Raven's Mission

reportergirl said:
I don't feel comfortable speaking for the Abaroas or the Boltons and their actions.
reportergirl said:
Well, good, he should be insignificant to you because he's not involved, just like the rest of Raven's family, whether you agree with their mourning actions or not.
Fine, you don't feel comfortable speaking for the Abaroas or the Boltons on their inactions and actions, but you've done a pretty good job at spinning.

No hard facts, nothing noteworthy to say, but still have yet to acknowledge the fact that Janet Marie Christiansen and the child she was carrying was brutally murdered and this family does not seem to give a crap. With what seems to be a motto of "life goes on", this family is living in a fantasy world if they think we are going to drop it, it isn't going to happen.

We will be here every single day, until Justice is served for Janet Marie Christiansen, and the actions of one person Raven Abaroa, caused a horrific change in many people's lives, and the actions and inactions by those that further perpetuate the lie of his innocence will be questioned, and I have absolutely no problem bringing this up as often as I can.
BirdHunter said:
That's a thought Mox. Maybe that is why he doing all of these self destructing things. He can't stand reality! The reality that his own brother committed murder.
Possibly. I'm still not convinced that he went on his mission.

But poor kid, and he really is only a kid still - Can you imagine trying to live in the environment he is living in? Who can comprehend how hellish it must be for Derek to wonder if his adored older brother actually murdered his sweet wife? And to live constantly with that question? And for Derek to know that Raven will use him in any way he needs to escape accountability for the murder of Janet? That has to be hard.
reportergirl said:
Jenifred-- I think his family members have done more than you or anyone else give them credit for. In fact, I believe there are family members here posting without you all realizing it.
So, they started a trust fund, and then read and post (once in a while) at Websleuths to see what we have to say about the Golden Boy. We know they read here and post here every once in a great while. :boohoo:

So, what is it they are actually doing to help find Justice for Janet and her unborn child? Stocking up money for Raven's defense lol. I heard Mark Geragos is looking to Defend another guy that's Stone Cold Innocent! Got a Million Bucks? Send it MG's way.

How about they contact Law Enforcement? How about instead of Raven going out on Bike Outtings, and playing Soccer and Volleyball and dating, he take that money and fly to North Carolina to take a Lie Detector Test and cooperate with Law Enforcement? That's a novel concept, helping investigators find the brutal killer of his wife and unborn child......oh wait, that would make too much sense.

Oh I'm sure the family is spinning it amongst themselves, if LE can't find anyone they are going to pin it on the Golden Boy.....bullcrap, nobody broke into that home on Ferrand Drive, there was no boyfriend, no contract killing, there was no jealous girl, there was only one person and one person only that committed this brutal act, Raven Abaroa and then in My Opinion, there are the accessories via apathy, the family.
ewwwinteresting said:
The only thing that the Abaroas have done is begged for money. IMO, they are trying to financially benefit from this horrific crime. Whether they know raven is guilty or not, I don't know. Why they don't help LE with this crime, I don't know. Why they haven't offered a reward, I don't know. Maybe this is their "way" of mourning:sick:
Yep, they begged for money, Derrek wrote a song :sick: and they lurk at websleuths, besides that nothing has been done, because "Life goes on."

The attitude I get is why should Raven have to suffer and face up to the truth, it isn't going to bring Janet back, so be a good boy Raven and just don't do it again...this is the vibe I get.

My point is this, I believe even if Raven confessed to his mother she would stand by her child and would do nothing about it, I believe she would tell him deny, deny, deny, it's easier in her mind to deny, deny, deny, than to take some sort of proactive stance and make sure her child is where he could do no more harm to others!

We already see the mindset of defense in their silence and Life goes on attitude.
BirdHunter said:
That's a thought Mox. Maybe that is why he doing all of these self destructing things. He can't stand reality! The reality that his own brother committed murder.
You know, you might have a point. Maybe the Abaroas and the Boltons are mostly upstanding folks but haven't volunteered information because they're not sure that Raven didn't do this. I have to say that if I suspected that one of my family members had done something like this, I don't know what I would do. I know that we all say that we would "do the right thing" but it's got to be a lot different when you're in that situation. I know for sure that if it was one of my children, I could not turn them in. As wrong as that is, I just couldn't do it. I would not help them to hide their guilt, I wouldn't even want to know about their guilt - but I could never in a million years turn my child in or testify against them. So in a way, I can't blame Raven's family for not pushing the envelope if they're not sure themselves what might happen at the end of all of this.
Fellow WS'ers - I hope you know that I adore you - many of you have become dear friends. But I think that we're being terribly unfair to Reportergirl. She has come here to give us HER impression of the Abaroas from what she knows and has seen. For so many months, we've wanted to hear from the other side, and now that we are, people are practically attacking her. Her impressions are not going to match ours and they shouldn't have to. Her input is valuable, maybe even more so than many of the useless posts that I and other people have posted just to keep this forum going. She's trying to give us what we've been asking for for so long - the view from the other side. Please don't chase her away. Repeatedly spewing our opinions of what the Abaroas should do isn't going to facilitate a comfortable place for RG to discuss her ideas and certainly isn't going to encourage anyone else to want to converse with us either. And without the other side, we're at a stand-still. There's nothing left to "discuss".
Since we are on the Thread titles Raven's mission, I just want to vent and say one thing that really irritates me. It irritates me to know that Raven lied to me about going on a mission. It irritates me even more that this is when he and Janet were engaged and that she was standing there with him while he told me. Did he lie to her about things from the very beginning, or had he sweet talked her with "honey, I don't want our friends at church to look down on us because I didn't complete a mission. I love you and would never want anyone to think less of YOU because I didn't complete my mission. You know that my life was hard and I just couldn't go. I wanted to. I had a mission call. I was worthy, but I couldn't afford it. I had to work to support my family. I have to tell people what they want to hear so that they don't interfere with our love. I am just telling people that I went on a mission because I love you."

I am so irritated that he was lying before they were even married. How hard is it to be a man and just say that he didn't serve a mission but stayed home to support his family...or whatever the reason was. He lied to me. Worse, Janet loved him with all of her heart and he lied in front of her, either lying to her to or sweet talking his way out of it. This just really burns me up!:furious:
JerseyGirl said:
Fellow WS'ers - I hope you know that I adore you - many of you have become dear friends. But I think that we're being terribly unfair to Reportergirl. She has come here to give us HER impression of the Abaroas from what she knows and has seen. For so many months, we've wanted to hear from the other side, and now that we are, people are practically attacking her. Her impressions are not going to match ours and they shouldn't have to. Her input is valuable, maybe even more so than many of the useless posts that I and other people have posted just to keep this forum going. She's trying to give us what we've been asking for for so long - the view from the other side. Please don't chase her away. Repeatedly spewing our opinions of what the Abaroas should do isn't going to facilitate a comfortable place for RG to discuss her ideas and certainly isn't going to encourage anyone else to want to converse with us either. And without the other side, we're at a stand-still. There's nothing left to "discuss".
That's true.
JerseyGirl said:
You know, you might have a point. Maybe the Abaroas and the Boltons are mostly upstanding folks but haven't volunteered information because they're not sure that Raven didn't do this. I have to say that if I suspected that one of my family members had done something like this, I don't know what I would do. I know that we all say that we would "do the right thing" but it's got to be a lot different when you're in that situation. I know for sure that if it was one of my children, I could not turn them in. As wrong as that is, I just couldn't do it. I would not help them to hide their guilt, I wouldn't even want to know about their guilt - but I could never in a million years turn my child in or testify against them. So in a way, I can't blame Raven's family for not pushing the envelope if they're not sure themselves what might happen at the end of all of this.
I think this is a very good possibility. Thanks Jersey.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
Since we are on the Thread titles Raven's mission, I just want to vent and say one thing that really irritates me. It irritates me to know that Raven lied to me about going on a mission. It irritates me even more that this is when he and Janet were engaged and that she was standing there with him while he told me. Did he lie to her about things from the very beginning, or had he sweet talked her with "honey, I don't want our friends at church to look down on us because I didn't complete a mission. I love you and would never want anyone to think less of YOU because I didn't complete my mission. You know that my life was hard and I just couldn't go. I wanted to. I had a mission call. I was worthy, but I couldn't afford it. I had to work to support my family. I have to tell people what they want to hear so that they don't interfere with our love. I am just telling people that I went on a mission because I love you."

I am so irritated that he was lying before they were even married. How hard is it to be a man and just say that he didn't serve a mission but stayed home to support his family...or whatever the reason was. He lied to me. Worse, Janet loved him with all of her heart and he lied in front of her, either lying to her to or sweet talking his way out of it. This just really burns me up!:furious:
I don't think money had anything to do with why Raven didn't go on a mission. Yes, it's wrong of him to lie about it, but remember, Raven I'm sure felt a lot of pressure to be the good son. A lot of members of the church look down on young men that do not serve missions. It's a lot of pressure.

And, again, as far as Derek serving a mission, I thought I confirmed that he did serve a mission. If all of you choose not to believe me, fine, choose not to believe the facts I know.
JerseyGirl said:
Fellow WS'ers - I hope you know that I adore you - many of you have become dear friends. But I think that we're being terribly unfair to Reportergirl. She has come here to give us HER impression of the Abaroas from what she knows and has seen. For so many months, we've wanted to hear from the other side, and now that we are, people are practically attacking her. Her impressions are not going to match ours and they shouldn't have to. Her input is valuable, maybe even more so than many of the useless posts that I and other people have posted just to keep this forum going. She's trying to give us what we've been asking for for so long - the view from the other side. Please don't chase her away. Repeatedly spewing our opinions of what the Abaroas should do isn't going to facilitate a comfortable place for RG to discuss her ideas and certainly isn't going to encourage anyone else to want to converse with us either. And without the other side, we're at a stand-still. There's nothing left to "discuss".
Thanks Jersey, but I think I'm done here for awhile. My purpose in joining here was to clear up some obvious mistakes early into the investigation about his family-- and there were a lot when you all got started. I don't pretend to know whether Raven is guilty or innocent. I just don't know. And, really, neither do any of you. All I can offer is what I know-- not trying to spin anything, just offer the facts that I know.

But, it seems pretty obvious to me that all most of you want to do is wallow in your own pesimistic posts-- not trying to see other possible options. You've all convicted him online-- who needs a trial or legal system?

I would like to think of myself as a fair and balanced person, willing to see the possibility of Raven's guilt, as well as his innocence. But, I do know him and his family very well, as many of you DO NOT. I can't say for sure he didn't do it. And YOU ALL can't say for sure that he did. Until you're willing to consider that possibility, there's no point in me posting here any further.

Thank you to those of you that have been kind and willing to consider other possibilities. I sincerely hope justice is served for Janet and her baby. And, I hope this site can offer help to LE. Good Luck
We'll miss you reportergirl.Thank you for the insights that you have provided. What you have said about the family confirms what I have heard. Raven's family has had some troubles, and have all gone through their ups and downs. Raven even talked about teh hard times he had growing up on his website. The troubles do not, however, do not deter from the fact that this family has had it's good times over the years. Many return missionaries, like Derrek struggle with church principles after their mission. I am not saying that I like the Abaroa's raising Kaiden. I am saying that the mom was/ is? a temple worker. Raven and Janet got married in the temple. Raven's brother served a mission. These things would not have happened if they did not have faith in God and Jesus, or if they didn't want to try to follow him. Most people that fall astray still believe in God, and know that they are not following the principles that they deep down believe to be true. With all of that said, I have seen many people who used to live all of the principles of the gospel that later go down their own path. I do not doubt that they were wonderful friends in highschool.
I have one last thought for the day, and I may too may say goodbye for a while. My thought is simply this. The reason that there are harsh letters posted to Raven on this site and many of the harsh comments is that when many of us got the phone call telling us about Janet's death we were told she had been murdered and that police believed it was Raven. It was hard for many of us to go to the funeral or memorial service and be in the room with Raven, to see the look in his eyes. Yes, there was fear and I'm sure that most of us were all watching our backs. Do I think that someone would have made up the fact that police thought it was Raven. NO! Why would someone do something like that?

I think much of the harshness is frustration that Raven hasn't been arrested yet. All of the details point to him. Perhaps everything that we have mentioned is too circumstantial to hold up in court. What is it going to take to get him arrested? What little details can we piece together to make the case? While I do not think that this site should be about picking on Raven's family, I am hoping that all of us looking together very deeply at every little detail out there may help to break the case.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
Since we are on the Thread titles Raven's mission, I just want to vent and say one thing that really irritates me. It irritates me to know that Raven lied to me about going on a mission. It irritates me even more that this is when he and Janet were engaged and that she was standing there with him while he told me. Did he lie to her about things from the very beginning, or had he sweet talked her with "honey, I don't want our friends at church to look down on us because I didn't complete a mission. I love you and would never want anyone to think less of YOU because I didn't complete my mission. You know that my life was hard and I just couldn't go. I wanted to. I had a mission call. I was worthy, but I couldn't afford it. I had to work to support my family. I have to tell people what they want to hear so that they don't interfere with our love. I am just telling people that I went on a mission because I love you."

I am so irritated that he was lying before they were even married. How hard is it to be a man and just say that he didn't serve a mission but stayed home to support his family...or whatever the reason was. He lied to me. Worse, Janet loved him with all of her heart and he lied in front of her, either lying to her to or sweet talking his way out of it. This just really burns me up!:furious:
R&G--are you saying that Raven told Janet he went on a mission?
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
I am saying that the mom was/ is? a temple worker. Raven and Janet got married in the temple. Raven's brother served a mission. These things would not have happened if they did not have faith in God and Jesus, or if they didn't want to try to follow him.
I guess that I'm just a little more (okay maybe a lot) more cynnical that you are. I know that some members of the church that really don't understand, believe, or live faithful lives do things that faithful mormons do to show their devotion. They do what's expected of them, because it's expected of them as members of the church. Sad, but it happens. So, I still have my doubts about how devoted the Abaroa clan is.
Let me be the first to say adieu to Rainbows and Reportergirl. I'm sorry that you are leaving because the reason why this forum has been so interesting lately is because of both of your posts. I hope that you can give us another chance (rg, you've been great at holding your ground) and stick around.
Jenifred said:
Let me be the first to say adieu to Rainbows and Reportergirl. I'm sorry that you are leaving because the reason why this forum has been so interesting lately is because of both of your posts. I hope that you can give us another chance (rg, you've been great at holding your ground) and stick around.
I totally agree with this post. RG and Rainbows, there are many people here that want to hear what you have to say. We ALL want justice for Janet. I think that in order to find that, we are going to have to learn how to bite our tongues at times. If we don't have actual facts to argue, how about if we just sit back and listen to what each other has to say? We don't always have to offer an opposing view. And Rainbows and RG, please - feel free to stick around and say what you choose to say. As I've said before, if someone seems particularly argumentative, just don't respond to their posts. We need to hear from everyone that has something to say. We have to make this forum friendlier for differing views. Otherwise, what on Earth are we all doing here day after day? We've got nothing left to bounce off of each other.

RG and Rainbows, please don't go.
Jenifred said:
R&G--are you saying that Raven told Janet he went on a mission?
Ok, I "have to" reply to this. I care too much about the case not to.

Raven and Janet and I were talking while they were engaged. I wanted to get to know him better. He told me that he served a mission and had to come home early, I believe he said for medical reasons. Janet was there with us. She was generally pretty quiet and didn't comment. Now I wonder, did she know that he didn't go on a mission...and he had to justify to her why he would say to me that he went, or had he lied to her to? I just don't know which it is, but I really don't like either. In my opinion honesty is the first step in a relationship and without it you have nothing. I am just frustrated that he was lying before they were even married.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
Ok, I "have to" reply to this. I care too much about the case not to.

Raven and Janet and I were talking while they were engaged. I wanted to get to know him better. He told me that he served a mission and had to come home early, I believe he said for medical reasons. Janet was there with us. She was generally pretty quiet and didn't comment. Now I wonder, did she know that he didn't go on a mission...and he had to justify to her why he would say to me that he went, or had he lied to her to? I just don't know which it is, but I really don't like either. In my opinion honesty is the first step in a relationship and without it you have nothing. I am just frustrated that he was lying before they were even married.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, I was a little confused. But it seems, like you inferred, that honesty wasn't Raven's forte.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
I am just frustrated that he was lying before they were even married.
I know exactly what you mean - if a relationship starts out with lies, where do you go from there? It tends to only get more & more compounded as time goes on and that's almost like asking for trouble. :(

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