SIDEBAR #17- Arias/Alexander forum

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O/T case related. :biggrin:

You know what just occurred to me. Why did CMJA make up the Ninja story. She could have said that she entered Travis' home, found him dead, fell in blood in the bathroom, got it on her hands, slipped in blood down the hallway, and left in total fear not knowing what to do.

I have kept up with way too many cases it appears. However, she knew what was in there. She didn't know about the hand print, but at least the above would have given a smidge of doubt.

I was feeling bad for being so damning from the get go in this case. I know better, and I know where the evidence went. Why am I feeling bad?!

6 days until we are told the next phase is somewhere between next January-March. Yep, all Courts are now scheduling as far out as next March, so I'm not holding my breath, nor care. She is in jail, will not be leaving, and WILL, eventually, be sentenced. I just hope that no one thinks it should take months more Court time. :sigh:

She came up with the Ninjas after spending her first night in jail. When arrested she swore to Flores she was nowhere near Arizona on her trip to Nevada where she somehow got lost on on Interstate that runs straight to SLC. Anyway he confronts her with pics of her lounging naked on Travis's bed shortly before 2 pm the day he was killed. Then pics of him she took at 5:30. She tries weaseling out of that (are you sure that was me?!) but he assures her the pics were time stamped and the time stamps had already been verified by Mesa forensics.
Then he tells her about her hair, stuck on the wall in blood. Then her left palm print in blood. Not just Travis's blood but a mixture of his and hers.
She keeps up her denial and the first interview ends.

Overnight, she realizes she must admit to being there. The pics, hair and bloody print are irrefutable. So enter the ninjas. She now admits to being there and while the Calvin Klein photoshoot was in progress the Ninjas attack. She if course tries to rush one attacker and is injured and bleeds in the struggle. Then after threatening her family, they let her go.

She stuck to that theory until shortly before trial when it changed to sef defense against a sex crazed abusive pedophile. :banghead:
HI everyone, I lived!! I have a feeling someone flubbed my bloodwork. My Doctor said he wants me back next week. I'll bet he does it over. I still tried to eat things low in potassium today. I just spent time in the Jonathan Foster thread, reading up on the poor baby. I hope the Judge socks it to M.N..Andrea was interesting today. All the sniveling and not a tear!!! I kept waiting and watching. She didnt get much time for what she did. I watched JVM. tonight to see what she had. I missed the first few minutes~didnt hear anything new. I find myself thinking I wish they would just settle for LWOP for ja.. I dread the trial because she will be ripping Travis apart again. It's easy to do when the person is dead and cannot defend themselves. I know all the sex talk went on but truthfully I dont believe it all happened. It's easy to make a "fun" tape, doesnt mean it is all true. A lot maybe but not all. I really cannot stand ja..:seeya:
She came up with the Ninjas after spending her first night in jail. When arrested she swore to Flores she was nowhere near Arizona on her trip to Nevada where she somehow got lost on on Interstate that runs straight to SLC. Anyway he confronts her with pics of her lounging naked on Travis's bed shortly before 2 pm the day he was killed. Then pics of him she took at 5:30. She tries weaseling out of that (are you sure that was me?!) but he assures her the pics were time stamped and the time stamps had already been verified by Mesa forensics.
Then he tells her about her hair, stuck on the wall in blood. Then her left palm print in blood. Not just Travis's blood but a mixture of his and hers.
She keeps up her denial and the first interview ends.

Overnight, she realizes she must admit to being there. The pics, hair and bloody print are irrefutable. So enter the ninjas. She now admits to being there and while the Calvin Klein photoshoot was in progress the Ninjas attack. She if course tries to rush one attacker and is injured and bleeds in the struggle. Then after threatening her family, they let her go.

She stuck to that theory until shortly before trial when it changed to sef defense against a sex crazed abusive pedophile. :banghead:

We've been thru all this a million times. She used the so-called "Ninja" story after her FIRST story of not being there at all, FAILED. Her next step was to try to implicate someone else - those ninjas. What she did was tell parts of the truth of how Travis was murdered by others yet she was able to escape - remember - one of the ninjas held a gun to her head but she was powerful enough to escape and run down those stairs? I hope our next pool of jurors know...

Edit: Chile Verde Recipes are so dam good.....
I like the pictures! I have lived in Texas at College Station.

I like the pictures too, but I have a Stetson - We are Aggies and proud of it. I'm a California Aggie that has also lived in Texas and from horse country (Flags Up Farms) and ended up here in Auburn where our Equestrian Team kicks a$$.....War Eagle
O/T. Last Sunday my niece and I went to a paint store. I needed paint for the front stoop. It was a nostalgic treat for me.:blushing: when I was 16 I worked in that store, a Woolworths Dime store. It was 1948. I met my husband soon after and the Cleveland Indians won the world series :drumroll:
Just walking in was so strange! of course it looks nothing like the Dimestore but I closed my eyes and I could see it! my cousin working at the soda fountain, the record player playing "Its Magic" by Doris Day," American Patrol and In The Mood" by Tex Beneke. I just remembered it all. It was a good but sad feeling because it is all gone. :offtobed: :seeya:
I'm kinda popping in and out.....posting on another thread, blah, blah........I wonder how is it, that we can go through 5 months of CMJA and be respectful, share with each other, be silly and all that, and other threads can just be down right ugly?
I hope we can all follow the Salina's case together, once the perp is busted and it goes to trial.......I guess I'm in a very small minority on another thread because I do have faith in the Arizona LE departments. Am I just being naive or ?
6 more days, huh? With all the delays, I wonder why ADOC just doesn't move CMJA to Perryville now so she can get comfy in her new digs? Wishful thinking I guess,
I'm kinda popping in and out.....posting on another thread, blah, blah........I wonder how is it, that we can go through 5 months of CMJA and be respectful, share with each other, be silly and all that, and other threads can just be down right ugly?
I hope we can all follow the Salina's case together, once the perp is busted and it goes to trial.......I guess I'm in a very small minority on another thread because I do have faith in the Arizona LE departments. Am I just being naive or ?
6 more days, huh? With all the delays, I wonder why ADOC just doesn't move CMJA to Perryville now so she can get comfy in her new digs? Wishful thinking I guess,

ugh i know what you mean. i got ripped apart by one poster on a thread for another trial who really creeped me out. i guess i also had an unpopular opinion on the <modsnip> but i mainly read those threads, didn't really post. i will have to go check out the Salina's case threads today so I know what's going on.

i'm a little frazzled today, my husband is a cop and him and his partner were shot at 11 times last night while sitting in their car patrolling one of the "corner stores" in the lovely ghetto (sarcasm). they were fine, not one bullet even hit their car and it stopped before they returned fire but still!!!!! he's like "its no big deal I've been shot at way more than that in Iraq" but to me its a big deal! i hate guns they freak me out completely even though I know how to use them they still scare me, not good
ugh i know what you mean. i got ripped apart by one poster on a thread for another trial who really creeped me out. i guess i also had an unpopular opinion on the <modsnip> too but i mainly read those threads, didn't really post. i will have to go check out the Salina's case threads today so I know what's going on.

i'm a little frazzled today, my husband is a cop and him and his partner were shot at 11 times last night while sitting in their car patrolling one of the "corner stores" in the lovely ghetto (sarcasm). they were fine, not one bullet even hit their car and it stopped before they returned fire but still!!!!! he's like "its no big deal I've been shot at way more than that in Iraq" but to me its a big deal! i hate guns they freak me out completely even though I know how to use them they still scare me, not good

That's scary! I don't blame you for being frazzled.
Well, peeps, I did it: I bought the new Jodi Arias book by Jane Velez-Mitchell. Looks like an easy read, and I'll probably read it this weekend while DH and I spend three nights on magical Mackinac Island.

I'm sorry to hear that some of you have had medical issues to deal with during the summer months. I had an MRI (spine) this morning and hope that it will be the last test that I have to undergo to find out why I'm having problems with balance and unsteadiness. After my initial consultation with a neurologist, I had a brain MRI two weeks ago, lab tests, and a series of other neurological tests in his office. The brain MRI was fine, so there's nothing wrong with my head - I knew that :D One of the tests indicated neuropathy, so the focus now is on my lumbar spine.

I will get the results for all of the testing and the course of treatment on August 30. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to a lovely long weekend "up north". A new book and a nice bottle of wine might be just what the doctor ordered ;)
OMG Molly! How scary for you! I am so glad your husband and his partner were ok. I am sure Channel 6 will cover the story as they seem to run all the police blotter news. You all are in my prayers to keep safe.
Well, peeps, I did it: I bought the new Jodi Arias book by Jane Velez-Mitchell. Looks like an easy read, and I'll probably read it this weekend while DH and I spend three nights on magical Mackinac Island.

I'm sorry to hear that some of you have had medical issues to deal with during the summer months. I had an MRI (spine) this morning and hope that it will be the last test that I have to undergo to find out why I'm having problems with balance and unsteadiness. After my initial consultation with a neurologist, I had a brain MRI two weeks ago, lab tests, and a series of other neurological tests in his office. The brain MRI was fine, so there's nothing wrong with my head - I knew that :D One of the tests indicated neuropathy, so the focus now is on my lumbar spine.

I will get the results for all of the testing and the course of treatment on August 30. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to a lovely long weekend "up north". A new book and a nice bottle of wine might be just what the doctor ordered ;)

BDE, I hope everything goes ok for you. Keep us posted. Prayers for you.
Beau Biden, the son of VP Joe, is down in Houston awaiting results of the brain biopsy. Beau is not only the AG of Delaware, but a young man I have known since he was a senior at Penn when I first met his mom. He is truly an incredibly bright light and has done a lot of good for so many people. My older two children worked on his first campaign when they were in high school and Beau made them feel incredibly important, as important as the people who were donating big bucks to his campaign.

The Italian Festival is a big deal where I live and also a time when candidates can go and press the flesh and greet lots of people. Beau's opponent was there one night when my son was handing out campaign material. Beau's opponent decided to "debate" my son, who was 17, about Beau's platform and message in a very caustic and derogatory manner, in front of a lot of people. Why a fifty year old man picked on my son was beyond me.

Beau was in another part of the festival at the time with some big donors. Upon hearing what his opponent was doing with my son, Beau immediately went to my son's side. What Beau's opponent hadn't counted on was that my son was exceedingly well versed in Beau's message and was really smart and articulate. A large gathering had surrounded my son and the opponent, most aghast at what was happening. Beau joined my son and let my son continue. He did not interrupt, but stood quietly at my son's side.

Most politicians would have interrupted and overtaken the conversation. Beau instead chose to validate my son. Beau's opponent looked like an idiot and ended up walking away red faced. Beau shook my son's hand and thanked him. Beau Biden gave my son a gift that night that my son has never forgotten. Sometimes the measure of a man is not just in what they say, but also in what they do.

So please, if you have prayers to spare, please say one for Beau and his family. Thank you...
Beau Biden, the son of VP Joe, is down in Houston awaiting results of the brain biopsy. Beau is not only the AG of Delaware, but a young man I have known since he was a senior at Penn when I first met his mom. He is truly an incredibly bright light and has done a lot of good for so many people. My older two children worked on his first campaign when they were in high school and Beau made them feel incredibly important, as important as the people who were donating big bucks to his campaign.

The Italian Festival is a big deal where I live and also a time when candidates can go and press the flesh and greet lots of people. Beau's opponent was there one night when my son was handing out campaign material. Beau's opponent decided to "debate" my son, who was 17, about Beau's platform and message in a very caustic and derogatory manner, in front of a lot of people. Why a fifty year old man picked on my son was beyond me.

Beau was in another part of the festival at the time with some big donors. Upon hearing what his opponent was doing with my son, Beau immediately went to my son's side. What Beau's opponent hadn't counted on was that my son was exceedingly well versed in Beau's message and was really smart and articulate. A large gathering had surrounded my son and the opponent, most aghast at what was happening. Beau joined my son and let my son continue. He did not interrupt, but stood quietly at my son's side.

Most politicians would have interrupted and overtaken the conversation. Beau instead chose to validate my son. Beau's opponent looked like an idiot and ended up walking away red faced. Beau shook my son's hand and thanked him. Beau Biden gave my son a gift that night that my son has never forgotten. Sometimes the measure of a man is not just in what they say, but also in what they do.

So please, if you have prayers to spare, please say one for Beau and his family. Thank you...

Heartwarming story Zuri. Prayers going out to Beau.
Beau Biden, the son of VP Joe, is down in Houston awaiting results of the brain biopsy. Beau is not only the AG of Delaware, but a young man I have known since he was a senior at Penn when I first met his mom. He is truly an incredibly bright light and has done a lot of good for so many people. My older two children worked on his first campaign when they were in high school and Beau made them feel incredibly important, as important as the people who were donating big bucks to his campaign.

The Italian Festival is a big deal where I live and also a time when candidates can go and press the flesh and greet lots of people. Beau's opponent was there one night when my son was handing out campaign material. Beau's opponent decided to "debate" my son, who was 17, about Beau's platform and message in a very caustic and derogatory manner, in front of a lot of people. Why a fifty year old man picked on my son was beyond me.

Beau was in another part of the festival at the time with some big donors. Upon hearing what his opponent was doing with my son, Beau immediately went to my son's side. What Beau's opponent hadn't counted on was that my son was exceedingly well versed in Beau's message and was really smart and articulate. A large gathering had surrounded my son and the opponent, most aghast at what was happening. Beau joined my son and let my son continue. He did not interrupt, but stood quietly at my son's side.

Most politicians would have interrupted and overtaken the conversation. Beau instead chose to validate my son. Beau's opponent looked like an idiot and ended up walking away red faced. Beau shook my son's hand and thanked him. Beau Biden gave my son a gift that night that my son has never forgotten. Sometimes the measure of a man is not just in what they say, but also in what they do.

So please, if you have prayers to spare, please say one for Beau and his family. Thank you...

i saw this on the local news this morning...i thought of you because you are from delaware, I got goosebumps when I read this post about your son. I hope Beau Biden is ok. Prayers to his family
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