Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #9

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Anythings possible Aleph. Welcome to WS! With the little information we have from LE, this theory is just one more to consider. But then, how does the POI fit in with this theory?

Thanks! Been mostly lurking a long time and I love it here. The near-universal kindness and respect among the posters here is a real light in the dark, especially amid the awful stories in the news today.

I must admit that I hadn't considered the POI in my theory. But since I'm on a roll: the POI may be a witness himself and afraid to come forward. Maybe he's got a warrant out on him, or maybe (anything's possible) he didn't realize the significance of whatever he saw. His arrival may have scared the perps away without the POI realizing what they were up to. This could apply to any theory, not just mine.

I really hope law enforcement has been asking around in the NA community.
Does everyone feel that LE was able to gather all the evidence at the scene before the grading of the road??

I was thinking of this today at work. Does anyone know the time and day that the grading was done?

Then come out of the dark into our light more often! :) If he was a witness and afraid to come forward, my big question would be: how come NO ONE ELSE has come forward to say they know this person with his pictured plastered all over the internet, news, etc.?

btw........there is a thread for New Posters, please sign in. :)

I must admit that I hadn't considered the POI in my theory. But since I'm on a roll: the POI may be a witness himself and afraid to come forward. Maybe he's got a warrant out on him, or maybe (anything's possible) he didn't realize the significance of whatever he saw. His arrival may have scared the perps away without the POI realizing what they were up to. This could apply to any theory, not just mine.

I really hope law enforcement has been asking around in the NA community.
Okay, so they have gone nationwide for the search on the POI. I'm assuming this means they are sending out a fax to other countries LE with a picture of the POI. Is this correct?

Then can I assume this has already been done here in the US?? If so, I can't believe NO ONE has seen this guy. I'm starting to believe he either didn't exist or he is being very very well protected within his own community.

Even if he is dead, there has to be at least ONE PERSON who knew him.

I think it is like Eric Rudolph, who imo had help living out in the mountains for three years. I think it is like Mr. Placker said. Someone is hiding these creeps out and they are laying low probably not anywhere close to Weleetka.

I don't find it strange that no one has seen him. Thousands of people go missing yearly and most of them aren't murdered but willingly go missing on their own. Massive searches are held......notices sent to various LE in the country yet no one finds them, only to find out many years later they were in another state living another life in plain sight.

This story has not even been covered where I live and when I mention it no one had even heard about it so the POI could come right through my town and no one would even notice. I would because I have been interested in this case from the beginning.

This story has not even been covered where I live and when I mention it no one had even heard about it so the POI could come right through my town and no one would even notice. I would because I have been interested in this case from the beginning.
Nor has it been in my area ocean, or have other cases I've followed.

Native Americans are abundent in my State, as are those non Native Americans who have long pony tails.
I'm sure we have discussed this earlier, but would a NA that is part Caucasian with a long pony tail, be dismissed by people as the suspect because the LE said NA only in the description?

How much of a difference in appearance is there between the two?
Nor has it been in my area ocean, or have other cases I've followed.

Native Americans are abundant in my State, as are those non Native Americans who have long pony tails.

We have a lot of people that wear ponytails. Heck one of the most high profile attorneys out of Georgia wears a long braid and it looks very good on him.

The only cases that people seem to be aware of here are crimes that happen in Georgia, which unfortunately there has been quite a few high profile cases over the past ten years.

Oh btw/ have you heard when Brian Nichols trial is to begin?

I just remember the James Sullivan trial. The woman who knew the hit man had killed Sullivan's wife, Lita, didn't say a word until 8 or 10 years later.

IMO the killers here have got to be meaner than a junkyard dog and when they are people are fearful to say a word thinking they could meet the same fate as the girls.

Does everyone feel that LE was able to gather all the evidence at the scene before the grading of the road??

Absolutely not.
That road should have been left alone and the make shift memorial should have been moved.

I'll venture to say that valuable forensics was lost from the crime scene. :banghead:
I am in Fla ..we have a good population as well. As I was sitting at a red lite today a wht ford approx 1986 pulled up next to me & I started thinking ok what if.... so I ask you what if? I suppose I would continue going in his general direction to get a look at him & truck & get a tag # then 911 the police if the pieces fit together. What would you do?

" Meaner than Junk Yard Dogs" I still agree when someone stated in the beginning the killer on "Old Men Without A Country" is what I picture in my head thinking about this
IMO the killers here have got to be meaner than a junkyard dog

The use of "killers" leads me right back to the question of: why from all the eyewitnesses, was only ONE POI seen??

I totally agree with you philamena!!!! I was talking to my local county sheriff today and asked him about this. He said, if his deputies were working on a crime scene "road", there would have been no way in he**, that ANYONE OR ANYTHING would be allowed to get near it until he had PERSONALLY cleared the crime scene. I wonder, if this was done by the local Sheriff that handled this scene?

I'll venture to say that valuable forensics was lost from the crime scene. :banghead:
Can someone explain 'grading' the road? Why, when? (I get it, not timeline, but what it is, don't know why/when)

I totally agree with you philamena!!!! I was talking to my local county sheriff today and asked him about this. He said, if his deputies were working on a crime scene "road", there would have been no way in he**, that ANYONE OR ANYTHING would be allowed to get near it until he had PERSONALLY cleared the crime scene. I wonder, if this was done by the local Sheriff that handled this scene?
LD, your quotes aren't showing who posted them!
Can someone explain 'grading' the road? Why, when? (I get it, not timeline, but what it is, don't know why/when)


I believe it was scheduled already by the county that maintains the road.

From what I recall it was done the following day after June 8th around 2 pm.

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