SIDEBAR #51 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Rhoda will be back!

Lifetime's Next TV Movie: A Remake of 'The Bad Seed' (Exclusive)




Lily has been on meds since she went to the hospital, and they're weening her off of them. I was joking about her kicking her drug habit.

My sister and I have been put on the short list to be with Lily, and one or both of us will be with her when she is released. We hope to see her soon. Pop's sister gave little mama a truck today so she can get back to work and things. God always takes care of us.

Whew! Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry I didn't get the joke -- my apologies! :) With all the problems that this poor child has endured regarding her former caregivers (daddy and daddy's mom), I never know what to expect.

So glad that a vehicle has been provided. That's great news! I'm sure that will make things easier for everyone. It's another sign that things are taking a turn for the better. She's in good hands now, so I think we can all breathe a little bit easier. Thank goodness!
Joy of Joys:
I just received a letter from my Worker's Comp case opposing counsel stating they have filed a petition to terminate my benefits, yet again. They state I can go back to work. Interesting how they know more than my physicians, let alone me. If I could do a job consistently, I would be back working, doing something, as I loved to work. I am not dependable at all and that was a hallmark of my working life, dependability. I worked in agony, because I was a responsible adult. This just sends me into orbit, so I will have to see what becomes of it.

Zuri, I feel for you. I recently heard on NPR about the problems with nurses and disabilities. Probably old news to you, but I wanted to share just in case:

And here is an article about the NPR series in a nutshell, very enlightening.

My heart goes out to you and all other nurses who, through their commitment to a virtuous vocation, wind up not just disabled, but discarded after they can no longer perform their duties. It's just a sorry state of affairs.
1961 - Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales is born. She would of been a wonderful grandmother to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

1995 - DJ Wolfman Jack dies.

1969 - Thunderclap Newman started a three week run at No.1 on the UK singles chart with the Pete Townshend produced track 'Something In The Air.' Featured on the soundtrack for the movie, 'The Magic Christian'.

Some 'THING' bit or stung my ear and it hot, red, swollen and itches like the dickens! I didn't feel the 'THING'. Bet it was a black widow spider!! I hate-hate-HATE spiders!!!!!!! :scared: :hills: :eek:
Some 'THING' bit or stung my ear and it hot, red, swollen and itches like the dickens! I didn't feel the 'THING'. Bet it was a black widow spider!! I hate-hate-HATE spiders!!!!!!! :scared: :hills: :eek:

Ouch! have you taken something like Benadryl, and maybe some ice would help the swelling?
Our mosquitoes are having feasts on us with all this rain and wet, soggy ground. I hate bites of any kind.
Some 'THING' bit or stung my ear and it hot, red, swollen and itches like the dickens! I didn't feel the 'THING'. Bet it was a black widow spider!! I hate-hate-HATE spiders!!!!!!! :scared: :hills: :eek:

Do you have mosquitoes? If you get bit on the ears, they do swell up a bit.
Just caught a mention Greta (Fox) has a special Friday, 7PM EST, on the Manson murders.
Ouch! have you taken something like Benadryl, and maybe some ice would help the swelling?
Our mosquitoes are having feasts on us with all this rain and wet, soggy ground. I hate bites of any kind.

I can't take Benadryl. I am using anti itch cream and Antibiotic Ointment. My DH says the same as you...MOSQUITOES :) They are bad here also. It's still swollen. The entire ear is swollen :( I always say I was bitten by back widow spiders (no matter what bites me) LOL It's the family joke ;)
Did You Know


1 Fruits and vegetables plunge in slightly salted water until they are preparing for the cooking to prevent darkening. A classic example: you peel a lot of potatoes for a holiday, put the peeled potatoes in a bowl with salt water that does not darken while clean rest.

2. The stings of bees, mosquitoes and many insects produce itching and discomfort. Soak rag in salt water and put on the injection site as a compress. This will refresh your skin and soothe irritation.

3. A combination of salt and baking soda get organic toothpaste. Salt water can gargle to relieve sores and maintain fresh breath.

4. Bad smell emanates from a drain in the sink? Pour into drain salt water and some smells will disappear. If that’s not enough, the drain pour boiling salted water. If this does not help, call a plumber.

5. Did you wash your new towels, bedding or clothing, during the first few washes, add a quarter cup of salt to the fabric would not let go color. An additional bonus is that it will be long after you stop adding salt colors remain stable.


1. Shine Your Copper
Whether you have copper-bottomed cooking pans, architectural detailing, or shiny knick-knacks, trade the costly, and potentially toxic, metal polish pastes, and make use of those old ketchup packets stashed away in your kitchen drawers.
Here's a very simple recipe from Michael de Jong, author of the Clean series of simple living books: Massage ketchup over the copper and watch it dissolve the tarnish away (thanks to the acid). In the event that you have stubborn spots, add a pinch of table salt while you polish.

2. Get Those Auto Parts Gleaming
According to The Cymbal Book by Hugo Pinksterboer, some folks have seen decent results getting their cars to shine by rubbing them with ketchup. The book notes that the condiment does a good job cutting tarnish, but not so well in removing dirt. You may need a multi-step process, with some soap and water as well.

3. Fight Skunk Odors
If you live in a rural or even suburban area, chances are you have had a run-in with a skunk. Or your dog has. Although some experts have cautioned that this technique may not actually work well (beyond masking the odor), many people still swear by tomato juice as a way to remove potent skunk smell. Michael de Jong points out plain ketchup may work if you don't have tomato juice on hand.

4. Repair Chlorine-Damaged Hair
According to de Jong, ketchup can also be used to correct hair highlights gone green, which can sometimes occur from exposure to chlorine found in swimming pools. Smoosh it in, let it set for about 20 minutes, and then wash it out thoroughly. If you try it, let us know if it works.

5. Make Fake Blood for the Kids
As any elementary school jokester and Halloween lover knows, ketchup makes great (albeit messy) fake blood. Of course, we recommend you exercise a lot of caution with this one since it's not much fun if you get stuck laundering away tough stains afterwards.

7. Repurpose Empty Bottles
Just as ketchup packets can pile up, so can used ketchup bottles, especially in communities that don't accept them for recycling. If that's the case in your town, get another use out of the bottles. Make them storage containers for glitter, beads, or other craft items (as well as leftover wine, paint, or other liquids). Some people also use them as dispensers for pancake mix. Just be sure to wash them thoroughly first.

Great for: Windows and mirrors
• 2 cups water
• 1/2 cup white or cider vinegar
• 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration)
• 1 to 2 drops of orange essential oil, which gives the solution a lovely smell (optional)
How to use: Combine ingredients and store in a spray bottle. Spray on a paper towel or soft cloth first, then on the glass. Hint: Don't clean windows on a hot, sunny day because the solution will dry too quickly and leave lots of streaks.

Great for: Rust stains on porcelain or enamel sinks and tubs
• Half a lemon
• 1/2 cup borax (a laundry booster; find it in the detergent aisle)
How to use: Dip the lemon into the borax and scrub surface; rinse. (Not safe for marble or granite.)
• 1/2 cup sudsy ammonia mixed with enough water to fill a one-gallon container. (Sudsy ammonia, which has detergent in it, helps remove tough grime.)
How to use: Dip sponge or mop in solution and wipe over surface, then rinse area with clear water.

Great for: Oven hoods, grills
• 1/2 cup sudsy ammonia mixed with enough water to fill a one-gallon container. (Sudsy ammonia, which has detergent in it, helps remove tough grime.)
How to use: Dip sponge or mop in solution and wipe over surface, then rinse area with clear water.

Great for: Kitchen counters, appliances, and inside the refrigerator
• 4 tablespoons baking soda
• 1 quart warm water
How to use: Pour solution on a clean sponge and wipe.

Great for: Badly stained washable or bleachable garments
• 1 gallon hot water
• 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent
• 1 cup regular liquid chlorine bleach (not ultra or concentrate)
How to use: Mix and pour ingredients into a stainless steel, plastic, or enamel bowl (not aluminum). Soak garment for 15 to 20 minutes. If stain is still there, let it soak a bit longer, then wash garment as usual.

Great for: Anywhere you've accidentally left a water ring (but not on unfinished wood, lacquer, or antiques).
• One part white non-gel toothpaste to one part baking soda
How to use: Dampen a cloth with water, add toothpaste mixture, and rub with the grain to buff over the ring. Then take a dry cloth and wipe off. Use another soft cloth for a final shine. Polish as you normally would.

• 1/4 cup powdered lemon or orange drink
How to use: To remove rust from the inside walls, pour the powder (which contains citric acid or citric acid crystals) into the detergent cup and then run a regular cycle. Repeat as necessary.

Great for: Non-lacquered cabinet pulls, bathroom appointments, and more
• White vinegar or lemon juice
• Table salt
How to use: Dampen a sponge with vinegar or lemon juice, then sprinkle on salt. Lightly rub over surface. Rinse thoroughly with water, then immediately dry with a clean soft cloth.

Great for: Natural stone countertops
• A drop or two of mild dishwashing liquid (non-citrus-scented)
• 2 cups warm water
How to use: Mix the detergent and water. Sponge over marble and rinse completely to remove any soap residue. Buff with a soft cloth; do not let the marble air-dry. Caution: Never use vinegar, lemon, or any other acidic cleaner on marble or granite surfaces; it will eat into the stone.

SAFETY TIP:Never combine ammonia-based cleaners with chlorine bleach or products containing bleach, such as powdered dishwasher detergent. The fumes they'll create are extremely dangerous. Before doing any mixing, read the product labels first.

DISH DETERGENT might be a sink-side staple, but its cleaning power is incredibly helpful all over the house. Because the liquid is mild, it's often a great choice over harsher chemicals (plus, we bet you've got an ever-ready stockpile of the stuff under your sink). Next time you're giving your house a once-over, consider these new ways to use the sudsy liquid.

1. Erase greasy stains on clothes.
Spot salad dressing on your shirt? Rub a little dish detergent into the stain and rinse with water (this method works great for removing rings around the collar, too). The soap is gentle enough for spot-treating most fabrics — even washable wool and silk, which could be damaged by laundry detergent that has stain-fighting enzymes.

2. Clean your kitchen and bathroom floors.
To transform a bucket of warm water into a helpful floor cleanser, just add two tablespoons of dish liquid. Use the solution on vinyl or tile flooring, but avoid hardwoods (the water could warp the boards).

3. De-grime patio furniture.
Add a squirt of dish detergent to a bowl of warm water, and use it to wipe down your outdoor tables and chairs. Then, rinse clean with the garden hose.

4. Shine your jewelry.
A little dish soap mixed with seltzer is a quick way to clean your baubles — the bubbles help loosen dirt and help the soap get into tiny nooks and crannies. Combine the seltzer and soap in a bowl, soak the jewelry for five minutes, and then swish it through the suds. Use a soft toothbrush to scrub out any stubborn grime.

5. Clean hairbrushes and combs.
Combat build-up from grooming products and greasy hair with a sudsy solution of a few drops of dish soap mixed with warm water.

6.Launder hand-washable clothing.
In a pinch, you can use a tablespoon of dish soap in place of the detergent you use to hand wash delicates.

7. Trap and kill fruit flies.
Add three drops of dish soap to a bowl of vinegar (which attracts the little buggers). The detergent will cut surface tension, so the flies will sink and drown.

8. Remove stains on carpeting.
Dissolve one tablespoon of dish liquid into two cups of warm water, and blot the stain with a clean white cloth dipped into the solution. Repeat until the stain absorbs into the cloth and disappears from the carpet. Then sponge with cold water, and blot dry with a clean cloth.

9. Wipe down kitchen cabinets.
Just like your cooking tools, cupboards can get greasy when you're making dinner. Add a little dish soap to a spray bottle with warm water to mist away the grime. Then, rinse with a well-wrung cloth and dry.

10. Banish oil stains from concrete.
If you spy a spot on your garage floor, cover the stain with baking soda and then pour some dish liquid over it. Scrub with a plastic brush, and let everything sit for a few hours. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone.
One of my Did You Knows : 2. The stings of bees, mosquitoes and many insects produce itching and discomfort. Soak rag in salt water and put on the injection site as a compress. This will refresh your skin and soothe irritation.

I'm gonna try that on my ear!!!

WS being all spacey this morning...running S-L-O-W, refreshing after every post. Must be the weather!! It sure is nasty here :(

I'm almost at my wits end on this little project I am trying to do :( All I want is to convert a bitmap file into a SVG file!! I have all the programs that I need...Should be able do some editing on the Bitmap file in my design programs then drop/drag it into Inkscape (that's a program for converting files) and 'save as' what file I want. It's not working out for some reason and getting frustrated with it all and I need that SVG file! :pullhair:

Anyone know anything about changing files from one file to another? Been searching online for answers and I'm doing each step correctly...something is not right (probably a very simple minor thing I'm doing wrong) :(
Coffee, you are so funny this morning. You must have a lot of "black widows" in your area? :giggle: I am thinking I sound make a booklet of all the hints and tips for useful cleaning ideas. A lot I have heard before, many are new, but I never remember them when I need them. Let us know if the salt water helped your swollen ear! I was going to highlight that one for you, but you beat me to it.

WS has been working pretty well for me lately, except for this one thread. Why is it that Sidebar loads slower than others, sometimes only get a post or two and the rest of the page stays blank or takes forever to load? And sometimes when the click the link above to "go to last post read" it won't do anything? Gaah.... I give up complaining to IT, I don't think they believe me. sigh

Sorry, I am no help with that fancy computer stuff. :dunno: (and when I click on an image to use, it doesn't work half the time, and I have to type the text for the image. boo-hiss)

Have a good day. Our river has gone down a lot and the bridge is finally open again. Yay!
Picture with the Salt Treatment for my ear piece on my glasses are holding it in place :)


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