SC - Bruised 4 year old boy on neighbor's porch said mom didn't want him


loves company
Jan 14, 2011
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The report said officers found bruises on the boy's face, dry blood coming from his nose and when he lifted up his shirt, he had a large bruise from a belt. Police said the injuries appeared to be a few days old.

According to the report, the woman who found the boy told police when she asked where his mother was, he said, "She don't want me anymore."

The report said officers found bruises on the boy's face, dry blood coming from his nose and when he lifted up his shirt, he had a large bruise from a belt. Police said the injuries appeared to be a few days old.

According to the report, the woman who found the boy told police when she asked where his mother was, he said, "She don't want me anymore."


I'm thinking the "she don't want me anymore" has got to hurt worse than the bruises.
sadly, after reading that updated article, my guess is he will be reunited with mom at home soon. Unless more information comes out... and it always does in cases like these it seems...

Poor little guy. big hugs to you kiddo!
What the? Just WHAT??????? :stormingmad:
The report said officers found bruises on the boy's face, dry blood coming from his nose and when he lifted up his shirt, he had a large bruise from a belt. Police said the injuries appeared to be a few days old.

According to the report, the woman who found the boy told police when she asked where his mother was, he said, "She don't want me anymore."


That's so sad. I wish I could adopt him on the spot. Above all, I wish his mother would just love him and not hurt him.
Poor wee fellow.

I could have more sympathy if he was 14 though....

I'm sure I did, but I can't remember even getting mad at my kids when they were that age.
This makes me cry. I haven't even read the article yet and I can tell you I would want him in a heart beat.

Poor little guy, What does that do to the pschye to know you are so unwanted? I am not going to read the article right now. I will have a good cry first and then steel myself for it later.
I feel ya, mine will be 14 next month and he's driving me crazy !

Ayyyy say goodbye to your bathroom. minute you can't get them anywhere near soap and water, the next you have to prise them out of the bathroom with a crowbar.


But we love em.:seeya:

And my son was an absolute total and utter joy when he was 4. A bundle of deliciousness all wrapped up in one very, very cute parcel. NOTHING he did was "bad", at that age anything "bad" they do is basically the parents fault.

Like when my son and his little friend got the textas out onto my newly painted wall when a "friend" was "babysitting". :facepalm: I was only gone for an hour and came home to a huge wall installation of toddler art in my hallway.

I gave my 5 yr old a big hug when I read this. Stories like this just break my heart in to.
I will never understand. Ever. Godspeed little man. I pray this child gets to experience love and being someone's priority. Still cannot get past this story.

We see such horrific things here. And really, a few bruises, a belt. I mean logically this should not be as big a deal comparatively speaking to some of those horrors we have seen.

But this child. He breaks my heart. He truly does.

"She don't want me anymore."
The other night after my little guy had an extra long bath, I got him covered in lotion and in his Pjs. His hair was clean and fluffy and I just wanted to breathe him in. We built a fort in the livingroom and I told him to go grab some books while I made us cocoa. He came back with his arms so full of books he could hardly carry them all...but we snuggled up in our fort and read them all.

To me that is bliss. It breaks my heart to know that not all kids get to experience things like that. :(

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:( Poor little tyke. Wish I could give him a hug.. and a home. I hope he ends up with nice people, and learns what love is.

I am serious and unapologetic when I say that any woman who abuses or neglects one baby, or sits by and watches a man do it without intervening, SHOULD BE promptly sterilised so she never gets a second chance.

I bet there's other kids this one's spat out, in the system somewhere. There's always more kids..
Unfortunately there are so many parents who only think of their kids as either a meal ticket or an annoyance, or both. Self-centered, immature people who are not fit to be parents.
To know you are not loved or wanted as a child scars you as an adult. It leaves you with a broken connection to people that you have no clue how to fix.
If she doesn't want him, I hope she has the guts to say it to CPS so they can find someone who does. Otherwise, I am afraid she'll get him back.
Poor little guy. He probably commited the crime of wanting dinner or needing a hug.:therethere:
still can't get this fella out of my head

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