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Much of the discussion on the Farmville murders threads downplayed the satanic angle and some of the posters scoffed and even ridiculed the suggestion that Satan even exists. The suspect McCroskey had some deep connections with individuals who were very involved in satanic rituals and practices. One of the young victims was apparently a self-proclaimed satanist. The documentation of the satanic connections to this "music" scene is extensive. There was an expert on the occult (a retired detective) brought in who spent a lot of time examining the horrific crime scene. We might be hearing some of his analysis should this case ever go to trial. I'm tending towards the opinion that McCroskey will plead guilty, however, and that we'll never hear many of the details.

I got tired of listening to people saying that McCroskey, and others involved in the demented "horrorcore" music scene, were merely working off their teenage "angst" and doing things that all teenagers through the years have done.
McCroskey has been portrayed on many message boards as a rare aberration, and not at all indicative of the rest of these young people. They are generally held up in a very positive and sympathetic light, it's amazing. The "juggalo" phenomenon is often described as just another legitimate musical expression, and perfectly normal, if a little eccentric.

The denial of reality here is sad, but understandable, as many Americans no longer believe in the traditional idea of the supernatural.

There are some unsolved murders around the country (Carol Daniels in Oklahoma, e.g.) that strongly suggest a satanic influence.
JoefromLB--ITA on all levels. I think that's why we are allowing other countries to lead in this area. Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina--all frequently bemoan the fact that crimes connected to the dark occult beliefs are a growing problem. Americans can just stay in their little bubble of safety if it only happens "over there". I find it similar to the horrid story of the gang rapes of babies and women in the Congo. Can anyone imagine what sort of outcry there would be if that happened in Amarillo or Peoria?

Why can't Americans have a reasonable discussion without being labeled hysterical? I think that it is irrelevant whether Satan (however one might define him) exists. But, it is pertinent to research just who might be committing felonious acts in his name. If a body is discovered with a swastika carved on its chest, LE is going to be looking at the Neo-nazis and other White Supremacy groups. We already have Gang Enforcement Units and High Tech Crimes Units. Why can't we take a closer look at crimes which have unusual ritual elements?

I found a wiki site that pulls together many cases that have had a Satanic element:

I guess I'm just shocked that we have no experts in this sort of crime in the US. We have crime and forensics and profiling experts on everything else.
Thanks Joe for bringing up the horrorcore/Farmville VA murders in this thread. I think parents often just brush this stuff off as a "phase" these outcast type teens are going through and while it may be just that for some, there are those that get deeply involved and it's far more dangerous than parents could ever imagine.

Probably not a good thing to just turn a blind eye to.

Most of the so-called "experts" in this area face ridicule because of their religious background in Christianity and their belief in Satan as the opposing force to the Saviour. Many believe the views and teachings are over-simplified by these types of guys.

I appreciate the information about prison born Satanists and the explanation between Devil Worshipper and Satan Worshipper.

I'm also very, very suspect of all the glamorizing of the dead that's going on in the media with the Twilight and True Blood stuff. Yeah, I know, it's JUST entertainment...but would I want my teenage daughters to be idolizing guys that border on the goth look and fantasizing about vampire powers and the sexiness of being imortal? Uh, No. No matter how innocuous it looks, it isn't - depending on the kid but you just never know what its going to click in YOUR kid that makes them latch onto this stuff. Not worth the risk. Move to a cabin in Montana total unibomber style 'til they turn 25!!!
A lot of the things that were carefully documented on the Farmville threads were pretty much "brushed off" and ignored by many of the posters over there.
Some contributions were serious and pertinent, but many of the postings were on the level of "fan club" submissions.

I got tired of the whole thing. Much of the thread was devoted to memorialising the two teenage victims and the suspect himself was often painted in a disturbingly sympathetic light. I got sick of looking at all their MySpace photos, and their "evil eye" expressions. Really bad stuff.

The two parents who were slaughtered deserved more sympathy, imo.
Ziggy--ITA, most parents haven't a clue about what their kids are reading or watching. I thought I knew kids until I started doing lots of research for WS. I truly wish that reading pages on Myspace would be required for parents. I think many would have to pick their jaw up off the floor.

I've always described myself as a pacifist, a bleeding heart liberal and a seriously hard core traditionalist in the arena of parenting. I agree that the focus on blood, gore and vampires or emo-themed sexist ganja and anime is just not healthy for young people. These books are showing up as early as elementary school level and I am not supportive of that.

I am sick to death of the old rationale, "Well, at least they're reading." WTH? Most kids would happily read the Penthouse Forum if they could get their hands on it!! It's akin to saying "At least they're staying hydrated" when all they're drinking is Coke, Red Bull, and beer. Parents are so often shocked when their teens commit a crime. I think that's often because they have not been paying attention.

Parents cannot be afraid of their children. We can't be worried that we will make them uncomfortable by questioning their choices and checking up on things. Kids are hard-wired to push the boundaries. That's healthy. But, parents must be available and ready to guide them, not be their best friends. That's the pay-off way down the line--at around age 26.

You really have to wonder if parents of many of the kids on Myspace, whose pages are full of ghoulish and Satanic based themes are even aware.
I was doing a little lite reading over on trutv, and saw this. Thought it was interesting. This is about Toole, Lucas' accomplice.

Toole's grandmother had been a Satanist, according to Michael Newton in The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, and had dubbed him, "the devils' child." He watched her dig up graves for body parts. Already an arsonist, he committed his first murder at age 14. A traveling salesman picked him up for sex and Toole ran the man over with his own car. He was suspected in four other murders across the country before he met Lucas in Florida. Introducing him to "The Hand of Death cult, Toole talked about how they killed children for sacrifice to Satan. While Lucas was off with Becky, Toole allegedly killed nine people in a state of rage over their betrayal. He was caught burning buildings and imprisoned in Florida.
much more at link~
I lived in Central Texas at the time of Lucas's arrest and it was creepy beyond belief. I had never seen this bit of info about his accomplice's grandmother, though. That is far more than trivial, it's horrifying. Thank you for posting that. The connection to burning is timely given the facts of Zachary Irvin's recent murder.

In trying to find out more about O'Toole, I stumbled over another old case:

"Ripper Crew or Chicago Rippers was a satanic cult composed of Robin Gecht (who once worked for the serial killer John Wayne Gacy) and three associates (Edward Spreitzer with brothers Andrew and Thomas Kokoraleis). They were suspected in the disappearances of 18 women in Chicago, Illinois. Gecht and his gang allegedly drove around in a van looking for prostitutes to sacrifice in Gecht's apartment. They claimed to have removed one breast from each victim and eaten it as Robin read passages of The Satanic Bible. It has also been said that they, after severing the breast, took turns raping the open wound. They then proceeded to each masturbate into the flesh of the breast, chop it into pieces, and devour it...."

more at link

I don't know about everyone else but I am finally starting to understand where the "hysteria" came from. What I'm sensing is that the study or fascination with satanism seems to be an element in many serial murders. I wish I could better understand why Agent Lanning and the FBI feel so strongly that these murders and abuses must ONLY be examined by the hard evidence rather than the motivation or organized mentality behind them.

We have Gang Enforcement Units and Hate Crime investigators. High Tech Crime Units are busily profiling and sleuthing the child *advertiser censored* producers. I fully understand that we have to uphold the Constitution and permit everyone to practice their chosen form of faith. However, do we extend those rights to those who openly profess hatred, violence and murder?

We certainly cannot deem it illegal to think sexual thoughts about children, but we can outlaw the actual abuse or viewing of abuse of children. If someone wants to wear robes, chant, and perform mysterious rituals (and what religion doesn't?), that is fine. However, when followers start committing crimes in the NAME of that church, doesn't that cross a line? Doesn't that call for further investigation of just what the church might be teaching?

The very tenets of satanism as I posted yesterday, command :

"....If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

This is directly from the Church of Satan website:

I notice that they also caution followers to not harm children or animals, though. I'm assuming that satanists wish for us to be confused. I wonder if the Church of Satan has a current spokesperson who would be good enough to be interviewed on these subjects.

Do they, as a church, condemn or support these acts carried out in their name? There are hundreds of websites and tens of thousands of adherents and dabblers. If it is a path, why can't those of us whom are deemed "unenlightened", have some questions answered? The FBI seems to have closed the book on asking questions. But the violence seems to continue unabated.
I cannot tell you how diligently I have searched for some answers to my questions. I think I found a website which has an author who has recently (updated June 2010) clarified some confusing aspects of the practice of satanism:

Frequently Asked Questions About Satanism

by Matt G. Paradise

Mr. Paradise discusses the wearing of black, just what the "mating signal" is, the killing of animals, the word "destroy" in the 11 tenets, and various other elements of satanism.

I did further research and learned that Mr. Paradise is the Executive Director of Purging Talon and this is his site:

Here's a CV on him:

"Matt G. Paradise is Executive Director of Purging Talon, a Satanic media company responsible for releasing groundbreaking and often imitated audio, video, print, and Web work since 1993, including the internationally respected Satanic magazine, Not Like Most. Paradise is also a Magister in the Church of Satan and, since the early-1990s, has also done media representative work for the CoS through all major media forms — network television, radio, print publications, and the Internet."

He's also edited a book, "The Book of Satanic Quotations" and written another, "Bearing the Devil's Mark", available here and also on Amazon where one can read numerous reviews:

“Satanism is a philosophy based upon the reality of carnal existence and living one’s life to its fullest. It rightfully champions mankind as being above his self-created gods and, as such, being totally responsible for his successes and failures. Like the mythological Lucifer’s transformation into the autonomous Satan, man’s penchant for exploration, independence, and drive shouldn’t be caged but, rather, exercised and applauded.”

I'm still left wondering what the Church of Satan's and Mr. Paradise's position is on crimes in the news which are linked in some fashion to satanism, especially those which involve violence, murder, or abuse. I will keep looking for answers.
Maybe, I'll just have to break down and buy a copy. This book might answer our questions. Here's a snip from a positive review from Paradise's book:

"The book is prefaced with the Magister's own personal anecdotes on discovering The Satanic Bible, and his own first-hand experience as a teen in the height of the "Satanic Panic" hysteria of the 1980s. The book then opens with the expanded essay "Futher Evidence of the Satanic Age", with very revealing historical details of the past five decades. The essays span a variety of topics from a truly Satanic third side: politics, film, relationships, practical misanthropy, lesser magic applications, scapegoats of the herd, and lot more. Paradise is no stranger to the ritual chamber either, and includes an original Walpurgisnacht ceremony.

The appendicies include a source list for the essays, a composite interview that covers a variety of topics, the Satanism FAQ, suggested reading list...."

While there is always the joy in reading things that you and only a minority of people already agree with, this is a book had me LEARNING some new things too...."

more at link

I was intrigued by just who Mr. Paradise is. All I've found is a few addresses that link him to several relatives and Biloxi, MS, the Denver, CO and a couple of Air Force Bases. He seems to be around 38, possibly married and with a child. I'd love to read an interview with the man, if anyone can find it.
My guess is that these are the correct MS sites for Matt G. Paradise: (2038 friends) (477 friends) (private) (concerning the horror podcasts)

Being that there was a public access TV series called Subterranean Sinema in Burlington, VT which has now ceased, I would assume that Paradise must live in the northeast. He describes himself as a person who has lived within the Satanic philosophy for 25 years. He states also that he has four decades of experience with horror films. I'm reading that he's 42. I wonder if he grew up in an extended family of persons involved in this path?

I really wonder how Mr. Paradise responds to criminal reports of violence, murder and mayhem which are committed by those stating they are affiliated with or are honoring the church of which he is a reverend. That seems like a huge burden to bear.

“Satanism is a philosophy based upon the reality of carnal existence and living one’s life to its fullest. It rightfully champions mankind as being above his self-created gods and, as such, being totally responsible for his successes and failures. Like the mythological Lucifer’s transformation into the autonomous Satan, man’s penchant for exploration, independence, and drive shouldn’t be caged but, rather, exercised and applauded.”

Ted Bundy, Rodney Alcala, Richard Ramirez, Joseph Duncan, Jeffrey Dahmer, and a host of others would heartily agree!
Thank you Russell, I posted a similar article just a few minutes ago in the thread concerning the grave robbery in Lancaster. Still just a high school prank?

If it looks like it, smells like it.....isn't it a cult ritual? I can't imagine LE being hesitant to investigate a hate crime, gang related crime or terrorist threat. WHY the hesitancy here? If putting more intense scrutiny into these crimes and calling in some seasoned experts would help with crime prevention, why aren't we doing it?

We offer DARE classes, we teach about the dangers of huffing and the "choking game", we spend millions to prevent young people from joining gangs. Why does the FBI still refuse to even acknowledge that there seems to be a direct correlation between belonging to a satanic group and violence?

If chicken heads show up in a cemetery, IMO, we've got far more than an animal cruelty problem. From your link above:

"Officials with the Lancaster Bureau of Police say they are not yet ready to link any of the crimes together or to say whether any of them are related to the occult. They also won't comment on any details of the grave robbery."

So, pig, chicken and goat heads, stolen bodies and candles in the woods are all just a coincidence?

This is exactly what happened in June in East St. Louis. Zachary Irvin was lured to a warehouse adorned with pentagrams and dried blood, tied to a chair, shot in the head, dismembered (with several body parts never found), and set on fire. Iagulli and Pierson, the two killers, are pleading guilty but the local LE are still referring to the crime as a "beef".

I'm stunned.
Who is "they"?|main|dl1|sec4_lnk2|166769

"Some of them could have been committed by juvenile [delinquents], but as far as the grave robbery and the animal sacrifices, I think it is very easy to connect the dots," Katie Boyd, a demonologist and occult sciences expert, said in a telephone interview with AOL News.

"It doesn't sound like one or two individuals, it sounds like a whole group -- a network of them," Boyd said...."


"....the remains of a two-year-old toddler were stolen from a Stamford cemetery in 2009. The child had been buried two years prior to the theft. His remains were later found in the Passaic River in Clifton, N.J. Authorities found chicken heads nearby. The case remains unsolved...."


"...The incident in Florida occurred in 2006, when someone stole the remains of a six-year-old boy who had died in 1972, from a Tampa crypt. Prior to the theft, a caretaker reported finding decapitated chickens and a pig's head in the cemetery. To date, no one has been arrested, and the toddler's remains have not been found...."


The taking of children, however, is considered more significant. Practitioners of certain religions consider young girls the "embodiment of innocence and maidenly virtue," says Boyd. "In many traditions, living children are believed to have more energetic power," Boyd said. "They will use little girls when they are trying to manifest a will or summon an entity. Within some of the older, more dark occult traditions, corpses are used...."

more at link

Being that we've encountered numerous killers who have confessed to sexually assaulting corpses; Lucas, Toole, Dahmer, Elyse Pahler's killers, and on and wonders what is happening to these corpses and these remains.
Here's some links to people professing to be experts in this field. The first is Dr. Dawn Perlmutter. She has published numerous scholarly papers concerning satanism and cults from an anthropologist's viewpoint. Here's a link to one of her papers which discusses the tiers of satanism; the organized satanists and the youth subculture, rituals, grave desecration, initiation rites, etc.:

She says, "Whatever views you may hold concerning the reality of Satan, there is no question that Satanism exists."

You'll note that this was written in 2001 and published in 2002. There are numerous links.

She's also written a book, titled "Investigating Religious Terrorism and Ritualistic Crimes" which was well accepted and recommended by LE but widely panned by proponents or followers of particular rituals. I guess if someone wrote a book about the dangers of Gansta rap or death metal or "barely legal" *advertiser censored*, the fans of such mediums wouldn't be supportive of that book either.

I also found an article thoroughly trouncing Dr. Perlmutter for her "scaremongering".

The main page for this section is titled, "Satanic Panics" and is worth a read. It was written in 2006 in response to "a mini-resurgence of the Satanic ritual abuse scare":

In what I read of Dr. Perlmutter's work, I really didn't see scaremongering. I also didn't find her work to be of the highest caliber. However, there's very little out there to guide us and she is an anthropologist who attempted to fill this gap. Everyone needs to decide for themselves but we do need to keep in mind that there are many who shout down those who try to educate about the horrors of child sexual abuse and child *advertiser censored*. When one is reading a negative review on a text, you really need to consider the source of that anger and vitriol IMO.

Next we have Katie Boyd (noted in an article linked upthread):

"Katie Boyd is a Demonologist and Occult Sciences Expert with a passion for the paranormal with both law enforcement and medical background she has led over four hundred paranormal investigations including poltergeist activity, UFO's/abductions, demonic hauntings and more. Over her twenty years in the field Katie has seen, heard and dealt with almost every form of entity and energy out there."

Once again, I'm not sure she is an actual expert in crimes committed in the name of Satan. She does write and consult on the paranormal, the occult, and demonology.

I can find no one else. I'm left wondering if we are simply being urged to ignore these crimes and their motivational basis. I wish I could but that hasn't worked with terrorism, gangs, or child abuse. Possibly one of the reasons scholars and forensics experts are not promoting their work in this field is the final tenet of the Church of Satan:

"...If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."
A reasonable look at the subject IMO, from the Justice Center at the University of Alaska:

The Devil Made Me Do It: Adolescent Attraction to Satanism

"Public fear of satanism has led to a growing belief in a nationwide conspiracy of satanists who commit crimes which especially victimize children and who use drugs, heavy metal music, and fantasy role playing games to recruit adolescents into satanic cults. This article examines some of the claims made about satanic crime in general and about adolescent involvement in satanism and the occult in particular...."

more at link
In Oklahoma, they're out in the open now. They've booked the Civic Center in Oklahoma City for one of their "events".

excerpted from article:
An organization claiming to be "the only legal satanic church in Oklahoma" is hosting an event at the Civic Center Music Hall in October...

In a telephone interview, James Hale, 37, of Oklahoma City, said he is the Church of the IV Majesties' lord high master of the Infernal Council.

He said his group is hosting the October event to educate the public about what they do.

Hale would not disclose how many people are members of the church, but he said it is made up of people who believe in Satan as a friendly entity...:eek:
I saw this the other day and found it interesting:,,5904978,00.html

Difficult to escape, abusive Satanic cults exist in the shadows of society

Satanic cults constitute a world in which evil reigns, so keeping them clandestine is essential. But one young German woman has dared to speak openly about growing up in such a cult.
The suspect — dressed all in black — appeared to be under the influence of drugs, police said. Officers found marijuana in his front pocket.

Other students described him as having demonic tattoos and said he had written symbols on a wall poster before the incident began. Brezik reportedly has a tattoo on his hand of an “A” with a circle around it — an anarchist symbol.

Relatives referred to Brezik as an “anarchist” when they reported him missing to Raytown police last year.

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