Scott Tadych/Bobby Dassey

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clip from ST's statement Nov 10

clip from ST's statement Nov 29th

His March 2006 statement doesn't mention hunting at all.

Thanks--you always have these things at your fingertips--where the rest of us have to go back and think of where we might have read that! :)
Talk about confusing lol. I believe BoD was hunting geese? The deer was hit by a vehicle, not hunted.

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Both provided such confusing, conflicting, and contradictory testimony to their own respective sworn statements to LE that the factual evidentiary credibility of their final court testimony is about nil. The Defense's theory of the crime endeavored to get that across to the jury but failed. The Court contributed to that failure by denying the Defense to admit damaging third-party evidence, arguing that none of the proposed suspects met the Denny third-party liability "smell test".
Much muddying of the waters imo.

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Thanks--you always have these things at your fingertips--where the rest of us have to go back and think of where we might have read that! :)

you have no idea how many bookmarks I have LOL

As for what kind of hunting, IIRC He was bow hunting.... for deer, according to his testimony. Day 3, page 40

Q Where did you go hunting that day?

A It was actually maybe two miles up the road from my


Q What kind of hunting was it?

A Deer hunting. Bow hunting.
I guess maybe what is throwing me off about the whole "going hunting" thing is that it is done very differently down here. (SE Texas) My entire family hunts and both of my kids have been getting on a deer stand since age 3 so I'm pretty familiar with hunting, at least how its done in my area. Basically you get with a group of people and pay to lease vast areas of undeveloped land to hunt on. When we go to the "deer lease", its for several days and we set up camp and stay. I guess that's why the whole "bow hunting in the backyard" seemed odd to me.
you have no idea how many bookmarks I have LOL

As for what kind of hunting, IIRC He was bow hunting.... for deer, according to his testimony. Day 3, page 40

Q Where did you go hunting that day?

A It was actually maybe two miles up the road from my


Q What kind of hunting was it?

A Deer hunting. Bow hunting.
Which conflicts with what BD said up at Crivitz. Wonder why that is [emoji57]

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I was meaning to post this last night, but lost my internet connection. ST says he "believed" he passed BoD by the Christmas Tree Farm. (See Missy's post above) He was traveling WEST and BoD was traveling EAST.

My issue is that the Christmas Tree Farm is WEST of Avery's. Why would BoD be on 147 traveling EAST when he was WEST of Avery Road--IF he was WEST of Avery Road. Where was he coming from--it certainly was not the Avery Property then?


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Snippets from BD's interview on Nov 6th at Crivitz



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I was meaning to post this last night, but lost my internet connection. ST says he "believed" he passed BoD by the Christmas Tree Farm. (See Missy's post above) He was traveling WEST and BoD was traveling EAST.

My issue is that the Christmas Tree Farm is WEST of Avery's. Why would BoD be on 147 traveling EAST when he was WEST of Avery Road--IF he was WEST of Avery Road. Where was he coming from--it certainly was not the Avery Property then?

Good point. Looks like the two LE investigators in Missy's link failed miserably to pick up on what you have noted. I'm also surprised that attorneys Buting and Strang did not seek Court's approval to treat both BD and ST has hostile witnesses.
Huh.... didn't even notice the east/west thing LOL Are we sure that is ST's residence on that map? If BoD only drove 2 miles and he was in ST's 'backyard'..... that looks like more than 2 miles? LOL
Huh.... didn't even notice the east/west thing LOL Are we sure that is ST's residence on that map? If BoD only drove 2 miles and he was in ST's 'backyard'..... that looks like more than 2 miles? LOL

Yes, it is on the reports of his interviews. I got the address from
Not sure if this has been posted either, but it is the ST Interview of March 30, 2006. Wait a minute~~if BD confessed a month earlier~~why are they still interviewing ST on March 30, 2006. Again, I haven't listened to them and I might not be thinking clearly as I've had some oral surgery yesterday, but just posting in case it wasn't posted before.
I was just reading in the CASO, the 1116 pages of police reports, that Steve Avery had told Jodi that Bobby had been with Teresa after SA. I was wondering if this is really possible. It was on page 84, "A conversation with Lenk."

On the stand, Bobby said he woke up 2pm, saw TH at 2:30pm. Watched her take pic(s) and then head toward SA's house.

Bobby claims he took a shower and TH was not there, but her car was. claimed he got ready to go hunting and left. Scott would be able to confirm the time he saw him. When asked why he was sure of that, Bobby said it was because Scott probably looked at the clock when he saw Bobby. Yeah. Right.

Then on cross, he said it was 2:45pm when he saw Scott. Bobby also changed his testimony, saying he saw Teresa go to SA's after Bobby showered.

I feel like if the van was in front of, or closer to, Bobby's house, and TH was told that it was for B Janda, not Steve Avery, why would TH go to SA's house first? How did she know it was Steve she needed to see? And if Steve is so creepy, why not knock on the less creepy door?

I don't know. I just don't like the visualization I get of Bobby watching her do her whole job before heading toward SA's but doesn't watch to see if she wen into Steve's house. I sounds like TH parked across the street, in front of the van, which is further from SA' house.

And then Bobby and Kratz have this exchange on redirect, page 44 of day 4:

Q. (By Attorney Kratz)~ You said that you saw Scott
3 Tadych on the way to deer hunting. About what
4 time was it that you saw him; do you recall?
5 A. Quarter to three.
6 Q. About 2:45 p.m.?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. So you had already seen Teresa Halbach by 2:45
9 and, in fact, had already left your residence; is
10 that right?
11 A. No, she was still there.
12 Q. What I'm saying is, you had already seen her?
13 A. Oh, yes.
14 Q. And had left your residence --
15 A. Yes.

It might be a nitpicky comment, but my hinky meter went off when Bobby said that said TH was still there when he left. He had no reason to say that. and it seemed to be a rare, uncontrolled response, when the rest of the responses he gave that morning were pretty much yes/no answers. unless more is required.
so I've been looking more at Bobby's statements. I have a problem with Lenk.

CASO, page 38. Apparently, after the car was found, Lenk told investigators that afternoon that he'd "heard" that Jodi had told other investigators that Steven had said Bobby was the last person to see TH. Then, the investigators, when they interviewed Bobby, told Bobby this information. This is could very well be the reason Bobby began to be desperate to prove his alibi through Scott. I also have a problem with Scott having a green SUV and that's the kind of car the petrol man could have seen while filling his truck.

So how do these "investigators" know what Jodi said is true?Are there tapes of her phone calls with Steven A from Friday, november 4th?

In her interview on the 6th, Jodi offered no explanation for why she said such.

Steven didn't say this. What he said was that Bobby was home. He saw Bobby's car. After he'd gone inside, put down the magazine, he went back outside and when he got over to Bobby's house, Bobby was gone. It sounds like he ascertained it from Bobby's car no longer being there. TH's car was also gone. They asked if bobby had seen or talked to her, and Steven said they had to ask Bobby that. So Steven might have shared that part of the conversation with Jodi and might have said "maybe bobby had seen her," which would be a logical thought if Bobby left the house at almost the same time as the meeting concluded.

I think witness accounts really messed up this investigation.

Another thing. Brendan says Bobby went geese hunting and does so daily. Bobby said he went deer hunting. Nothing about geese.

IMO they had listened to his calls with Jodi from the jail before that Saturday morning when the RAV4 was found. They also spoke to Jodi the afternoon of the 5th, we know this from the LE calls, there is a call about letting Janda and Jodi go (after talking to them). We know that Barb was picked up for a drug charge the afternoon of the 5th, so we can logically conclude that call took place that day. That call can be found here... [video=youtube;CsqLyMOQzv0][/video] I can't recall off hand the time stamp (sorry... I know, I'm slipping BCA and dexter :-P )

I thought Steve said that he looked down the road when he realized Bobby's truck was gone and that was when he saw TH turning left at the corner.

The hunting... I don't think it was deer season yet? Maybe someone else more local can chime in but I think somewhere this covered.

Back to the calls... there are some other things from previous to October 31st that lead me to believe they were listening to SA's calls or something. For example, one night SA and Jodi are arguing/fighting. She is drunk, I believe she was on probation and shouldn't have been. When Jodi called 911, SA got her out of the trailer (forcibly) and they drove out of the salvage yard. There was a cop at the end of the road. It is all just odd and there was no way they could have responded in that amount of time, it was as if the cop was just sitting there waiting. All JMO but I would not be surprised to find out that they were watching him and wanting him to screw up so they could make the lawsuit go away. When it was getting too close for comfort for some that were going to be deposed for the lawsuit, TH goes missing and is murdered. Awfully convenient ... but JMO.
No, Steven doesn't ever put it that way and he never, in his interviews from 11/5 or 11/6 connects bobby's being there to anything about Teresa. On 11/5, he said this about her turning:

And then she goes to Larrabee. Or, she goes back down this way, and this way, then this way. This all—this is all field, that's all cut down, so you can see the highway.

That's really the only time I see him mention that in the interviews. You'd think he'd keep saying it if he was trying to lie and make them think she left, right?

On the 11/6 interview, the officer homes in on that time, and all Avery can say is "he's gone" in reference to Bobby. They don't talk about where TH went. They focus incessantly on Bobby was there and then he was gone. Avery never makes a determination on how Bobby and his car went from being at barb's and then being gone. He also never makes the connection between looking at what TH's car is doing at that point.

It's possible that he said it in subsequent interviews that I have not reviewed closely yet. I'm still studying the start of this whole thing. I believe the first things they say mean the most, and that's why I want to know why Jodi told them that. It doesn't appear from his interviews that he was even remotely trying to say Bobby saw TH last. He was merely trying to say he went to see bobby after, but bobby was gone. THEY asking SA if he thought bobby saw her, and SA was like, you have to ask him.

So I suspect they used this to try to turn Bobby against SA or get him to reveal something. Same way they did brendan with the whole, bus driver thing. That didn't seem to work on Blaine, so I'd be very interested to hear blaine's interview to see what they tried on him.

I believe the cops were watching them. I also believe the cops took business from them, wouldn't call them for wrecks. I believe the county wanted their land, too. I believe something happened February 14th when the other case was settled to make them suddenly re-interview the whole family. I just don't know what it was. But it's no coincidence of everything that happened the moment the $400,000 case was settled but they didn't cover that officer whose name starts with a "K."

It's extremely concerning.
I believe the cops were watching them. I also believe the cops took business from them, wouldn't call them for wrecks. I believe the county wanted their land, too. I believe something happened February 14th when the other case was settled to make them suddenly re-interview the whole family. I just don't know what it was. But it's no coincidence of everything that happened the moment the $400,000 case was settled but they didn't cover that officer whose name starts with a "K."

It's extremely concerning.


Steven hired Dean Strang when he settled that lawsuit, beginning to mid-February.

Also, TH's family tried to block SA from getting that money by filing a law suit against SA.

As for the TH turning left thing... it could have been from his early media interviews, but I know it was said quite early on.
I had to go look lol I remembered hearing SA say it, it was in a new interview that aired on the 4th of November 2005. [video=youtube;EtrzOgH2k10][/video] Can be found at the 1:40 mark. He says she turned to go to Larrabee (which would have been left)
Yes, I wrote that he said this, because you said:

I thought Steve said that he looked down the road when he realized Bobby's truck was gone and that was when he saw TH turning left at the corner.

He didn't say that. It's a very minute distinction, but an important one with all the times being so close together.

Steven didn't associate bobby with her leaving AT ALL, which is why I do not get why Jodi would say he said Bobby saw her last. SA has never associated Bobby's whereabouts with TH. Not even that he saw her leave and then saw that bobby's truck was gone. It's always been that he walked in the house, put down the book, went outside and they both were gone. He never says he saw these two things at once. it's always been on two different trips outside.

And it's hard to believe that SA watched TH drive for two minutes to see her turn left before going in the house. That might be why it's written somewhere, maybe in the Relief, that he went inside, she was in her car, bobby left, she left, and SA came outside. he saw her making a left. He went by bobby and bobby was gone. I read that somewhere. I just can't say it was the Relief for certain. But wherever I read that, they were explaining that SA didn't see Bobby driving because he'd already turned right on 147 before SA came back out of the house.

SA is very consistent with this story. The only thing I think changes is his mom bringing him the mail. But I don't know how many times he says that or when it stops being a part of his recollections.

It's a shame that his family was trying to sue him for some money. I understand that they lost business, and I'm guessing his parents were not involved in this. But it would explain Scott's attitude and Barb's change. It would explain Barb suddenly talking about those jeans. I would love to see her February interview. Can't find it.

But I am guessing barb didn't think she was railroading her son in the process of trying to railroad SA over the money.

What stuck out to me is when Chuck, I believe it was, said he the little girl cousin loved Steven. He said he thought she adored him too much or something like that, and he wouldn't let her go over by Steven. Then, next thing you know, she is writing on her statement how much she wants Steven to rot in hell. That's suspicious.

Additionally suspicious is how scott told a coworker that one of Barb's kid had blood on his clothes and those clothes somehow got in Scott's laundry! What the heck is that about? I haven't studied that too hard yet. Just ran across it while searching CASO keywords.
As far as hunting goes, Bobby is summarized in CASO on page 90, the very bottom:

"BOBBY stated that he left for deer bow hunting at approximately 1445 to 1500 hrs."

On the other hand, Brendan told officers in his first interview transcript:

Bobby bought the new puppy for geese hunting. (page 7)

Bobby was gone bow hunting, geese hunting with a friend. (page 15)

Bobby got up and went geese hunting. He does it everyday. (page 16)

I don't know what season it was, but this is what they each said. Bobby's in a summary, so maybe the officer summarized it wrong, but...

Either way, I'm not sure the police found out if it really happened everyday around the same time. Brendan also said Mike O goes with him, so why can't Mike alibi Bobby? Why does it have to be Scott?

According to MO's mom, caso 252, the boys go deer and geese hunting, usually on their property, the O's property. She didn't state with what frequency.

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