Seeking info: Kidnapped young girl named “Drew” from Memphis, TN—year uncertain, could be 60’s-70’s

Sounds like a lie or an urban legend.


I asked my Mom and she does remember the incident in Memphis, TN with the little girl named Drew. She evidently escaped a would-be kidnapper that approached her and ran, sobbing and distraught, into my Grandparents’ house. She got away in time before anything happened.

I am so glad to now know that she was not murdered!

Thank you to everyone who answered here and to those who suggested I ask family members! That literally never crossed my mind to even ask my own mom. She could not recall any further details though.

(Now, I am wondering about the perp and if they ever succeeded in kidnapping or other crimes. I pray that they were never able to harm or attempt to abduct another child…)

Thank you all again!
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I asked my Mom and she does remember the incident in Memphis, TN with the little girl named Drew. She evidently escaped a would-be kidnapper that approached her and ran, sobbing and distraught, into my Grandparents’ house. She got away in time before anything happened.

I am so glad to now know that she was not murdered!

Thank you to everyone who answered here and to those who suggested I ask family members! That literally never crossed my mind to even ask my own mom. She could not recall any further details though.

(Now, I am wondering about the perp and if they ever succeeded in kidnapping or other crimes. I pray that they were never able to harm or attempt to abduct another child…)

Thank you all again!
Sounds like this case never reached the media. Can we even be sure the guy was a real would-be kidnapper or just what Drew perceived as one? Genuinely wondering.
Sounds like this case never reached the media. Can we even be sure the guy was a real would-be kidnapper or just what Drew perceived as one? Genuinely wondering.

Short of interviewing Drew herself, I guess the only way to know for sure if he was a real threat/legit would-be kidnapper would be to access a police report, if one was filed, and go from there…

In today’s world, at least in my current midwestern city, my local news and social media feed would be blowing up if a stranger was reported trying to abduct a child. Everyone jumps into hyper awareness mode when something like that happens nowadays. In the 60’s, I don’t know how else the public would find out unless by word of mouth or the daily paper possibly…

Quick story: My little brother underwent a similar incident as Drew, this was in the late 80’s in Memphis—a man approached him in a truck while he was riding his bike in the neighborhood, and ordered him in the truck…my brother eluded him and escaped harm. The police came to our home and interviewed him, he gave a detailed description of the man. But I never saw anything in the media about it…

I don’t know if police notify the media, or if concerned citizens report these kinds of incidents that you see on the news.

I am guessing Memphis is so huge and so overrun with crime that would-be kidnappers don’t get the media attention they deserve…
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