Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #2

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I just saw she was found deceased. So sad....I hope they can resolve this- it’s hard to say though since there appears to be a male deceased also. I’m guessing that’s the perp. How devastating :(
CBS 42 on Twitter
LIVE NOW: A look at the neighborhood where authorities say the body of 6-year-old Faye Swetlik was found in Cayce, South Carolina. A memorial is starting to form in the Churchill Heights area. …

3:40 PM - 13 Feb 2020
This photo is from Google Map Street View literally in front of Faye’s home. Seems to have been taken in either 2015 or 2020. This image looks like a drug deal and it’s literally in front of Faye’s front door step. It is not a good area of town. Across from Faye’s neighborhood there is a creepy, run-down strip mall with a 20-24 hour bar called “Mile High Club” directly next to an “Asian Massage” shop. This is all just a minute or two away from a heavily trafficked Love’s Truck Stop and the Columbia Airport. There are tractor trailers everywhere.
I just took a tour of the neighborhood and, while I agree there's some shady stuff going on with those dude in the lowered Oldsmobile Cutlass (nice fuzzy dice), I didn't get nearly the creepy vibe. The houses are modest, but not sketchy. There's no garbage or lack of decorations or anything. And the main drag looked like working class New Jersey or PA as much as South Carolina. The only tip off was that Waffle House and Shoney's are fighting for your breakfast dollar! Sometimes I feel like the gross plastic cover on the Google Car's canopy gives a grimy Dickensian vibe to even the nicest neighborhoods. It always looks bleak and overcast even when the sun is out.
That presser gave me a full-blown panic attack today. I'm at the office. I knew what was coming, but the gentleman (officer) was so "ripped apart". That was the shortest, most intense presser I have ever seen. I'm heartbroken for all involved. After an anxiety pill, 2 puffs on my inhaler and a bottle of water, I can breath again. I usually don't react this way. I can not begin to put myself in the families place. May they find peace.
If he did it, he saved a lot of people a lot of hard work and heartache.
But I must say, I really enjoy seeing the evidence piled up n a court room -- but the family who loves and misses her has to withstand it which must be horror and hearts breaking with grief and anger.
Again, she is safe from all that is bad now. Such a beautiful child. Human artwork.
Comfort to her family in these sad days.
Saved those involved a degree of more work and heartache in ways, but if he is in fact the one who took and murdered Faye, it also means SO many unanswered questions for the family. In many ways, the unknown can be more painful than being made privy to all the horrid details. JMO.
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