Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt2

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Scary ties with some scary places? Why because they are Italian-Americans from Cicero and Berwyn, IL? (Capone lived in Cicero). The continued threats would be pretty easy for police to investigate if they were true.

AS an Italian-American I can not believe that people still think we all have mob ties.Way back in my family on my grandfathers side a family member married into the Capone family,he was disowned by our family and all ties were cut.Most Italians who came over wanted no part of the mafia and were ashamed of anyone who was a part of it.So I doubt it.
I mostly lurk here - but I have some real issues that I'm going to mention. I realize none of us knows what we would do in any given situation, but........I KNOW if my son killed my grandsons, I would NOT be supporting him. I wouldn't be making any statements to the police or press, but I also wouldn't be babying him the way CC's parents are CC. I'd like to think I'd push him out the door and tell him to be honest - if he did it, 'fess up and take the punishment - if he didn't, tell cops what he knows, where he was, who he was messin' around with......In other words - COOPERATE to find the real killer.
Just watching the news and seeing the pictures and video, it looks like they are trying to spare their son the punishment he deserves (IMO) - kinda like George and Cindy Anthony. What makes the Coleman's worse is that Rev Coleman is a "man of God". Now I realize that means he is supposed to forgive and all, but if I am correct, somewhere in the Bible, it says there is no forgiveness for taking the life of another (or is that just my church doctrine?).
Also, someone earlier mentioned about cc's mom having bandages on her leg and arm and how it is reminescent of Scott Peterson's mom. I've read on here that she has an autoimmune disease - or that she has cancer. Does anyone know for sure what she has? I'm not sayin she's faking her illness - just wondering what exactly she does have and whether or not she is receiving regular treatment. I'm mentioning this because of the "slow-speed chase" to CG hospital - was it for her treatment or was their some other reason? Maybe not even a medical reason - maybe so cc could meet with someone? Just thinkin out loud - so many questions - so much to digest.
Personally, I'm inclined to believe he was trying to stage he and his boys' disappearance while SC was on one of her mission trips this summer - but then she found out about his affair and confronted him. I think the boys overheard the "discussion" and he realized his plan wouldn't work because a 9 and 11 year old would remember it all and his plan to "lose" himself and the boys was no longer viable. At this point, I believe he killed his wife at the next available moment - then killed the boys as they slept. It all had to happen must quicker than he originally planned, so he made a lot of mistakes. Plus, I don't think murder was in the original plan - and he just wasn't smart enough to pull it off.
JMO - just thinking it all out.
I suppose anything is possible. With so much news lately about police seizing the computers of suspects, I cannot imagine - unless he was a computer expert himself - that he would have used his computer for typing the messages from home or work. Then again, who knows?

My biggest concern is this: Since he has not been named a suspect, I doubt the police have his home or work computer. Such a delay would provide him with ample time to either destroy evidence.

When I read that he has an affair, I thought about how police could access his personal and work e-mail accounts. But I don't think they would do this until he was named a suspect. Thus, allowing him ample time to destroy incriminating messages, etc.

Bummer, huh?

I would have expected them to take the computers in the Columbia home the first day.
But Wednesday afternoon, officers watching the house in Chester abruptly left town. Connor said they would stop monitoring Coleman's movements.


This just blows my mind, if they did pull all. I believe Chestergal mentioned that yesterday, after they supposedly pulled surveillance, there were in fact still cars there. I hope so. I really hope he isn't able to run, or head out on a mission trip overseas or something.
AS an Italian-American I can not believe that people still think we all have mob ties.Way back in my family on my grandfathers side a family member married into the Capone family,he was disowned by our family and all ties were cut.Most Italians who came over wanted no part of the mafia and were ashamed of anyone who was a part of it.So I doubt it.

And people think of us Irish as drunks...ok, that may be partially true.
I read somewhere that MCS took a computer from his parents home. I honestly don't recall whether it was in a news article or a posting in a forum/comments. I agree: the computers are all in their hands.

I just read a bit about Twila Wiley's death a bit after it was mentioned in a newspaper article linked to above. I know that her father has been posting here in these forums and I want to say to him: I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you feel every day...especially if you genuinelly know in your heart that your daughter was murdered. (It sounds like she was to me but I'm no expert.) I pray that every day brings you the healing you need for that day.

Back to the murders at hand: Reading about the 17 or 14 months (can't recall at the moment) that it took this State's Attorney to bring charges is concerning to me. I realize that we want them to get all of their ducks in a row, to be certain, but it looks like LE and the State's Attorney had almost two years to get themselves straight in Twila Wiley's death and didn't. Not encouraging to me.

As for Joyce Meyer trying to cover this up: I find that doubtful. I agree that they are surely telling their employees not to discuss the matter (I've seen that personally trying to talk to some of them) but I just don't see the benefit of them trying to "make this go away." Not in this situation where a vast-majority of folks are 100% convinced that CC committed the murders. But I could be wrong.

My prayer is still that an arrest is made soon (somewhat of a selfish prayer, I suppose, because I just want to know that this saga is somewhere towards being over and be able to deal with the eventual reality that seems imminent that CC did murder his family.) I described it to a friend last night as we discussed this that I feel sortof like a very thirsty person sitting under a dripping sink knowing that any minute or hour someone will turn the water on full blast. In time, we will know far more than we want to about how these murders occurred and what the motives were.
This just blows my mind, if they did pull all. I believe Chestergal mentioned that yesterday, after they supposedly pulled surveillance, there were in fact still cars there. I hope so. I really hope he isn't able to run, or head out on a mission trip overseas or something.

That could be a cover story, so it gets printed, and they continue to keep tabs on him but are less visible. Just a thought.
That could be a cover story, so it gets printed, and they continue to keep tabs on him but are less visible. Just a thought.

That would be my bet too. Could be that Artie & Company (lawyers) made a fuss about CC being followed everywhere, making CC look guilty (like he needs any help) and if they were going to keep it up they'd better name him POI or arrest him - so MCS backed off a visible tail so they wouldn't be forced to hurry up and make the arrest so they wouldn't have to show their cards to Artie & Co. yet; but they're still there. He's still being watched. He's not going anywhere, unless it's in cuffs.
Besides waiting on forensic testing, I'm thinking we might also see the case brought before a grand jury before there is an arrest and charges are filed.
I mostly lurk here - but I have some real issues that I'm going to mention. I realize none of us knows what we would do in any given situation, but........I KNOW if my son killed my grandsons, I would NOT be supporting him. I wouldn't be making any statements to the police or press, but I also wouldn't be babying him the way CC's parents are CC. I'd like to think I'd push him out the door and tell him to be honest - if he did it, 'fess up and take the punishment - if he didn't, tell cops what he knows, where he was, who he was messin' around with......In other words - COOPERATE to find the real killer.

Just watching the news and seeing the pictures and video, it looks like they are trying to spare their son the punishment he deserves (IMO) - kinda like George and Cindy Anthony. What makes the Coleman's worse is that Rev Coleman is a "man of God". Now I realize that means he is supposed to forgive and all, but if I am correct, somewhere in the Bible, it says there is no forgiveness for taking the life of another (or is that just my church doctrine?).

See bold #1 above: I don't think his parents are "babying" him. For the love of God, his family was just brutally murdered. He is, after all, their son. How can you criticize them for standing by him? Just seems wrong to me.

See bold #2 above: So far, it is my understanding that he has done just that. He went in for questioning, and then returned for fingerprints. I personally think he is guilty, but for one second consider the alternative - what if he isn't. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they'll be looking at him as the prime suspect.

See bold #3 above: Does he deserve any punishment yet? I don't think so. I like coming to this site, and I am not trying to single you out because many people on here do this, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. While I too, think he is guilty, I honestly do not know for sure. Thus, I cannot claim he should be punished just yet!
remember that there is no law satating that an LE cannot just drive in the state. I bet that if the lawyers threw a fit, LE would just say that the LE following him, were simply going in the same direction and purely coincidence. Especially if they were traffic cops, then they could say that they were just watching traffic. As for being directly followed: I believe that LE can follow and watch anyone as long as they have just cause. Heck, they could have even stopped CC if they thought there was a reasonable cause to stop him. I have seen the LE, around Columbia, go back to their normal routines of catching speeders and such and still see the LE cars all over the subdivsion, so I tend to think they are letting back a bit off of CC. But, if he wasn't the prime suspect, they would never have followed him this much and trailed him all over.

My professional opnion is that there is someone watching him. I know that if anyone saw him go back to the house, where this all took place, the cops would know in a heartbeat. As for where he is now, I am sure that someone of some LE knows and is watching him now.

(Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bunch or at least a few lower-level reporters also keeping tabs on him as well.)
Like I said Milopedes - JMO.........
Guess it's hard to give cc sympathy when I believe he is the reason it all happened.....
Again - JMO.......

I guess I should add - I do know some of the family. It was hard for me to believe cc was guilty - it took me a while to come around - hence, the reason I was only lurking. I prefer to stay anon for selfish reasons. Since some family members are reading these posts, I prefer to keep my id out of this.
See bold #3 above: Does he deserve any punishment yet? I don't think so. I like coming to this site, and I am not trying to single you out because many people on here do this, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. While I too, think he is guilty, I honestly do not know for sure. Thus, I cannot claim he should be punished just yet!

I suppose my point is this: I'd rather discuss the facts and try to keep all the emotional items out of this debate. However, I don't run this site so it isn't for me to decide. I just think that the collective sometimes gets caught up in bashing JMM, making remarks about his parents, etc.

IMO, there is more value - in this or in any issue in life - by examining all angles, aspects, opinions of a given matter. Once we decide he is 100% guilty, it then becomes impossible to consider evidence which may lead others to consider him innocent as valid points or counterpoints. Does that make sense?

Right now, I'd say I am about 80% convinced CC committed this crime. But, I leave a sliver open to consider what may be raised in Court as reasonable doubt by his defense.
Like I said Milopedes - JMO.........
Guess it's hard to give cc sympathy when I believe he is the reason it all happened.....
Again - JMO.......

Yeah, I know. And you are certainly entitled to it. I don't mean to imply otherwise.
See bold #1 above: I don't think his parents are "babying" him. For the love of God, his family was just brutally murdered. He is, after all, their son. How can you criticize them for standing by him? Just seems wrong to me.

See bold #2 above: So far, it is my understanding that he has done just that. He went in for questioning, and then returned for fingerprints. I personally think he is guilty, but for one second consider the alternative - what if he isn't. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they'll be looking at him as the prime suspect.

See bold #3 above: Does he deserve any punishment yet? I don't think so. I like coming to this site, and I am not trying to single you out because many people on here do this, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. While I too, think he is guilty, I honestly do not know for sure. Thus, I cannot claim he should be punished just yet!

Actually CC immediately lawyered up and only submitted to be fingerprinted under court order. Also this is only a discussion board and we don't hand out sentences. We discuss cases and our opinion on how we feel about a suspects innocence or guilt. How we feel they should be punished is an expected part of that discussion.
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