Possible lead in Susan Powell case, 8-18-11

watching JP interview today or was it yesterday now...anyway is it me or has anyone else notice that cocky smile on his face when he says "I have good reason to hope" at the start of the interview http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/52421263-78/powell-josh-steve-susan.html.csp

I don't know to me he is cocky and he knows that the police is in the wrong place and he thinks it is funny that they are but holds it back. Very cocky he is

also look at mark 1:16 at the big old smile he has. He knows they are not in the right place!

I agree i just watched it! Hes not upset at all. Almost relieved!
He is cocky

But then again there has to be a good reason they are out there and they took the media with them.

I was also appaled by the restraining order!
her father just wanted to see his grandchildren!
"I can't say that I hope to have them find anything, really, to be honest. I mean, I can't imagine what of value, aside from Susan herself, they could possibly find." -Josh Powell


So he's honestly telling us that he doesn't want them to find Susan.
I hope they find her remains today. I got the feeling from watching Josh's interviews yesterday that LE is spot on in location and Josh is worried, so is daddy. It brought them out of the house talking. I think if she is found there, Josh and daddy will try to blame the missing Steven Koecher as the perp. (a la Zanny the Nanny) If this gets to trial it will be interesting to see if the jury gets it right this time. Behaviors leading up to and after her disappearance, the nonsensical stories he told. Yet, no smoking gun or video of him murdering her...which is what the jury seemed to need to convict in Caylee's case. I hope the jury seated in Caylee's case was a fluke and not a trend.
"I can't say that I hope to have them find anything, really, to be honest. I mean, I can't imagine what of value, aside from Susan herself, they could possibly find." -Josh Powell


So he's honestly telling us that he doesn't want them to find Susan.
His brain is scrambling for answers while his mouth is spewing out words. Disjointed, scrambled thoughts.
"I can't say that I hope to have them find anything, really, to be honest. I mean, I can't imagine what of value, aside from Susan herself, they could possibly find." -Josh Powell


So he's honestly telling us that he doesn't want them to find Susan.

Yep, that's how is sounds to me Donjeta!

I honestly haven't followed Susan's case much since she initially went missing so I haven't seen many interviews with JP. I just watched the one someone posted a few pages back and he creeps me out just as much now as he did in the beginning. FWIW, I thought he seemed a bit discombobulated in the interview. I don't want a TO but I truly wanted to smack the smile off both JP's and his creepy dad's faces during that interview and I am not prone to violence! There I said it!!!!

Just venting:banghead:

Prayers for Susan and her family and little boys.

Another interesting thing I picked up from Josh's newest interviews... "Frankly, quite frankly, well frankly" ... Who do we know that uses that speech when he is lying? Yup. Baez.
I hope they find her remains today. I got the feeling from watching Josh's interviews yesterday that LE is spot on in location and Josh is worried, so is daddy. It brought them out of the house talking. .

I hope the same thing, too. When people are nervous, many can tend to talk a lot. I know when I'm nervous about something I'm not supposed to tell someone, I get all chatty and talky and before I know it, the person is looking at me like "what are you trying to hide"?

They could have psyched themselves up before coming outside. I think a part of these delusional men is also that they think no one can touch them and that they are so smart and the cops so gullible. And, like someone said, they are ready to pin the crime on that other guy who disappeared. And, they are also can say "Look how calm we were. If we were worried, we'd have been guilty so we aren't guilty".

Grrrrr.....but......I think maybe the police need to pick each direction N, NE, NW, S, etc. until we see a difference in Josh in these interviews. That will tell them where to look.
Long time follower of these posts here...just haven't posted much.

It occurred to me after re-watching that interview, that I hope the new info from the warrant isn't the rental car, and that JP didn't rent that car and then purposely go in the opposite direction from where he put Susan. If there was dirt found in tires that matches this area, I hope it's from the mini-van he was driving that night.

That said, I don't believe JP to be either rational or intelligent, so he may indeed have take the rental car back to where he put her, to make sure she was really dead and properly hidden. Unless, of course, he'd already talked to Papa about it all and Papa instructed him to try to throw LE off the trail by taking the rental in another direction. Just speculating.

I wouldn't be at all surprised though, if they have already found something and are trying to pressure Josh to do something (else) really stupid.
He sounds and looks like someone so afraid of getting caught and in such internal conflict with what he has done that he may break down and cry with the truth at any moment when I watch his interviews. His daddy is the strong arm that shelters him and keeps him from breaking. Josh is a psychological and emotional mess and it shows.
SO ARE THERE ANY UPDATES? I remember he rented a car several days after Susan went missing and put 200 miles on it? is that correct? ..

This article says "several hundred miles":


I believe this area is about 250 miles from their home, and they did say Josh was gone for a very long time so a rt would be over 500 miles or more if he wasn't sure which mine he was going to use. But it's more likely he scouted the area so SOMEONE must have seen that. With all the camera phones these days, too, it's likely his vehicle and maybe also him were caught in the background of someone's photo. It happens quite a lot these days but I guess less so in unpopulated areas.
The more I think about it the more I am convinced that Susan is there. Josh and his dad's #1 story they have been trying to sell has been the Steven Koecher connection. They have planned ahead in the event that her body is discovered there so they can blame the Utah man Koecher last seen in Henderson NV 1 week after Susan disappeared. I think LE is looking in the right place. Tick tock, Josh, tick tock.
Has anyone from LE actually seen Susan's journals...the ones that Josh and his dad are purported to have in their posession?

I wonder if LE suspect that Josh disposed of any journals along with Susan's body?

Is the generator missing? Maybe they are hoping to spot parts of the generator in the videotapes they took while in the mines.

What else is missing besides Susan?

I wonder if Josh believes in ghosts?

Maybe LE tried to get him to view some videotape of the searches but he refused. Maybe he is afraid of what he might see. WooooooOhwooooo! Joshieeee! I am waiting for youuuuuuu!
Rumor was that Josh was seen purchasing shrink wrap in Utah. Wondering if they are hoping to find that with her remains if in fact he really did buy some. Maybe he brought the blow torch and generator to breach a fenced off mineshaft opening and re-close it if he had to? Just thinking out loud.
This article says "several hundred miles":


I believe this area is about 250 miles from their home, and they did say Josh was gone for a very long time so a rt would be over 500 miles or more if he wasn't sure which mine he was going to use. But it's more likely he scouted the area so SOMEONE must have seen that. With all the camera phones these days, too, it's likely his vehicle and maybe also him were caught in the background of someone's photo. It happens quite a lot these days but I guess less so in unpopulated areas.

I wonder if any pictures or video have shown up of Josh dressed in Susan's coat, hat and gloves? Maybe the comment in the press conference about changing clothes was meant to panic Josh...reminding that his face stayed the same!

He surely had to stop somewhere for gas or drinks and snacks for the kids. What are the odds he didn't forget anything important for the kids, like enough diapers and wipes? If he was afraid of being caught on camera, his most handy disguise would be Susan's clothes!
I absolutely hate the fact that Josh resides in the same state as me :mad:

I think about Susan all the time- I have two precious little boys too. Please please let today be the day they find her.
Maybe the "success" was whatever happened when they tried to get Josh to cooperate today. If he had nothing to fear, cooperation should not be a problem.

The fact that he refused to help today, (while the media, friends and family were watching breathlessly), does not look good for him.

The interview with Josh and his Father yesterday was a little bizarre. I have only loosely followed Susan's case, so I don't know all the nuances, but is Josh always so ... struggling for a description, weird on camera?

His Father thinks Susan ran away with SK? :waitasec: Is that for real?
This article says "several hundred miles":


I believe this area is about 250 miles from their home, and they did say Josh was gone for a very long time so a rt would be over 500 miles or more if he wasn't sure which mine he was going to use. But it's more likely he scouted the area so SOMEONE must have seen that. With all the camera phones these days, too, it's likely his vehicle and maybe also him were caught in the background of someone's photo. It happens quite a lot these days but I guess less so in unpopulated areas.

He was gone for about 3.5 hours, came home for aboug 3 hours, left again for 17 hours. Two days later, he rents a car and puts "several hundred" miles on it.

Using "Pony Express" routes (through Delta, Utah), it'd be about a 550 mile round trip to Ely. At some point, he'd get gas -- and all of the stations that would have been open, would have had security cameras.

I'm thinking he left the body in one location, did some computer research, and then used the rental car to move the remains further away.
It's so quiet.

I want to see Josh sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a tiny room without his daddy.

I want to hear him babbling on and on with all of his lies until he talks himself right into prison.

I want to see Josh's face when he finally realizes that God knows exactly what he did...every lie, every manipulation, every evil action.

I want to see him realize that he will burn in hell if he takes these lies to his grave.

Someone needs to put the fear of God in that boy.

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