SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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Our judicial process can be so dang frustrating! Common sense tells us that this woman should never see the light of day again but here we have a juror concerned about Jodi finding peace? Normally I wouldn't go all bonkers on a juror BUT I'm really feeling like this guy should never have made it through the jury selection process. The same qualities that allow him to feel compassion for a young female defendant, would likely make this juror a wonderful husband but not such an impartial juror. This isn't the victorian era, and women aren't fragile little flowers anymore! We can be aggressive, violent, spiteful and yes, we are even capable of murdering someone without any reason :stormingmad:
Can we please make her wear the prison clothes for the new penalty phase, to counteract her "poor little abused Jodi" look?

this juror must be living in another universe. not seen any of his interview. just read it here. he is an old man that looks at young fresh meat as innocent. females are just as dangerous as males they are more sly cause they use their body. with men its money. they have so much money that meeting the right weak person that seek such fall for them. this is so unfair . she murdered him and lied. what fool will will say she is innocent of first degree murder. she adimitted it. her reason are she dropped a cam and she had to kill him. this is insane,
Foreman on GMA just said it would be easy to look at a Charles Manson and sentence him to death but a young woman is different. This guy should have retired to Pinellas Florida. Manson was just shy of 35 in August 1969.

Charles Manson had his followers commit the murders. But if it's easier to sentence him to death then a person who stabs, slits someones throat, and then shoots them, and leaves them to rot in their own shower.....well then I guess my thinking is off.
Was it hard to sentence Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten (the three young women who commited the Manson murders) to death?
I feel really, really sick to my stomach. I feel worse than when I heard KC's acquittal. This is just insane. I'm dreaming? I must be in some big, bad nightmare. Having a hung jury (for the right reasons) is ok. Hearing BS from this guy is just torture. I hope Travis' family don't hear any of it.

Why was he on a jury if he finds it unfair to decide between life or death? Did he do it for publicity? Why didn't he keep his BIG mouth sh$t knowing a hung jury would be devastating to Travis' family? Does he want to hurt them more?

And JA should find peace? How about accountability, punishment, Justice, remorse? This guy is disgust5ing!

Huh? Casey Anthony got away with murder. Jodi didn't. She will be held accountable. How in the world could this be worse than Anthony walking? Because one of the old male jurors is a "white knight"? I expected as much. Just be happy that there were only four of them. And there is no inconsistency with his views regarding the abuse allegations and his M1 murder conviction. None. Travis could have beat Jodi black and blue on hundreds of occasions before June 4th, and that still wouldn't negate the evidence for premeditation. I see a lot of panicking going on here, like the verdict is now going to be overturned simply because this guy felt sympathy for this woman. That's insane. Indeed this murder conviction is even more secure now because despite one juror's belief in her allegations of abuse, he still convicted of 1st degree murder. It will be tougher for Nurmi or Jodi to argue that "new" or "held back" evidence of abuse would have somehow changed the outcome of the verdict.

Want something to blame? Blame the state for not calling Chris and Sky Hughes to the stand to set the record straight about that email the defense team was allowed to mischaracterize. Blame the state for not calling those eyewitness to Jodi's nutso behavior (like that woman Jodi confronted in the bathroom, she was on the witness list FFS). Why didn't Juan bring in that email that Travis oddly sent to himself? The one that said, "Jodi, you're caught! Get out of my email!". That would have helped establish motive for him calling her all kinds of names on May 26th. Cyber stalking is a serious offense and his anger would have been justified.
this juror must be living in another universe. not seen any of his interview. just read it here. he is an old man that looks at young fresh meat as innocent. females are just as dangerous as males they are more sly cause they use their body. with men its money. they have so much money that meeting the right weak person that seek such fall for them. this is so unfair . she murdered him and lied. what fool will will say she is innocent of first degree murder. she adimitted it. her reason are she dropped a cam and she had to kill him. this is insane,

His own "alternate reality?"

This is where I get lost. From what he is saying, it sounds more like he would have gone with manslaughter. But that was not his decision, so what changed? I don't get it.

Wasn't the jury unanimous for premeditated murder 1? Manslaughter was an option, but none of them went for it.

The jury voted their perception of the evidence. That's all anyone can do. We all see or hear the same evidence but process it differently since we aren't robots.

I prefer the jury system over the alternative.
I also think she was crying because she thought she was going to her new home, to start all these lovely new causes Garbage Rec., Book Club, Teacher shall I say Professor, I believe she was smart enough to ask what would happen if she went back to where she had been while awaiting the verdict, and she knew that she is now a convicted Murder of the first degree
and she would be in lock down, which meant no more get to gethers with the
other inmates, nothing except lock down 23 hours a day 24/7, and I am sure she does not have canteen privileges anymore to buy food, books, etc.
I just wonder if she still has the TV in her cell or if Sheriff Joe removed that also, he is a very strict man I believe, and whatever he is allowed to do with her, he will, and remember she said on the TV interview, which I am sure she now regrets, that if she was provoked she would attack in order to defend herself, well after that comment, he can not have her on the loose in his jail any longer, as I am sure there would be some inmates who are not happy having a Diva like her. Any thoughts?

You may be right on about her asking where she would go as far as the jail. I think the most painful part for her will be the inability to communicate whether it's twitter, media chats ect. Also did we not learn that she was establishing "relationships" in jail? Her being cut off is probably excrutiating. That and she might have felt that the jury was going to give her life.
The jury had enough information about JA's abnormal life prior to June 2008. They did not hear it all but they heard enough. Also, a sociopath/psychopath can pretend to be normal for decades before they snap. It's so unfair to blame the chosen target of the murderer and say 'aha, this criminal was fine before meeting this person so the victim must have triggered it all.' How cruel!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Travis made two mistakes. He was too kind to Arias. He was much too attracted to her. Poor Travis.

JA had never met a man like Travis before. He was young, good-looking, well-off. He had it all. Travis was much too kind to her. No other man like that treated JA so well. Sharing food with her, taking her on trips, teaching her the Mormon faith. She became obsessed with him. Why is this so hard to understand?

I still don't believe the age of jurors has anything to do with the verdict.

i know YOU don't, rose, but it's clear a lot of people do. i find it offensive because people don't seem to understand the era us old folks lived through. we STARTED the sexual revolution, for pete sake!!! good or bad, it's true!!!!!

and i agree with you, except i really do think the picture of her pre-TA was murky for that jury and the DT was wise to keep mama off the stand in the penalty phase. now i see how well that worked out for her.

the DT hammered away at that one text exchange---over and over. they also had the hughes emails that were NEVER put in context, and i have to wonder why they weren't given the opportunity to explain them. things worked for the DT that i hoped wouldn't. we just have to stay heartened that she got convicted of first degree premeditated murder. we may have lost that last battle but we WON THE WAR!
You may be right on about her asking where she would go as far as the jail. I think the most painful part for her will be the inability to communicate whether it's twitter, media chats ect. Also did we not learn that she was establishing "relationships" in jail? Her being cut off is probably excrutiating. That and she might have felt that the jury was going to give her life.

Jodi doesn't have long term relationships. Always something THEY did to mess it up. Never anything she did.

LWOP would be sheer torture for her. No place to run away.
His own "alternate reality?"

who knows what his world is like. maybe the sex talk that he never had and this woman offering it to a man and travis said no thanks in the end. it must confuse his brain cause he might not dismiss such a woman.
Charles Manson had his followers commit the murders. But if it's easier to sentence him to death then a person who stabs, slits someones throat, and then shoots them, and leaves them to rot in their own shower.....well then I guess my thinking is off.
Was it hard to sentence Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten (the three young women who commited the Manson murders) to death?

Exactly! Good point! They were young women! Patricia Krenwinkel was sentenced to death...but CA banned it later. Susan Atkins cut a deal to avoid DP.
Good Morning, Sleuthers. Is it safe to come in here?
Give her LWOP. I want that now. This will make the appeals process much more difficult for her DT, and it's not like she'll be serving her sentence in a county jail type of environment while running for class president. Prison is much harsher. She'll be prey. Eaten up and spit out by other lifers. Sadistic torturer and lifer, Angela Simpson doesn't like white people judging by her crime. Perhaps she'll give Jodi a visit and show her where she stand in the pecking order.
i know YOU don't, rose, but it's clear a lot of people do. i find it offensive because people don't seem to understand the era us old folks lived through. we STARTED the sexual revolution, for pete sake!!! good or bad, it's true!!!!!

and i agree with you, except i really do think the picture of her pre-TA was murky for that jury and the DT was wise to keep mama off the stand in the penalty phase. now i see how well that worked out for her.

the DT hammered away at that one text exchange---over and over. they also had the hughes emails that were NEVER put in context, and i have to wonder why they weren't given the opportunity to explain them. things worked for the DT that i hoped wouldn't. we just have to stay heartened that she got convicted of first degree premeditated murder. we may have lost that last battle but we WON THE WAR!

Oh thank you for your post!! As an elder, I appreciate it. But there is a aspect to being older that may get lost. We do learn that most things are not strickly black and white, that no one is a saint and there is often more to the story than we know. I think it's that perspective that allows people to navigate the "gray" areas without "hating." I am talking in generalities here. For me, TA was a victim in this question. But he was not a victim during the course of the relationship. He was an active particpant and they both used each other. That does not make him cupable in his death and the responsiblity for that falls squarely on JA. And we have to rember that many DP cases do not get the DP. She was convicted of first degree murder.
Good Morning, Sleuthers. Is it safe to come in here?

Well I'm getting grumpier by the minute! I purposely stayed off yesterday and did not watch any interviews. I think I will take a break this entire long weekend.

So, while I am getting my pedi/mani, while I am sitting by the pool this weekend enjoying some gorgeous sunshine, while I decide what I want to eat and where and when, when I decide to take a long, luxurious bubble bath, when I decide to sleep late or stay up and read, or enjoy a movie, I will think (for just a split second) of Jodi Arias....and what she CAN'T do anymore....evermore.
You may be right on about her asking where she would go as far as the jail. I think the most painful part for her will be the inability to communicate whether it's twitter, media chats ect. Also did we not learn that she was establishing "relationships" in jail? Her being cut off is probably excrutiating. That and she might have felt that the jury was going to give her life.

Yes she had many friends apparently there, and you are right about Twitter etc., and what you said about getting life, she is smart enough to know that everything that did not come into play for her trail, will now come into play, if she had not been so arrogant, and unremorseful in those interviews which will
now come to bite her in the bum!!

Correction, you are correct, the only friend I recall is the one that was released and sent tweets for her, I think?
It does not really matter now.
Well I'm getting grumpier by the minute! I purposely stayed off yesterday and did not watch any interviews. I think I will take a break this entire long weekend.

So, while I am getting my pedi/mani, while I am sitting by the pool this weekend enjoying some gorgeous sunshine, while I decide what I want to eat and where and when, when I decide to take a long, luxurious bubble bath, when I decide to sleep late or stay up and read, or enjoy a movie, I will think (for just a split second) of Jodi Arias....and what she CAN'T do anymore....evermore.

LOL Yes, better safe than sorry. There's still quite a road to the end yet, and you don't want to be locked out when we get there. Remember -- when you need to vent, hit the Chat Room.
How did a jury that sounded largely so astute and intelligent suddenly veer into ignorance and stupidity? Something does not add up.

The jury did no such thing. One juror and only one juror of 12 stumbled out of the jury room, rushed home, turned on the TV, and to his dismay realized he was not going to be greeted as a civic hero. Instead, all the heads on TV were shaking in unison, chanting, "the jury failed, they didn't finish the job of putting this savage killer to death,"

Eleven other jurors saw and heard the same response. Eight jurors who I'm sure felt passionately that she deserved death have not spoken out to counter what 18 is saying, nor to talk about the process. I suspect that is in part because they are exhausted, heart broken for the Alexanders, and very upset that the jury hung.

Three jurors who voted for life have not spoken out either. They know they are on the "wrong" side of public opinion, but apparently feel no need to rush to the cameras to explain their reasons. Whatever they are. Perhaps 3 entirely individual and differing reasons, none off them matching 18's. I suspect that they are exhausted, conflicted, heartbroken for the Alexanders, and very upset the jury hung.

THEY are the jury, and well deserving of appreciation and gratitude. And then there' s 18, who feels the need to explain to us that it's not his fault, don'cha know, who insists on being front and center, who keeps talking and talking even though clearly he is digging his own hole deeper and deeper, and who shows no recognition that people are appalled by what he's saying, as he is very satisfied with himself and the pearls of wisdom he's granting us,.

Yes? No wonder why hearing him hits doubly hard.
Wow, it's a gorgeous day on the West Coast.

[ame=""]A Beautiful Morning-The Rascals - YouTube[/ame]
Oh...and my last thought before I'm out the door to do something fun that Jodi can't, my one genie's wish would be that everybody - E.V.E.R.Y.B.O.D.Y. - here, there and everywhere will send Jodi a postcard from where ever they might vacation this year, with just one line on the back....

"you will never get to visit here"

That picture in my mind's eye of THOUSANDS of postcards flowing into the jail where she will be MAKES ME SMILE REALLY BIG.
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