Sidebar Discussion #12

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So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(
My prayers going out for Amir, also. Thanks to the pinellas 12 there will be more cases like this :maddening:!!!

A trial in my state right now...

A 3 month old thrown over a very high bridge. The murderer's father at least had enough conscience to turn his son in to LE.

This is so, so sad. It's hard to fathom just how much evil there is today. What is our world coming to? And I'm sad to say I believe you're right ... the Pinellas 12 has set a precedent.
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

So sorry to hear this, RR. If you don't mind me asking, what did your Dr. say? What do they want to do about it? If there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. I know I'm in FL and you aren't, but I do have good ears and a large shoulder. :praying: You will stay in my prayers from now on.
So sorry to hear this, RR. If you don't mind me asking, what did your Dr. say? What do they want to do about it? If there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. I know I'm in FL and you aren't, but I do have good ears and a large shoulder. :praying: You will stay in my prayers from now on.
I have to see a plastic surgeon to have it excised. It's on my lower calf so there's not much skin. When she mentioned "skin graft", I freaked...but really freaked when she said I would need to stay off my feet for a couple of weeks. That's NOT going to happen. I have to work. I made an appointment to see the surgeon next Wednesday. Maybe he'll tell me something different.
Thanks for your prayers. Believe it or not, it's not easy for me to talk to people when something difficult is going on in my life. I guess you could say I feel safe here. oxoxoxo
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

So sorry to hear that RROOO4! I have had basal cell cancer removed and I'm sure it's back. If it's early melanoma get it removed now, like this week!! Also, get a second opinion. Don't forget the power of positive thinking! I was reading a book yesterday by a surgeon about cancer and longevity. Focus on the positive only! If you would like the book pm me and I will send it to you, no charge.
I have to see a plastic surgeon to have it excised. It's on my lower calf so there's not much skin. When she mentioned "skin graft", I freaked...but really freaked when she said I would need to stay off my feet for a couple of weeks. That's NOT going to happen. I have to work. I made an appointment to see the surgeon next Wednesday. Maybe he'll tell me something different.
Thanks for your prayers. Believe it or not, it's not easy for me to talk to people when something difficult is going on in my life. I guess you could say I feel safe here. oxoxoxo

I'm praying with everything I have that the surgeon will say something different. I understand what you're saying about having to work, but if it turns out that you need to stay off your feet, then that's what you need to do. Do you have someone that could drive you to work and, once there, is there someone who could help you? I know this isn't a cherished thought, but maybe the Dr could perscribe a wheel chair (just brainstorming out loud) least that would keep you off your feet.

And just so you have good friends and you are safe here. oxoxoxoxox
Well, good folks, if LG was yakking up this page, I'm running a close second. I'm saying good night to all and to all a good night.

RR, you're in my prayers. oxoxoxoxox
So sorry to hear that RROOO4! I have had basal cell cancer removed and I'm sure it's back. If it's early melanoma get it removed now, like this week!! Also, get a second opinion. Don't forget the power of positive thinking! I was reading a book yesterday by a surgeon about cancer and longevity. Focus on the positive only! If you would like the book pm me and I will send it to you, no charge.
This week?? Oh, my. I have school starting in 2 days. I'm hoping the doctor sliced off enough to keep it in check when she did the biopsy 2 weeks ago. I am NEVER scheduling my check-ups before a vacation ever again. I come home to find unpleasant news EVERY time. I'm already getting bi-annual check ups. It had been just a freckle (now I know those need to be watched as well)...a cute one, too.
I thought about a wheelchair. We are so short staffed in my program as it is. My principal will go nuts if she has to replace me for 2 weeks. I like the doctor I'm going to see. He's one of the best...a no nomsense kind of guy, but I'll be in good hands (fingers and toes crossed).
I better start to try and close my eyes. Thanks all. You are the very best!
I'm praying with everything I have that the surgeon will say something different. I understand what you're saying about having to work, but if it turns out that you need to stay off your feet, then that's what you need to do. Do you have someone that could drive you to work and, once there, is there someone who could help you? I know this isn't a cherished thought, but maybe the Dr could perscribe a wheel chair (just brainstorming out loud) least that would keep you off your feet.

And just so you have good friends and you are safe here. oxoxoxoxox
Sweet dreams!
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

OMGosh, RR! I can understand why this news would shake you up. Do you have family that can come stay with you while you recoup? Do you know, yet, if you'll have to have chemo after the surgery?

I will keep you in my prayers, RR, and wish there were more that I could do! I wish we lived closer so I could really be of some tangible help to you and your family. Know that you are well loved and safe here at WS and be assured that, even in the midst of fear, many of us will be walking with you.

Please let us know what the surgeon says (today is Wednesday ~ I hope it's not next Wednesday that you see him!!!), okay? :blowkiss:
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

Hi RR... early is the single greatest word when it comes to melanoma. I hope its not too deep.

Many, many people I know have had melanoma, and thankfully it was found in time to be removed. I'll pray for you....

Mole patrols are the way to go when we spend our early days in the sun.
OMGosh, RR! I can understand why this news would shake you up. Do you have family that can come stay with you while you recoup? Do you know, yet, if you'll have to have chemo after the surgery?

I will keep you in my prayers, RR, and wish there were more that I could do! I wish we lived closer so I could really be of some tangible help to you and your family. Know that you are well loved and safe here at WS and be assured that, even in the midst of fear, many of us will be walking with you.

Please let us know what the surgeon says (today is Wednesday ~ I hope it's not next Wednesday that you see him!!!), okay? :blowkiss:
Not to stray any more OT (lol), but the appt. is next Wednesday...and according to the dermatologist, it's not real to nothing she said. Cut away from the margins (ugh) and that's it. From her mouth to G-d's ears.
Unfortunately, I don't have much family. A sister who lives far away. Most of my family died by their 60th birthdays and I guess that's what sits in the back of my mind making me slightly nuts. But, I do believe in positive thinking and will deal with it and move on. Just wish it was over. I cannot take 2 weeks off, I hope that won't be the case.
Thank you, everyone. You're sweetness has touched me so.
This week?? Oh, my. I have school starting in 2 days. I'm hoping the doctor sliced off enough to keep it in check when she did the biopsy 2 weeks ago. I am NEVER scheduling my check-ups before a vacation ever again. I come home to find unpleasant news EVERY time. I'm already getting bi-annual check ups. It had been just a freckle (now I know those need to be watched as well)...a cute one, too.
I thought about a wheelchair. We are so short staffed in my program as it is. My principal will go nuts if she has to replace me for 2 weeks. I like the doctor I'm going to see. He's one of the best...a no nomsense kind of guy, but I'll be in good hands (fingers and toes crossed).
I better start to try and close my eyes. Thanks all. You are the very best!

Your health, now and long term, as a single parent, is more important than the next two weeks for your principal. If you doctor says stay off of it... stay off of it! Early and quickly!

You will do no one any good if you aggravate it or cause more issues down the road. Take care of you!
I have to change my sleep patterns so I can join you all here "late" in the evening. I miss all the fun, so to speak.

RR, prayers are with you. I like the sound of "not deep" concerning your melanoma. As a former teacher, I understand your concern about staffing in your program. Just remember, you will be of more use healthy and worry-free.

I had a small, white leision under my tongue that my dentist found about 4 years ago. I was shipped directly to an oral surgeon who did the biopsy (and removed two wisdom teeth). The results came back positive, but with no future treatment as there were good margins. Two years later it was back. This time, I went to an ENT surgeon who made me wait 2 months for surgery in the hospital. He said it was nothing to worry about, even knowing the results of the first surgery. I started drinking a special tea a friend sent me during those 2 months. I went in for the surgery and he took a "good chunk" and I went home unable to speak or drink with any normalcy. By the time I was healed from the surgery, the results came back negative. 2 years later, it hasn't returned.

Shotzy, I followed the case in NJ closely until the father's arrest. I'm glad the jury is deliberating and hope they find him guilty soon! I grew up and worked many years in that area and the Driscoll bridge was part of my life. I just drove over it a couple of times two weeks ago and every time, I envisioned that poor baby being thrown from it.

As for oldies, but goodies, I have the complete works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I've read all but about 4 or 5 of the stories. I really need to finish it.

Now, as far as Ms. A, I think she never really had a plan for anything in her life. She would do something bad and mom and dad would clean up the mess and she would move on with her life. She manipulated people in whatever way worked. When it would stop working, she would move on. Remember how she always seemed to have an ex, a current, and one in the wings when it came to boyfriends? That's as far ahead as she planned. Who could she scam next! Right now, I'm thinking CA and Mason are her current stooges. I'll also bet she has people she's scoped out to run to next if they fall through on her.

There's no conscience there, she's a monkey on the back of society.
I have to see a plastic surgeon to have it excised. It's on my lower calf so there's not much skin. When she mentioned "skin graft", I freaked...but really freaked when she said I would need to stay off my feet for a couple of weeks. That's NOT going to happen. I have to work. I made an appointment to see the surgeon next Wednesday. Maybe he'll tell me something different.
Thanks for your prayers. Believe it or not, it's not easy for me to talk to people when something difficult is going on in my life. I guess you could say I feel safe here. oxoxoxo

OMG RR0004 - this is scary news - acckk - hope your surgeon is knows what she is taking about when she says minimal and I can understand you being freaked out at the word melanoma!
Maybe she is thinking just for the healing process - it might be painful - don't they take a skin graft from the hip area? Maybe she's thinking you will be in pain? Fingers crossed that's what's on her mind and she is wanting you to have good healing?
Oh Geez now I'm feeling kind of frantic for you - I guess you mean a week today? That feels like a long time to wait...
Carp: edited to say reread your post and she is a he! Sorry...
Hmm - if you are teaching could you use a high stool you could perch on to stay off your feet? I wonder if you could wear an elastic stocking - like the ones for varicose veins - just to give the spot some support and make sure you sit with your feet up in your lunch hour? Could any of that be managed?

Here I go again - your doctor tells you you have to stay off your feet for two weeks and I'm thinking of ways you can get around it. Sorry, that's because like you I have to work, so I'm a rule breaker. If I have a procedure done I have it as close to a weekend as I can - say a Thursday, take the Friday off, have the three days and I'm back at it on Monday with plans of how to compensate to take care of myself and do what I need to do.

Oh please God, let it be minor and your surgeon knows what he is talking about. Even the word melanoma is scary! Take good care of yourself, I'll be praying for you, plus wishing on a star and the full moon and whatever else I can think of on your behalf!!
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

We're all still right here with you when you get scared, need to vent or just distract yourself. That's what friends are for. :seeya:
So this is the Sidebar, right? And we can kinda go OT?
I'm sitting here when I should be in bed...but I can't shake the news I got today. I know it's probably nothing...but when you're a single parent it gets real scary 'cause you think all kinds of things...but the fear is gripping my heart. My dermatologist told me that I have a melanoma on my leg. She said it's "early", but just the sound of the word shakes me. I'm scared folks. I've had other skin cancer (1,2,3 and it was gone), but melanoma can be so bad. I'm so afraid. :(

Hugs and prayers to you. You are never alone my friend. I'm sad that you are scared but I too had early melanoma on my upper leg when I was 30. I'm here ten years later with a small scar to show for it. Good for you getting it checked.
We're all still right here with you when you get scared, need to vent or just distract yourself. That's what friends are for. :seeya:

Eidetic! :blowkiss: Thank you for being your usual thoughtful self and adding those thoughts - and I second them. Anytime RR0004!
Not to stray any more OT (lol), but the appt. is next Wednesday...and according to the dermatologist, it's not real to nothing she said. Cut away from the margins (ugh) and that's it. From her mouth to G-d's ears.
Unfortunately, I don't have much family. A sister who lives far away. Most of my family died by their 60th birthdays and I guess that's what sits in the back of my mind making me slightly nuts. But, I do believe in positive thinking and will deal with it and move on. Just wish it was over. I cannot take 2 weeks off, I hope that won't be the case.
Thank you, everyone. You're sweetness has touched me so.


You do have a family, RR0004...your Websleuth family, where you are loved and appreciated. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!
Hugs and prayers to you. You are never alone my friend. I'm sad that you are scared but I too had early melanoma on my upper leg when I was 30. I'm here ten years later with a small scar to show for it. Good for you getting it checked.

Just wanted to thank you, coco puff, for your encouraging words. I know it must ease RR's anxiety to hear of your good outcome. I give thanks for your complete healing and pray the same for our dear friend.
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