Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #2

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Yes...quite a rap sheet, huh?! It says he is inactive, but for the life of me I don't know why that is out of jail...EVER!
I wonder what time the witness saw the POI. I don't know. I do not think anything should be ignored at all. I'm just not so sure that a killer would "allow" one witness to see where he was and yet murder two angels. Again, it just doesn't make sense.

I still believe that this was a random murder. I do not think drugs nor a child molester is part of this story...
I have a couple of questions, I dont know if anyone would have the answers but here it goes..

1) Does anyone know why Taylor has two last names?
2) Did anyone else notice in Taylors video that all of the pictures were school related and seemed to be from this past school year?

The reasons I ask these questions is that most people do not have two last names. Second I have seen a lot of memorial video's and in most of them they are more like the one that was done for Skyla with candid pictures and pictures with family.

One more thing that I noticed about the video's was that in Skyla's there were not really I think maybe one of Skyla and Taylor, yet in Taylor's video in almost all of the school pictures the girls seems joined at the hip.

None of my questions or observations have anything to with my thoughts on this terrible crime, they are just some things that seemed a little odd to me and stuck out.
Here is the better sketch:

Brown called the man a "witness" and a "possible person of interest," and said someone saw him standing in front of a white Ford or Chevy single-cab pickup truck on County Line Road around the time of the girls' death.

"He was stopped on the road actually kind of blocking the way there, standing outside his pickup truck, doing something," she said. "And they couldn't really tell what he was doing, so they kept driving because it looked a little suspicious."

The truck had a thin chrome stripe down the side and Oklahoma plates, she said.,2933,366464,00.html
I would guess that he may do some kind of construction work. Maybe odd jobs here and there.
Some of our Native Americans (Indian) friends receive a monthly check from their tribe and don't neccessarily need to work. It depends on which tribe they are from on how much money, if any, they receive tho.
Brown called the man a "witness" and a "possible person of interest," and said someone saw him standing in front of a white Ford or Chevy single-cab pickup truck on County Line Road around the time of the girls' death.

"He was stopped on the road actually kind of blocking the way there, standing outside his pickup truck, doing something," she said. "And they couldn't really tell what he was doing, so they kept driving because it looked a little suspicious."

The truck had a thin chrome stripe down the side and Oklahoma plates, she said.,2933,366464,00.html

Well, until more info is shared from LE, as they decide is right, I'm still going to stay with my opinion.

Two people, two guns, and assassination of two angels. There is more to this....
Did anyone notice the tiny side view on that sketch in the lower lefthand corner? Interesting how the artist did that. It also makes him look more Native American to me as that chin isn't prominent as it looks in the frontal view.
In my very humble opinion, we should all be careful of racial sterotypes. It hurts many a person. Just sharing....
In my very humble opinion, we should all be careful of racial sterotypes. It hurts many a person. Just sharing....
If I am offending any Native Americans, I apologize. I don't see them as different other than in their features. Half of my family is Native American. No one in Oklahoma is offended by it that I have ever known. It is also common knowledge they receive money from the tribe, too. It is not stereotyping.
Okay...let's see if this is true this time! they have a composite of him on the website. :confused:

OKEMAH, Okla. -- A person of interest has been identified in the killings of two girls near Weleetka last weekend, an OSBI spokeswoman says.

They have identified him by composite image.

They have not identified him by name or where he is at the moment.

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