SBI probe into possible juror misconduct

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if this was the work of trolls I hope they have to pick up trash off the side of the road for a few months
The last letter eases my mind a bit. BTW It is to the jury foreman (forewoman?).

ETA It's from the judge saying that this type of thing is not unusual, don't be alarmed, he is required to investigate the claim, and that someone will be contacting the jurors with a few questions.

That is the name of the foreperson (women). (Vinnie had her on around lunch time, she was the 2nd one to be interviewed and they said her name)
I am in the camp that is going to turn out to be nothing but I am incensed that Meredith and Linda are being put through this on top of anything else. If it turns out to be a troll making trouble are there any legal consequences they could face?

I sure hope so. I might just make a make-shift voodoo doll and send them some bad juju. Just enough to get lots of diarrhea, since they already have diarrhea of the fingers (typing)...
Early on in the trial, during jury selection, Stephens had to dismiss two jurors for talking about the case.

One man, who could be charged with contempt, reportedly was overheard discussing it at a restaurant. Another man was dismissed for posting comments about serving on the jury on an Internet message board.

I think the guy in the restrt. was already dismissed fwiw
So, when was this FB posting on WRAL. I couldnt tell. FB is not GOLO is it?

I can not seem to make out a date or time on the post. You are right FB is not GOLO. The post, I think was on the WRAL FB. page. I still very strongly believe this is a hoax
So...2 jurors were talking? Man blabbing to some woman and saying he's unbiased and someone who is friends with a jurors hairdresser blah...blah...blah....sigh

I think the man was a dismissed juror from beforehand, nothing to do with this SBI investigation. At least that's the way I read it.
Without mentioning her name, can I post what I found of other posts of hers on WRAL 's Facebook from March 1 and Sunday?

They have been removed from facebook. All the posts since 2/14/12.
It's a legal matter. No, Prob not a good idea.
One more reason I wholeheartedly believe jurors should be sequestered. What a shame if this really occurred.
I see Mistrial written all over this one. Which is really to bad. And I hope the judge will throw the ones that did tis in jail for contempt.

I'm curious to know what the law is here and if this has happened in the past, specifically if it's possible to declare a mistrial after a verdict has already been rendered.

If anything, I can see appeals court reversing the case/new trial if it's proven there was juror misconduct.

For information on how they can declare a mistrial after the verdict is rendered (which I think UNLIKELY IN THIS CASE) on the basis of juror misconduct:

ITA and getting verdict overturned even IF there was some misconduct is not easy because it has to be shown to change the outcome of the trial/verdict.

Evelyn24 has it right. First, it has to be proved that there was even any misconduct. That will be tough to do. Second, if that hurdle is passed, the state would have to show that the misconduct did not materially affect the outcome of the case, which should be easy.

If there was anything to this, it would result in fodder for an appeal, not a mistrial, IMO.

I am not concerned one bit. Sounds like a game of telephone or people talking so they can seem important.
Letter to SBI:

Wow... the posts seem to match up with what the juror said today, to a certain extent, though not entirely.

It also appears as if the last letter of the pdf I linked to may be to one of the jurors on the case. I hope not, and if it is, I hope they edit out her name as soon as possible.

In my honest opinion I think this Jennifer chick wants her 15 minutes of "fame"... the vote, per both jurors this a.m., was NEVER 7 NG & 5 G. The most NG they ever had was 2... most were undecided during the first votes. (hoping anyway... there sure are a LOT of wackos that posted on GOLO & WRAL's facebook & HLN's facebook)
Oh please, anyone can post anything online. I'm a little more relieved this is something the media reported to the judge after seeing it on their (WRAL) Facebook page.
Doesn't WRAL read the looney birds that post? Jeesh. I guess they felt they had a duty to report it.

WRAL did the right thing in reporting it IMO. It's probably (hopefully) a bunch of BS since people can post anything, anywhere, anytime.

First, I hope they find the poster who made the claim of knowing something about the deliberations and prosecute THEM.

IF, a juror was texting info on the deliberations they should be made to pay for this trial, and the NEXT one. Being a juror isn't a joke.

How can people be soooooo stupid?
In my honest opinion I think this Jennifer chick wants her 15 minutes of "fame"... the vote, per both jurors this a.m., was NEVER 7 NG & 5 G. The most NG they ever had was 2... most were undecided during the first votes. (hoping anyway... there sure are a LOT of wackos that posted on GOLO & WRAL's facebook & HLN's facebook)

I agree and she's definitely not a fan of the DA and state's case against JY is she? At least from her other posts I saw.
I fail to see how this will change the outcome of the verdict, hopefully, it is not true, everyone can move on and the person/s involved will be held accountable.
If you overheard a juror discussing a case would you go to facebook to "turn them in" or to the courthouse?

I read the post, it wasn't a poster outing a juror for misconduct. The poster was claiming to have 2nd/3rd hand knowledge of the deliberations. The poster didn't claim the juror was doing anything wrong.

Here is the letter from Judge Stephans asking for investigation
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