Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #7

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Well, the trial isn't till August. I guess this can only go two ways.

We hear nothing till August and it goes to trial.


In the meantime, the accused has a change of heart and makes a plea deal.
There's a committal mention in August--not even the committal hearing. The trial is a couple of years away probably.
It is one of the most interesting things (so far) in determining what happened. And is why I keep talking about CCTV.

CCTV overlooking dumpsters and bins.
CCTV at the Telstra tower.
CCTV at Mt Clear College.

Where could the CCTV be from? And what was he doing in that CCTV that sparked the investigators interest in him?

Is it like the Jill Meagher case where investigators could see, on CCTV, the perp following Jill?
Is it like the Suzanne Morphew case (USA) where the perp is on CCTV dumping stuff in a dumpster?
Is his vehicle the only vehicle seen entering the forest area on CCTV somewhere, at the relevant time?

Perhaps CCTV from the forest? There are supposedly signs around the area mentioning CCTV, put there to try and stop illegal dumping of rubbish.

I need to go back and re-read this thread, but didn't the perp attend school where Samantha worked/taught ?
The accused went to the same primary school as one or more of Samantha Murphy's children. Their paths may have crossed at times, especially as Samantha helped in the uniform shop. Being an involved parent, as it appears she was, it's not a stretch to think she was actively involved in many activities within the school. I believe Jess Murphy is roughly the same age as the accused. The school currently has 480 students, so quite small. Given that he would have left the school about 10 years ago, I think any connection is just coincidence. The families appear to not have known each other.
I am catholic and have lived all over the world. Bringing up children in the Catholic faith requires regular attendance particularly when catholic primary schools require attendance for first holy communion for example. PS is the same age as Samantha's daughter Jess. Same primary school, same church. They knew each other by sight IMO. I would bet money on it.
I am Roman Catholic and my children attended Roman Catholic schools too.
I beg to differ.
A LOT of people whose children attend Roman Catholic schools do not attend Roman Catholic church. My kids went to Catholic school with Anglicans, Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists, & Muslims.
PS was a little boy when Samantha volunteered in the supply room at a school he went to.
He likely never saw her there.
Then he never attended school with her children after that.
There are four different Roman Catholic Churches in Ballarat - St Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Alipius, St Columba, St Aloysius and other Anglican churches too.
What makes you think PS was even brought up in the Catholic faith?
I would think that someone would have spoken out if both families regularly attended the same church together.
I do not believe that to be the case.
Why I am thinking about the situation with Sissy. IMO

If PS had been caught in connection with that crime - he didn't go to level of SA with her. Maybe that was his intention??. Maybe a risk he was not willing to take at that time?? JMO

Obviously she was injured very badly in the face and not taken very seriously at the time. IMO

But maybe he was learning what to do for next time. IMO

He noted the reaction of the Police and the public and waited. Not wanting to do another similar crime too close together with this one for there to be a connection. JMO

But maybe the fact that this crime was not really elevated to a level that pinpointed to anyone PS thought it was possible to get away with it again. JMO
IIRC there was a question previously as to whether or not the assault on Sissy was a sexual assault.
I don't recall that this was ever stated.

When I initially read about the attack, I had thought it was possibly related to her Greens Senate bid, and First Nations Assembly involvement - perhaps someone who didn't agree with her politics.

I recall the initial media article seemed to suggest (ICBW) that it was likely a random assailant. (Still looking for this particular article.)

Sissy was apparently knocked out cold - when she came to, the assailant had gone - she'd been "left for dead" in effect.
I wonder whether the assailant had thought they'd killed her, and/or (spoiler alert) she was sexually assaulted whilst unconscious.
I did wonder, if sexual assault were on the assailant's agenda, whether they'd prefer the victim to be conscious, whereby the "power" factor coming in to play could be a "buzz" for them.)

Initially I had thought this assault was not related to Samantha's disappearance. Since the arrest of PS however, I think it could be related - that it may have been a practice run. Maybe, an advertiser-censored moment for the assailant.
(eg "+++++! what do I do now?) All MOO
Thrill killing, perhaps? He may just be one of those sadistic people who attacks and kills for the sick fun of it? We always look for a motive like financial gain or revenge for some kind of slight, but there are those horrifying killers who do it just because they find some kind of twisted pleasure in it. He could be one of those. IMO, MOO, etc., etc.
Thrill kill has my vote.
"This was not a hit and run, but a deliberate attack" - interesting that police chose these words.

I've been through many scenarios in my head now.

I wonder... Are the words offered by police indicating what actually happened?

That the victim was hit by a vehicle on purpose and if not killed on impact, then deliberately killed by the accused outside of the vehicle.

It seems to make the most sense to me.
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I'm now wondering if any satellite imagery was available to police and if so, were they able to see certain events at around 8am that morning (or any time after 7am when SM left for her morning run). If they were able to get images I would think this would take at least a week or more due to paperwork etc etc.
At the end of the hearing, prosecutors asked for 20 weeks to compile evidence to hand to the defence, because of the

“significant amount of material” that needed to be analysed.

Stephenson was taken back into custody and will next face court on August 8.
I'm now wondering if any satellite imagery was available to police and if so, were they able to see certain events at around 8am that morning (or any time after 7am when SM left for her morning run). If they were able to get images I would think this would take at least a week or more due to paperwork etc etc.
I considered that but thought surely the tech couldn't be there yet. Maybe it is.

Interestingly, the first article I look at gives mention to Ballarat having one of Elon Musks Starlink satellites passing over this month.

"This was not a hit and run, but a deliberate attack" - interesting that police chose these words.

I've been through many scenarios in my head now.

I wonder... Are the words offered by police indicating what actually happened?

That the victim was hit by a vehicle on purpose and if not killed on impact, then deliberately finished off by the accused outside of the vehicle.

It seems to make the most sense to me.
Why, though ?
If he premeditated this or spur of the moment:
  • To look like a tough guy.
  • Gang initiation.
  • Injustice collector who finally flipped out in a rage.
Also wondering if there are any other victims who have yet to come forward ?
If the perp robbed or assaulted someone before -- is this death a first for him ?
So many questions.
The motive could be anything. I’m reminded here of the Toyah Cordingley case where the accused apparently said he did it because her dog annoyed him.

“Rajwinder Singh killed 24-year-old Toyah Cordingley because her dog barked at him in 2018, says investigators”.

The Ute had a black vinyl covered fold down camping tent accessory .
The centre aisle of the rear tray could have been free of tools , perhaps the space for folding steps , short ladders or bulky boxes …. who knows .
The gf’s car ( noted from tv coverage ) was a small suv .. a Suzuki Jimny… a popular vehicle with outdoorsy younger people .it looked to be finished in a dark gunmetal grey paint .
Jimny’s are 2 doors and tiny aren’t they? Might suit the terrain a little better and be less conspicuous but could be too restrictive internally. His ute would be too obvious wouldn’t it? Or is that what was seen and recognised….
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I considered that but thought surely the tech couldn't be there yet. Maybe it is.

Interestingly, the first article I look at gives mention to Ballarat having one of Elon Musks Starlink satellites passing over this month.

From what I can gather, it is available.

I was reading an article from The Age 15/03/24 ......

"Detectives obtained satellite imagery showing what they believed to be Devine’s body in the dam within a week of her disappearance, about 65 metres from where her remains were eventually located."

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