Ron C thread #14

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Sep 11, 2008
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Thank you for the new thread Kimster.

I was reading in the old thread when I saw you opened this one and I wanted to respond to a post so I will try to copy it over here, hopefully I don't screw it

originally posted by Dee10..I am sorry, but I am just interested Ron's current statements or lack of thereof with the media attention on Christmas and we know where he stood on that, good thing G'ma Sykes stepped in. Also we have the First Coast article on the Grandma's wanting the FBI to take over this case. I want Ron's opinion on that (Chrystal as well, but Ron has custody)!

ETA: It shouldn't be a hard question at all.

My response...Dee10, you are right, it wouldn't seem like a hard question would it?

But, after the father of a missing child was kind enough to give the media a statement in regards to how he would be spending Thanksgiving, and the statement was then twisted and turned and used to once again make RC look like a neglectful father that was not going to be spending his day with his son, but chose to instead eat with friends and keep Junior away from his "family", wait lets not forget, he might be dating a stripper now, lol....I mean I personally do not question at all why RC would ignore the media's questions. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation about how the Christmas holiday is going to affect him.

Nobody believes a word he says do they? So why does everyone want a statement from him? Is it too much of a stretch to believe that RC doesn't care about pleasing the bloggers or the media anymore with a statement about his grief when he is only going to be mocked and called a liar? Just my opinion, but I wouldn't give a statement about that either.

As far as the FBI taking over the case, and how he or Crystal are feeling about that, I have to believe that these parents would be happy about anyone and everyone that are asking questions about Haleigh's disappearance, I honestly have to just wait to get a few more facts about it before I can make a comment really, I am still a little confused by the FCN article and the SKY article, and the way they are representing the grandmother's statements, best thing for me to do is wait until we have some more info. : )
I don't personally believe this case is cold, nor that LE's investigation has stalled, rather that they are working diligently behind the scenes w facts to which we've never been made privy. However IMO one of the reasons we've made progress in fits and starts over these long 10 months is our very willingness to take RC out of the equation, accepting RC's work hours as an insurmountable obstacle and iron clad alibi. I'll never be so quick to dismiss the possibility nor to close up the gap between when Haleigh was seen getting off the bus--and the 911 call. There aren't enough people--outside of family--who can eg place Haleigh alive and well beyond 3:30pm hour to suit me. Nor enough eyewitnesses nor coworkers who spoke up nor enough learned re his specific whereabouts, work habits, breaks etc for my liking. Nor details re RC's other phonecalls during that night. IMO LE is well aware of this, and are shrewdly choosing not to tip their hand by withholding the facts related to this. Not releasing a statement eg expressly confirming whether Haleigh was ever seen by AC man, nor one in which LE/PDM positively verifies the precise hours etc. IMO this is no mere oversight nor like others can I interpret this as an indication of LE's blind trust in RC. I doo think LE must be fairly confident it was a cover-up (aided at the least by MC and possibly others) of an accident scenario--but one which they aren't quite able to sufficiently prove as of yet--thus the reason Junior was not immediately removed. Agree w posters who have pointed out LE has given no indication--beyond the first weeks when they initially ruled out RSO's eg--that they are concerned anyone else was involved in this crime. No public safety warnings, nor any high alert issued.

This is no Shaniya case IMO. The similarities begin, and end, w the age and gender of the child. Until given any reason to believe otherwise, I'll continue to doubt that anybody else outside of the family is responsible for w/e happened to Haleigh. Nor was she kidnapped, nor was she trafficked--nor exploited deliberately in any manner IMO. It does not require malice--reckless irresponsibility, rage, or negligence alone are each sufficient. Culpability, on some level, and fear of losing Junior has kept him from telling the truth. Complicity by MC in the cover-up is what's ensured her silence. This is the tie which binds IMO. The one whom RC would entrust is TN. And the one in whom MC could confide is TC. JMO

Thank you for the new thread Kimster.

I was reading in the old thread when I saw you opened this one and I wanted to respond to a post so I will try to copy it over here, hopefully I don't screw it

originally posted by Dee10..I am sorry, but I am just interested Ron's current statements or lack of thereof with the media attention on Christmas and we know where he stood on that, good thing G'ma Sykes stepped in. Also we have the First Coast article on the Grandma's wanting the FBI to take over this case. I want Ron's opinion on that (Chrystal as well, but Ron has custody)!

ETA: It shouldn't be a hard question at all.

My response...Dee10, you are right, it wouldn't seem like a hard question would it?

But, after the father of a missing child was kind enough to give the media a statement in regards to how he would be spending Thanksgiving, and the statement was then twisted and turned and used to once again make RC look like a neglectful father that was not going to be spending his day with his son, but chose to instead eat with friends and keep Junior away from his "family", wait lets not forget, he might be dating a stripper now, lol....I mean I personally do not question at all why RC would ignore the media's questions. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation about how the Christmas holiday is going to affect him.

Nobody believes a word he says do they? So why does everyone want a statement from him? Is it too much of a stretch to believe that RC doesn't care about pleasing the bloggers or the media anymore with a statement about his grief when he is only going to be mocked and called a liar? Just my opinion, but I wouldn't give a statement about that either.

As far as the FBI taking over the case, and how he or Crystal are feeling about that, I have to believe that these parents would be happy about anyone and everyone that are asking questions about Haleigh's disappearance, I honestly have to just wait to get a few more facts about it before I can make a comment really, I am still a little confused by the FCN article and the SKY article, and the way they are representing the grandmother's statements, best thing for me to do is wait until we have some more info. : )

Maybe Ron or Teresa or Katrina will call in to Simon Blooger's News today.

[lol - we can wish, anyways!]
Maybe Ron or Teresa or Katrina will call in to Simon Blooger's News today.

[lol - we can wish, anyways!]

I am always thankful to hear from anyone about anything concerning Haleigh.
Thank you for the new thread Kimster.

I was reading in the old thread when I saw you opened this one and I wanted to respond to a post so I will try to copy it over here, hopefully I don't screw it

originally posted by Dee10..I am sorry, but I am just interested Ron's current statements or lack of thereof with the media attention on Christmas and we know where he stood on that, good thing G'ma Sykes stepped in. Also we have the First Coast article on the Grandma's wanting the FBI to take over this case. I want Ron's opinion on that (Chrystal as well, but Ron has custody)!

ETA: It shouldn't be a hard question at all.

My response...Dee10, you are right, it wouldn't seem like a hard question would it?

But, after the father of a missing child was kind enough to give the media a statement in regards to how he would be spending Thanksgiving, and the statement was then twisted and turned and used to once again make RC look like a neglectful father that was not going to be spending his day with his son, but chose to instead eat with friends and keep Junior away from his "family", wait lets not forget, he might be dating a stripper now, lol....I mean I personally do not question at all why RC would ignore the media's questions. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation about how the Christmas holiday is going to affect him.

Nobody believes a word he says do they? So why does everyone want a statement from him? Is it too much of a stretch to believe that RC doesn't care about pleasing the bloggers or the media anymore with a statement about his grief when he is only going to be mocked and called a liar? Just my opinion, but I wouldn't give a statement about that either.


In reference to myself, I'm not inteterested in hearing him make any statements to anyone about how he plans to spend the holidays, or how the holidays are affecting him....Same goes for his grandma too.. She needs to quit running interference and trying to garner sympathy for him..
Only thing I'm interested in hearing is that he has grown a set, marched into PCSO and told them what really happened to Haleigh and where he put her or had someone put her...JMO
KIki, I believe we are on the same page when it comes to believing it was a tragic accident and the coverup was initiated in order to keep him out of jail and to keep him from losing custody of Jr...
One question, do you have any idea as to how this will all now play out IF LE gets the information they need to prove he is the one responsible and that MC and family, perhaps on both sides have played a part in misleading LE and obstructing justice...Seems to me they would have all faired better in the long run if the truth had been told in the beginning...JMO
In reference to myself, I'm not inteterested in hearing him make any statements to anyone about how he plans to spend the holidays, or how the holidays are affecting him....Same goes for his grandma too.. She needs to quit running interference and trying to garner sympathy for him..
Only thing I'm interested in hearing is that he has grown a set, marched into PCSO and told them what really happened to Haleigh and where he put her or had someone put her...JMO

I am sure yourself, and many others, don't care about how RC is spending the holidays. I was just commenting to someone that did. : )

As far as RC growing a set and marching to LE and more or less confessing to the accidental death and cover up of his child, I don't think that you are going to ever hear of that for 2 reasons.

1. RC didn't harm Haleigh accidentally or purposefully. jmo
2. RC has no faith in certain members of LE and in my opinion he would not "march in to PCSO" in hopes of them uncovering where Haleigh is. jmo
I am sure yourself, and many others, don't care about how RC is spending the holidays. I was just commenting to someone that did. : )

As far as RC growing a set and marching to LE and more or less confessing to the accidental death and cover up of his child, I don't think that you are going to ever hear of that for 2 reasons.

1. RC didn't harm Haleigh accidentally or purposefully. jmo
2. RC has no faith in certain members of LE and in my opinion he would not "march in to PCSO" in hopes of them uncovering where Haleigh is. jmo

Inreference to your #1 reason... I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree, but what, may I ask, leads you to believe he didn't harm Haleigh accidentally? Everything I have gathered after following this case for almost 10 months leads me to believe that is most certainly the case...JMO

In reference to your #2 reason... Ron C knows where Haleigh is...And has attempted to conceal that information from LE for over 10 months now... So WHY would he have hopes of LE uncovering where Haleigh is?
Sorry, but I really do not understand your statment behind your#2 reason..
Seems it doesn't have anything to do with him marching in and telling LE the truth as to what really happened...JMO
In reference to myself, I'm not inteterested in hearing him make any statements to anyone about how he plans to spend the holidays, or how the holidays are affecting him....Same goes for his grandma too.. She needs to quit running interference and trying to garner sympathy for him..
Only thing I'm interested in hearing is that he has grown a set, marched into PCSO and told them what really happened to Haleigh and where he put her or had someone put her...JMO

Absolutely! I'm not interested in those things either emeral... as I said in a post on another thread he can always just say no comment, or say simply I'm not discussing anything further at this time, like most adults would. (even under circumstances such as this) ...don't know why he would if he has nothing to hide . ..I can't imagine anyone being worried about what others were saying if their child was missing :waitasec: but each to their own, we are all different)

I would have just thought that surely since this vigil was not private that Ronald would jump at the chance to speak to HaLeigh if he truly thought she was alive and out there 'somewhere'. To let her not us hear his voice telling her he was still looking for her and would never stop as long as he was breathing...offer a comforting word from her daddy...IDK, I just can't imagine NOT doing that and obviously Crystal is not, soo...I guess nobody will, cause AFAIK nobody did! not even GGMS, even though I totally agree with you....why in the world do they insist on babying him?..he is a Grown Man...I mean really, even if one believes that he is innocent and a complete victim in this nightmare (I don't believe that, but that's neither here nor there) he has to deal with his own grief himself, nobody can do that for him, they can be there with and for him, but that's something that he has to learn on your own..for himself and much as we would like to protect our children from having to deal with the toughest issues in life..we can't. Anyway that's jmho, but then again, I'm prolly 2 sheets shy of a straight jacket, what do I know?..........I still say everything else aside that it disturbed me greatly that no one especially Ron didn't offer up any words of comfort to his baby girl on the off chance that she may hear them :(...that spoke volumes to me, wasn't a surprise by any stretch, but I guess I keep hoping I am wrong..
Inreference to your #1 reason... I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree, but what, may I ask, leads you to believe he didn't harm Haleigh accidentally? Everything I have gathered after following this case for almost 20 months leads me to believe that is most certainly the case...JMO

In reference to your #2 reason... Ron C knows where Haleigh is...And has attempted to conceal that information from LE for over 10 months now... So WHY would he have hopes of LE uncovering where Haleigh is?
Sorry, but I really do not understand your statment behind your#2 reason..
Seems it doesn't have anything to do with him marching in and telling LE the truth as to what really happened...JMO reference to your first question, Why don't I think RC harmed her accidentally, very simple to answer in my opinion. lol. Haleigh went to school, was picked up from the bus stop by RC, ( debate that if you wish, but I think Misty was telling the truth about this because it would be very easy to prove her wrong) RC went back to trailer and had 5 minutes before he had to leave for work, this works out if we go by Terry S reporting what time RC punched in at PDM, Terry S also states that not only a time clock but a fingerprint reader accounts for RC's arrival at PDM.

The AC man was woke up and interviewed at 4:30 am, I believe he must have accounted for Haleigh's presence at the trailer as late as 5 pm, perhaps up until he left. Some speculate that the AC man was a relative of RC, and therefore he is involved in the "cover-up" but ya know I think this AC Man confirmed Haleigh was there and one other important thing. He got on the phone with RC at 5:30, I have to contemplate that maybe the AC man was related to Rc or knew Rc and told RC who all was at his trailer that afternoon and that might have been the reason for the GGS visit and the dropping off of the clothes. I think there was a reason for GGS trip that night and I believe that she was checking on Misty and perhaps accounting for who was there to RC at work, because soon after GGS visit, Misty talked to Ronald again and then turned off her phone!

I hope I answered your question. Sorry for all the ramble
I am sure yourself, and many others, don't care about how RC is spending the holidays. I was just commenting to someone that did. : )

As far as RC growing a set and marching to LE and more or less confessing to the accidental death and cover up of his child, I don't think that you are going to ever hear of that for 2 reasons.1. RC didn't harm Haleigh accidentally or purposefully. jmo
2. RC has no faith in certain members of LE and in my opinion he would not "march in to PCSO" in hopes of them uncovering where Haleigh is. jmo


elle, I have to respectfully could you possibly know that for sure? anymore than I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did it? I believe that he is responsible for whatever has happened to HaLeigh, but I don't know that he is for a fact, it's nothing more than my opinion of what I believe and speculation on my part. RC seemed just fine with LE in the beginning..anything more has been recent, no? Although I thought even the recent revelations of mistrust in LE came from the grandmothers and not Ron or Crystal, am I wrong?

I do agree with you that we will never hear Ron confess to the accidental death of his daughter, no way, not because he's innocent though IMHO :) I just am of the opinion that R & M agreed on that fact many months ago. reference to your first question, Why don't I think RC harmed her accidentally, very simple to answer in my opinion. lol. Haleigh went to school, was picked up from the bus stop by RC, ( debate that if you wish, but I think Misty was telling the truth about this because it would be very easy to prove her wrong) RC went back to trailer and had 5 minutes before he had to leave for work, this works out if we go by Terry S reporting what time RC punched in at PDM, Terry S also states that not only a time clock but a fingerprint reader accounts for RC's arrival at PDM.

The AC man was woke up and interviewed at 4:30 am, I believe he must have accounted for Haleigh's presence at the trailer as late as 5 pm, perhaps up until he left. Some speculate that the AC man was a relative of RC, and therefore he is involved in the "cover-up" but ya know I think this AC Man confirmed Haleigh was there and one other important thing. He got on the phone with RC at 5:30, I have to contemplate that maybe the AC man was related to Rc or knew Rc and told RC who all was at his trailer that afternoon and that might have been the reason for the GGS visit and the dropping off of the clothes. I think there was a reason for GGS trip that night and I believe that she was checking on Misty and perhaps accounting for who was there to RC at work, because soon after GGS visit, Misty talked to Ronald again and then turned off her phone!

I hope I answered your question. Sorry for all the ramble

ooh..I was under the impression that the fingerprint thingy was put into place after Ron was no longer working at PDM, no?! I hate to ask this, cuz I know that I'm gonna sound stupid, but who is Terry S? When and where was all this confirmed elle? TIA
Good to see we're still spinning our wheels here....the onlt things we know for sure is that both ron and misty are liars and until one or both decide to tell the truth Haleigh will remain missing
Absolutely! I'm not interested in those things either emeral... as I said in a post on another thread he can always just say no comment, or say simply I'm not discussing anything further at this time, like most adults would. (even under circumstances such as this) ...don't know why he would if he has nothing to hide . ..I can't imagine anyone being worried about what others were saying if their child was missing :waitasec: but each to their own, we are all different)

I would have just thought that surely since this vigil was not private that Ronald would jump at the chance to speak to HaLeigh if he truly thought she was alive and out there 'somewhere'. To let her not us hear his voice telling her he was still looking for her and would never stop as long as he was breathing...offer a comforting word from her daddy...IDK, I just can't imagine NOT doing that and obviously Crystal is not, soo...I guess nobody will, cause AFAIK nobody did! not even GGMS, even though I totally agree with you....why in the world do they insist on babying him?..he is a Grown Man...I mean really, even if one believes that he is innocent and a complete victim in this nightmare (I don't believe that, but that's neither here nor there) he has to deal with his own grief himself, nobody can do that for him, they can be there with and for him, but that's something that he has to learn on your own..for himself and much as we would like to protect our children from having to deal with the toughest issues in life..we can't. Anyway that's jmho, but then again, I'm prolly 2 sheets shy of a straight jacket, what do I know?..........I still say everything else aside that it disturbed me greatly that no one especially Ron didn't offer up any words of comfort to his baby girl on the off chance that she may hear them :(...that spoke volumes to me, wasn't a surprise by any stretch, but I guess I keep hoping I am wrong..

IA, and on the same note I have to ask why Ronald didn't stand up for Misty and support her allegation that she was real good to them kids (just ask Junior, he'll tell you) and he doesn't for one second believe she could intentionally harm HaLeigh or was involved in her disappearance? TN spoke glowingly of Misty before she had time to get to know her and I don't recall hearing Ron say Misty was a devoted stepmom and together they were a happy family.

IA, and on the same note I have to ask why Ronald didn't stand up for Misty and support her allegation that she was real good to them kids (just ask Junior, he'll tell you) and he doesn't for one second believe she could intentionally harm HaLeigh or was involved in her disappearance? TN spoke glowingly of Misty before she had time to get to know her and I don't recall hearing Ron say Misty was a devoted stepmom and together they were a happy family.

Very true Bluesky and I never really thought about that, but you're right. To be honest, when I think back to what they have said to the public and/or really isn't very much at all. The bulk of anything we heard from them (mostly Misty) was around the time of the wedding and didn't have a whole lot to do with HaLeigh anyway. :waitasec: But you ARE right AFAIK Ron has never spoke about Misty in any glowing terms or 'sung her praises' as TN did...
Ron didnt sing her praises, he just married her....then when he saw it was bad for his image he divorced her.....shucks for them.....gonna bet though somehow hes gonna be dealing with Misty way or another...
(snip) we will never hear Ron confess to the accidental death of his daughter, no way, not because he's innocent though IMHO :) I just am of the opinion that R & M agreed on that fact many months ago.

Agree. RC knows and IMO steeled himself (w MC and possibly others) 10 months ago to conceal this from LE. Anything else is lipservice IMO.

KIki, I believe we are on the same page when it comes to believing it was a tragic accident and the coverup was initiated in order to keep him out of jail and to keep him from losing custody of Jr...
One question, do you have any idea as to how this will all now play out IF LE gets the information they need to prove he is the one responsible and that MC and family, perhaps on both sides have played a part in misleading LE and obstructing justice...Seems to me they would have all faired better in the long run if the truth had been told in the beginning...JMO

It is my belief that anything--and everything--w/in RC's (MC's, and possibly TN's and TC's) power has been done to ensure the truth will never be learned re the events of that day/night, and that Haleigh would never be found. It's w a heavy heart I say that to you friend because, like you, I fear the decision to conceal a tragic accident only compounded the tragedy--the pain, heartache and consequences--a thousandfold. If this is, as we suspect, indeed the case, anybody involved took an enormous gamble. In addition to any neglect, abuse, endangerment, drugs or w/e other initial charges may have been faced by RC (and/or MC) depending upon nature of the incident, they would now inevitably be followed by obstruction or hindering an investigation, abuse of corpse, false statements, the list goes on--and anyone who assisted, w accessory after the fact, or at the very least false statements, hindering or obstruction, also depending on their role in crimes... therefore an admittedly huge risk only doomed to grow larger w time.

But the payoff was equally enormous I suppose--if one's ultimate objective is to evade consequences--of potential prison time and almost certain loss of custody were negligence, abuse, or reckless endangerment at issue. But there are always the intangible losses of trust, of face, of reputation (people who live in glass houses) to say nothing of related financial loss and consequences.

It boggles the mind to even contemplate being faced w such a choice, tho to you or I it's still a no-brainer. Sacrificing your child's proper farewell, deserved respectful burial, and any respite for others kept in agonizing darkness... only to live out the remainder of your years looking over your shoulder w a dark secret, would be virtually selling one's soul for freedom (fig. from the blame, shame and condemnation if not lit. from serving jail time), and power. Surely only someone w keen self-preservation instincts determined to stay in control at all costs could ever fathom making such a tradeoff. To me this describes RC. W/out a doubt he loved Haleigh, but he loves his own life--keeping Junior, and remaining in control--even more. JMO :(

Prayers for Junior (and those w a genuine desire to know) that his little boy's heart may have the gift of peace in knowing where his sissy is this Christmas :prayer:

Hello all :)

I'm going to be helping out with the Haleigh Forum and am going to be familiarizing myself with your threads here. :) Let me know if I can help you with anything!

I'd also like to mention to those who don't know that I am on the fence regarding what happened to Haleigh. I do think that Misty knows more than she's telling. I feel that either sides of the coin on Ron could be plausible, those who feel he is innocent and those who feel he has something to hide; both have excellent theories.

I just hope she is found soon! That is the main thing to me and to all of us!

If I found out tomorrow by LE that Ron Cummings...

1) accidentally caused HaLeigh's death by use of physical force/violence to discipline her in a moment of rage - I would not be surprised.

2) accidentally shot & killed HaLeigh in the midst of a heated argument with Misty whereby he was threatening Misty with a gun; when Misty attempted to get the gun out of his hand, the gun fired hitting HaLeigh - I would not be surprised.

3) knew for the past 10 months that Misty lost control that night with HaLeigh; that he left HaLeigh and Jr. with Misty knowing that she was exhausted from the past week's partying/use of drugs and the on-going issues/fighting between the two of them and he covered for her because he knew if he told the truth, he would surely lose custody of Jr. - I would not be surprised.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Misty put HaLeigh in danger by taking her to places where there were extremely questionable individuals and/or allowing these extremely questionable individuals around HaLeigh at the home when Ron was at werk. It wouldn't be surprise me to know that Misty dropped just enough information in the presence of someone/somewhere with extremely sick & evil intentions - enough information for that person to know that HaLeigh was home alone and that the back door was left unlocked so that she could slip in just before Ronald got home thinking she was so-so smart----

Those are the scenerios that wouldn't surprise me in the least in this case. JMHO -
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