Random Thoughts and Ideas

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Here's my random thoughts. I've done an "amatuer profile" on Casey. If I had access to cadaver dogs w/handlers, I would hit every dumpster in a triangular area from Anthony's to TonE's to Ricardo's back to Anthony's. If the dogs hit on a dumpster (and I really believe they would) I would then do whatever I could to have that specific grid of the landfill searched for the dates between June 16 and June 27, concentrating on 18th-22cd. If there were no dumpster hits, I would then take the dogs, handlers, and whatever searchers could be scraped up and do a search in that same triangular area, in any even slightly remote areas, from the road to about 300 yards in. If nothing found there, I would look same thing between Universal Studios to Anthony's, to TonE's, and to Ricardo's.
JMO, but MY gut tells me Casey went to as little effort as possible to dispose of Caylee's body, and that includes driving around scoping out an area.

I think that is a great idea about the dumpsters. I think Casey disposed of the body in a dumpster. She is too lazy to dig a hole and not the type to go into the woods. I don't know what it would cost to search a landfill- I'm picturing bulldozers, lots of biohazard teams, dogs, etc. That's a lot of debris to go through (5 months worth of garbage piled on top of that poor baby).

I would think Casey had time to drive around and scout out a secluded dumpster somewhere in Orlando. I would hope the FBI checked out surveillance cameras near dumpsters in the area. I'm guessing the cost would be huge and the funds would ultimately be coming from the taxpayers of the city of Orlando. If they find nothing, wow, what an expense! Also, who is to say all dumptruck drivers use the correct site assigned. I still hope they go for it!
I'm a few days behind, so forgive me if this has been posted in some form.

I have always felt that if Casey were a big drug user it would have surfaced already, through pics or witness statements.

it has been mentioned by a few persons that Fusion was known to pass a lot of drugs through- but not one person has mentioned anything but weed.

This makes me believe it's not true, b/c at least ONE person would admit illicit drug use, other than pot.

on the interview wftv cindy reaction to email about 5 min into her monologue she again says kc pants in the car smelled of "smoke" so she washed them. i swear she also said that during the interview w/ym and then restated and said the smell of the car. if the smell of smoke was stronger than the smell in the car - i doubt it was cig smoke. is there smoking in the bars in FL? keep thinking about those gas cans. is there anyway to check records for fires or burning debris reports during key dates?
In the begining I thought that CA was protecting Ka. I think the clue is in the first week of KC arrest. everything after that has been cover up coming out of CA. She trying to save her daughter from DP. And this is all wild goose chase with her and LE. I think if she keep this up she will be arrested.
I read on another site that CA prefers the TES search instead of LP search. I remember how she tried to stop LP and cause a commotion............I think LP is on the RIGHT TRACK, and CA KNOWS it!!!
I got to thinking about this last night, and my husband and I talked it over. I can't get past some of KC's attitudes about sexuality. The promiscuity, coupled with her seemingly very intentional inability to connect with anyone emotionally or in a long-term commitment. Add that to the possibility (this is unfounded, but a suspicion) that she might have been an escort/illegal prostitute/stripper etc.....

I started thinking back on some of the cases I was privy to when I volunteered for a young women's recovery program, as well as some of what I learned growing up with a family member who was in the sex industry....a fairly large majority of women with the outward attitudes of "sex is fun with anyone, anytime....it's just not a big deal" and their ease of essentially selling themselves as just a "pretty face" leads me back to how many of them have pasts that include sexual abuse. Either at the hands of a family member or family friend. We're talking about recurrent or long term abuse.

My husband and I started wondering....could KC have grown up being sexually abused? It seems almost impossible to point the finger at someone close like her father....but you can't always dismiss these things based on how 'nice' a person is (you know what I mean?).

I'd love to hear some thoughts and opinions from other WSers about this. Anyone connect with what I'm talking about? Want to discuss theories?

exactly, my friend is a counselor of abused children and from the veery start she has said this about KC and sex. I wonder when KC started acting out the sex part with photos etc..........before Caylee was concieved??? or after she was born??? anyone know??? She seemed low keyed in school from what I read...........
on the interview wftv cindy reaction to email about 5 min into her monologue she again says kc pants in the car smelled of "smoke" so she washed them. i swear she also said that during the interview w/ym and then restated and said the smell of the car. if the smell of smoke was stronger than the smell in the car - i doubt it was cig smoke. is there smoking in the bars in FL? keep thinking about those gas cans. is there anyway to check records for fires or burning debris reports during key dates?

I might be wrong about this, but - we have alot of brush fires that can really make the area smoky. I was thinking this could have been the excuse she was trying to use, then it dawned on her that there wasn't any smoke around for awhile - the last brushfire I could find was in Clermont:

which was June 15 16.

And since I'm not from Orlando, I'm not sure how far Clermont is from Orlando.

My thinking at the time was opposed to KC using gas to burn Caylee's body - if this is what she did, maybe she utilized one of the brush fires.
:waitasec:GA is not working for three years, causes family debt to the tune of $30,000.00, Casey, shes stealing from family funds as well is pregnant, at home with newborn & Dad (He is on the computer constantly) stealing family funds as well and is also on computer constantly. Cindy is having to micro manage disabled husbands medical care, Daughter who is new mother, & care of newborn baby plus work because two people in that family are intent to destroy it. Lots of similarities between Dad and daughter. It certainly appears their family dynamics has been alittle askewd. Please elaborate if you wish on the three years daughter and father were together even though after giving birth she made sure she got out of the house daily. I don't feel grandma really cared if CA worked the first year of Caylees life. It's obvious CA wanted out of the house enough to start her deceit & lying These are things to ponder. Like grandma said in FBI interview we all want to put a neat bow around this case and call it a day but how can we when looking at the familys last 3 to 4 yrs.

I have been thinking about the 3 years back, KC and GA home all day with baby.........first year would be fun.......the terrible 2's, money problems etc.
I think GA/KC are as thick as theives and allot alike on lazy, sneaky and lies.
Then there is hard working CA, tired of all this crap and she is the QUEEN of the house and lies and covers up for both of them. CA is very controlling but scared of losing GA. (remember the driveway fight with media when she says I don't want to lose my husband TOO?) So there are 3 liars, 1 theif, 1 control freak, 2 lazy sponges and an innocent 2 year old in that same house=explosion at many points.......the night of June 15 was the worse we can ever imagine! :behindbar
I might be wrong about this, but - we have alot of brush fires that can really make the area smoky. I was thinking this could have been the excuse she was trying to use, then it dawned on her that there wasn't any smoke around for awhile - the last brushfire I could find was in Clermont:

which was June 15 16.

And since I'm not from Orlando, I'm not sure how far Clermont is from Orlando.

My thinking at the time was opposed to KC using gas to burn Caylee's body - if this is what she did, maybe she utilized one of the brush fires.

was there any brush fires around the area about th time frame of body disposal dates??? KC could of poured gas on poor Caylee, hoping Caylee would catch on fire with the surrounding fires. I'm sick now.............:behindbar
was there any brush fires around the area about th time frame of body disposal dates??? KC could of poured gas on poor Caylee, hoping Caylee would catch on fire with the surrounding fires. I'm sick now.............:behindbar

I don't know for sure - I did try researching it a week or so ago. I believe the last one was in Clermont, referenced above.







thinking someone there helped her????
respectfully snipped

If you have a daughter who is "habitually running out of gas", and you discover gas cans missing from your shed, why would you report it to the police? Wouldn't you check with the daughter first? "Rash of gas can thieveries"? Give me a break! You report missing gas cans but not your missing granddaughter?

This is one of those sore points that has stuck with me all along. To me, it indicates an ulterior motive. Any thoughts? C'mon, I'm easy. Throw me a bone.

YES, very odd............indeed
and if you lost you 401K, remortgaged your home and had financial problems, would you keep 3 cars, insurance, upkeep,cell phones,computer service, 2 expensive yorkie dogs on 1 person's salary??? Even the food from the refrig was stolen for bf's dinner........IMO 2 people in the house not working do not need expensive toys. Caylee seemed to have everything a little girl would love to play with and wear, but no one cared much about her. She seemed like a pet??? How did CA do it? Did KC have an illegal job no one knows about to pay those cell phone bills, gas, buy trinkets........I feel she did steal allot from people but she also got money from another source also........IMO:confused::rolleyes:
I've been thinking that the character names she used such as Juliet, Jennifer, Annabelle, Jeff etc. could have come from TV shows. I found these two and both episodes were about Chloroform and contain some characters with the above names. Anyone know of a series with TGIF in it? Both of these series were from May.

CSI Episode involving Chloroform May 15, 2008

LOST episode involving Chloroform May 2, 2008 Notice that one of the Characters in named Juliet

I don't know if it has any relevance, but one of her computer searches shows she was looking for the 100th episode of One Tree Hill. (That's season 6, episode 1 I think). Don't know anything about that show really.
I don't know if it has any relevance, but one of her computer searches shows she was looking for the 100th episode of One Tree Hill. (That's season 6, episode 1 I think). Don't know anything about that show really.

Here's a yahoo answer regarding this episode:

No, actually Lindsey leaves Lucas, Lucas already says I do when asked, but Lindsey starts talking about Lucas's book (the boy saw a comet and suddenly knew his life had meaning) Peyton's car being a comet. Lucas asks if they can talk about Peyton's car some other time...Lindsey says no and leaves the wedding. Jamie is kidnapped in the bathroom by nanny carrie who tells him that Haley said they could be together again. When Haley realizes that Jamie is missing Nathan flags down a cop and tells him that Dan has kidnapped his son (at first the police think he's been drinking).
Also Brooke asks Lucas to be the father of her baby. Karen, Lily, and Andy return to the show in this episode.
Okay, I am reaching and I admit it so I am posting here. I found a profile on the "connect portion of an Ohio radio station, the woman is Latino, 28, and has kids and had just moved from Orlando to Parma OH. I am not sure how close that is to where Casey and family lived when they were there. Her favorite shows are listed as all three CSi's and One Tree Hill, favorite restaurant, TGI Fridays. I know it's weak, but it has a lot of elements that Casey used in some her stories. And there is the geographical connection. Like I said I am reaching.
(Please mods, if I am not allowed to link this person's profile for any reason, feel free to remove link, I wasn't sure.)
Okay, I am reaching and I admit it so I am posting here. I found a profile on the "connect portion of an Ohio radio station, the woman is Latino, 28, and has kids and had just moved from Orlando to Parma OH. I am not sure how close that is to where Casey and family lived when they were there. Her favorite shows are listed as all three CSi's and One Tree Hill, favorite restaurant, TGI Fridays. I know it's weak, but it has a lot of elements that Casey used in some her stories. And there is the geographical connection. Like I said I am reaching.
(Please mods, if I am not allowed to link this person's profile for any reason, feel free to remove link, I wasn't sure.)

If you'd want to keep reaching she is Puerto Rican and she only lives 67 miles from where the A's lived in Ohio! Freaky, huh?
Here's a yahoo answer regarding this episode:

No, actually Lindsey leaves Lucas, Lucas already says I do when asked, but Lindsey starts talking about Lucas's book (the boy saw a comet and suddenly knew his life had meaning) Peyton's car being a comet. Lucas asks if they can talk about Peyton's car some other time...Lindsey says no and leaves the wedding. Jamie is kidnapped in the bathroom by nanny carrie who tells him that Haley said they could be together again. When Haley realizes that Jamie is missing Nathan flags down a cop and tells him that Dan has kidnapped his son (at first the police think he's been drinking).
Also Brooke asks Lucas to be the father of her baby. Karen, Lily, and Andy return to the show in this episode.

WOW that is a great catch!!! You should mail this to LE. This is a very eerie scenario regarding the kidnapping by the nanny. I don't believe it's a coincidence.

On another note: a couple of things I have been wondering about after reading all of the docs:

1. Does anyone think KC may have been planning to kill her parents? I've heard it posulated a couple of times. Some of the searches from March 2008 make me think she wanted to do this earlier or off her parents and for some reason it didn't pan out (she met a guy??? Fell in love AGAIN???)

2. Did any of you read all of the IM exchanges between KC and "Doorknob" guy?? She was being very flirtatious while in a relationship with TonE! It seemed like she was already looking for a new "flavor of the month" since TonE told her he may remain in NY and not come home. Couldn't she commit to anything (a job??? School???) or anyone??? (a boyfriend; a daughter). Is this indicative of any type of sociopathy?

Thanks for your responses... hope you're all out on Black Friday shopping :blowkiss:
Does anyone consider the possibility that KC has Multiple Personality Disorder? Is it possible that KC = truthfully in her eyes the nanny? She listed that on her resumé as her occupation. She has talked in a dialogue type way about the nanny "teaching her a lesson".

Possible trauma (abuse??) could lead to MPD.

If that could be proven, I would have a little bit different opinion of this case.
Here is one definition for MPD:

Multiple personality disorder (MPD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behavior. The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other. The unity of consciousness, by which we identify our selves, is said to be absent in MPD. Another symptom of MPD is significant amnesia which can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. In 1994, the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV replaced the designation of MPD with DID: dissociative identity disorder. The label may have changed, but the list of symptoms remained essentially the same.

Memory and other aspects of consciousness are said to be divided up among "alters" in the MPD. The number of "alters" identified by various therapists ranges from several to tens to hundreds. There are even some reports of several thousand identities dwelling in one person. There does not seem to be any consensus among therapists as to what an "alter" is. Yet, there is general agreement that the cause of MPD is repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse.

Bolding added by me.

1. "I absolutely do not know where my daughter is"

2. Significant change in behavior according to Amy H.

3. No memories of time she "dropped Caylee off" at the nanny's.

4. No memories of the correct house or apartment.

I'm just throwing it out there for your consideration... in light of the recent allegations of possible sexual abuse by GA and/or LA.
WOW that is a great catch!!! You should mail this to LE. This is a very eerie scenario regarding the kidnapping by the nanny. I don't believe it's a coincidence.

On another note: a couple of things I have been wondering about after reading all of the docs:

1. Does anyone think KC may have been planning to kill her parents? I've heard it posulated a couple of times. Some of the searches from March 2008 make me think she wanted to do this earlier or off her parents and for some reason it didn't pan out (she met a guy??? Fell in love AGAIN???)

2. Did any of you read all of the IM exchanges between KC and "Doorknob" guy?? She was being very flirtatious while in a relationship with TonE! It seemed like she was already looking for a new "flavor of the month" since TonE told her he may remain in NY and not come home. Couldn't she commit to anything (a job??? School???) or anyone??? (a boyfriend; a daughter). Is this indicative of any type of sociopathy?

Thanks for your responses... hope you're all out on Black Friday shopping :blowkiss:

1. I'm sure LE is all over this episode of One Tree Hill.
2. I think it's VERY POSSIBLE KC thought about doing away with someone else in the house. I think she chickened out... she hadn't built herself up to "that level" yet. The "self defense" search... she wanted to make the murder look like self defense.
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