I just need to rant about this case for a minute:
Two little girls in rural Ok gunned down (not just, "oops--got shot" as some collateral event) in the afternoon... and it's a YEAR LATER?!?! And there is no official, or even unofficial, indication of who, why, how, what?
I find it hard to believe that some thrill-addict kids got away so clean, say, by driving in from Tennessee and turning right around (yeah, right), and yet if it's not so random that it can't be tracked down, then it would have to be some complex, organized multi-motive killing like with the Billings in Florida. Hello?, for two little girls?
Of all the puzzling cases I've ever followed, this one is the most confounding. With a lot of cases, everyone starts thinking there's a complicated explanation, but then it turns out to be something tragic but simple, like a robbery. There is not one convincing simple possible explanation I've seen put forth about this one.
And yet, two little girls are executed. It defies belief.