Possible IT, Computer & Tech. Connection to the Long Island Case, Perp & Victims

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The purpose of this thread is to explore the Possible internet, computer and technological connections to the Long Island case, perp and victims.

*Profiler Dr. Mary Ellen O'Toole, has theorized that the LI perp is “internet fluent” and because of this puts the possible age range of the perp in the “mid-to late twenties, possibly early thirties”.

The quoted portions above were taken from an article entitled “Crimes of New York: Into the Mind of the Long Island Serial Killer”, International Business Times.

Here is the link: http://newyork.ibtimes.com/articles/261475/20111205/crimes-new-york-mind-long-island-serial.htm

To get to the web page linked above, enter the following search terms into the Google search bar. It is the second result: “long island serial killer”+profile+IBTimes

*The profilers from S.T.A.L.K., Inc. have described the LI perp in their profile as:

“...between the ages of 34 and 50. He has had and is known for having a long-time fascination with Law-Enforcement and has acquired police paraphernalia over the years. He is very literate with computers and communications in general. Because of this he is probably very adept at computer generated sounds, voices or phrases. He could be a collector of cell phones, not only of ones belonging to the victims.”

“He has an affinity for social networking sites, especially Craigslist, to search for his victims from a pool of escort service providers.”

The quoted portions above were taken from the S.T.A.L.K., Inc. profile of the LI perp.

Here is a link to their homepage:

Here is the link to the Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile):

To get to the web pages for both links, enter the following searchterms into the Google search bar. The home page is the first result: “S.T.A.L.K., Inc.”
Will the word “Sockpuppet” be a term we will hear a lot in relation to the Long Island perp?

Sockpuppet (Internet) definition from Wikipedia:

“A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term—a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock—originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an internet community who spoke to, or about himself while pretending to be another person.[1] The term now includes other uses of misleading online identities, such as those created to praise, defend or support a third party or organization.[2] A significant difference between the use of a pseudonym[3] and the creation of a sockpuppet is that the sockpuppet poses as an independent third-party unaffiliated with the puppeteer.”


Sockpuppet definition from pauliewalnuts at Hubpages:

“......may use Sockpuppets to portray an average individual member to give the impression of more support for a peculiar view than actually is. Or to be just an “inside man” or spy for the company site. A group of individuals as separate free-lance Sockpuppets or one person with multiple personalities may sway the public in that community unethically. Double or multiple voting in polls and deceptive writing in community discussions where the alter ego Sockpuppet may also either instigate a situation or agree with the status quo. Arguments or debates, real or staged by multiple different Sockpuppets or a single puppet with multiple personalities arguing between “him selves” (another puppet he also portrays in that site) attracts attention, distraction, creates an illusion and sometime chaos. Or different Sockpuppets working as a team can also accomplish this unethical scam.”


Sockpuppet definition from Word Spy:

n. A fake persona used to discuss or comment on oneself or one's work, particularly in an online discussion group or the comments section of a blog. —adj.
—sock puppeteer n.
—sock puppetry n.


All the above definitions can be obtained from Google by entering the following into the search bar:

define: sockpuppet+internet

**This Post does Not pertain to WS (I hope)
Will the phrases “straw puppet” ,“straw man” and/or “straw man sockpuppet” be heard a lot in relation to the Long Island Perp and his Possible online exploits?

The phrases “straw puppet” ,“strawman” and/or “straw man sockpuppet” are often heard in conjunction with the term “sockpuppet”. They often accompany “sockpuppets” on internet forums and in online gaming communities.

Here are two “straw puppet” definitions:

“Another type of sock puppet is sometimes referred to as a “straw man sock puppet.” They are created by users with one point of view, but act as though they have an opposing point of view, in order to make that point of view look bad. They will often make poor arguments which their “opponents” can then easily refute. This can allow them to essentially make straw man arguments. Such sock puppets thus become a personification of the straw man argument which their creators argue against. They often act unintelligent or uninformed, and may behave in an overtly bigoted manner. The effect is often to obfuscate the debate and prevent a serious discussion of the arguments from each side. Suspicion of such sock puppets is often harder to verify though, as there are often people who naturally behave in such a manner with the same effects.”

The above is quoted from abovetopsecret.com

The link can be obtained by entering the following terms into the Google search bar: “internet straw puppet”. It is the third result.

“A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw man argument" is to describe a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view but is easier to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent (for example, deliberately overstating the opponent's position).[1] A straw man argument can be a successful rhetorical technique (that is, it may succeed in persuading people) but it carries little or no real evidential weight, because the opponent's actual argument has not been refuted.[2]
Its name is derived from the practice of using straw men in combat training.[citation needed] In such training, a scarecrow is made in the image of the enemy with the single intent of attacking it[3].[not in citation given] Such a target is, naturally, immobile and does not fight back, and is not as realistic to test skill against compared to a live and armed opponent. It is occasionally called a straw dog fallacy, scarecrow argument, or wooden dummy argument.”


The above link can be obtained by entering the following terms into the Google search bar: “internet straw puppet”. It is the twelfth result.

**This Post does Not pertain to WS (I hope)
Will the phrase “meat puppet” be heard a lot in relation to the Long Island Perp and his Possible online exploits?

Here are three definitions of “meat puppet”:

“A Meat puppet (internet Terminology), not exactly a sock puppet of the puppet master, more a real life flesh and blood puppet, an account created by a friend or family member doing the bidding of the puppet master.”

The quoted section above was taken from wikipedia.org.

Here is the link to the definition quoted above:

To obtain the information quoted above enter the following terms into the Google search bar. It is the first result: define: “meat puppet”+internet

“A meat puppet is a variation of a sock puppet; a new internet community member account is created by another person at the request of a user solely for the purposes of influencing the community on a given issue or issues. While less overtly deceptive than sock puppetry, the effect of meat puppetry and sock puppetry on the community as a whole may be similar.”

The quoted section above was taken from radicalmarketer.com.

Here is the link to the definition quoted above:

To obtain the information quoted above, enter the following terms into the Google search bar: “meat puppet”+internet+terminology

“A meat puppet is fictional account or fake personality created to pass as a real person. It's sometimes used as a marketing ploy to attract new friends on social networking sites, thereby giving companies access to dozens, if not thousands, of email addresses with which to solicit new customers. A meat puppet (sometimes referred to as a sock puppet) may also be used to influence members of an Internet community on a particular issue or issues. Be skeptical of Facebook and other profiles that may represent marketing schemes, not real people.”

The quoted section above was taken from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Here is the link to the definition quoted above:

To obtain the information quoted above enter the following terms into the Google search bar. It is the ninth result on the second page: define: internet + “meat puppet”

**This post does Not pertain to WS (I hope)
So.... are Truthspider and Inspectorgadget really just sock puppets.... of Dwntwnslim?? :crazy:
So.... are Truthspider and Inspectorgadget really just sock puppets.... of Dwntwnslim?? :crazy:

Nope. But, I have been thinking about getting my own sockpuppets because clearly my ability to influence is.........not very good. So sad.
These are the questions I posed in my third(?) post in this forum. I will Attempt to answer these questions and others in this thread:


Could the perp have access to voice manipulation software and can, in real time, change the sound and rhythm of his voice over the phone? Has he been recording the voices of people he comes into contact with to use in this endeavor?

Does he know how to do things with mobile phones and landlines?

Does he know about caller ID spoofing?

Does he know how to remotely tamper with and reprogram phones?

Does he know how to physically hack into landlines?

Does he have phone cloning software?

Can whatever he does with these phones reflect on phone bills?

Is he a capable and prolific computer hacker?

Has he tried to hack into LE computer systems? Has he succeeded?

Is he some sort of digital voyeur/stalker/peeping tom?

Has he been digitally and physically spying on members of his community for years without them know about it?
These are the questions I posed in my third(?) post in this forum. I will Attempt to answer these questions and others in this thread:


Could the perp have access to voice manipulation software and can, in real time, change the sound and rhythm of his voice over the phone? Has he been recording the voices of people he comes into contact with to use in this endeavor?

Does he know how to do things with mobile phones and landlines?

Does he know about caller ID spoofing?

Does he know how to remotely tamper with and reprogram phones?

Does he know how to physically hack into landlines?

Does he have phone cloning software?

Can whatever he does with these phones reflect on phone bills?

Is he a capable and prolific computer hacker?

Has he tried to hack into LE computer systems? Has he succeeded?

Is he some sort of digital voyeur/stalker/peeping tom?

Has he been digitally and physically spying on members of his community for years without them know about it?
Hi there, To me it seems like a person with these technical abilities would have more than what STALK has said about him: " . . . . He is very literate with computers and communications in general". I think in the above questions you describe someone who has more sophistication than our SK. IMO

I think he might know enough to get by on computer and phone systems to get by and make dates, but is #1 an animal driven to satisfy his sexually sadistic desires. Hope that makes sense.
Hi there, To me it seems like a person with these technical abilities would have more than what STALK has said about him: " . . . . He is very literate with computers and communications in general". I think in the above questions you describe someone who has more sophistication than our SK. IMO

I think he might know enough to get by on computer and phone systems to get by and make dates, but is #1 an animal driven to satisfy his sexually sadistic desires. Hope that makes sense.

You made some valid points.

One point I should make is that it does not take a sophisticated or highly intelligent person to do what I described in my questions. What it does take however, is time, a willingness to learn and possibly access to money. The average person who can read and follow directions could easily accomplish what I described. I think it's a myth that to be a tech/computer geek a person has to be uber smart and sophisticated.

My opinions only.
I was joking when I said I was thinking about getting my own sockpuppets. The practice is considered trollish. I consider it to be deceptive and unethical.

I come to this forum alone. I post exclusively under the Dwntwnslim moniker.
Will we hear the acronym “SNERT” (snot-nosed Eros-ridden teenager) in relation to the Long Island Perp and his possible online exploits?

Here are two definitions for SNERT:

*“That's what they call the real trouble-makers of cyberspace. Attributed by some to Kurt Vonnegut, the term stands for "snot-nosed Eros-ridden teenager." It concisely captures much of what many cyberspace deviants are all about. They thumb their impudent noses at authority figures and smear their ooze of discontent all over themselves and others. Frustrated drives seeking an outlet may fuel their misconduct - frustrated aggressive drives as well as sexual ones. They often are adolescents. If they aren't, then they are regressed adults acting like adolescents. In some communities, the term "snert" broadens to include any acting out, annoying, disruptive user.”

Quoted from: The Psychology of Cyberspace: The Bad Boys of Cyberspace
Deviant Behavior in Online Multimedia Communities
and Strategies for Managing it
By John R Shuler and W. Phillips

To get to the web page for the link above enter the following into the Google search bar: define: snert

It is the first result on the fourth page.

*“The most common problem with online communities tend to be online harassment, meaning threatening or offensive content aimed at known friends or strangers through ways of online technology. Where such posting is done for the lulz, that is for the fun of it, then it is known as trolling [22]. Sometimes trolling is done in order to harm others for the gratification of the person posting. The primary motivation for such posters, known as Snerts, is the sense of power and exposure it gives them[23]”

Quoted From: Online community by Wikipedia

To get to the web page for the link above, enter the following into the Google search bar: “online community” + Wikipedia

It is the first result on the first page.

**This post does Not pertain to WS (I hope)
Hi there, To me it seems like a person with these technical abilities would have more than what STALK has said about him: " . . . . He is very literate with computers and communications in general". I think in the above questions you describe someone who has more sophistication than our SK. IMO

I think he might know enough to get by on computer and phone systems to get by and make dates, but is #1 an animal driven to satisfy his sexually sadistic desires. Hope that makes sense.

I hope you don't mind me quoting your post again. I forgot to add info about how an average person could hack/crack into computers to install spy-ware. They involve the use of “script kiddies”. You don't need to be a computer genius to use these. You just need to know how to read and follow directions.

Here is the info:

Definitions for Script Kiddies


“A script kiddie or kiddie,[1] occasionally skid, script bunny,[2] script kitty,[3] script-running juvenile (SRJ) or similar, is a derogatory term used to describe those who use scripts or programs developed by others to attack computer systems and networks and deface websites.[4]”

To get to the web page for the above link, enter the following in the Google search bar, it is the first result on the first page: define: “script kiddies”


“[very common] The lowest form of cracker; script kiddies do mischief with scripts and rootkits written by others, often without understanding the exploit they are using. Used of people with limited technical expertise using easy-to-operate, pre-configured, and/or automated tools to conduct disruptive activities against networked systems. Since most of these tools are fairly well-known by the security community, the adverse impact of such actions is usually minimal.”

To get to the web page for the above link, enter the following in the Google search bar, it is the fourth result on first page : define: “script kiddies”


“Script kiddy (sometimes spelled kiddie) is a derogative term, originated by the more sophisticated crackers of computer security systems, for the more immature, but unfortunately often just as dangerous exploiter of security lapses on the Internet. The typical script kiddy uses existing and frequently well-known and easy-to-find techniques and programs or scripts to search for and exploit weaknesses in other computers on the Internet - often randomly and with little regard or perhaps even understanding of the potentially harmful consequences. Hackers view script kiddies with alarm and contempt since they do nothing to advance the "art" of hacking but sometimes unleashing the wrath of authority on the entire hacker community.”

To get to the web page for the above link, enter the following in the Google search bar, it is the third result on the first page: define: “script kiddies”

Now, If the perp were a more sophisticated hacker/cracker (The S.T.A.L.K. profile described the perp as “above average” in intelligence), he might use C++ or C# to create his own scripts, spy-ware, Trojans etc. Hacker/Crackers who can do this are few and far between. He would also have to have knowledge of algorithms to pull this off. IMO, it is less likely that the perp falls in this category but, not impossible.


“C++ (pronounced "cee plus plus") is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.[2] It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C language. Originally named C with Classes, the language was renamed C++ in 1983.[3]

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages[4][5] with application domains including systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment software such as video games.[6] Several groups provide both free and proprietary C++ compiler software, including the GNU Project, Microsoft, Intel and Embarcadero Technologies. C++ has greatly influenced many other popular programming languages, most notably C# and Java.”

C Sharp

C#[note 1] (pronounced see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure.

C# is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.[6] Its development team is led by Anders Hejlsberg. The most recent version is C# 4.0, which was released on April 12, 2010.



“In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm i/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (from Algoritmi, the Latin form of Al-Khwārizmī) is an effective method expressed as a finite list[1] of well-defined instructions[2] for calculating a function.[3] Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning. In simple words an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for calculations.”
Excuse my dumb questions: First, why are we discussing geek things like "sock puppetts" and "script kitties" in relation to the LISK? Second dumb question - wouldn't a good antiviral program stop such intrustions? I am learning a lot, but I think I am getting confused.
Excuse my dumb questions: First, why are we discussing geek things like "sock puppetts" and "script kitties" in relation to the LISK? Second dumb question - wouldn't a good antiviral program stop such intrustions? I am learning a lot, but I think I am getting confused.

I am operating on the assumption that the perp visits, posts and reads websites about himself. Given his predilection for taunting the victim's families and possibly law enforcement, I am thinking it is a strong Possibility he employs such methods. IMHO, it's Possible that the perp has his own website.

If the perp has installed a rootkit into computers that he Might be hacking/cracking, those anti-viral programs can be "killed" or rendered inoperable. Anti-virus programs can also be made to appear functional and even perform a system scan (with clean results of course) when they are anything but functional with a rootkit. Rootkits are difficult to detect with conventional anti-virus software.



"A rootkit is a stealthy type of malicious software (malware) designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection and enables continued privileged access to a computer.[1] The term rootkit is a concatenation of "root" (the traditional name of the privileged account on Unix operating systems) and the word "kit" (which refers to the software components that implement the tool). The term "rootkit" has negative connotations through its association with malware.[1]

Typically, an attacker installs a rootkit on a computer after first obtaining root-level access, either by exploiting a known vulnerability or by obtaining a password (either by cracking the encryption, or through social engineering). Once a rootkit is installed, it allows an attacker to mask the ongoing intrusion and maintain privileged access to the computer by circumventing normal authentication and authorization mechanisms. Although rootkits can serve a variety of ends, they have gained notoriety primarily as malware, hiding applications that misappropriate computing resources or steal passwords without the knowledge of administrators and users of affected systems. Rootkits can target firmware, a hypervisor, the kernel, or—most commonly—user-mode applications."
do you have a particular website in mind that you believe the SK owns/operates? or are you just discussing possibilities?

Hi there, To me it seems like a person with these technical abilities would have more than what STALK has said about him: " . . . . He is very literate with computers and communications in general". I think in the above questions you describe someone who has more sophistication than our SK. IMO

I think he might know enough to get by on computer and phone systems to get by and make dates, but is #1 an animal driven to satisfy his sexually sadistic desires. Hope that makes sense.

This would be a good point IF you take the STALK profile to be fact; however it is not fact i'm sure even STALK would say that, and since they aren't even LE i doubt the have anymore information than whats in the press. Sometime profiles are right sometimes they aren't, but i wouldn't rule something out just because of a profile some group of ppl posted in the internet.

He knows enough about this stuff to have selected and contacted these girls without leaving anything that could be traced back to him which is more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

I think Dr. O'toole is off a little in suggesting the importance of his online activities (i'd guess she is +50 age wise). These days almost everyone under 40 is "internet fluent". Beyond that its highly possible he likely just researched the topic that were relevant to what he wanted to do i.e. murder prostitutes. Whatever tech interest he has beyond that i don't anyone could know.
do you have a particular website in mind that you believe the SK owns/operates? or are you just discussing possibilities?


I have wondered if the LISK site is run by the perp.
This would be a good point IF you take the STALK profile to be fact; however it is not fact i'm sure even STALK would say that, and since they aren't even LE i doubt the have anymore information than whats in the press. Sometime profiles are right sometimes they aren't, but i wouldn't rule something out just because of a profile some group of ppl posted in the internet.

He knows enough about this stuff to have selected and contacted these girls without leaving anything that could be traced back to him which is more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

I think Dr. O'toole is off a little in suggesting the importance of his online activities (i'd guess she is +50 age wise). These days almost everyone under 40 is "internet fluent". Beyond that its highly possible he likely just researched the topic that were relevant to what he wanted to do i.e. murder prostitutes.
Whatever tech interest he has beyond that i don't anyone could know.

Good points.

Keep in mind, I am exploring Possibilties. Leave no stone unturned?

I am using the STALK profile as a guideline. My doing so has nothing to do with their media presence. It is their profiling expertise I find useful.
one would think that police looked into that long ago though....

I would hope so. The would need to subpoena the hosting site. Whoever owns the LISK site uses a domain by proxy to remain anonymous.

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