SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #13

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I'm going to ramble. There is way too much conflicting, missing info in this case to feel certain of much. Some passing thoughts I've had are:

1) I agree if one is being entirely truthful, then how easy it would be to work with LE to prove it. Hey they want to eliminate you and move on to bigger fish if you're innocent and insignificant to the investigation.

2) Narcissism needs feeding. It must be tricky for the consummate narcissist to have done something so extremely well and get no recognition for how wonderfully clever they are.

3) Narcissists tend to produce narcissists. Imagine being weak willed and co dependent. That makes you a great feed for narcissists. Often the weaker entity is scared of the more powerful entities and will comply to a great degree to maintain their own status quo. I guess I'm feeling like if you're told to carry out a deed, you'd damn well better do it or you know it will rock your very small world.

4) I guess if I was narcissistic and felt like someone messed up a job I had to then clean up, then I would have to point out how stupid they've been.

5) there can be times when people are in unconventional non traditional relationships and I guess that could be used to explain away things, but if that was being used as justification it seems weird to suddenly do a 180 and try to make such a relationship appear as normal as any. Nothing to see here.

6) I don't think HE was physically at PTL "that" night. I feel she left her apartment and events unfolded from there. I think it's been stated that her seat position remained normal for her. I guess another female of similar height could've easily driven it as it was. IMHO no cleaning of the car occurred because it wasn't needed. ETA when I say left her apartment, I mean walked out of the door of her apartment or to the parking lot to another waiting car or person(s).
I was just going back through some of the photos of HE and decided to once again take a closer look at the photo of her driving on the night of December 17th. I ran it through two separate ELA tools (one software program and one online tool) and noticed something -- okay, a couple of things -- that didn't seem right to me. If anyone here is familiar Error Analysis, would you let me know if you see anything?

And if anyone is interested, ELA stands for the error level analysis of a photo. There's a site online called fotoforensics that can do some of the process for you. There's also information there about how it works, but I don't know how much control you have. That was the second tool I ran it through after second guessing myself. I still saw differences, but couldn't find anything there to alter the settings.

do you mind expanding your thoughts here, what did you find?

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An enraged narcissistic and controlling partner is often cheated on. It can be the one escape or even sneaky way for the weaker partner to get his/her sense of power or control back. In addition, it can be done out of spite. BUT, if or when the more powerful of the two finds out...there will be hell to pay.

It would not surprise me one bit if The "cheater" was instructed down to a tee on how this "problem" was to be handled. It would not surprise me at all if he called HE and someone else, using his phone, either texted her and meet up with her after leaving his phone and him at home.
I'm going to ramble. There is way too much conflicting, missing info in this case to feel certain of much. Some passing thoughts I've had are:

2) Narcissism needs feeding. It must be tricky for the consummate narcissist to have done something so extremely well and get no recognition for how wonderfully clever they are.

4) I guess if I was narcissistic and felt like someone messed up a job I had to then clean up, then I would have to point out how stupid they've been.

ooohhhhh lawdy. in thinking of The Post, this jumps out at me....

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I'm not 100% convinced SM is involved in this. Is he untrustworthy? Hell yes. But I just don't know.... I haven't been doing much sleuthing lately, so I may have missed stuff.

My take on SM. He's not well educated. He is likely the submissive one in his marriage. I don't believe they are well off financially. A young attractive female is interested him...and a female who doesn't berate and belittle him. He's excited, he goes for it. Bad decision, yes! She goes missing. He's the last one to talk to her. He panics. People lie and make bad decision when in panic mode. And now his wife is probably telling him to STFU.

The one thing that I do question is why he can't prove when he left his house. Don't they have 12 or 14 cameras? He should be able to show footage of him leaving and returning. Maybe he did go meet her. But maybe she ran into someone else after? So why not come out and day that? Maybe he did tell LE.

Ugh, I don't know.
I always prefer to think that LE knows what they are doing. In this case, either they have all they need (except for Heather), thus their total lack of communication with the public, or they are really bungling the case, allowing all kinds of misinformation and rumors and finger-pointing to take center stage. I do not know what to think. Unfortunately, the way it seems to be being handled is too much like Holly Bobo's case, a mess of a case if ever there was one and soon to be three years old.

I agree with this. Reminds me of a case a little over a year and a half ago I followed (and still do) since I knew the victim. LE was totally mum for over a month and for those that were following the case, it was frustrating. However, they were just getting all their ducks in a row to build the best possible case. (A little different, though since they had the body).

Incidentally, there was naturally a lot of speculation on the husband since that is often the case and he was the last person known to have spoken to her. He never spoke out to the media that I can recall, although it was reported what he'd told LE about his whereabouts. And his family members spoke out. We've heard none of that in this case from the last person to have spoken to her.

This is the case I'm referring to:
I'm not 100% convinced SM is involved in this. Is he untrustworthy? Hell yes. But I just don't know.... I haven't been doing much sleuthing lately, so I may have missed stuff.

My take on SM. He's not well educated. He is likely the submissive one in his marriage. I don't believe they are well off financially. A young attractive female is interested him...and a female who doesn't berate and belittle him. He's excited, he goes for it. Bad decision, yes! She goes missing. He's the last one to talk to her. He panics. People lie and make bad decision when in panic mode. And now his wife is probably telling him to STFU.

The one thing that I do question is why he can't prove when he left his house. Don't they have 12 or 14 cameras? He should be able to show footage of him leaving and returning. Maybe he did go meet her. But maybe she ran into someone else after? So why not come out and day that? Maybe he did tell LE.

Ugh, I don't know.

I don't believe that SM is the "mastermind" behind this...more of a submissive puppet who chose a beautiful young woman who probably didn't make him feel suffocated or smothered....but instead made him feel important and appreciated. The one calling the shots has more of a Maleficent feel IMO. Why not come out and say that he is innocent? Indeed.
I don't believe that SM is the "mastermind" behind this...more of a submissive puppet who chose a beautiful young woman who probably didn't make him feel suffocated or smothered....but instead made him feel important and appreciated. The one calling the shots has more of a Maleficent feel IMO. Why not come out and say that he is innocent? Indeed.

If any woman's husband was having an affair with a much younger, fitter, prettier woman, any normal woman would probably be furious. A narcissistic woman is probably capable of way more than the average/normal woman.
I mentioned the other day that I would think LE should have enough to be able to obtain search warrants for certain video cameras, cell phone records, house searches, vehicle searches, etc. and I am hoping this was already performed.

If it was not performed, then I am disappointed because it sure seems like LE would have enough to get a judge to ok these type of search warrants.

If it was already done, then I am surprised that more evidence has not been uncovered to help find her by now. She would have had to have been placed in another vehicle at some point, so vehicle searches should find some evidence of her being present you would think.

I would be curious to know what search warrants were performed, if any.
This is the reason right here why I keep thinking something is up with a certain somebody and possibly their significant other... Why lie? Then to only say he called her to tell her to stop calling him but failing to admit there were calls back & forth between both of them that fateful morning? He first lies, then subsequently only tells a half truth at best? Imo, the ony reason he even said anything about talking to Heather that night was bc he was confrontednwith evidence that negated what he originally said. Suspicion started with him bc he put it there to begin with. That's my very honest humble opinion. At the very least, I'd wanna question this person to ask why the discrepancy.

Police records discuss phone calls between Heather Elvis, older man as late as 6 a.m. December 18
By Michael Smith | Posted 2 weeks ago

Horry County police are following up on leads concerning phone activity between Elvis’ phone and the man who’s nearly twice her age, police records show.

A police report says Elvis’ father contacted T-Mobile, his cellular provider, which the report says provided him with a call history for the victim’s phone.

According to the report, the last phone calls were at about 6 a.m. Dec. 18, about four hours after Elvis and Shiraldi ended their date.

The calls were back and forth between the victim and the older man, the report said.

The older man told police he hasn’t seen the victim since October, and then admitted to speaking with Heather Elvis the previous night, the report continued.

He further told police, the report said, that he “called her to tell her to quit calling him and that was it.”
As for SM's lie about guess is he told his wife in October that the affair was over. And in his stupid panic mode, he lied. He knew he didn't kill HE, so his first fear was his wife.
I don't believe that SM is the "mastermind" behind this...more of a submissive puppet who chose a beautiful young woman who probably didn't make him feel suffocated or smothered....but instead made him feel important and appreciated. The one calling the shots has more of a Maleficent feel IMO. Why not come out and say that he is innocent? Indeed.

If any woman's husband was having an affair with a much younger, fitter, prettier woman, any normal woman would probably be furious. A narcissistic woman is probably capable of way more than the average/normal woman.

This is where my mind goes as well, but what gives me the itchy feeling is that if he honestly wanted to leave his wife like he said, then if she's responsible for something nefarious why wouldn't he use that against her to leave her? Is it possible that he didn't really wanna leave his wife but rather maybe wanted his cake & eat it too so to speak?
do you mind expanding your thoughts here, what did you find?

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The two most prominent to me are the cell phone and her left arm. The cell phone appears at a very high level of error appearing as if it were added after the original photo. The left arm should show like error level potential where the portions of her arm meet the dark background. From the elbow to hand you see the bright outline, from elbow to shirt it is not there. Also with the phone, there seems to be a jagged pattern at a distance, but completely surrounding it.

While I'm at it...the tattoo itself poses questions. And her face, cheek area.

Messing with highlights and tones, compressions and other things will cause differences, yet the jpg shows to be about 95% Quality of the original.

The 95% quality and the lack of definition of the tattoo is something I find curious considering the photo as a whole.

FWIW that's just my :twocents:
This is where my mind goes as well, but what gives me the itchy feeling is that if he honestly wanted to leave his wife like he said, then if she's responsible for something nefarious why wouldn't he use that against her to leave her? Is it possible that he didn't really wanna leave his wife but rather maybe wanted his cake & eat it too so to speak?

Don't married men in affairs always say they are leaving their wives? It's how they string their girlfriends along.
Maleficent (great name for her!)...I don't think she did it either. I can see her punching/beating up HE. I can see her getting in a verbal altercation. And I'm sure she's made her husband pay dearly for his indiscretions. She's just too verbal and in your face on social media.

Now there is another member of the family that concerns me more. Someone that would be very upset that someone was hurting his baby girl. Someone that would know what was going on and have access to things when his son in law is working.

Ohhhh...I can see a scorned wife who is not only older than her husband who has cheated on her...but also much older than the chosen other woman doing much, much more than having a simple fight. I can also understand your concern and wouldn't rule it out.
I mentioned the other day that I would think LE should have enough to be able to obtain search warrants for certain video cameras, cell phone records, house searches, vehicle searches, etc. and I am hoping this was already performed.

If it was not performed, then I am disappointed because it sure seems like LE would have enough to get a judge to ok these type of search warrants.

If it was already done, then I am surprised that more evidence has not been uncovered to help find her by now. She would have had to have been placed in another vehicle at some point, so vehicle searches should find some evidence of her being present you would think.

I would be curious to know what search warrants were performed, if any.

In so many cases we have been allowed to see search warrants and contents.
IIRC long lists in the Anthony of LE in & out of the home. Webcams from news stations...........why did that all stop? I know some SW are sealed. In this case is it because the couple are not named suspects? In my small corner of the world this would be top headlines every night on the news...........I just do not get all the tight lipped around this case. Why were old pictures being used? tattoos & car not pictured on flyers? No one speaking out about anything.......friends & relatives of victim and couple........mum is the word for this case :banghead:
Don't married men in affairs always say they are leaving their wives? It's how they string their girlfriends along.

Yep. At least in situations I've seen with people I've worked with, that's almost always how it goes.
I agree with TTF14 and would like to also like to make a point that the story told to LE didn't match the timeline from the unlucky OMM. And regarding the later reports to the LE about harassment and threats, how do we know what was really said by the caller? All we know is what was reported by OMW and OMM, or did I miss something?

What do you mean it didn't match the timeline? I am not defended the actions of these people, but I in every example except a phone call they can provide proof. Did it say there was a phone call? I probably missed that one.
The two most prominent to me are the cell phone and her left arm. The cell phone appears at a very high level of error appearing as if it were added after the original photo. The left arm should show like error level potential where the portions of her arm meet the dark background. From the elbow to hand you see the bright outline, from elbow to shirt it is not there. Also with the phone, there seems to be a jagged pattern at a distance, but completely surrounding it.

While I'm at it...the tattoo itself poses questions. And her face, cheek area.

Messing with highlights and tones, compressions and other things will cause differences, yet the jpg shows to be about 95% Quality of the original.

The 95% quality and the lack of definition of the tattoo is something I find curious considering the photo as a whole.

FWIW that's just my :twocents:

I was thinking it had to do with the angle of the camera and if it were taken on a cell. It may be that the pic was taken in a low megapixel cellular camera. Also, maybe hd wasn't set, if it even had that capability? Maybe?
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