Raven's Mission

No, I know he (Derek) served a mission, to the East or West Indies. And, I know he did a great job. He was even on seminary council in high school, a board of students that serves on a leadership council for high school seminary-- at Alta High School.

I am quite aware of his actions recently-- I've read the blog as well. It's sad for me because I know him and was actually good friends with him, but he's always had a, shall I say, unique spirit. Just because he isn't active now, doesn't mean he wasn't active then. He was actually quite involved in the church.
JerseyGirl said:
About Raven's family - I can understand why it disturbs you somewhat that his family has been brought up. But please understand - you know the family personally so your views are tainted by what you believe you already know about the family. At the same time, our views are also probably not quite right because we don't know the real people or the real dynamics involved. On both sides, our views and opinions are probably not 100%. Regardless, our views and opinions are not only allowed on these boards; it's what keeps the boards running.

I will apologize if anything I've said has upset you or if anything I say in the future will upset you. But I believe that the dynamics of the family are very pertinent to this case. Raven does not exist in a vaccuum - he's a product of genetics and upbringing. His experiences and interactions have helped to form the person that he is. If people he's known have modeled the behavior that we see in him, that's pertinent. If people he's known have enabled him (or continue to do so), that's pertinent. All of these things matter and have an influence. I hope that your personal connection to the family will not make it too painful for you to read what's being said but please understand that in the context of these boards, the issues we're discussing are appropriate.
First, thanks for the welcome. And, don't worry, nothing you've said has offended me. Secondly, I so understand your point about upbringing and genetics, but I just can't disagree more.

I myself am a product of adoption. My birthmother, whom I just located, is unfortunetly quite a lousy person. My adopted mother is also quite a lousy person and was quite abusive, well, always. Granted, my father is a saint, but my siblings and I endured some miserable circumstances. And, I feel I am quite normal, as are my siblings.

Raven has several siblings that grew up in similar circumstances, and some of them are amazing people-- some of the best I know.

I am a firm believer that yes, our life experiences shape who we are, as do our genetics to a degree, but when it comes down to it, free agency plays the biggest role. If Raven is indeed guilty of murder, I do not believe it's because of his family or genetics.
Hey, I don't know if ya'll saw this, but I found online the other day a story by a NC newspaper or TV station that did a phone interview with Raven regarding the murder. Have you already seen this? I'll try and find it again and post the link.
reportergirl said:
No, I know he (Derek) served a mission, to the East or West Indies. And, I know he did a great job. He was even on seminary council in high school, a board of students that serves on a leadership council for high school seminary-- at Alta High School.

I am quite aware of his actions recently-- I've read the blog as well. It's sad for me because I know him and was actually good friends with him, but he's always had a, shall I say, unique spirit. Just because he isn't active now, doesn't mean he wasn't active then. He was actually quite involved in the church.
What you are saying really BOTHERED me (that a person would be a LDS missionary one day and a law breaking pot smoking freak the next) so I went to a site called LDSmissions.com and searched for your dear friend Derek Abaroa Peters, Derrick Peters, Derek Abaroa, Derrick Abaroa and any one with the last name Peters or Abaroa. Guess what the results were? The only Abaroa-Peters is Jacob who served a mission in New York. And to show that this site works really well, I searched for the few missionaries that I have known over the years. Some I had good spelling of their names on others I did not. But I was still able to locate all of them. SO I AM PUTTING OUT A CHALLANGE TO YOU. PLEASE HELP ME LOCATE THIS INFOMATION ON YOUR FRIEND. EVERYONE HERE WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO TRUST WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. Look, if you are right I will be the first to say so, but I can't find any evidence that you are.
reportergirl said:
Hey, I don't know if ya'll saw this, but I found online the other day a story by a NC newspaper or TV station that did a phone interview with Raven regarding the murder. Have you already seen this? I'll try and find it again and post the link.
Hi ReporterGirl,

We did see that - last week there was an entire thread dedicated to it.

My response to the article is below:

01-25-2006, 08:38 AM
vbmenu_register("postmenu_951636", true);
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 341

Article in Raleigh News Observer
While it is great that Janet's case is now getting more attention, I think it is important to recongize the following:

Neither Raven OR his family had ANYTHING to do with the $5000 award.
Raven has NOT been in contact with LE
Raven can cry a river about Janet's death to a journalist, but he has done
NOTHING to help solve this crime

The good news is that he commented on how what is being posted on the "web sites" bothers him. That is good news - we are getting to him. Of course he portrayed it as it he didn't like it because he thought Janet was being characterized as being weak. HA! Janet was never weak. You don't get to be both an Academic and an Atheletic All American by being weak. Her only weakness was trusting Raven.

Raven Baby. The only person who ever took advantage of Janet or thought her to be weak was YOU.

Who lied to her repeatedly? Who cheated on her repeatedly? Who stole money? Who lied about having a job? Who humiliated her in front of her friends and co-workers?

Who Raven?????

Wait... IT WAS YOU.

Live with that on your conscience, you crybaby.

Never mind. You don't have a conscience.

You don't care.
Well Reportergirl, then you obviously have hit Shiloh's blog too, seems like she has an issue with Drugs too and just had a baby, and from what it seems she, and I could be wrong....but frequently am not, she was using them WHILE pregnant. Also one of her blogs, if you have read up on hers, talks about SELLING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR PROFIT.

So, now we have a Derrek, a mushroom using, pothead, that travels the road after supposedly serving a mission, a sister that, by her words and actions has used drugs DURING her pregnancy, and she claims to have sold prescription drugs for profit.

A mom that is into pyramid schemes and get rich schemes, who wasn't divorced from one husband before dating a recent widower with children who she eventually married.

From all accounts it seems that Jakob has at least tried to be a decent moral upstanding person. Then there's Jim Bolton, for the life of me I can't see what he is doing with Karyn, he seems like a decent person too.
reportergirl said:
I am a firm believer that yes, our life experiences shape who we are, as do our genetics to a degree, but when it comes down to it, free agency plays the biggest role. If Raven is indeed guilty of murder, I do not believe it's because of his family or genetics.
Very good points, and I agree. Neither nature nor nurture is completely responsible for who we become. I also believe that we have the ability to break free from crummy circumstances and pledge to ourselves to be the best we can be, nonetheless. At the same time, however, some of us can break free from our experiences and some of us can't. And first and foremost - you have to recognize that there's a problem and you have to want to change it. In other words, we are all a product of nature and nurture - every single on of us. And unless we see a problem and choose to change it, we remain a product of those things.

In any case, I do not mean that Raven's family is responsible for his actions - not at all. Raven is totally responsible for that himself. I am just intrigued by interpersonal relationships and how they affect people, especially as they "grow up". I also find it interesting to see how family members or people brought up in similar circumstances compare to each other, (siblings, etc).

In any case, thank you for your kind response, reportergirl. I'm truly sorry for the horrible experiences you seem to have had. You're always welcome here.
BirdHunter said:
What you are saying really BOTHERED me (that a person would be a LDS missionary one day and a law breaking pot smoking freak the next) so I went to a site called LDSmissions.com and searched for your dear friend Derek Abaroa Peters, Derrick Peters, Derek Abaroa, Derrick Abaroa and any one with the last name Peters or Abaroa. Guess what the results were? The only Abaroa-Peters is Jacob who served a mission in New York. And to show that this site works really well, I searched for the few missionaries that I have known over the years. Some I had good spelling of their names on others I did not. But I was still able to locate all of them. SO I AM PUTTING OUT A CHALLANGE TO YOU. PLEASE HELP ME LOCATE THIS INFOMATION ON YOUR FRIEND. EVERYONE HERE WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO TRUST WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. Look, if you are right I will be the first to say so, but I can't find any evidence that you are.
Wow, obviously you didn't look at the site very closely. You have to register yourself in order to be listed. Jacob registered himself. Derek did not. How do I know this besides the obvious website? I tried to look up my husband, who I know served a successful 2-year mission-- I've met his mission president, gone to missionary reunions, even been to the country he served, and he isn't listed. I also tried several of his friends. Not listed. I also tried my father-- not listed. Maybe you're the one who needs to check your facts before you start making accusations about truth.

Look, the only information I can offer is what I know. I know Derek went on a mission because I remember seeing him the day before he went in the MTC. I remember hearing updates on his progress from my father and ward members. I've seen pictures of him there. I saw his name and mission address listed on the back of the ward programs at church where they list all the missionary locations so you can write to them. And I remember when he got home. So, you may not be able to find evidence, but I KNOW he went on a mission. I will do my best to track down some kind of listing or see if I have one of the church programs in a scrapbook or something.

As far as him going off the deepend, I feel it's very sad. I too think it's disturbing. And Shiloh too, who was such a cute and good girl growing up. Yes, they have their problems, but they were active at one time-- very active in the church. Not eveyone that has ever been a member of the church is still a member. My husband has an uncle who went on a mission, got married in the temple, graduated from BYU, and now he also lives a quite alternative life.
terminatrixator said:
Well Reportergirl, then you obviously have hit Shiloh's blog too, seems like she has an issue with Drugs too and just had a baby, and from what it seems she, and I could be wrong....but frequently am not, she was using them WHILE pregnant. Also one of her blogs, if you have read up on hers, talks about SELLING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR PROFIT.

So, now we have a Derrek, a mushroom using, pothead, that travels the road after supposedly serving a mission, a sister that, by her words and actions has used drugs DURING her pregnancy, and she claims to have sold prescription drugs for profit.

A mom that is into pyramid schemes and get rich schemes, who wasn't divorced from one husband before dating a recent widower with children who she eventually married.

From all accounts it seems that Jakob has at least tried to be a decent moral upstanding person. Then there's Jim Bolton, for the life of me I can't see what he is doing with Karyn, he seems like a decent person too.
Well, yes, I've seen it all, and it does make me sad about Shiloh and Derek. As far as Karyn, I don't know of any pyramid schemes or get rich quick schemes, and Jacob couldn't be a better guy with his cute new family. He's a really quality person. And, if you look at the Bolton side of the family, they have some great people who were raised in similar circumstances. Every family has problems and black sheep. What are ya gonna do?
Moxie said:
Hi ReporterGirl,

We did see that - last week there was an entire thread dedicated to it.

My response to the article is below:

http://websleuths.com/forums/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-25-2006, 08:38 AM
Moxie http://websleuths.com/forums/images/statusicon/user_online.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_951636", true);
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 341

Article in Raleigh News Observer
While it is great that Janet's case is now getting more attention, I think it is important to recongize the following:

Neither Raven OR his family had ANYTHING to do with the $5000 award.
Raven has NOT been in contact with LE
Raven can cry a river about Janet's death to a journalist, but he has done
NOTHING to help solve this crime

The good news is that he commented on how what is being posted on the "web sites" bothers him. That is good news - we are getting to him. Of course he portrayed it as it he didn't like it because he thought Janet was being characterized as being weak. HA! Janet was never weak. You don't get to be both an Academic and an Atheletic All American by being weak. Her only weakness was trusting Raven.

Raven Baby. The only person who ever took advantage of Janet or thought her to be weak was YOU.

Who lied to her repeatedly? Who cheated on her repeatedly? Who stole money? Who lied about having a job? Who humiliated her in front of her friends and co-workers?

Who Raven?????

Wait... IT WAS YOU.

Live with that on your conscience, you crybaby.

Never mind. You don't have a conscience.

You don't care.
Thanks Mox for telling me you already saw it. I still haven't gone through every thread here. I however saw more of a grieving husband than anything.
In any case, thank you for your kind response, reportergirl. I'm truly sorry for the horrible experiences you seem to have had. You're always welcome here.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. Although we don't see eye to eye, you're very insightful.:)
reportergirl said:
Thanks. Although we don't see eye to eye, you're very insightful.:)
Thank you, reportergirl. And you're very kind (and brave) to come on and share your personal experiences with and insights of the Abaroa and Bolton families. It certainly adds dimension to these debates to finally hear the other side!
JerseyGirl said:
Thank you, reportergirl. And you're very kind (and brave) to come on and share your personal experiences with and insights of the Abaroa and Bolton families. It certainly adds dimension to these debates to finally hear the other side!
reportergirl said:
Well, yes, I've seen it all, and it does make me sad about Shiloh and Derek. As far as Karyn, I don't know of any pyramid schemes or get rich quick schemes, and Jacob couldn't be a better guy with his cute new family. He's a really quality person. And, if you look at the Bolton side of the family, they have some great people who were raised in similar circumstances. Every family has problems and black sheep. What are ya gonna do?
Looking at the Bolton side, I'm not seeing any issues, except the fact that Jim seems like too nice of a guy to be having to deal with the issues he has to deal with since he has entered into marriage with Karyn Abaroa.

The serious fact remains, Raven has had three KNOWN affairs, Raven has embezzled from Sport's Endeavors, Raven has lied about the circumstances surrounding his wife's brutal murder, Raven has not ONCE contacted Law Enforcement to inquire about the investigation into his Brutal Wife's murder, as a matter of fact, NOBODY from the Abaroa family has contacted Law Enforcement to inquire about the ongoing investigation of the brutal murder of Janet Marie Christiansen. (Detective Vaughn, (919) 560-4440, ext. 247 or CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200).

Except in public, the Abaroa's, do NOT seem to give two craps about the brutal murder of Janet and her unborn child.

To be brutally honest, as is my ever so charming way, on the evening of April 26, 2005 Raven Samuel Peters Abaroa premeditated and carried out the brutal murder of his beautiful, smart, caring, loving wife Janet Marie Christiansen and the precious unborn child she was carrying.

These facts will be proven, in a Court of Law, at an undetermined date and time and Justice will be Served.

I will be there to witness Justice, without a smile, with an extremely heavy heart, because NO MATTER WHAT, it will NOT bring Janet Marie and her child back to the family and friends that LOVE her and MISS her so very deeply.
terminatrixator said:
Looking at the Bolton side, I'm not seeing any issues, except the fact that Jim seems like too nice of a guy to be having to deal with the issues he has to deal with since he has entered into marriage with Karyn Abaroa.

The serious fact remains, Raven has had three KNOWN affairs, Raven has embezzled from Sport's Endeavors, Raven has lied about the circumstances surrounding his wife's brutal murder, Raven has not ONCE contacted Law Enforcement to inquire about the investigation into his Brutal Wife's murder, as a matter of fact, NOBODY from the Abaroa family has contacted Law Enforcement to inquire about the ongoing investigation of the brutal murder of Janet Marie Christiansen. (Detective Vaughn, (919) 560-4440, ext. 247 or CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200).

Except in public, the Abaroa's, do NOT seem to give two craps about the brutal murder of Janet and her unborn child.

To be brutally honest, as is my ever so charming way, on the evening of April 26, 2005 Raven Samuel Peters Abaroa premeditated and carried out the brutal murder of his beautiful, smart, caring, loving wife Janet Marie Christiansen and the precious unborn child she was carrying.

These facts will be proven, in a Court of Law, at an undetermined date and time and Justice will be Served.

I will be there to witness Justice, without a smile, with an extremely heavy heart, because NO MATTER WHAT, it will NOT bring Janet Marie and her child back to the family and friends that LOVE her and MISS her so very deeply.
How do you know Raven and no one from his family has contacted Law Enoforcement?
reportergirl said:
How do you know Raven and no one from his family has contacted Law Enoforcement?
Many of us here have contacted Officer Vaughn and/or Sargent Cates personally. Please feel free to do this at any time. Just be sure to leave your name, what you are calling about and a return phone number. You are unlikely to find them sitting at their desk.
BirdHunter said:
Many of us here have contacted Officer Vaughn and/or Sargent Cates personally. Please feel free to do this at any time. Just be sure to leave your name, what you are calling about and a return phone number. You are unlikely to find them sitting at their desk.
Thanks for the info, Bird
Detective Vaughn, (919) 560-4440, ext. 247 or you can go through the operator and ask for Seargent Cates.

Raven has NEVER contacted LE. Neither has his MOTHER, his SISTER or his BROTHERS.

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