SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #2

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Not much on this yet but I got it on yahoo and This mother and son were found near a dog kennel on their property in Colleton County SC. Their family has a long history of connections to the legal system in the Lowcountry and the son, who was murdered, was currently facing charges in a boating accident causing death.

2 Murdaugh family members shot, killed in Colleton County SC homicide

Media, Maps, Timeline, Initial Reference List *NO DISCUSSION* Thread

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Surely that area of a hunting lodge with all that equipment sitting around would be saturated with security cameras. Especially considering this family had lost a wrongful death suit in the past. And AM’s brother had had a Kubota tractor stolen from his lodge not too long ago. Every square inch of my property wouId have a security camera pointing at it if that was me.
Wasn’t it AM’s farm where the tractor was stolen not far from the lodge? Either way, I agree. I am not a millionaire on that kind of acreage but I have lots of cams. I was in fact just checking all my cams to try to get a glimpse of the screaming fox in the yard.

A lack of cams on such a property would be highly suspect. If the killer drove in, they must be known by now. For sure. Possibly they are held on lesser charges under the radar, or dead, or missing. JMO.
Wasn’t it AM’s farm where the tractor was stolen not far from the lodge? Either way, I agree. I am not a millionaire on that kind of acreage but I have lots of cams. I was in fact just checking all my cams to try to get a glimpse of the screaming fox in the yard.

A lack of cams on such a property would be highly suspect. If the killer drove in, they must be known by now. For sure. Possibly they are held on lesser charges under the radar, or dead, or missing. JMO.

I agree with you. They had every reason to have cameras on the property, especially considering the recent legal issues the family has faced.

There are so many details (many unsubstantiated) being thrown around, it’s hard to make sense of what is factual. From everything that’s been reported, it seems PM was a man with a lot of enemies, despite what his uncle’s have said. If there were cameras in place, surely SLED has an idea of what went down.

The new wrinkle with the finding of MM’s cell is interesting.
@Jleeryan99 , in response to your post in the other thread. A now retired cop that I grew up with and have remained close to has told me many times that these hunt camps that are scattered around here are always hit by thieves, and often have guns, booze, and rec vehicles around.
I am bugged silly about this camera question and can’t imagine a place like this not having them.
@Hotsauce777, in reference to your comment on the last thread… it sounds like your acquaintance on the grand jury thinks this is all related. Is that what you took from their comments?
Not related to the accident no. They said there is a lot of stuff that is going to come out about things that were going on in private. They said they do not believe these murders are any type of retaliation or anything like that. I can’t say on here what they felt happened because of the rules I don’t think but they also didn’t think it was a robbery or strangers.
I agree with you. They had every reason to have cameras on the property, especially considering the recent legal issues the family has faced.

There are so many details (many unsubstantiated) being thrown around, it’s hard to make sense of what is factual. From everything that’s been reported, it seems PM was a man with a lot of enemies, despite what his uncle’s have said. If there were cameras in place, surely SLED has an idea of what went down.

The new wrinkle with the finding of MM’s cell is interesting.

I know I would have security cameras if I were them, but not everyone thinks that way. They lived in a safe, rural area, may have had the attitude that they were untouchable, or knew they had means to protect themselves.
I don’t think this is random theft or robbery murder either. I don’t know why but I just feel it was intended. Maybe it’s because we have seen these things come to light so many times where it’s someone who knew the victims.
Me neither, and it’s clear law enforcement doesn’t either. They either know their killer(s), or they know the person that put them up to it.
Not disagreeing with you -- but what makes you think LE knows that?
The way they’re handling this in general, but also because they have said there is no threat to the community.

If this was some random type crime, or if they thought that was a possibility, they wouldn’t have said that. The community would be very much at risk if that was the case.

I assume that nothing was taken, and there was evidence that indicated that the perpetrator(s) had planned this.

I think there’s a good chance they are going on more than that though.
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If it’s not robbery, retribution or strangers my mind goes to “follow the money”. The morning of the murders AM had 3 heirs. At the end of the day, he had just one.

And these murders occurred just days before the inevitable death of AM’s father, a man with significant assets of his own. Did the distribution of those assets change as a result of the murders?

Who stands to inherit much more now than they would have before the murders?

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I realize this is all speculation, but if these murders are not retaliatory in nature nor a random crime/theft gone bad, then what are we looking at?

Perhaps family squabble or business partner problems for AM?

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The only immediate family member whose movements that night we think we know…is AM. He is said to have an ironclad alibi involving taken his critically ill Father to the hospital and then returning to spend some time with his Mother.

We don’t know where MM or PM were. I’m assuming MM was living at the lodge with her husband. Did she leave the house earlier that day/night? How did she spend her day? Did she run the various households…meaning hiring/firing household employees was her job?

How did she happen to be over at the dog kennels at 9pm on a rainy night? Was her car in that area too?

Does the fact that her phone was discarded in the road mean that she had actual physical contact with her killer/killers, struggling over that phone, before they shot her?

Most women I know, living in or entering a lonely isolated property would not confront intruders on their own. But if the person/persons were known to them, and not considered a threat…then yes. ‘What’s up? Why are you here?”

Was PM living at his apartment…the one with the open door? Or was he staying at the Lodge? Where was his car found…on the property? Or did he arrive at the Lodge with the perpetrators…after they’d picked him up, left his apartment so quickly that the door was ajar?

Or did PM return home to find his Mother arguing with some individuals? I know MM was said to have a lovely caring reputation. But the whole family must have been in a highly emotional state with the patriarch essentially near death.

And as far as we know, nothing was taken. This crime is one complex mystery.
On Tuesday, the top law enforcement agency in South Carolina announced that it is opening its own investigation into an unsolved homicide case, prompted by the investigation into the double slaying in the prominent Murdaugh family of Hampton County.

SLED opens own investigation into death of Stephen Smith

Crosby added that SLED is not furthering or reopening an investigation by another law enforcement agency, but its own investigation with "a fresh set of eyes," adding that this investigation will include evidence and statements gathered during previous investigations.
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