Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

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I think she was supposed to go to therapy. And that is one reason that I believe she is staying on Dottie Simm's estate. Supposedly it is a huge Buddhist Retreat worth tens of millions of dollars. So they can claim she is getting 'spiritual' counseling just by her being there.
I have a question about this. Wasn't part of her probation agreement that she HAD to go to therapy? I thought so, but maybe I was wrong. If it wasn't mandatory, it should have been. Casey needs lots of therapy, not that it would help, but still it would show effort on her part to improve herself. Wait, I forgot she doesn't care.

So let me get this straight. Casey is on probation but doesn't have to attend therapy, get a job, or do community service. What kind of probation is this? She gets to travel on private planes, others have to support her and is trying to make money from the death of Caylee. Wow.

How many of you think she is on government assistance? I bet she's getting a government check, food stamps, etc. I also have no doubt if she went back and got her GED, that she will get a free ride on college tuition too. :banghead:

I agree! But seriously, would you give her a job? :innocent:

I have a friend whose daughter is on probation for drug offenses. She is npw working as a waitress and making a lot of effort to straighten her life out- when my friend talked to her probation officer she said that this girl is the ONLY one of all her clients she follows that had got a steady job...:banghead:
I like how the latest headlines note that KC doesn't mention Caylee....well, duh! She hated Caylee, she's glad Caylee is gone. Why would she mention her?

Which is just fine-Because in spite of the thirteen people that could care less about Caylee (excluding attorneys), there are 300 million or so Americans that adore her and will never, ever forget her.


So precious. What a face Caylee had. How could anyone hurt such a child?

I agree. I also find it pretty unbelievable due to very serious ETHICAL issues that any therapist would conduct therapy sessions with such a high profile client, currently in hiding over the internet, skype, or any other medium where it could possibly be recorded and copied. Confidentiality is taken very seriously with every client, and would be even more so with an infamous pariah like ICA.

When Mason reacted with the words "therapy" and "illegal", I never ever thought about a professional therapist or actual psycho therapy. I immediately believed that he was using his lawyerly instincts and in spin mode and I took "therapy" to mean her own therapeutic tool, not a professional one.

It is very clear by the way that she is talking that she is talking to an "audience", and most likely an audience made up of her "fans" and creepy hangers on that send her money and give her attention. Therapy is two sided and dynamic and would not consist of Casey sitting in a room talking to herself. A therapist did not give her this as an assignment in my opinion, it would be too risky.

No. This was all about adoration, perceived adoration, and the fame that she thinks she has and always desired. She is so disordered , it is so easy to see.

Someone mentioned on her making videos as part of therapy for PTSD. So, it is possible. But, this is casey. She'd never enter into any kind of therapy with sincerity. She was probably making tapes (if part of a therapeutic process) with the thought of releasing it to the public, or at least to her fans, so everyone can see how happy and wonderful she is.

I do remember JB saying she was going to therapy although that contradicts what people are saying about her reports to probation, so I don't know.

Good question Wise, just why for free? Maybe this is just a teaser and you can purchase entire album of appearances.

Haven't seen it, don't care and she doesn't know anything about justice anyway.
Plus - hope the dog bites her.


Not for free. Advertising maybe for more pay per view monies, or possible a feeler to convince producers that the public is hungry for news from her. :twocents:

Why in the world would she do that? Her teeth were almost perfect, save for the equine overbite.

The shoulders don't look right either - Casey has bony shoulders - unless she's gaining a lot of weight.

The picture posted above was from a long time ago. I remember so many people saying how different casey looked during trial, how her jaw looked so elongated and heavy - different. I think she has gained weight and the ugly is starting to emerge more.
Spot on! Then she lied to Cheney M. about how that video landed where it did and he's gullible because he never bothered to "learn" her like we have. If she simply responded to her parents demands by lying, she'll do the same to him. He is not special to her. Really, he never was.

ITA.....the only one special to KC is KC....she cares about no one. I'm betting she is ready to move on and tired of being locked away like Fiona, she's searching for her Shrek to come rescue her and she'll leave her attorneys and security guards (if she has them) in the dust. Some chump will fall for the poor me routine and want to save her then she'll chew him up and spit him out and on and on. Only difference now is she won't have Momma to answer to so she will really be hell on wheels.

Unfortunately, I don't think we've seen the last of her. :maddening:
I agree that the changes in her appearance are probably just due to age. I look slightly different than I did just a few years ago, and I didn't sit in jail for a few years... She's just physically maturing and her body is probably changing a little. Plus, if she had surgery, wouldn't they have opted for a more drastic change? MOO
ITA.....the only one special to KC is KC....she cares about no one. I'm betting she is ready to move on and tired of being locked away like Fiona, she's searching for her Shrek to come rescue her and she'll leave her attorneys and security guards (if she has them) in the dust. Some chump will fall for the poor me routine and want to save her then she'll chew him up and spit him out and on and on. Only difference now is she won't have Momma to answer to so she will really be hell on wheels.

Unfortunately, I don't think we've seen the last of her. :maddening:


Ugh, I agree. I couldn't even watch the whole NG episode, it just makes my skin crawl that she isn't under a rock. Yuck.
I agree that the changes in her appearance are probably just due to age. I look slightly different than I did just a few years ago, and I didn't sit in jail for a few years... She's just physically maturing and her body is probably changing a little. Plus, if she had surgery, wouldn't they have opted for a more drastic change? MOO

I would think so. Not to mention she is so into herself, I don't think she'd want to drastically change. I initially thought the nose looked swollen, but there is another still frame out there where it looks like the ole bulbous thing it always was.
The hair is not a big issue to me, either-Her hair has been changed more times than Linda Evangelista's. And no one touches her head!
The voice is the biggest change, to me, but I think it's a put on, overly feminized voice, higer in pitch-indicative of her doing an upbeat, thoughtful and angelic act. Her speaking voice in every other instance is more of a mid-range octave, lower on the scale. The upspeak is there, the patterns are there.
In the words of taxi driver Esmerelda Villalobos (see Pulp Fiction), "You're heem."

Ugh, I agree. I couldn't even watch the whole NG episode, it just makes my skin crawl that she isn't under a rock. Yuck.

Or a bus. Preferably the one she drove over her family and friends.
Yes! A very bad acting job, indeed! She is trying to portray emotions that she simply doesn't have. Trying to act introspective and deep when she is as shallow a person as has ever lived. She is fooling no one. This was just her trying to perform for her few supporters in the hopes that she can try and reinvent who she is. First, she was an event planner, then a poor, abused, falsely accused mother, and now she's all deep and stuff. "Like, hellooooo. My name is Caseyyyyyyy. I'm thinking thoughts and stuuuuuuuuuuff. People like to buy me stuff cuz I'm so cuuuuuuuuuute. I don't knoooooooooow. Let me look over heeeeeeeeere. And now over heeeeeeere." Gag!

PLEASE do not ban me for LIFE, But I will say it...

F-YOU Casey Anthony!! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U!
Spice, for some reason I cannot quote your post regarding her lack of depth, but ITA.

This is how I likened it, and it may be senseless, hopefully not too far off base, and please don't clobber me:

OJ Simpson killed Nicole because he has rage issues. He was a batterer. Batterers typically lose control but feel some sort of (non-mitigating, of course) remorse on the back end. OJ had feelings, I am almost sure, of regret for the way things went down. Not just for getting caught, but for killing her out of what he would have justified as passion. At the very least I believe he recognizes his actions were wrong, though he would never, ever say it. Obviously he had to keep up the act or go to the needle room. I don't think OJ was a sociopath, I believe she absolutely is. I am NOT trivializing or excusing him, I am speaking strictly in terms of his ability to recognize, as a batterer does, what he did. Batterers often cry and apologize profusely once their fit of rage is over.

This chick never, ever felt regret, recognized the wrongness of her actions, or replayed her actions in her head. She kept the train moving along, nothing to see here folks-Caylee who? OJ managed to kill two people, yet for some reason, and though I hope he rots in eternal hell, I do see slightly more depth there. Of course, it could be the celebrity tinge.
Since I don't feel right wishing something truly evil upon someone (like death or serious illness---a nice case of the runs is ok), even Casey, I've had to just settle for wishing for her a life surrounded by "mean girls." Yes, I'm okay with Casey being socially stranded in 8th grade. Along with a mole who may have gained her trust and then exposed her video diary to the world.

I hope that's what happened because that makes me happy. It also makes me really want to become a mole. I'm not sure if I should embrace this as a new goal or hate myself for wanting to go there lol.

As for her new looks, I think she's just gained a few pounds and it shows in her face. She was pretty skinny before she went to prison, so it wouldn't take much weight gain for it to show on her.
Just go away, KC, just go away.........

The only one we care about is Caylee and her sweet image is burnt into our memory and hearts forever.
BTW, in the midst of all of this today....where is Jose? He has not been out championing her in foreva. Did they break up?
I didn't even see him respond to Jeff Ashton's glowing accolades-Which, in the past, he would have called a press conference (excluding Kathi Belich) to counter.
My theory is that JB is actually getting clients now :sick: and doesn't see a bright future with her, so he left her. Well, 4 down (TL, LKB, AL, JB), 2 to go.

He's probably in Protective Custody himself.......hiding from who ever it is he dumped KC on, lol.
PLEASE do not ban me for LIFE, But I will say it...

F-YOU Casey Anthony!! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U! F-U!

I have been yelling that very thing at my TV all night so I feel ya, I really do.
When I saw the video I thought for sure it's Casey Anthony. I also agree the video is flipped. Those glasses look like fakes you can buy anywhere. Undoubtedly Casey has bleached her hair blonde (looks like the roots are already growing out) but she forgot to bleach her brows to match. She probably cuts her own hair.

My first impression is that Casey decided to swipe Kate Gosselin's old hairstyle but it does look like Casey's old hair style when she wore her hair short. My impression of Casey is that she's still cheap looking and living in a trailer park. Whose in the photo on the wall behind her?

I notice like many people how often Casey talks about herself in the video -- it's all about her. She probably released the videoclip herself, it looks edited -- and I'm not buying Cheney Mason's B.S. about Casey's computer being hacked.

I don't think Casey is going to be able to land a big payday no matter what she does.
Oh yeah, And someone mentioned on that crazy FB page that her new dog's name is "Smooch."

I thought that it was Mooch. What's that you say? Oh ...I'm sorry, that's KC's nickname not the dogs. Smooch & Mooch, how nice.
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