This man has been accused of a very serious crime. It's like he is rubbing it in everyones faces.. "hahaha. I got you fooled. The town believes me and not you. You'll never catch me. neener neener neener".

The guy is nuts (even if he isn't guilty).
If he's a sociopath, it makes sense. They think they will never get caught and they also believe they are above the rest of society.
If he's a sociopath, it makes sense. They think they will never get caught and they also believe they are above the rest of society.

Well he's doing a good job at making me believe he is a sociopath.

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