Real men take fishing seriously


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Apr 17, 2007
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Man competing in fishing tournament shot by fisherman

The Associated Press
Published on: 05/23/07
GREENSBORO — An 86-year-old man didn't want anyone getting too close to his fishing lines, so he took a few shots at a pair of fishermen who did, authorities said.
John Burke Yearwood of Madison was jailed on a charge of aggravated assault and later released on bond.
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Greene County Sheriff Chris Houston said Yearwood has been putting his fishing lines out in the area for decades.
Two men competing in a fishing tournament Saturday on the Oconee River told authorities that when they got close to Yearwood's lines, Yearwood raised a rifle and fired two shots which hit the water in front of their boat. A sheriff's department report says Yearwood — who was at a fishing camp but was not in the tournament himself — fired a third shot which hit Craig Barnett of Sycamore as he sat in the boat.
The men said they sped away in the boat and used a cell phone to call 911.
The sheriff's report says Barnett sustained a wound under his left arm and gave authorities a small-caliber bullet that he says went into his arm.
Investigators found Yearwood at his home.
"He was just trying to warn (them) away from the fishing lines," Houston said Tuesday.

Yeah c'mon!
:crazy: WOW - hangin' around fishing with a rifle by your side. HUmmmmm... really strange.

AND.. he's no 'spring chicken' being 86yrs old.

Gosh - I will remember this one while I am out on the waters... Stay away from old men on the mainland while fishing w/rifles.

Really feel that Mr. Yearwood was old enough to know how "Crocodile Dundee" would have handles the fishing tournament. Two sticks of dynamite and we are off to the weigh station. LOL
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@Braxton_Gage I believe you. Serious business.

It's much easier to catch a catfish out of the Delaware with a hot dog rolled in Jello.
I hope you're talking about a sausage variety but I don't even know with this thread.

Beef hot dog. If ya like cattie's you'll most likely pull in a huge one.

Found the bait recipe on some Cajun guys website. My friends were laughing at me. Ironically we fished behind Dietz&Watson. A meat factory.

The Jello has to be from the box and thick enough to coat the chunk of hotdog. Roll it around. Cast. Bam. I caught the biggest cattie that evening. Gave it to a man who was so excited. I try not to eat bottom feeders out the Delaware River.

Thankfully I didn't have a bullet in my armpit.
Beef hot dog. If ya like cattie's you'll most likely pull in a huge one.

Found the bait recipe on some Cajun guys website. My friends were laughing at me. Ironically we fished behind Dietz&Watson. A meat factory.

The Jello has to be from the box and thick enough to coat the chunk of hotdog. Roll it around. Cast. Bam. I caught the biggest cattie that evening. Gave it to a man who was so excited. I try not to eat bottom feeders out the Delaware River.

Thankfully I didn't have a bullet in my armpit.
Now see, I imagined a hot little pup on the shallow muddy bank, rolled in (red) jello powder (obv the jello is to attract them) and then the puppy catching the catfish for you.

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