Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #7

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I was wondering if the girls were out of school at the time of the murders? If not, I wonder if school authorities would have known of the supposed threat? I remember reading an article that included quotes from the school principal. He seemed like he was very involved with the students and deepley saddened by the murders.
Comment posted on Youtube:
"I have family that live fairly close to Waleetka and "rumors" are that one of the girls told on a boy at school for drugs and he openly told her he would kill her 2 wks before this happen. The police went to talk to him and he had suddenly "ran away" from home and cant be located according to his parents. Its also thought the parents knows he had something to do with this and are helping him hide out because they refuse to report him as a missing person."

which got me to remember and look for this…

June 12th – Lead Agent Rosser
In a news conference Wednesday, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agent Ben Rosser said investigators are trying to find children who talked to the girls often and knew their habits.

"We're talking to young people because the victims were young,” Rosser said. "We've got leads, and we're talking to their friends, but a lot of people are harder to find than others


If this is the case, I gather OSBI would have interviewed this boy by now.
But could be a possibilty for sure!
ditto!....if this is true, LE will find this kid..

You are right, if this turns out to be a "kid" that did this, it will only be a matter of time B4 he is found. I say that because I think of hardened criminals as knowing how to duck, cover and run better than a pissed off kid.
I never read much here about that case. Is it the one that turned out to be a lady with mental problems (verified by her husband) and never had been missing or taken as a little girl?

Kinda sorta of... she did not have a husband at the time but a few ex's. But it was verified by many people in the end. Sadly there was also a crooked sheriff in on it too who was also in some other trouble. Hard to remember with out rereading as it was 2 years ago

I was wondering if the girls were out of school at the time of the murders? If not, I wonder if school authorities would have known of the supposed threat? I remember reading an article that included quotes from the school principal. He seemed like he was very involved with the students and deepley saddened by the murders.

I was wondering when school let out too.
I was wondering if the girls were out of school at the time of the murders? If not, I wonder if school authorities would have known of the supposed threat? I remember reading an article that included quotes from the school principal. He seemed like he was very involved with the students and deepley saddened by the murders.

good question about the school authorities knowing or let out here, May 22nd....the girls were killed June 8th....i'm not saying that OK schools would end for the summer the same as TN, but i would say the girls would probably have been in school, when/if this happened....(going back two weeks & all)
I'm hoping for prints on the casings also. But should there also be good tire or foot prints also???

I remember a case long ago where a Mother found the car that ran over her Daughter. She did so much work on her own searching but did indeed find the one responsible.

Guess we don't have any locals but would there be good tracks??? Is that why LE said they died where they were shot because they could tell that there were no signs in the dirt of the girls trying to get away from their killer???

I can't help but feel these two precious girls knew their killer.

I promised myself (and my family) that I would get off this computer at 11:00. (I am on CST) I can not get sucked into another late night of Websleuthing!!!! I think I need help. :)

G'night All~
If one of the girls had told on a boy, you'd think that he would have been in jail or juvie or even arrested for questioning by now if he'd been selling drugs. Maybe the kid, if it's true, was seen doing drugs and his parents were told instead of any school or LE authorities. There might not be a drug dealer involved.
Quite a read! Interesting thoughts on the case.

Welcome to all the newbies! Glad you can join us~

AMW seems to be failing in a lot of ways lately. I wonder why? I was so disappointed last week when John Walsh or someone didn't simply take two seconds to hold up the sketch and now nothing?! They need to revamp perhaps and Walsh needs to ramp up that show to reflect more accuracy and up-to-date information.

Cloud, I was about to post that article on the kids and father doing the "sport" of fully automatic weapons. It does offer insight into the way men in OK raise their children...and the one in the story is LE! Go figure.

By day, Case is a sergeant with the Oklahoma City Police Department. By night, he is a self-admitted gun fanatic.
If one of the girls had told on a boy, you'd think that he would have been in jail or juvie or even arrested for questioning by now if he'd been selling drugs. Maybe the kid, if it's true, was seen doing drugs and his parents were told instead of any school or LE authorities. There might not be a drug dealer involved.

that's possible, imo....
hey, good catch!.....hmmm, the threat wouldn't have had to have been made IN school.....the poster only said "told on a boy at school"...meaning it was a classmate....still, very interesting...

Yes it is interesting and makes as much sense as a "hit" because of family ties.
Is this the school?

May 9 Last Day of School
It is possible there were days added on to the school year due to the ice storms during the winter months. They have to make up those days at the end of the year. May 9th is extremely early for school to be let out. Most schools let out near the end of May and some into June.
Yes it is interesting and makes as much sense as a "hit" because of family ties.

i kept feeling like this was a revenge killing, but couldn't put my finger on exactly what person the revenge was being targeted toward...a family member or one of the girls themselves.....
Comment posted on Youtube:
"I have family that live fairly close to Waleetka and "rumors" are that one of the girls told on a boy at school for drugs and he openly told her he would kill her 2 wks before this happen. The police went to talk to him and he had suddenly "ran away" from home and cant be located according to his parents. Its also thought the parents knows he had something to do with this and are

That is interesting.
Personally, I don't think a young kid or a teen would shoot the girls as many times as they were shot. Know what I mean? I think a kid would shoot once or twice, get scared and run. I also don't think a kid would have the guts -for lack of a better term--to shoot the girls under the chin, at close range.

Anyone heard anything about forensics besides most won't be ready for weeks?

Has LE revealed how far away the shooter was from the girls? Can someone tell me if they were shot with a handgun or a rifle? TIA
I hope they hold a presser tomorrow. The lack of information this past week has been frustrating.

Rehashing everything, I think I will have to go back to my original thoughts on this case. Drugs and the girls being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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