Questions for Reporters to Ask Kaine, Desiree, Tony or any player***LIST ONLY***

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Did the school groundskeeper tell you he had been interviewed by LE BEFORE distribution of the flyers with Kaine's truck pictured outside the school on the path?
For the reporters at KGW and the Oregonian:

Wuttup with the unnamed sources changing their stories so much on the Dede Spicher-goes-missing stories?

a- Y'all have reported at various times that Dede went missing at 11:30, 11:15, 10:00, 9:45, then back to 10:00, then 10:30. I mean, really?

b- Y'all also reported that Dede 'abruptly' left at 11:15 and at 11:30. That indicates that someone saw her there one minute, and gone the next. That is, seeing her egress suddenly from the property. How can that change to her being gone at 10, 9:45, 10, then 10:30, and still be considered reliable reporting based on reliable sources?

c- The time changes from 'abruptly' at 11:15 and 11:30 changed to 10, 9:45, 10, 10:30 just after the MCSO flyer with Dede's picture and earlier times than 11:15 or 11:30 was distributed. That's just a tad suspicious.

d- How do we, the public and your readers, know when your reports are reliable, from reliable sources, and when they're not when we see these kinds of rapidfire changes in a single story?
Please keep trying to pin Kaine down on what Terri said the results of her polygraph on June 26 were.

Kaine said Terri did not pass "those two tests". He also said Terri failed her first polygraph.

He's never said whether she said she had a Failed or Inconclusive result on that June 26 polygraph. He said Terri came home and vented. Period. Not what she vented about.

The People magazine reporter at the Horman home that day said when Terri came home, she barely spoke to Kaine, and went to another section of the house, at which time Kaine gave the reporter a tour of Kyron's bedroom. The People mag reporter didn't say anything about Terri venting, or anything about Terri saying anything about her polygraph at all.

So please keep asking Kaine about that June 26 polygraph, and what Terri said the results were - Passed, Failed, or Inconclusive.

(Not that it matters a whole lot - MCSO may have lied to Terri and told her she failed when she actually passed or had an inconclusive, and polygraphs are notoriously unreliable. I just wanna know. :) )
Questions for Kaine and Desiree -

- What medical, dental, eye, or other health-related appointments did Kyron have in June? What dates and times were they attended or scheduled?

- In the month prior to Kyron's disappearance, what symptoms did Terri mention she thought Kyron might be experiencing, and in what timeframe did she mention each of these symptoms or sets of symptoms?

- For Kaine. If Kyron had no medical or health related appointment scheduled after June 4, why did you not immediately, on June 4, panic about that, but instead, as you've said in interviews, went for weeks not being suspicious of Terri at all?

- For Kaine. You said that Terri and the whole thing with her taking the truck to the school made perfect sense to you for weeks, up until sometime after June 26. Did you find out some new information specifically about Terri taking the truck around or after June 26 that made the truck situation suddenly become suspicious to you?

- For Kaine. You said that when you came home from work on June 4, Terri was in a chair downstairs, and you went upstairs to your office to work. You said that when it came time to go to the bus stop, you and Terri went downstairs and got the baby. At what point did Terri go upstairs? What was she doing? Was she with you during that time upstairs? If so, how was her demeanor? What did she talk with you about?

- For Kaine. From the time that the bus driver said that Kyron hadn't been in school, what was Terri's demeanor? Did she cry? Did she raise her voice? Did she scream? Become flushed? Short of breath? Appear to be panicking? Did she appear worried about Kyron? Sad about the situation? Her son reported that she became hysterical. When was that? How many times did she become hysterical? How often did she cry about Kyron after he went missing?

- The weekend after Kyron's disappearance, did Terri ever refer to Kyron in the past tense?

- For Kaine. How many people do you know of have reported seeing Kyron alone after 8:45am on the morning of June 4? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Terri leave the school alone? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Terri and Kyron leave the school together? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Kyron leave the school? How many of them said he left alone? How many of them said he left with someone else other than Terri?
Questions for Kaine and Desiree -

- What medical, dental, eye, or other health-related appointments did Kyron have in June? What dates and times were they attended or scheduled?

- In the month prior to Kyron's disappearance, what symptoms did Terri mention she thought Kyron might be experiencing, and in what timeframe did she mention each of these symptoms or sets of symptoms?

- For Kaine. If Kyron had no medical or health related appointment scheduled after June 4, why did you not immediately, on June 4, panic about that, but instead, as you've said in interviews, went for weeks not being suspicious of Terri at all?

- For Kaine. You said that Terri and the whole thing with her taking the truck to the school made perfect sense to you for weeks, up until sometime after June 26. Did you find out some new information specifically about Terri taking the truck around or after June 26 that made the truck situation suddenly become suspicious to you?

- For Kaine. You said that when you came home from work on June 4, Terri was in a chair downstairs, and you went upstairs to your office to work. You said that when it came time to go to the bus stop, you and Terri went downstairs and got the baby. At what point did Terri go upstairs? What was she doing? Was she with you during that time upstairs? If so, how was her demeanor? What did she talk with you about?

- For Kaine. From the time that the bus driver said that Kyron hadn't been in school, what was Terri's demeanor? Did she cry? Did she raise her voice? Did she scream? Become flushed? Short of breath? Appear to be panicking? Did she appear worried about Kyron? Sad about the situation? Her son reported that she became hysterical. When was that? How many times did she become hysterical? How often did she cry about Kyron after he went missing?

- The weekend after Kyron's disappearance, did Terri ever refer to Kyron in the past tense?

- For Kaine. How many people do you know of have reported seeing Kyron alone after 8:45am on the morning of June 4? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Terri leave the school alone? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Terri and Kyron leave the school together? How many people do you know of have reported seeing Kyron leave the school? How many of them said he left alone? How many of them said he left with someone else other than Terri?

Who told Terri about an unknown male chaperone being seen with Kyron and 2 girls. What has become of that story?
although lots of good ones above, I'd like it be clarified once and for all if baby K was with Terri IN THE SCHOOL (vs AT the school) on the morning of June 4th. Oh, and I don't want the answer to come from Kaine, from what he *thinks* is true, I want the answer that LE thinks is true from witness accounts.
Kaine has said the data convinces him Terri's involved. The "data" released to the public is that she was at Skyline at 8:45, and at the store, with baby K, and without Kyron, in a vehicle without a trunk, at 9:12. Has he been given data the public is not aware of?

And to the police: Initially, they said not to worry; it was an isolated incident. School is about to start again. Evidence released makes it look like they may have been on the wrong path. Is there additional evidence they can release, to make parents confident that this was an isolated incident?

(bbm) Hello, can you please be specific about this evidence?

Thanks in advance!
For Desiree: You said Terri's story of that morning didn't make sense--you've been in the school, and know the layout. Can you be more specific?
For the reporters themselves: Why no more info on the landscaper? We've heard from Dede's EX-boyfriend--why haven't we even heard the landscaper's name, from most MSM?
I'd like a reporter to ask if Kyron was spanked and if infractions of behavior resulted in swift and immediate punishment as part of the actively being worked with to listen and obey. For instance, if he acted up or complained at the science thing would Terri have immediately made him leave and miss the tour until 10am class starting time. I'd also ask if the frustrations, mood swings, and emotions of PPD of not an "overly violent" nature were ever directed at Kyron. Was Kyron ever punished for losing or breaking his glasses or were his glasses ever withheld from him as punishment around the home. Was he ever punished for accidentally waking the baby in the mornings. Was Terri in total charge of his education, medical, and punishments?

IIRC, TH and KH worked in tandem with Kyron's teacher to help him make good choices about listening in school. In my experience this type of program involves such things as charts, and stickers on the chart for good choices. Also, if a certain number of good choices are made the child earns a reward. The child must always be praised for making good choices. Not so good choices might involve the loss of a child's favorite toy,video game or tv for a certain amount of time. It is very important that the child's caregiver uses praise and rewards, focusing on those times the child chooses good behavior... Also used are time outs,so that the child can think for a few minutes about his behavior.

I don't * know * any of the parents involved,nor Kyron, but the type of behavior modification program I'm describing is pretty standard. It will work if one is consistent. Not so good choices must be followed up with an immediate consequence, such as those I described in the paragraph above. This applies both at home and at school.

I would think if TH spanked Kyron we would definately have heard about it...IMO Taking away his eyeglasses as punishment ? A form of abuse IMO I've seen no indication that that was the case, and if I did read that,I would find it quite disturbing. IMO

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